t('Address form (country-specific)'), 'format callback' => 'addressfield_format_address_generate', 'type' => 'address', 'weight' => -100, ); /** * Format callback. * * @see CALLBACK_addressfield_format_callback() */ function addressfield_format_address_generate(&$format, $address, $context = array()) { // Load the predefined address format for the selected country. module_load_include('inc', 'addressfield', 'addressfield.address_formats'); $address_format = addressfield_get_address_format($address['country']); // Used to move certain fields to their own row. $clearfix = '
'; // The street block. $format['street_block'] = array( '#type' => 'addressfield_container', '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('street-block'), ), '#weight' => 0, ); $format['street_block']['thoroughfare'] = array( '#title' => t('Address 1'), '#tag' => 'div', '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('thoroughfare'), 'autocomplete' => 'address-line1', ), '#size' => 30, '#maxlength' => 255, '#required' => TRUE, ); $format['street_block']['premise'] = array( '#title' => t('Address 2'), '#tag' => 'div', '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('premise'), 'autocomplete' => 'address-line2', ), '#size' => 30, '#maxlength' => 255, ); $format['locality_block'] = array( '#type' => 'addressfield_container', '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('addressfield-container-inline', 'locality-block', 'country-' . $address['country']), ), '#weight' => 50, '#maxlength' => 255, ); $format['locality_block']['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'addressfield') . '/addressfield.css'; $format['locality_block']['postal_code'] = array( '#title' => $address_format['postal_code_label'], '#required' => in_array('postal_code', $address_format['required_fields']), '#access' => in_array('postal_code', $address_format['used_fields']), '#size' => 10, '#maxlength' => 255, '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('postal-code'), 'autocomplete' => 'postal-code', ), ); $format['locality_block']['dependent_locality'] = array( '#title' => $address_format['dependent_locality_label'], '#required' => in_array('dependent_locality', $address_format['required_fields']), '#access' => in_array('dependent_locality', $address_format['used_fields']), '#size' => 25, '#maxlength' => 255, '#tag' => 'div', '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('dependent-locality'), 'autocomplete' => '"address-level3', ), // Most formats place this field in its own row. '#suffix' => $clearfix, ); $format['locality_block']['locality'] = array( '#title' => $address_format['locality_label'], '#required' => in_array('locality', $address_format['required_fields']), '#access' => in_array('locality', $address_format['used_fields']), '#size' => 30, '#maxlength' => 255, '#prefix' => ' ', '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('locality'), 'autocomplete' => '"address-level2', ), ); $format['locality_block']['administrative_area'] = array( '#title' => $address_format['administrative_area_label'], '#required' => in_array('administrative_area', $address_format['required_fields']), '#access' => in_array('administrative_area', $address_format['used_fields']), '#empty_value' => '', '#size' => 10, '#maxlength' => 255, '#prefix' => ' ', '#render_option_value' => $address_format['render_administrative_area_value'], '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('state'), 'autocomplete' => 'address-level1', ), ); $format['country'] = array( '#title' => t('Country'), '#options' => _addressfield_country_options_list(), '#render_option_value' => TRUE, '#required' => TRUE, '#attributes' => array( 'class' => array('country'), 'autocomplete' => 'country', ), '#weight' => 100, ); if (empty($format['locality_block']['postal_code']['#access'])) { // Remove the prefix from the first widget of the block. $element_children = element_children($format['locality_block']); $first_child = reset($element_children); unset($format['locality_block'][$first_child]['#prefix']); } if (!empty($format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#access'])) { // Set the predefined administrative areas, if found. module_load_include('inc', 'addressfield', 'addressfield.administrative_areas'); $administrative_areas = addressfield_get_administrative_areas($address['country']); $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#options'] = $administrative_areas; } // Country-specific customizations. if (in_array($address['country'], array('AU', 'EE', 'LT', 'LV', 'NZ', 'RU'))) { // These countries don't use the "Address 2" line. // Leave it as a precaution, but hide the label to avoid confusing users. $format['street_block']['thoroughfare']['#title'] = t('Address'); $format['street_block']['premise']['#title_display'] = 'invisible'; } elseif ($address['country'] == 'US') { if ($context['mode'] == 'render') { $format['locality_block']['locality']['#suffix'] = ','; } } elseif ($address['country'] == 'BR') { $format['locality_block']['dependent_locality']['#suffix'] = $clearfix; $format['locality_block']['dependent_locality']['#tag'] = 'div'; $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#suffix'] = $clearfix; $format['locality_block']['postal_code']['#tag'] = 'div'; // Change some titles to make translation easier. $format['street_block']['#attributes'] = array( 