drupalpathtouri($path); return elfinder_get_drupal_file_obj($uri); } /** * Convert path to Drupal file URI * * @param string $path file path * @return string * @author Alexey Sukhotin * */ public function drupalpathtouri($path) { $pvtpath = drupal_realpath('private://'); $pubpath = drupal_realpath('public://'); $tmppath = drupal_realpath('temporary://'); $final_path = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR !== '/' ? str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '/', $path) : $path; $uri = ''; if (strpos($final_path, $pvtpath) === 0) { $uri = 'private://' . substr($final_path, strlen($pvtpath) + 1); } elseif (strpos($final_path, $tmppath) === 0) { $uri = 'temporary://' . substr($final_path, strlen($tmppath) + 1); } else { $uri = 'public://' . substr($final_path, strlen($pubpath) + 1); } return @file_stream_wrapper_uri_normalize($uri); } /** * Check if file extension is allowed * * @param stdClass $file file object * @return array * @author Alexey Sukhotin **/ protected function CheckExtension(stdClass $file) { $allowed_extensions = variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_allowed_extensions', ''); if (!empty($allowed_extensions)) { $errors = file_validate_extensions($file, $allowed_extensions); if (!empty($errors)) { $this->setError(strip_tags(implode(' ', $errors))); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Create dir * * @param string $path parent dir path * @param string $name new directory name * @return bool * @author Alexey Sukhotin * */ protected function _mkdir($path, $name) { $path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; if (@drupal_mkdir($path)) { return $path; } return FALSE; } /** * Create file * * @param string $path parent dir path * @param string $name new file name * @return bool * @author Alexey Sukhotin * */ protected function _mkfile($path, $name) { $path = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; $uri = $this->drupalpathtouri($path); if (!$this->CheckExtension($this->_drupalfileobject($path))) { return FALSE; } $file = file_save_data("", $uri); $this->FileUsageAdd($file); if (isset($file->fid)) { return $path; } return FALSE; } /** * Copy file into another file * * @param string $source source file path * @param string $targetDir target directory path * @param string $name new file name * @return bool * @author Alexey Sukhotin * */ protected function _copy($source, $targetDir, $name) { $target = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . (!empty($name) ? $name : basename($source)); if (!is_dir($target) && !$this->CheckExtension($this->_drupalfileobject($target))) { return FALSE; } if (!$this->CheckUserQuota()) { return FALSE; } if (file_copy($this->_drupalfileobject($source), $this->drupalpathtouri($target))) { $this->FileUsageAdd($this->_drupalfileobject($target)); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Move file into another parent dir * Return new file path or false * * @param string $source source file path * @param string $target target dir path * @param string $name new name * @return bool|string * @author Alexey Sukhotin * */ protected function _move($source, $targetDir, $name) { $target = $targetDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . (!empty($name) ? $name : basename($source)); if (!is_dir($target) && !$this->CheckExtension($this->_drupalfileobject($target))) { return FALSE; } if (is_dir($source)) { $srcuri = $this->drupalpathtouri($source); $dsturi = $this->drupalpathtouri($target); $children = db_select('file_managed', 'f') ->condition('uri', $srcuri . '/%', 'LIKE') ->fields('f', array('fid', 'uri')) ->execute() ->fetchAll(); foreach ($children as $child) { $newuri = str_replace("$srcuri/", "$dsturi/", $child->uri); db_update('file_managed')->fields(array('uri' => $newuri))->condition('fid', $child->fid)->execute(); } return @rename($source, $target); } elseif (@file_move($this->_drupalfileobject($source), $this->drupalpathtouri($target))) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** * Remove file * * @param string $path file path * @return bool * @author Alexey Sukhotin * */ protected function _unlink($path) { $file = $this->_drupalfileobject($path); $this->FileUsageDelete($file); $result = @file_delete($file); if ($result === TRUE) { return TRUE; } if (is_array($result)) { return $result['file']; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Remove dir * * @param string $path dir path * @return bool * @author Alexey Sukhotin * */ protected function _rmdir($path) { return @drupal_rmdir($path); } /** * Delete dirctory trees and included files. * * Clone of elfinderVolumeDriver::delTree(). * * Using elFinderVolumeLocalFileSystem::delTree to delete a folder with files * in it would not update file_usage and file_managed tables. Using * elfinderVolumeDriver::delTree makes it work better. */ protected function delTree($localpath) { foreach ($this->_scandir($localpath) as $p) { elFinder::extendTimeLimit(); $stat = $this->stat($this->convEncOut($p)); $this->convEncIn(); ($stat['mime'] === 'directory') ? $this->delTree($p) : $this->_unlink($p); } $res = $this->_rmdir($localpath); $res && $this->clearstatcache(); return $res; } /** * Create new file and write into it from file pointer. * Return new file path or false on error. * * @param resource $fp file pointer * @param string $dir target dir path * @param string $name file name * @return bool|string * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov, Alexey Sukhotin * */ protected function _save($fp, $dir, $name, $stat) { $tmpname = $name; $bu_ret = module_invoke_all('elfinder_beforeupload', array('name' => $name, 'dir' => $dir, 'stat' => $stat)); if (isset($bu_ret)) { if (!is_array($bu_ret)) { $bu_ret = array($bu_ret); } $tmpname = end($bu_ret); } $path = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . (!empty($tmpname) ? $tmpname : $name); if (!$this->CheckUserQuota()) { return FALSE; } if (!$this->CheckFolderCount($dir)) { return FALSE; } if (!$this->CheckExtension($this->_drupalfileobject($path))) { return FALSE; } if (!$this->FileValidate($name)) { return FALSE; } if (!($target = @fopen($path, 'wb'))) { return FALSE; } while (!feof($fp)) { fwrite($target, fread($fp, 8192)); } fclose($target); @chmod($path, $this->options['fileMode']); $file = $this->_drupalfileobject($path); @file_save($file); $this->FileUsageAdd($file); return $path; } protected function CheckUserQuota() { $space = $this->CalculateUserAllowedSpace(); if ($space == 0) { $this->setError(t('Quota exceeded')); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } protected function CheckFolderCount($dir) { $max_allowed = variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_maxfilecount', 0); if ($max_allowed > 0) { $options = array( 'recurse' => FALSE, ); // Match name.extension. This won't count files with no extension. $files = file_scan_directory($dir, '/.*\..*/', $options); if (count($files) >= $max_allowed) { $this->setError(t('Max directory file count of %count reached', array('%count' => $max_allowed))); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** * Let other Drupal modules perform validation on the uploaded file. * See hook_file_validate(). * * @param string $name file name * @return bool */ protected function FileValidate($name) { // The uploaded file is still in temp. Fetch it's name & path from $_FILES. $index = array_search($name, $_FILES['upload']['name']); if ($index !== FALSE) { $file = $this->_drupalfileobject($_FILES['upload']['tmp_name'][$index]); $validation_errors = module_invoke_all('file_validate', $file); if (!empty($validation_errors)) { $this->setError(strip_tags(implode(' ', $validation_errors))); return FALSE; } } else { watchdog('elfinder', 'File upload "' . $name . '" not found in $_FILES'); } return TRUE; } /** * Return files list in directory. * * @param string $path dir path * @return array * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov * */ protected function _scandir($path) { $files = array(); foreach (scandir($path) as $name) { if ($name != '.' && $name != '..') { $files[] = $path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name; } } return $files; } public function owner($target) { $path = $this->decode($target); $file = $this->_drupalfileobject($path); if ($file->fid) { $owneraccount = user_load($file->uid); /* AS */ $owner = $owneraccount->name; $ownerformat = variable_get('elfinder_settings_filesystem_owner_format', ''); if ($ownerformat != '') { $owner = token_replace($ownerformat, array('user' => $owneraccount)); } return $owner; } return FALSE; } public static function stat_corrector(&$stat, $path, $statOwner, $volumeDriveInstance) { if (method_exists($volumeDriveInstance, 'owner')) { $stat['owner'] = $volumeDriveInstance->owner($volumeDriveInstance->encode($path)); } } public function desc($target, $newdesc = NULL) { $path = $this->decode($target); $file = $this->_drupalfileobject($path); if ($file->fid) { $finfo = db_select('elfinder_file_extinfo', 'f') ->condition('fid', $file->fid) ->fields('f', array('fid', 'description')) ->execute() ->fetchObject(); $descobj = new StdClass; $descobj->fid = $file->fid; $descobj->description = $newdesc; if ($newdesc != NULL && user_access('edit file description')) { if (($rc = drupal_write_record('elfinder_file_extinfo', $descobj, isset($finfo->fid) ? array('fid') : array())) == 0) { return -1; } } else { return $finfo->description; } } return $newdesc; } public function downloadcount($target) { $path = $this->decode($target); $file = $this->_drupalfileobject($path); if ($file->fid && module_exists('elfinder_stats')) { $downloads = db_select('elfinder_stats', 's') ->fields('s', array('fid')) ->condition('s.fid', $file->fid) ->condition('s.type', 'download') ->countQuery() ->execute() ->fetchField(); return $downloads ? $downloads : 0; } return 0; } protected function _archive($dir, $files, $name, $arc) { if (!