(function($) { Drupal.behaviors.HierarchicalSelect = { attach: function (context) { $('.hierarchical-select-wrapper:not(.hierarchical-select-wrapper-processed)', context) .addClass('hierarchical-select-wrapper-processed').each(function() { var hsid = $(this).attr('id').replace(/^hierarchical-select-(.+)-wrapper$/, "$1"); Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.initialize(hsid); }); } }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect = {}; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state = []; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context = function() { return $("form .hierarchical-select-wrapper"); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.initialize = function(hsid) { // Prevent JS errors when Hierarchical Select is loaded dynamically. if (undefined == Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect || undefined == Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]) { return false; } // If you set Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.pretendNoJS to *anything*, // and as such, Hierarchical Select won't initialize its Javascript! It // will seem as if your browser had Javascript disabled. if (undefined != Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.pretendNoJS) { return false; } var form = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper').parents('form'); // Pressing the 'enter' key on a form that contains an HS widget, depending // on which browser, usually causes the first submit button to be pressed // (likely an HS button). This results in unpredictable behaviour. There is // no way to determine the 'real' submit button, so disable the enter key. form.find('input').keypress(function(event) { if (event.keyCode == 13) { event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); // Turn off Firefox' autocomplete feature. This causes Hierarchical Select // form items to be disabled after a hard refresh. // See http://drupal.org/node/453048 and // http://www.ryancramer.com/journal/entries/radio_buttons_firefox/ if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('firefox') > -1) { form.attr('autocomplete', 'off'); } // Enable *all* submit buttons in this form, as well as all input-related // elements of the current hierarchical select, in case we reloaded while // they were disabled. form.add('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select') .add('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select input') .attr('disabled', false); if (this.cache != null) { this.cache.initialize(); } Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]['updatesEnabled'] = true; if (undefined == Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid]) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid] = {}; } this.transform(hsid); if (Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid].resizable) { this.resizable(hsid); } Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.attachBindings(hsid); if (this.cache != null && this.cache.status()) { this.cache.load(hsid); } Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.log(hsid); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.log = function(hsid, messages) { // Only perform logging if logging is enabled. if (Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.initialLog == undefined || Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.initialLog["hs-" + hsid] == undefined) { return; } else { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].log = []; } // Store the log messages. The first call to this function may not contain a // message: the initial log included in the initial HTML rendering should be // used instead.. if (Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].log.length == 0) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].log.push(Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.initialLog["hs-" + hsid]); } else { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].log.push(messages); } // Print the log messages. console.log("HIERARCHICAL SELECT " + hsid); var logIndex = Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].log.length - 1; for (var i = 0; i < Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].log[logIndex].length; i++) { console.log(Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].log[logIndex][i]); } console.log(' '); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.transform = function(hsid) { var removeString = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .dropbox .dropbox-remove:first', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context).text(); $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context) // Remove the .nojs div. .find('.nojs').hide().end() // Find all .dropbox-remove cells in the dropbox table. .find('.dropbox .dropbox-remove') // Hide the children of these table cells. We're not removing them because // we want to continue to use the "Remove" checkboxes. .find('*').css('display', 'none').end() // We can't use .hide() because of collapse.js: http://drupal.org/node/351458#comment-1258303. // Put a "Remove" link there instead. .append(''+ removeString +''); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.resizable = function(hsid) { var $selectsWrapper = $('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid + '-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context); // No select wrapper present: the user is creating a new item. if ($selectsWrapper.length == 0) { return; } // Append the drag handle ("grippie"). $selectsWrapper.append($('
