Views Send allow mass mailing using Views. The messages are queued in a spool table and delivered only on cron. You can control how many messages will be send per cron run. CONFIGURATION General settings can be configured at: Site Configuration > Views Send USAGE 1. Create a view and add at least one column containing e-mail addresses. 2. [Optional] Expose Views filters to let the user easily build list of recipients using UI. 3. Add the "Global: Send e-mail" field to your view. This field provides the checkboxes that allow the user to select multiple rows. 4. Save the view, load the page, use exposed filters to build the list, select all or some rows and choose "Send e-mail". 5. Fill the message form to configure the e-mail. Use tokens to personalize your e-mail. 6. Preview and send the message. DEPENDENCIES & INTEGRATION * Views Send depends on Views. * The module integrates features from: o Mime Mail. When the Mime Mail module is enabled, the user can choose to send rich HTML messages. o Tokens. When the Tokens module is enabled, the user can insert context tokens into the subject or body of the message. Note that row-based tokens are available even if Tokens module is disabled. o Rules. When the Rules module is enabled, the user can define actions for when emails are sent and/or placed in the spool. FOR DEVELOPERS / HOOKS The module provides two hooks: * hook_views_send_mail_queued($message, $view, $row_id) Called just after each message is queued. * hook_views_send_mail_alter(&$message) Called just before each message is queued. SIMILAR MODULES You may want to try also: * Views Mail | See what's different: * Simplenews | Some pieces of code were inspired by Simplenews module. HOW CAN YOU GET INVOLVED? * Write a review for this module on * Help translate this module at Drupal Localize Server MAINTAINERS & SPONSORS * Module maintainer Hans Fredrik Nordhaug (hansfn) | * Module author of original Drupal 6 version Claudiu Cristea (claudiu.cristea) | * The Drupal 6 version of this module was sponsored by Grafit SRL, now Webikon |