vid; } } // Determine whether the user has create for any terms in the given vocabs. $allowed_terms = FALSE; foreach ($vids as $vid) { $terms = taxonomy_access_user_create_terms_by_vocab($vid); if (!empty($terms)) { $allowed_terms = TRUE; break; } } // Filter the vids to vocabs in which the user may create new terms. $allowed_vids = taxonomy_access_create_default_allowed($vids); // If the field already has the maximum number of values, and all of these // values are disallowed, deny access to the field. if ($context['field']['cardinality'] != FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) { if (sizeof($disallowed_defaults) >= $context['field']['cardinality']) { $element['#access'] = FALSE; } } // If the user may not create any terms on this field, deny access. if (empty($allowed_vids) && !$allowed_terms) { $element['#access'] = FALSE; } // Set the default value from the filtered item list. $element['#default_value'] = taxonomy_access_autocomplete_default_value($filtered); // Custom validation. Set values for the validator indicating: // 1. Whether the user can autocreate terms in this field (vocab. default). // 2. Which tids were removed due to create restrictions. $element['#allow_autocreate'] = empty($allowed_vids) ? FALSE : TRUE; $element['#disallowed_defaults'] = $disallowed_defaults; $element['#element_validate'] = array('taxonomy_access_autocomplete_validate'); // Use a custom autocomplete path to filter by create rather than list. $element['#autocomplete_path'] = 'taxonomy_access/autocomplete/' . $context['field']['field_name']; unset($context); } /** * Implements the create grant for options widgets. * * - Denies access if the user cannot alter the field values. * - Attaches jQuery to disable values disallowed by create. * - Adds the disallowed values from the element so they are available to the * custom validator. * - Adds the custom validator. * * We use jQuery to disable the options because of FAPI limitations: * @see * @see * @see * * @see taxonomy_access_field_widget_form_alter() */ function _taxonomy_access_options_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) { // Check for an existing entity ID. $entity_id = 0; if (!empty($form_state['build_info']['args'][0])) { $info = entity_get_info($context['instance']['entity_type']); $pseudo_entity = (object) $form_state['build_info']['args'][0]; if (isset($pseudo_entity->{$info['entity keys']['id']})) { $entity_id = $pseudo_entity->{$info['entity keys']['id']}; } } // Collect a list of terms and determine which are allowed $tids = array_keys($element['#options']); // Ignore the "none" option if present. $key = array_search('_none', $tids); if ($key !== FALSE) { unset($tids[$key]); } $allowed_tids = taxonomy_access_create_allowed($tids); $disallowed_tids = taxonomy_access_create_disallowed($tids); // If no options are allowed, deny access to the field. if (empty($allowed_tids)) { $element['#access'] = FALSE; } // On node creation, simply remove disallowed default values. if (!$entity_id) { $disallowed_defaults = array(); if (is_array($element['#default_value'])) { foreach ($element['#default_value'] as $key => $value) { if (in_array($value, $disallowed_tids)) { unset($element['#default_value'][0]); } } } elseif (in_array($element['#default_value'], $disallowed_tids)) { unset($element['#default_value']); } } // If the node already exists, check: // 1. Whether the field already has the maximum number of values // 2. Whether all of these values are disallowed. // If both these things are true, then the user cannot edit the field's // value, so disallow access. else { $defaults = is_array($element['#default_value']) ? $element['#default_value'] : array($element['#default_value']) ; $disallowed_defaults = array_intersect($defaults, $disallowed_tids); if ($context['field']['cardinality'] != FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED) { if (sizeof($disallowed_defaults) >= $context['field']['cardinality']) { $element['#access'] = FALSE; } } } // If there are disallowed, terms, add CSS and JS for jQuery. // We use jQuery because FAPI does not currently support attributes // for individual options. if (!empty($disallowed_tids)) { // Add a css class to the field that we can use in jQuery. $class_name = 'tac_' . $element['#field_name']; $element['#attributes']['class'][] = $class_name; // Add js for disabling create options. $settings[] = array( 'field' => $class_name, 'disallowed_tids' => $disallowed_tids, 'disallowed_defaults' => $disallowed_defaults, ); $element['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_access') . '/tac_create.js'; $element['#attached']['js'][] = array( 'data' => array('taxonomy_access' => $settings), 'type' => 'setting', ); } $element['#disallowed_defaults'] = $disallowed_defaults; $element['#element_validate'] = array('taxonomy_access_options_validate'); } /** * Retrieve