(function ($) {

 * Attach collapse behavior to the feedback form block.
Drupal.behaviors.feedbackForm = {
  attach: function (context) {
    $('#block-feedback-form', context).once('feedback', function () {
      var $block = $(this);
        .prepend('<span id="feedback-form-toggle">[ + ]</span> ')
        .css('cursor', 'pointer')
        .toggle(function () {
            Drupal.feedbackFormToggle($block, false);
          function() {
            Drupal.feedbackFormToggle($block, true);

 * Re-collapse the feedback form after every successful form submission.
Drupal.behaviors.feedbackFormSubmit = {
  attach: function (context) {
    var $context = $(context);
    if (!$context.is('#feedback-status-message')) {
    // Collapse the form.
    $('#block-feedback-form .feedback-link').click();
    // Blend out and remove status message.
    window.setTimeout(function () {
      $context.fadeOut('slow', function () {
    }, 3000);

 * Collapse or uncollapse the feedback form block.
Drupal.feedbackFormToggle = function ($block, enable) {
  if (enable) {
    $('#feedback-form-toggle', $block).html('[ + ]');
  else {
    $('#feedback-form-toggle', $block).html('[ &minus; ]');
