* @author Fabien Ménager * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License */ /** * Image renderer * * @access private * @package dompdf */ class Image_Renderer extends Block_Renderer { function render(Frame $frame) { // Render background & borders $style = $frame->get_style(); $cb = $frame->get_containing_block(); list($x, $y, $w, $h) = $frame->get_border_box(); $this->_set_opacity( $frame->get_opacity( $style->opacity ) ); list($tl, $tr, $br, $bl) = $style->get_computed_border_radius($w, $h); $has_border_radius = $tl + $tr + $br + $bl > 0; if ( $has_border_radius ) { $this->_canvas->clipping_roundrectangle( $x, $y, $w, $h, $tl, $tr, $br, $bl ); } if ( ($bg = $style->background_color) !== "transparent" ) { $this->_canvas->filled_rectangle($x, $y, $w, $h, $bg); } if ( ($url = $style->background_image) && $url !== "none" ) { $this->_background_image($url, $x, $y, $w, $h, $style); } if ( $has_border_radius ) { $this->_canvas->clipping_end(); } $this->_render_border($frame); $this->_render_outline($frame); list($x, $y) = $frame->get_padding_box(); $x += $style->length_in_pt($style->padding_left, $cb["w"]); $y += $style->length_in_pt($style->padding_top, $cb["h"]); $w = $style->length_in_pt($style->width, $cb["w"]); $h = $style->length_in_pt($style->height, $cb["h"]); if ( $has_border_radius ) { list($wt, $wr, $wb, $wl) = array( $style->border_top_width, $style->border_right_width, $style->border_bottom_width, $style->border_left_width, ); // we have to get the "inner" radius if ( $tl > 0 ) { $tl -= ($wt + $wl) / 2; } if ( $tr > 0 ) { $tr -= ($wt + $wr) / 2; } if ( $br > 0 ) { $br -= ($wb + $wr) / 2; } if ( $bl > 0 ) { $bl -= ($wb + $wl) / 2; } $this->_canvas->clipping_roundrectangle( $x, $y, $w, $h, $tl, $tr, $br, $bl ); } $src = $frame->get_image_url(); $alt = null; if ( Image_Cache::is_broken($src) && $alt = $frame->get_node()->getAttribute("alt") ) { $font = $style->font_family; $size = $style->font_size; $spacing = $style->word_spacing; $this->_canvas->text($x, $y, $alt, $font, $size, $style->color, $spacing); } else { $this->_canvas->image( $src, $x, $y, $w, $h, $style->image_resolution); } if ( $has_border_radius ) { $this->_canvas->clipping_end(); } if ( $msg = $frame->get_image_msg() ) { $parts = preg_split("/\s*\n\s*/", $msg); $height = 10; $_y = $alt ? $y+$h-count($parts)*$height : $y; foreach($parts as $i => $_part) { $this->_canvas->text($x, $_y + $i*$height, $_part, "times", $height*0.8, array(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); } } if (DEBUG_LAYOUT && DEBUG_LAYOUT_BLOCKS) { $this->_debug_layout($frame->get_border_box(), "blue"); if (DEBUG_LAYOUT_PADDINGBOX) { $this->_debug_layout($frame->get_padding_box(), "blue", array(0.5, 0.5)); } } } }