terms that the current user may create. * * @return array|true * An array of term IDs, or TRUE if the user may create all terms. * * @see taxonomy_access_user_create_terms_by_vocab() * @see _taxonomy_access_user_term_grants() */ function taxonomy_access_user_create_terms() { // Cache the terms the current user can create. $terms = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, NULL); if (is_null($terms)) { $terms = _taxonomy_access_user_term_grants(TRUE); } return $terms; } /** * Retrieve terms that the current user may create in specific vocabularies. * * @param int $vid * A vid to use as a filter. * * @return array|true * An array of term IDs, or TRUE if the user may create all terms. * * @see taxonomy_access_user_create_terms() * @see _taxonomy_access_user_term_grants() */ function taxonomy_access_user_create_terms_by_vocab($vid) { // Cache the terms the current user can create per vocabulary. static $terms = array(); if (!isset($terms[$vid])) { $terms[$vid] = _taxonomy_access_user_term_grants(TRUE, array($vid)); } return $terms[$vid]; } /** * Retrieve terms that the current user may create. * * @return array|true * An array of term IDs, or TRUE if the user may create all terms. * * @see _taxonomy_access_create_defaults() */ function taxonomy_access_user_create_defaults() { // Cache the terms the current user can create. static $vids = NULL; if (is_null($vids)) { $vids = _taxonomy_access_create_defaults(); } return $vids; } /** * Check a list of term IDs for terms the user may not create. * * @param array $tids * The array of term IDs. * * @return array * An array of disallowed term IDs. */ function taxonomy_access_create_disallowed(array $tids) { $all_allowed = taxonomy_access_user_create_terms(); // If the user's create grant info is exactly TRUE, no terms are disallowed. if ($all_allowed === TRUE) { return array(); } return array_diff($tids, $all_allowed); } /** * Filter a list of term IDs to terms the user may create. * * @param array $tids * The array of term IDs. * * @return array * An array of disallowed term IDs. */ function taxonomy_access_create_allowed(array $tids) { $all_allowed = taxonomy_access_user_create_terms(); // If the user's create grant info is exactly TRUE, all terms are allowed. if ($all_allowed === TRUE) { return $tids; } return array_intersect($tids, $all_allowed); } /** * Filter a list of vocab IDs to those in which the user may create by default. * * @param array $vids * The array of vocabulary IDs. * * @return array * An array of disallowed vocabulary IDs. */ function taxonomy_access_create_default_allowed(array $vids) { $all_allowed = taxonomy_access_user_create_defaults(); // If the user's create grant info is exactly TRUE, all terms are allowed. if ($all_allowed === TRUE) { return $vids; } return array_intersect($vids, $all_allowed); } /** * Retrieve vocabularies in which the current user may create terms. * * @param object|null $account * (optional) The account for which to retrieve grants. If no account is * passed, the current user will be used. Defaults to NULL. * * @return array * An array of term IDs, or TRUE if the user has the grant for all terms. */ function _taxonomy_access_create_defaults($account = NULL) { // If the user can administer taxonomy, return TRUE for a global grant. if (user_access('administer taxonomy', $account)) { return TRUE; } // Build a term grant query. $query = _taxonomy_access_grant_query(array('create'), TRUE); // Select term grants for the current user's roles. if (is_null($account)) { global $user; $account = $user; } $query ->fields('td', array('vid')) ->groupBy('td.vid') ->condition('tadg.rid', array_keys($account->roles), 'IN') ; // Fetch term IDs. $r = $query->execute()->fetchAll(); $vids = array(); // If there are results, initialize a flag to test whether the user // has the grant for all terms. $grants_for_all_vocabs = empty($r) ? FALSE : TRUE; foreach ($r as $record) { // If the user has the grant, add the term to the array. if ($record->grant_create) { $vids[] = $record->vid; } // Otherwise, flag that the user does not have the grant for all terms. else { $grants_for_all_vocabs = FALSE; } } // If the user has the grant for all terms, return TRUE for a global grant. if ($grants_for_all_vocabs) { return TRUE; } return $vids; } /** * Autocomplete menu callback: filter allowed terms by create, not list. * * For now we essentially duplicate the code from taxonomy.module, because * it calls drupal_json_output without providing the logic separately. * * @see * @see taxonomy_autocomplete() */ function taxonomy_access_autocomplete($field_name, $tags_typed = '') { // Enforce that list grants do not filter the autocomplete. