For complete changelog, see: Taxonomy Access 7.x-1.x-dev, xxxx-xx-xx --------------------------------------- Taxonomy Access 7.x-1.0, 2015-09-18 --------------------------------------- o The return value of taxonomy_access_global_defaults() has changed. Callers may use _taxonomy_access_format_grant_record() to format each element of the return array for hook_node_access_records(). o The following constants have been added: - TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT = 0 - TAXONOMY_ACCESS_VOCABULARY_DEFAULT = 0 - TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_ALLOW = 1 - TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_IGNORE = 0 - TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_DENY = 2 - TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT = 0 - TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT = 0 o Drupal core 7.8 is now explicitly required. o The "Add tag" (create) grant now defaults to "Allow" for anonymous and authenticated users upon installation. (Existing installations will not be affected.) Taxonomy Access 7.x-1.x-rc1, 2011-09-09 --------------------------------------- o Administrative paths have changed. o Renamed grant realm from 'term_access' to 'taxonomy_access_role'. o Field widgets are now automatically hidden if the user cannot add any terms. o The vocabulary default for the "Add tag" grant (create op) now controls whether new terms can be created in the vocabulary in autocomplete fields. o Moved "Add tag" (create op) functionality from hook_form_alter() to hook_field_widget_form_alter(). o Terms disallowed by "Add tag" (create op) are disabled rather than removed. This may be a configurable setting in the future. o "Add tag" (create op) now allows selection of allowed child terms when the parent term is disabled. o Optimized grant update functionality to reduce queries. o Renamed several API functions: - from: taxonomy_access_grant_update() to: taxonomy_access_set_term_grants() - from: taxonomy_access_defaults_update() to: taxonomy_access_set_default_grants() - form: taxonomy_access_recursive_grant_update() to: taxonomy_access_set_recursive_grants() - from: taxonomy_access_delete_roles() to: taxonomy_access_delete_role_grants() - from: taxonomy_access_delete_terms() to: taxonomy_access_delete_term_grants() - from: taxonomy_access_delete_defaults() to: taxonomy_access_delete_default_grants() o Renamed "List" and "Create" grants to "View tag" and "Add tag" for clarity. o Automatically update node access as needed on shutdown. Hooks should merely add their list of nodes to taxonomy_access_affected_nodes() to be processed at the end of the request. o Provide record deletion API.