'class' => array('addressfield-container-inline'), ); $format['street_block']['thoroughfare']['#title'] = t('Thoroughfare'); $format['street_block']['thoroughfare']['#tag'] = NULL; $format['street_block']['premise'] = array( '#title' => t('Complement'), '#tag' => NULL, '#attributes' => array('class' => array('premise')), '#size' => 20, '#maxlength' => 255, '#prefix' => ', ', ); $format['locality_block']['locality']['#suffix'] = ' - '; // Hide suffixes and prefixes while in form. if ($context['mode'] == 'form') { $format['street_block']['premise']['#prefix'] = NULL; $format['street_block']['premise']['#suffix'] = NULL; $format['locality_block']['locality']['#suffix'] = NULL; } } elseif ($address['country'] == 'CN') { $format['locality_block']['locality']['#suffix'] = $clearfix; } elseif ($address['country'] == 'CA') { if ($context['mode'] == 'render') { $format['locality_block']['locality']['#suffix'] = ','; } } elseif ($address['country'] == 'GB') { $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#size'] = '30'; } elseif ($address['country'] == 'ID') { $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#weight'] = 1; } elseif ($address['country'] == 'JP') { $format['locality_block']['#weight'] = 10; $format['locality_block']['postal_code']['#weight'] = 10; $format['locality_block']['postal_code']['#tag'] = 'div'; $format['locality_block']['postal_code']['#size'] = 30; $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#weight'] = 20; $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#size'] = 30; $format['locality_block']['locality']['#weight'] = 30; $format['street_block']['#weight'] = 20; } elseif ($address['country'] == 'PE') { $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#weight'] = 1; $format['locality_block']['locality']['#weight'] = 2; } elseif ($address['country'] == 'PH' || $address['country'] == 'TH') { $format['locality_block']['dependent_locality']['#suffix'] = ''; $format['locality_block']['locality']['#suffix'] = $clearfix; } // These countries show every field in its own row. $countries_field_per_row = array( 'AM', 'EG', 'FK', 'GB', 'GG', 'GS', 'HK', 'HU', 'IE', 'IM', 'IO', 'JE', 'JM', 'JP', 'KE', 'KR', 'KZ', 'LK', 'PA', 'PN', 'RU', 'SC', 'SH', 'SZ', 'TC', 'UA', 'VG', 'ZA', ); if (in_array($address['country'], $countries_field_per_row)) { $format['locality_block']['#attributes']['class'][0] = 'addressfield-container'; $format['locality_block']['postal_code']['#prefix'] = ''; $format['locality_block']['postal_code']['#tag'] = 'div'; $format['locality_block']['locality']['#prefix'] = ''; $format['locality_block']['locality']['#tag'] = 'div'; $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#prefix'] = ''; $format['locality_block']['administrative_area']['#tag'] = 'div'; } // These countries tend to put the postal code after the locality. $countries_postal_code_after_locality = array( 'AS', 'AU', 'BD', 'BF', 'BH', 'BM', 'BN', 'BR', 'BT', 'CA', 'CC', 'CN', 'CX', 'EG', 'FK', 'FM', 'GB', 'GG', 'GS', 'GU', 'HN', 'HU', 'ID', 'IL', 'IM', 'IN', 'IO', 'IQ', 'IR', 'JE', 'JO', 'JP', 'KE', 'KH', 'KR', 'LB', 'LK', 'LS', 'LV', 'MH', 'MM', 'MN', 'MP', 'MT', 'MV', 'MX', 'MY', 'NF', 'NG', 'NP', 'NZ', 'PG', 'PH', 'PK', 'PN', 'PR', 'PW', 'RU', 'SA', 'SH', 'SO', 'SZ', 'TC', 'TH', 'TW', 'UA', 'UM', 'US', 'VE', 'VI', 'VG', 'VN', 'ZA', ); if (in_array($address['country'], $countries_postal_code_after_locality)) { // Take the widget out of the array. $postal_code_widget = $format['locality_block']['postal_code']; $postal_code_widget['#prefix'] = ' '; unset($format['locality_block']['postal_code']); // Add it back. $format['locality_block']['postal_code'] = $postal_code_widget; // Remove the prefix from the first widget of the block. $element_children = element_children($format['locality_block']); $first_child = reset($element_children); unset($format['locality_block'][$first_child]['#prefix']); } if ($context['mode'] == 'form') { // Provide a wrapper ID for AJAX replacement based on country selection. if (!isset($format['#wrapper_id'])) { $format['#wrapper_id'] = drupal_html_id('addressfield-wrapper'); $format['#prefix'] = '
'; $format['#suffix'] = '
'; } // AJAX enable it. $format['country']['#ajax'] = array( 'callback' => 'addressfield_standard_widget_refresh', 'wrapper' => $format['#wrapper_id'], ); $format['country']['#element_validate'] = array('addressfield_standard_country_validate'); // Don't validate any element when the country is changed. $format['country']['#limit_validation_errors'] = array(); // Move the country selector to the top of the form. $format['country']['#weight'] = -500; // Limit it to the countries supported by the widget. if (isset($context['field'])) { $format['country']['#options'] = _addressfield_country_options_list($context['field'], $context['instance']); } // The whole field is considered empty if the country column is empty. // Therefore, if the field is optional, allow the country to be optional. // The same logic applies if the field allows multiple values, in which case // only the first delta needs to have a value. if (empty($context['instance']['required']) || (isset($context['delta']) && $context['delta'] > 0)) { $format['country']['#required'] = FALSE; $format['country']['#empty_value'] = ''; // Hide all other fields until the country is selected. if (empty($address['country'])) { $format['street_block']['#access'] = FALSE; $format['locality_block']['#access'] = FALSE; } } } }