')); // jQuery object that contains all selects in the hierarchical select, to // speed up DOM manipulation during dragging. var $selects = $selectsWrapper.find('select'); var defaultPadding = parseInt($selects.slice(0, 1).css('padding-top').replace(/^(\d+)px$/, "$1")) + parseInt($selects.slice(0, 1).css('padding-bottom').replace(/^(\d+)px$/, "$1")); var defaultHeight = Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].defaultHeight = $selects.slice(0, 1).height() + defaultPadding; var defaultSize = Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].defaultSize = $selects.slice(0, 1).attr('size'); defaultSize = (defaultSize == 0) ? 1 : defaultSize; var margin = Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].margin = parseInt($selects.slice(0, 1).css('margin-bottom').replace(/^(\d+)px$/, "$1")); // Bind the drag event. $('.grippie', $selectsWrapper) .mousedown(startDrag) .dblclick(function() { if (Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].resizedHeight == undefined) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].resizedHeight = defaultHeight; } var resizedHeight = Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].resizedHeight = (Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].resizedHeight > defaultHeight + 2) ? defaultHeight : 4.6 / defaultSize * defaultHeight; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.resize($selects, defaultHeight, resizedHeight, defaultSize, margin); }); function startDrag(e) { staticOffset = $selects.slice(0, 1).height() - e.pageY; $selects.css('opacity', 0.25); $(document).mousemove(performDrag).mouseup(endDrag); return false; } function performDrag(e) { var resizedHeight = staticOffset + e.pageY; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.resize($selects, defaultHeight, resizedHeight, defaultSize, margin); return false; } function endDrag(e) { var height = $selects.slice(0, 1).height(); $(document).unbind("mousemove", performDrag).unbind("mouseup", endDrag); $selects.css('opacity', 1); if (height != Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].resizedHeight) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].resizedHeight = (height > defaultHeight) ? height : defaultHeight; } } }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.resize = function($selects, defaultHeight, resizedHeight, defaultSize, margin) { if (resizedHeight == undefined) { resizedHeight = defaultHeight; } $selects .attr('size', (resizedHeight > defaultHeight) ? 2 : defaultSize) .height(Math.max(defaultHeight + margin, resizedHeight)); // Without the margin component, the height() method would allow the select to be sized to low: defaultHeight - margin. }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.disableForm = function(hsid) { // Disable *all* submit buttons in this form, as well as all input-related // elements of the current hierarchical select. $('form:has(#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper) :submit') .add('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select') .add('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select :input') .attr('disabled', true); // Add the 'waiting' class. Default style: make everything transparent. $('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper').addClass('waiting'); // Indicate that the user has to wait. $('body').css('cursor', 'wait'); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.enableForm = function(hsid) { // This method undoes everything the disableForm() method did. $e = $('form:has(#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper) :submit') .add('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select :input:not(:submit)'); // Don't enable the selects again if they've been disabled because the // dropbox limit was exceeded. dropboxLimitExceeded = $('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select-dropbox-limit-warning').length > 0; if (!dropboxLimitExceeded) { $e = $e.add($('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select')); } $e.removeAttr("disabled"); // Don't enable the 'Add' button again if it's been disabled because the // dropbox limit was exceeded. if (dropboxLimitExceeded) { $('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select :submit') .attr('disabled', true); } $('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper').removeClass('waiting'); $('body').css('cursor', 'auto'); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.throwError = function(hsid, message) { // Show the error to the user. alert(message); // Log the error. Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.log(hsid, [ message ]); // Re-enable the form to allow the user to retry, but reset the selection to // the level label if possible, otherwise the "" option if possible. var $select = $('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select:first'); var levelLabelOption = $('option[value^=label_]', $select).val(); if (levelLabelOption !== undefined) { $select.val(levelLabelOption); } else { var noneOption = $('option[value=none]', $select).val(); if (noneOption !== undefined) { $select.val(noneOption); } } Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.enableForm(hsid); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.prepareGETSubmit = function(hsid) { // Remove the name attributes of all form elements that end up in GET, // except for the "flat select" form element. $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context) .find('input, select') .not('.flat-select') .removeAttr('name'); // Update the name attribute of the "flat select" form element var $flatSelect = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .flat-select', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context); var newName = $flatSelect.attr('name').replace(/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)(?:\[flat_select\]){1}(\[\])?