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); $field = field_info_field($field_name); // The user enters a comma-separated list of tags. We only autocomplete the last tag. $tags_typed = drupal_explode_tags($tags_typed); $tag_last = drupal_strtolower(array_pop($tags_typed)); $matches = array(); if ($tag_last != '') { // Part of the criteria for the query come from the field's own settings. $vids = array(); $vocabularies = taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names(); foreach ($field['settings']['allowed_values'] as $tree) { $vids[] = $vocabularies[$tree['vocabulary']]->vid; } $query = db_select('taxonomy_term_data', 't'); $query->addTag('translatable'); $query->addTag('term_access'); // Do not select already entered terms. if (!empty($tags_typed)) { $query->condition('', $tags_typed, 'NOT IN'); } // Select rows that match by term name. $tags_return = $query ->fields('t', array('tid', 'name')) ->condition('t.vid', $vids) ->condition('', '%' . db_like($tag_last) . '%', 'LIKE') ->range(0, 10) ->execute() ->fetchAllKeyed(); // Unset suggestions disallowed by create grants. $disallowed = taxonomy_access_create_disallowed(array_keys($tags_return)); foreach ($disallowed as $tid) { unset($tags_return[$tid]); } $prefix = count($tags_typed) ? drupal_implode_tags($tags_typed) . ', ' : ''; $term_matches = array(); foreach ($tags_return as $tid => $name) { $n = $name; // Term names containing commas or quotes must be wrapped in quotes. if (strpos($name, ',') !== FALSE || strpos($name, '"') !== FALSE) { $n = '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $name) . '"'; } $term_matches[$prefix . $n] = check_plain($name); } } drupal_json_output($term_matches); } /** * Validates taxonomy autocomplete values for create grants. * * For now we essentially duplicate the code from taxonomy.module, because * it calls form_set_value() without providing the logic separately. * * We use two properties set in hook_field_widget_form_alter(): * - $element['#allow_autocreate'] * - $element['#disallowed_defaults'] * * @todo * Specify autocreate per vocabulary? * * @see taxonomy_autocomplete_validate() * @see taxonomy_access_autocomplete() * @see taxonomy_access_field_widget_taxonomy_autocomplete_form_alter() */ function _taxonomy_access_autocomplete_validate($element, &$form_state) { // Autocomplete widgets do not send their tids in the form, so we must detect // them here and process them independently. $value = array(); if ($tags = $element['#value']) { // Collect candidate vocabularies. $field = field_widget_field($element, $form_state); $vocabularies = array(); foreach ($field['settings']['allowed_values'] as $tree) { if ($vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load($tree['vocabulary'])) { $vocabularies[$vocabulary->vid] = $vocabulary; } } // Translate term names into actual terms. $typed_terms = drupal_explode_tags($tags); foreach ($typed_terms as $typed_term) { // See if the term exists in the chosen vocabulary and return the tid; // otherwise, create a new 'autocreate' term for insert/update. if ($possibilities = taxonomy_term_load_multiple(array(), array('name' => trim($typed_term), 'vid' => array_keys($vocabularies)))) { $term = array_pop($possibilities); } // Only autocreate if the user has create for the vocab. default. elseif ($element['#allow_autocreate']) { $vocabulary = reset($vocabularies); $term = array( 'tid' => 'autocreate', 'vid' => $vocabulary->vid, 'name' => $typed_term, 'vocabulary_machine_name' => $vocabulary->machine_name, ); } // If they cannot autocreate and this is a new term, set an error. else { form_error( $element, t('You may not create new tags in %name.', array('%name' => t($element['#title'])) ) ); } if ($term) { $value[] = (array) $term; } } } // Add in the terms that were disallowed. // taxonomy.module expects arrays, not objects. $disallowed = taxonomy_term_load_multiple($element['#disallowed_defaults']); foreach ($disallowed as $key => $term) { $disallowed[$key] = (array) $term; } $value = array_merge($value, $disallowed); // Subsequent validation will be handled by hook_field_attach_validate(). // Set the value in the form. form_set_value($element, $value, $form_state); } /** * Form element validation handler for taxonomy option fields. * * We use a property set in hook_field_widget_form_alter(): * - $element['#disallowed_defaults'] * * @see options_field_widget_validate() * @see taxonomy_access_field_widget_form_alter() */ function _taxonomy_access_options_validate($element, &$form_state) { if ($element['#required'] && $element['#value'] == '_none') { form_error($element, t('!name field is required.', array('!name' => $element['#title']))); } // Clone the element and add in disallowed defaults. $el = $element; if (!empty($element['#disallowed_defaults'])) { if (empty($el['#value'])) { $el['#value'] = $element['#disallowed_defaults']; } elseif (is_array($el['#value'])) { $el['#value'] = array_unique(array_merge($el['#value'], $element['#disallowed_defaults'])); } else { $el['#value'] = array_unique(array_merge(array($el['#value']), $element['#disallowed_defaults'])); } } // Transpose selections from field => delta to delta => field, turning // multiple selected options into multiple parent elements. $items = _options_form_to_storage($el); // Subsequent validation will be handled by hook_field_attach_validate(). // Set the value in the form. form_set_value($element, $items, $form_state); } /** * Default value re-generation for autocomplete fields. * * @param array $items * An array of values from form build info, filtered by create grants. * * @return string * Field default value. * * @see taxonomy_field_widget_form() */ function taxonomy_access_autocomplete_default_value(array $items) { // Preserve the original state of the list flag. $flag_state = taxonomy_access_list_enabled(); // Enforce that list grants do not filter the options list. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); // Assemble list of tags. $tags = array(); foreach ($items as $item) { $tags[$item['tid']] = isset($item['taxonomy_term']) ? $item['taxonomy_term'] : taxonomy_term_load($item['tid']); } // Assemble the default value using taxonomy.module. $tags = taxonomy_implode_tags($tags); // Restore list flag to previous state. if ($flag_state) { taxonomy_access_enable_list(); } return $tags; } /** * Validates form submissions of taxonomy fields for create grants. * * @todo * Use field label and term names in errors rather than field name and tids. * * @see * @see entity_form_field_validate() */ function _taxonomy_access_field_validate($entity_type, $entity, &$errors) { // Check for a pre-existing entity (i.e., the entity is being updated). $old_fields = FALSE; // The entity is actually a "pseudo-entity," and the user profile form // neglects to include the uid. So, we need to load it manually. if ($entity_type == 'user') { // Some modules which extend the user profile form cause additional // validation to happen with "pseudo-entities" that do not include the // name. So, check if it exists. if (isset($entity->name)) { if ($account = user_load_by_name($entity->name)) { $entity->uid = $account->uid; } } } list($entity_id, , $bundle) = entity_extract_ids($entity_type, $entity); if ($entity_id) { // Load the entity. $old_entity = entity_load($entity_type, array($entity_id)); $old_entity = $old_entity[$entity_id]; // Fetch the original entity's taxonomy fields. $old_fields = _taxonomy_access_entity_fields($entity_type, $old_entity, $bundle); } // Fetch the updated entity's taxonomy fields. $new_fields = _taxonomy_access_entity_fields($entity_type, $entity, $bundle); // Set errors if there are any disallowed changes. $changes = _taxonomy_access_compare_fields($new_fields, $old_fields); // We care about the overall value list, so delta is not important. $delta = 0; // Check each field and langcode for disallowed changes. foreach ($changes as $field_name => $langcodes) { foreach ($langcodes as $langcode => $disallowed) { if ($disallowed) { if (!empty($disallowed['added'])) { $text = 'You may not add the following tags to %field: %tids'; $errors[$field_name][$langcode][$delta][] = array( 'error' => 'taxonomy_access_disallowed_added', 'message' => t($text, array( '%field' => $field_name, '%tids' => implode(', ', $disallowed['added']), )), ); } if (!empty($disallowed['removed'])) { $text = 'You may not remove the following tags from %field: %tids'; $errors[$field_name][$langcode][$delta][] = array( 'error' => 'taxonomy_access_disallowed_removed', 'message' => t($text, array( '%field' => $field_name, '%tids' => implode(', ', $disallowed['removed']), )), ); } } } } } /** * Helper function to extract the taxonomy fields from an entity. * * @param object $entity * The entity object. * * @return array * An associative array of field information, containing: * - field_list: A flat array of all this entity's taxonomy fields, with the * format $field_name => $field_name. * - langcodes: A flat array of all langcodes in this entity's fields, with * the format $langcode => $langcode. * - data: An associative array of non-empty fields: * - $field_name: An associative array keyed by langcode. * - $langcode: Array of field values for this field name and langcode. * * @see */ function _taxonomy_access_entity_fields($entity_type, $entity, $bundle) { // Maintain separate lists of field names and langcodes for quick comparison. $fields = array(); $fields['field_list'] = array(); $fields['langcodes'] = array(); $fields['data'] = array(); // If there is no entity, return the empty structure. if (!