name; } /** * The user-visible title of the group. * * @var string */ protected $title; public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } /** * Domain-specific arguments for the group (to be applied to all migrations * in the group). * * @var array */ protected $arguments = array(); public function getArguments() { return $this->arguments; } /** * List of groups this group is dependent on. * * @var array */ protected $dependencies = array(); public function getDependencies() { return $this->dependencies; } /** * The central list of all known groups, keyed by group name. * * @var array */ static protected $groupList = array(); static public function groups() { $groups = array(); $dependent_groups = array(); $dependencies_list = array(); $required_groups = array(); foreach (self::$groupList as $name => $group) { $dependencies = $group->getDependencies(); $dependencies_list[$name] = $dependencies; if (count($dependencies) > 0) { // Set groups with dependencies aside for reordering $dependent_groups[$name] = $group; $required_groups += $dependencies; } else { // No dependencies, just add $groups[$name] = $group; } } $ordered_groups = migrate_order_dependencies($dependencies_list); foreach ($ordered_groups as $name) { if (!isset($groups[$name])) { $groups[$name] = $dependent_groups[$name]; } } return $groups; } /** * Basic constructor. * * @param string $name * Group name. * * @param array $dependencies * List of dependent groups. */ public function __construct($name, $dependencies = array(), $title = '', $arguments = array()) { $this->name = $name; $this->title = $title; $this->arguments = $arguments; $this->dependencies = $dependencies; } /** * Retrieve (creating if necessary) an instance of the named group. * * @param string $name * Group name. * * @param array $dependencies * List of dependent groups. */ static public function getInstance($name, $dependencies = array()) { if (empty(self::$groupList[$name])) { $row = db_select('migrate_group', 'mg') ->fields('mg') ->condition('name', $name) ->execute() ->fetchObject(); if ($row) { $arguments = unserialize($row->arguments); $arguments = MigrationBase::decryptArguments($arguments); if (empty($dependencies) && isset($arguments['dependencies'])) { $dependencies = $arguments['dependencies']; } self::$groupList[$name] = new MigrateGroup($name, $dependencies, $row->title, $arguments); } else { self::register($name); self::$groupList[$name] = new MigrateGroup($name, $dependencies); } } return self::$groupList[$name]; } /** * Register a new migration group in the migrate_group table. * * @param string $name * The machine name (unique identifier) for the group. * * @param string $title * A user-visible title for the group. Defaults to the machine name. * * @param array $arguments * An array of group arguments - generally data that applies to all * migrations in the group. */ static public function register($name, $title = NULL, array $arguments = array()) { if (!$title) { $title = $name; } $arguments = MigrationBase::encryptArguments($arguments); // Register the migration if it's not already there; if it is, // update the class and arguments in case they've changed. db_merge('migrate_group') ->key(array('name' => $name)) ->fields(array( 'title' => $title, 'arguments' => serialize($arguments), )) ->execute(); } /** * Deregister a migration group - remove it from the database, and also * remove migrations attached to it. * * @param string $name * (Machine) name of the group to deregister. */ static public function deregister($name) { $result = db_select('migrate_status', 'ms') ->fields('ms', array('machine_name')) ->condition('group_name', $name) ->execute(); foreach ($result as $row) { Migration::deregisterMigration($row->machine_name); } db_delete('migrate_group') ->condition('name', $name) ->execute(); } /** * Remove any groups which no longer contain any migrations. */ static public function deleteOrphans() { $query = db_select('migrate_group', 'mg'); $query->addField('mg', 'name'); $query->leftJoin('migrate_status', 'ms', ''); $query->isNull('ms.machine_name'); $result = $query->execute(); foreach ($result as $row) { db_delete('migrate_group') ->condition('name', $row->name) ->execute(); } } }