'Table to track entity translations',
'fields' => array(
'entity_type' => array(
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 128,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'description' => 'The entity type this translation relates to',
'entity_id' => array(
'type' => 'int',
'unsigned' => TRUE,
'not null' => TRUE,
'description' => 'The entity id this translation relates to',
// @todo: Consider an integer field for 'language'.
'language' => array(
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 32,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'description' => 'The target language for this translation.',
'source' => array(
'type' => 'varchar',
'length' => 32,
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => '',
'description' => 'The source language from which this translation was created.',
'uid' => array(
'description' => 'The author of this translation.',
'type' => 'int',
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 0,
'status' => array(
'description' => 'Boolean indicating whether the translation is published (visible to non-administrators).',
'type' => 'int',
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 1,
'translate' => array(
'description' => 'A boolean indicating whether this translation needs to be updated.',
'type' => 'int',
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 0,
'created' => array(
'description' => 'The Unix timestamp when the translation was created.',
'type' => 'int',
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 0,
'changed' => array(
'description' => 'The Unix timestamp when the translation was most recently saved.',
'type' => 'int',
'not null' => TRUE,
'default' => 0,
'primary key' => array('entity_type', 'entity_id', 'language'),
return $schema;
* Implements hook_install().
function entity_translation_install() {
// entity_translation_form_alter() needs to run after locale_form_alter() and
// translation_menu(); entity_translation_menu_alter() needs to run after
// i18n_node_menu_alter().
->fields(array('weight' => 11))
->condition('name', 'entity_translation')
// Enable translation for nodes.
variable_set('entity_translation_entity_types', array('node' => 'node'));
// Make translation use the content language type.
variable_set('translation_language_type', LANGUAGE_TYPE_CONTENT);
* Grant 'edit $type original values' permission to existing roles.
function _entity_translation_grant_edit_permissions() {
variable_set('entity_translation_workflow_enabled', TRUE);
$permissions = array();
// Nodes.
$permissions['node'][] = 'bypass node access';
foreach (node_permissions_get_configured_types() as $type) {
$permissions['node'][] = "edit own $type content";
$permissions['node'][] = "edit any $type content";
// Comments.
if (module_exists('comment')) {
$permissions['comment'][] = 'administer comments';
$permissions['comment'][] = 'edit own comments';
// Taxonomy terms.
if (module_exists('taxonomy')) {
$permissions['taxonomy_term'][] = 'administer taxonomy';
foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $vocabulary) {
$permissions['taxonomy_term'][] = "edit terms in {$vocabulary->vid}";
$assignments = array();
foreach ($permissions as $entity_type => $permissions_filter) {
if (entity_translation_enabled($entity_type)) {
$permission = "edit $entity_type original values";
$assignments[] = _entity_translation_grant_permission($permission, $permissions_filter);
$permission = "edit $entity_type translation shared fields";
$assignments[] = _entity_translation_grant_permission($permission, $permissions_filter);
$assignments = '
- ' . implode('
- ', $assignments) . '
$t = get_t();
return $t('The following permissions have been assigned to existing roles: !assignments', array('!assignments' => $assignments));
* Grant the given permission to all roles which already have any of the
* permissions specified in the $permissions_filter parameter.
* @param $permission
* The new permission which to grant.
* @param $permissions_filter
* List of permissions used for loading roles.
* @return
* A message describing permission changes.
function _entity_translation_grant_permission($permission, $permissions_filter = NULL) {
$roles = user_roles(FALSE, $permissions_filter);
foreach ($roles as $rid => $role) {
user_role_grant_permissions($rid, array($permission));
$t = get_t();
return $t('%permission was assigned to %roles', array(
'%permission' => $permission,
'%roles' => implode(', ', $roles)
* Implements hook_enable().
function entity_translation_enable() {
// Re-activate entity translation for content types which had used it when
// the module was last disabled (if any), unless these have since been altered
// by the user to use a different translation option.
$entity_translation_types = variable_get('entity_translation_disabled_content_types', array());
foreach ($entity_translation_types as $index => $type) {
if (variable_get("language_content_type_$type", 0) == 0) {
variable_set("language_content_type_$type", ENTITY_TRANSLATION_ENABLED);
// We should show the warning only if we actually restored at least one
// content type.
else {
if ($entity_translation_types) {
drupal_set_message(t('All content types previously configured to use field translation are now using it again.'), 'warning');
* Implements hook_disable().
function entity_translation_disable() {
// Store record of which types are using entity translation, and set those
// types to not be translated. These content types will be reset to use entity
// translation again if the module is later re-enabled, unless they have been
// changed by the user in the meantime.
$entity_translation_types = array();
foreach (node_type_get_types() as $type => $object) {
if (variable_get("language_content_type_$type", 0) == ENTITY_TRANSLATION_ENABLED) {
$entity_translation_types[] = $type;
variable_set("language_content_type_$type", 0);
if ($entity_translation_types) {
variable_set('entity_translation_disabled_content_types', $entity_translation_types);
drupal_set_message(t('All content types configured to use field translation now have multilingual support disabled. This change will be reverted if the entity translation module is enabled again.'), 'warning');
* Implements hook_uninstall().
function entity_translation_uninstall() {
->condition('name', db_like('entity_translation_') . '%', 'LIKE')
* Implements hook_update_N().
function entity_translation_update_7001() {
->fields(array('weight' => 11))
->condition('name', 'entity_translation')
* Grant 'edit original values' and 'edit shared field' permissions to roles which have entity editing permissions.
function entity_translation_update_7002() {
// Grant the 'edit original values' permission, so we don't break editing on
// existing sites.
return _entity_translation_grant_edit_permissions();
* Configure node and comment language settings to the prior default behavior.
function entity_translation_update_7003() {
module_load_include('inc', 'entity_translation', 'entity_translation.admin');
foreach (array_keys(entity_get_info()) as $entity_type) {
* Rebuild entity information to update the path scheme settings.
function entity_translation_update_7004() {