$this->CheckUserQuota()) { return FALSE; } $ret = parent::_archive($dir, $files, $name, $arc); if ($ret != FALSE) { $file = $this->_drupalfileobject($ret); @file_save($file); $this->FileUsageAdd($file); } return $ret; } /** * Extract files from archive. * * Run the parent extract() then add the files to the Drupal db. * * @param string $hash * Archive filename hash. * @param bool $makedir * Extract the files into a new folder. * @return array|bool */ public function extract($hash, $makedir = NULL) { if (!$this->CheckUserQuota()) { return FALSE; } $fstat = array(); if ($makedir == NULL) { $fstat = parent::extract($hash); } else { $fstat = parent::extract($hash, $makedir); } if ($fstat != FALSE) { $path = $this->decode($fstat['hash']); $this->AddToDrupalDB($path); $file = $this->_drupalfileobject($path); if ($fstat['mime'] !== 'directory') { $this->FileUsageAdd($file); } } return $fstat; } /** * Recursive function to add new files to Drupal's db. * * TODO: If a file with the same name already exists anywhere else, this will * not create a new entry. */ protected function AddToDrupalDB($files) { foreach($files AS $file) { if($file['mime'] == 'directory') { $newfiles = $this->scandir($file['hash']); $this->AddToDrupalDB($newfiles); } else { $filepath = $this->decode($file['hash']); $file_object = $this->_drupalfileobject($filepath); @file_save($file_object); $this->FileUsageAdd($file_object); } } return TRUE; } protected function CalculateUserAllowedSpace($checkuser = NULL) { global $user; $realUser = isset($checkuser) ? $checkuser : $user; $currentSpace = $this->CalculateUserUsedSpace($realUser); $maxSpace = isset($this->options['userProfile']->settings['user_quota']) ? parse_size($this->options['userProfile']->settings['user_quota']) : NULL; $diff = $maxSpace - $currentSpace; if (isset($maxSpace) && $maxSpace > 0) { if ($diff > 0) { return $diff; } else { return 0; } } return -1; } protected function CalculateUserUsedSpace($checkuser = NULL) { global $user; $realUser = isset($checkuser) ? $checkuser : $user; $q = db_query("SELECT sum(filesize) FROM {file_managed} WHERE uid = :uid", array(':uid' => $realUser->uid)); $result = $q->fetchField(); return $result; } protected function FileUsageAdd($file) { // Record that the module elfinder is using the file. @file_usage_add($file, 'elfinder', 'elfinderFileFetcher', 0); // 0 : means that there is no reference at the moment. } protected function FileUsageDelete($file) { // Delete record that the module elfinder is using the file. @file_usage_delete($file, 'elfinder', 'elfinderFileFetcher', 0); // 0 : means that there is no reference at the moment. } protected function _checkArchivers() { $this->archivers = variable_get('elfinder_settings_misc_archivers', array()); if (count($this->archivers) == 0) { parent::_checkArchivers(); variable_set('elfinder_settings_misc_archivers', $this->archivers); } } /** * Rename file and return file info * * @param string $hash file hash * @param string $name new file name * @return array|false **/ public function rename($hash, $name) { $results = parent::rename($hash, $name); // Update any fields that point to this file. field_cache_clear(); return $results; } /** * Taken from elFinderVolumeDriver::remove(). * * Adds a message if the file is in use. */ protected function remove($path, $force = false) { $stat = $this->stat($path); if (empty($stat)) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_RM, $path, elFinder::ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } $stat['realpath'] = $path; $this->rmTmb($stat); $this->clearcache(); if (!$force && !empty($stat['locked'])) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_LOCKED, $this->path($stat['hash'])); } if ($stat['mime'] == 'directory' && empty($stat['thash'])) { $ret = $this->delTree($this->convEncIn($path)); $this->convEncOut(); if (!$ret) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_RM, $this->path($stat['hash'])); } } else { $results = $this->_unlink($this->convEncIn($path)); if (!$results) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_RM, $this->path($stat['hash'])); } if (is_array($results)) { // File is in use and is being protected by Drupal. Fetch the first // entity where it's used. foreach($results AS $entity_type => $entity) { if(is_array($entity)) { foreach($entity AS $id => $count) { if($entity_type == 'node' && is_integer($id)) { $node = node_load($id); if(!empty($node->title)) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_RM, $this->path($stat['hash']), '', t('File is used in @title', array('@title' => $node->title))); } } } } } return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_RM, $this->path($stat['hash']), t('File is in use.')); } $this->clearstatcache(); } $this->removed[] = $stat; return true; } }