$entity) { return $fields; } // Get a list of possible fields for the bundle. // The bundle does not contain the field type (see #122016), so our only use // for it is the field names. $possible = array_keys(field_info_instances($entity_type, $bundle)); // Sort through the entity for relevant field data. foreach ($entity as $field_name => $field) { // Only proceed if this element is a valid field for the bundle. if (in_array($field_name, $possible, TRUE)) { // Check whether each entity field is a taxonomy field. $info = field_info_field($field_name); if ($info['type'] == 'taxonomy_term_reference') { foreach ($field as $langcode => $values) { // Add non-empty fields to the lists. if (!empty($values)) { $fields['langcodes'][$langcode] = $langcode; $fields['field_list'][$field_name] = $field_name; $fields['data'][$field_name][$langcode] = $values; } unset($values); } } } unset($info); unset($field); } unset($entity); return $fields; } /** * Helper function to compare field values and look for disallowed changes. * * @param array $new * An associative array of the updated field information as returned by * _taxonomy_access_entity_fields(). * @param array $old * (optional) An associative array of the original field information, * or FALSE if there is no original field data. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return array * An array of disallowed changes, with the structure: * - $field_name: An associative array keyed by langcode. * - $langcode: Disallowed changes for this field name and langcode, * or FALSE if none. * - 'added' => An array of added terms that are disallowed. * - 'removed' => An array of removed termss that are disallowed. * * @see _taxonomy_access_entity_fields() * @see _taxonomy_access_disallowed_changes() */ function _taxonomy_access_compare_fields($new, $old = FALSE) { $disallowed_changes = array(); // If there are no original fields, simply process new. if (!$old) { foreach ($new['data'] as $field_name => $langcodes) { foreach ($langcodes as $langcode => $values) { $changes = _taxonomy_access_disallowed_changes($values, array()); if ($changes) { if (!isset($disallowed_changes[$field_name])) { $disallowed_changes[$field_name] = array(); } $disallowed_changes[$field_name][$langcode] = $changes; } } } } // Otherwise, aggregate and compare field data. else { $all_fields = $new['field_list'] + $old['field_list']; $all_langcodes = $new['langcodes'] + $old['langcodes']; foreach ($all_fields as $field_name) { foreach ($all_langcodes as $langcode) { $new_values = array(); if (isset($new['field_list'][$field_name]) && isset($new['data'][$field_name][$langcode])) { $new_values = $new['data'][$field_name][$langcode]; } $old_values = array(); if (isset($old['field_list'][$field_name]) && isset($old['data'][$field_name][$langcode])) { $old_values = $old['data'][$field_name][$langcode]; } $changes = _taxonomy_access_disallowed_changes($new_values, $old_values); if ($changes) { if (!isset($disallowed_changes[$field_name])) { $disallowed_changes[$field_name] = array(); } $disallowed_changes[$field_name][$langcode] = $changes; } } } } unset($old); unset($new); return $disallowed_changes; } /** * Helper function to check for term reference changes disallowed by create. * * @param array $new_field * The entity or form values of the updated field. * @param array $old_field * The entity or form values of the original field. * * @return array|false * Returns FALSE if there are no disallowed changes. Otherwise, an array: * - 'added' => An array of added terms that are disallowed. * - 'removed' => An array of removed termss that are disallowed. */ function _taxonomy_access_disallowed_changes(array $new_field, array $old_field) { // Assemble a list of term IDs from the original entity, if any. $old_tids = array(); foreach ($old_field as $old_item) { // Some things are NULL for some reason. if ($old_item['tid']) { $old_tids[] = $old_item['tid']; } } // Assemble a list of term IDs from the updated entity. $new_tids = array(); foreach ($new_field as $delta => $new_item) { // Some things are NULL for some reason. // Allow the special tid "autocreate" so users can create new terms. if ($new_item['tid'] && ($new_item['tid'] != 'autocreate')) { $new_tids[$delta] = $new_item['tid']; } } // Check for added tids, and unset ones the user may not add. $added = array_diff($new_tids, $old_tids); $may_not_add = taxonomy_access_create_disallowed($added); // Check for removed tids, and restore ones the user may not remove. $removed = array_diff($old_tids, $new_tids); $may_not_remove = taxonomy_access_create_disallowed($removed); // If there were any disallowed changes, return them. if (!empty($may_not_add) || !empty($may_not_remove)) { return array('added' => $may_not_add, 'removed' => $may_not_remove); } // Return FALSE if all changes were valid. return FALSE; } /** * End of "defgroup tac_create". * @} */