$/, "$1$2"); $flatSelect.attr('name', newName); Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.triggerEvents(hsid, 'prepared-GET-submit', {}); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.attachBindings = function(hsid) { var updateOpString = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .update-button').val(); var addOpString = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .add-to-dropbox', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context).val(); var createNewItemOpString = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .create-new-item-create', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context).val(); var cancelNewItemOpString = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .create-new-item-cancel', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context).val(); var data = {}; data.hsid = hsid; $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper', this.context) // "disable-updates" event .unbind('disable-updates').bind('disable-updates', data, function(e) { Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + e.data.hsid]['updatesEnabled'] = false; }) // "enforce-update" event .unbind('enforce-update').bind('enforce-update', data, function(e, extraPost) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.update(e.data.hsid, 'enforced-update', { opString: updateOpString, extraPost: extraPost }); }) // "prepare-GET-submit" event .unbind('prepare-GET-submit').bind('prepare-GET-submit', data, function(e) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.prepareGETSubmit(e.data.hsid); }) // "update-hierarchical-select" event .find('.hierarchical-select .selects select').unbind().change(function(_hsid) { return function() { if (Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + _hsid]['updatesEnabled']) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.update(_hsid, 'update-hierarchical-select', { opString: updateOpString, select_id : $(this).attr('id') }); } }; }(hsid)).end() // "create-new-item" event .find('.hierarchical-select .create-new-item .create-new-item-create').unbind().click(function(_hsid) { return function() { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.update(_hsid, 'create-new-item', { opString : createNewItemOpString }); return false; // Prevent the browser from POSTing the page. }; }(hsid)).end() // "cancel-new-item" event" .find('.hierarchical-select .create-new-item .create-new-item-cancel').unbind().click(function(_hsid) { return function() { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.update(_hsid, 'cancel-new-item', { opString : cancelNewItemOpString }); return false; // Prevent the browser from POSTing the page (in case of the "Cancel" button). }; }(hsid)).end() // "add-to-dropbox" event .find('.hierarchical-select .add-to-dropbox').unbind().click(function(_hsid) { return function() { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.update(_hsid, 'add-to-dropbox', { opString : addOpString }); return false; // Prevent the browser from POSTing the page. }; }(hsid)).end() // "remove-from-dropbox" event // (anchors in the .dropbox-remove cells in the .dropbox table) .find('.dropbox .dropbox-remove a').unbind().click(function(_hsid) { return function() { var isDisabled = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context).attr('disabled'); // If the hierarchical select is disabled, then ignore this click. if (isDisabled) { return false; } // Check the (hidden, because JS is enabled) checkbox that marks this // dropbox entry for removal. $(this).parent().find('input[type=checkbox]').attr('checked', true); Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.update(_hsid, 'remove-from-dropbox', { opString: updateOpString }); return false; // Prevent the browser from POSTing the page. }; }(hsid)); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.preUpdateAnimations = function(hsid, updateType, lastUnchanged, callback) { switch (updateType) { case 'update-hierarchical-select': // Drop out the selects of the levels deeper than the select of the // level that just changed. var animationDelay = Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]['animationDelay']; var $animatedSelects = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context).slice(lastUnchanged); if ($animatedSelects.size() > 0) { $animatedSelects.hide(); for (var i = 0; i < $animatedSelects.size(); i++) { if (i < $animatedSelects.size() - 1) { $animatedSelects.slice(i, i + 1).hide("drop", { direction: "left" }, animationDelay); } else { $animatedSelects.slice(i, i + 1).hide("drop", { direction: "left" }, animationDelay, callback); } } } else if (callback) { callback(); } break; default: if (callback) { callback(); } break; } }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.postUpdateAnimations = function(hsid, updateType, lastUnchanged, callback) { if (Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid].resizable) { // Restore the resize. Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.resize( $('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid + '-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context), Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].defaultHeight, Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].resizedHeight, Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].defaultSize, Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.state["hs-" + hsid].margin ); } switch (updateType) { case 'update-hierarchical-select': var $createNewItemInput = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .create-new-item-input', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context); // Hide the loaded selects after the one that was just changed, then // drop them in. var animationDelay = Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]['animationDelay']; var $animatedSelects = $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context).slice(lastUnchanged); if ($animatedSelects.size() > 0) { $animatedSelects.hide(); for (var i = 0; i < $animatedSelects.size(); i++) { if (i < $animatedSelects.size() - 1) { $animatedSelects.slice(i, i + 1).show("drop", { direction: "left" }, animationDelay); } else { $animatedSelects.slice(i, i + 1).show("drop", { direction: "left" }, animationDelay, callback); } } } else if (callback) { callback(); } if ($createNewItemInput.size() == 0) { // Give focus to the level below the one that has changed, if it // exists. setTimeout( function() { $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context) .slice(lastUnchanged, lastUnchanged + 1) .focus(); }, animationDelay + 100 ); } else { // Give focus to the input field of the "create new item/level" // section, if it exists, and also select the existing text. $createNewItemInput.focus(); $createNewItemInput[0].select(); } break; case 'create-new-item': // Make sure that other Hierarchical Selects that represent the same // hierarchy are also updated, to make sure that they have the newly // created item! var cacheId = Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid].cacheId; for (var otherHsid in Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings) { if (Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings[otherHsid].cacheId == cacheId) { $('#hierarchical-select-'+ otherHsid +'-wrapper') .trigger('enforce-update'); } } // TRICKY: NO BREAK HERE! case 'cancel-new-item': // After an item/level has been created/cancelled, reset focus to the // beginning of the hierarchical select. $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context) .slice(0, 1) .focus(); if (callback) { callback(); } break; default: if (callback) { callback(); } break; } }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.triggerEvents = function(hsid, updateType, settings) { $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context) .trigger(updateType, [ hsid, settings ]); }; Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.update = function(hsid, updateType, settings) { var post = $('form:has(#hierarchical-select-' + hsid +'-wrapper)', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context).formToArray(); var hs_current_language = Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.hs_current_language; // Pass the hierarchical_select id via POST. post.push({ name : 'hsid', value : hsid }); // Send the current language so we can use the same language during the AJAX callback. post.push({ name : 'hs_current_language', value : hs_current_language}); // Emulate the AJAX data sent normally so that we get the same theme. post.push({ name : 'ajax_page_state[theme]', value : Drupal.settings.ajaxPageState.theme }); post.push({ name : 'ajax_page_state[theme_token]', value : Drupal.settings.ajaxPageState.theme_token }); // If a cache system is installed, let the server know if it's running // properly. If it is running properly, the server will send back additional // information to maintain a lazily-loaded cache. if (Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.cache != null) { post.push({ name : 'client_supports_caching', value : Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.cache.status() }); } // updateType is one of: // - 'none' (default) // - 'update-hierarchical-select' // - 'enforced-update' // - 'create-new-item' // - 'cancel-new-item' // - 'add-to-dropbox' // - 'remove-from-dropbox' switch (updateType) { case 'update-hierarchical-select': var value = $('#'+ settings.select_id).val(); var lastUnchanged = parseInt(settings.select_id.replace(/^.*-hierarchical-select-selects-(\d+)/, "$1")) + 1; var optionClass = $('#'+ settings.select_id).find('option[value="'+ value +'"]').attr('class'); // Don't do anything (also no callback to the server!) when the selected // item is: // - the '' option and the renderFlatSelect setting is disabled, or // - a level label, or // - an option of class 'has-no-children', and // (the renderFlatSelect setting is disabled or the dropbox is enabled) // and // (the createNewLevels setting is disabled). if ((value == 'none' && Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]['renderFlatSelect'] == false) || value.match(/^label_\d+$/) || (optionClass == 'has-no-children' && ( (Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]['renderFlatSelect'] == false || $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .dropbox').length > 0 ) && Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]['createNewLevels'] == false ) ) ) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.preUpdateAnimations(hsid, updateType, lastUnchanged, function() { // Remove the sublevels. $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper .hierarchical-select .selects select', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context) .slice(lastUnchanged) .remove(); // The selection of this hierarchical select has changed! Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.triggerEvents(hsid, 'change-hierarchical-select', settings); }); return; } post.push({ name : 'op', value : settings.opString }); break; case 'enforced-update': post.push({ name : 'op', value : settings.opString }); post = post.concat(settings.extraPost); break; case 'create-new-item': case 'cancel-new-item': case 'add-to-dropbox': case 'remove-from-dropbox': post.push({ name : 'op', value : settings.opString }); break; default: break; } // Construct the URL the request should be made to. var url = Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid].ajax_url; // Construct the object that contains the options for a callback to the // server. If a client-side cache is found however, it's possible that this // won't be used. var ajaxOptions = $.extend({}, Drupal.ajax.prototype, { url: url, type: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: post, effect: 'fade', wrapper: '#hierarchical-select-' + hsid + '-wrapper', beforeSend: function() { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.triggerEvents(hsid, 'before-' + updateType, settings); Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.disableForm(hsid); }, error: function (XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { // When invalid HTML is received in Safari, jQuery calls this function. Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.throwError(hsid, Drupal.t('Received an invalid response from the server.')); }, success: function(response, status) { // An invalid response may be returned by the server, in case of a PHP // error. Detect this and let the user know. if (response === null || response.length == 0) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.throwError(hsid, Drupal.t('Received an invalid response from the server.')); return; } // Execute all AJAX commands in the response. But pass an additional // hsid parameter, which is then only used by the commands written // for Hierarchical Select. // This is another hack because of the non-Drupal ajax implementation // of this module, one of the response that can come from a drupal // ajax command is insert, which expects a Drupal.ajax object as the first // arguments and assumes that certain functions/settings are available. // Because we are calling a Drupal.ajax.command but providing the regular // jQuery ajax object itself, we are allowing Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands // to misserably fail. // // This hack attempts to fix one issue with an insert command, // @see https://www.drupal.org/node/2393695, allowing it to work properly // Other hacks might be necessary for other ajax commands if they are added // by external modules. this.effect = 'none'; this.getEffect = Drupal.ajax.prototype.getEffect; for (var i in response) { if (response[i]['command'] && Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands[response[i]['command']]) { Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands[response[i]['command']](this, response[i], status, hsid); } } // Attach behaviors. This is just after the HTML has been updated, so // it's as soon as we can. Drupal.attachBehaviors($('#hierarchical-select-' + hsid + '-wrapper').parents('div.form-type-hierarchical-select')[0]); // Transform the hierarchical select and/or dropbox to the JS variant, // make it resizable again and re-enable the disabled form items. Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.enableForm(hsid); Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.postUpdateAnimations(hsid, updateType, lastUnchanged, function() { // Update the client-side cache when: // - information for in the cache is provided in the response, and // - the cache system is available, and // - the cache system is running. if (response.cache != null && Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.cache != null && Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.cache.status()) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.cache.sync(hsid, response.cache); } if (response.log != undefined) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.log(hsid, response.log); } Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.triggerEvents(hsid, updateType, settings); if (updateType == 'update-hierarchical-select') { // The selection of this hierarchical select has changed! Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.triggerEvents(hsid, 'change-hierarchical-select', settings); } }); } }); // Use the client-side cache to update the hierarchical select when: // - the hierarchical select is being updated (i.e. no add/remove), and // - the renderFlatSelect setting is disabled, and // - the createNewItems setting is disabled, and // - the cache system is available, and // - the cache system is running. // Otherwise, perform a normal dynamic form submit. if (updateType == 'update-hierarchical-select' && Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]['renderFlatSelect'] == false && Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + hsid]['createNewItems'] == false && Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.cache != null && Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.cache.status()) { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.cache.updateHierarchicalSelect(hsid, value, settings, lastUnchanged, ajaxOptions); } else { Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.preUpdateAnimations(hsid, updateType, lastUnchanged, function() { // Adding current theme to prevent conflicts, @see ajax.js // @TODO, try converting to use Drupal.ajax instead. // Prevent duplicate HTML ids in the returned markup. // @see drupal_html_id() var ids = []; $('[id]').each(function () { ids.push(this.id); }); ajaxOptions.data.push({ name : 'ajax_html_ids[]', value : ids }); ajaxOptions.data.push({ name : 'ajax_page_state[theme]', value : Drupal.settings.ajaxPageState.theme }); ajaxOptions.data.push({ name : 'ajax_page_state[theme_token]', value : Drupal.settings.ajaxPageState.theme_token }); for (var key in Drupal.settings.ajaxPageState.css) { ajaxOptions.data.push({ name : 'ajax_page_state[css][' + key + ']', value : 1}); } for (var key in Drupal.settings.ajaxPageState.js) { ajaxOptions.data.push({ name : 'ajax_page_state[js][' + key + ']', value : 1}); } // Make it work with jquery update if (Drupal.settings.ajaxPageState.jquery_version) { ajaxOptions.data.push({ name : 'ajax_page_state[jquery_version]', value : Drupal.settings.ajaxPageState.jquery_version }); } $.ajax(ajaxOptions); }); } }; Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands.hierarchicalSelectUpdate = function(ajax, response, status, hsid) { // Replace the old HTML with the (relevant part of) retrieved HTML. $('#hierarchical-select-'+ hsid +'-wrapper', Drupal.HierarchicalSelect.context) .parent('.form-item') .replaceWith($(response.output)); }; Drupal.ajax.prototype.commands.hierarchicalSelectSettingsUpdate = function(ajax, response, status, hsid) { Drupal.settings.HierarchicalSelect.settings["hs-" + response.hsid] = response.settings; }; })(jQuery);