/* * Superfish v1.4.1 - jQuery menu widget * Copyright (c) 2008 Joel Birch * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses: * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * * CHANGELOG: http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/changelog.txt */ (function($){ $.superfish = {}; $.superfish.o = []; $.superfish.op = {}; $.superfish.defaults = { hoverClass : 'sfHover', pathClass : 'overideThisToUse', delay : 800, animation : {opacity:'show'}, speed : 'normal', oldJquery : false, /* set to true if using jQuery version below 1.2 */ disableHI : false, /* set to true to disable hoverIntent usage */ // callback functions: onInit : function(){}, onBeforeShow: function(){}, onShow : function(){}, /* note this name changed ('onshow' to 'onShow') from version 1.4 onward */ onHide : function(){} }; $.fn.superfish = function(op){ var bcClass = 'sfbreadcrumb', over = function(){ var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$); getOpts(menu,true); clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer); $$.showSuperfishUl().siblings().hideSuperfishUl(); }, out = function(){ var $$ = $(this), menu = getMenu($$); var o = getOpts(menu,true); clearTimeout(menu.sfTimer); if ( !$$.is('.'+bcClass) ) { menu.sfTimer=setTimeout(function(){ $$.hideSuperfishUl(); if (o.$path.length){over.call(o.$path);} },o.delay); } }, getMenu = function($el){ return $el.parents('ul.superfish:first')[0]; }, getOpts = function(el,menuFound){ el = menuFound ? el : getMenu(el); return $.superfish.op = $.superfish.o[el.serial]; }, hasUl = function(){ return $.superfish.op.oldJquery ? 'li[ul]' : 'li:has(ul)'; }; return this.each(function() { var s = this.serial = $.superfish.o.length; var o = $.extend({},$.superfish.defaults,op); o.$path = $('li.'+o.pathClass,this).each(function(){ $(this).addClass(o.hoverClass+' '+bcClass) .filter(hasUl()).removeClass(o.pathClass); }); $.superfish.o[s] = $.superfish.op = o; $(hasUl(),this)[($.fn.hoverIntent && !o.disableHI) ? 'hoverIntent' : 'hover'](over,out) .not('.'+bcClass) .hideSuperfishUl(); var $a = $('a',this); $a.each(function(i){ var $li = $a.eq(i).parents('li'); $a.eq(i).focus(function(){over.call($li);}).blur(function(){out.call($li);}); }); o.onInit.call(this); }).addClass('superfish'); }; $.fn.extend({ hideSuperfishUl : function(){ var o = $.superfish.op, $ul = $('li.'+o.hoverClass,this).add(this).removeClass(o.hoverClass) .find('>ul').hide().css('visibility','hidden'); o.onHide.call($ul); return this; }, showSuperfishUl : function(){ var o = $.superfish.op, $ul = this.addClass(o.hoverClass) .find('>ul:hidden').css('visibility','visible'); o.onBeforeShow.call($ul); $ul.animate(o.animation,o.speed,function(){ o.onShow.call(this); }); return this; } }); $(window).unload(function(){ $('ul.superfish').each(function(){ $('li',this).unbind('mouseover','mouseout','mouseenter','mouseleave'); }); }); })(jQuery);