disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default openlayers_maps disabled initially */ $widget->api_version = 1; $widget->name = 'geofield_widget_map'; $widget->title = 'Geofield Widget Map'; $widget->description = 'A Map Used for Geofield Input'; $widget->data = array( 'width' => '600px', 'height' => '400px', 'image_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/img/', 'css_path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'openlayers') . '/themes/default_dark/style.css', 'proxy_host' => '', 'hide_empty_map' => 0, 'center' => array( 'initial' => array( 'centerpoint' => '0, 0', 'zoom' => '1', ), 'restrict' => array( 'restrictextent' => 0, 'restrictedExtent' => '', ), ), 'behaviors' => array( 'openlayers_behavior_geofield' => array( 'feature_types' => array( 'point' => 'point', 'path' => 'path', 'polygon' => 'polygon', ), 'allow_edit' => 1, ), 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array( 'zoomWheelEnabled' => 0, 'zoomBoxEnabled' => 1, 'documentDrag' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_panzoombar' => array( 'zoomWorldIcon' => 0, 'panIcons' => 1, ), ), 'default_layer' => 'mapquest_osm', 'layers' => array( 'mapquest_osm' => 'mapquest_osm', ), 'layer_weight' => array( 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0', 'geofield_formatter' => '0', ), 'layer_styles' => array( 'geofield_formatter' => '0', 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0', ), 'layer_styles_select' => array( 'geofield_formatter' => '0', 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0', ), 'layer_activated' => array( 'geofield_formatter' => 0, 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 0, ), 'layer_switcher' => array( 'geofield_formatter' => 0, 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 0, ), 'projection' => '900913', 'displayProjection' => '4326', 'styles' => array( 'default' => 'default', 'select' => 'default', 'temporary' => 'default', ), 'map_name' => 'geofield_widget_map', ); $formatter = new stdClass(); $formatter->api_version = 1; $formatter->name = 'geofield_formatter_map'; $formatter->title = t('Geofield Formatter Map'); $formatter->description = t('A Map Used for Geofield Output'); $formatter->data = array( 'width' => '600px', 'height' => '400px', 'image_path' => 'sites/all/modules/openlayers/themes/default_dark/img/', 'css_path' => 'sites/all/modules/openlayers/themes/default_dark/style.css', 'proxy_host' => '', 'hide_empty_map' => 0, 'center' => array( 'initial' => array( 'centerpoint' => '0, 0', 'zoom' => '1', ), 'restrict' => array( 'restrictextent' => 0, 'restrictedExtent' => '', ), ), 'behaviors' => array( 'openlayers_behavior_keyboarddefaults' => array(), 'openlayers_behavior_navigation' => array( 'zoomWheelEnabled' => 0, 'zoomBoxEnabled' => 1, 'documentDrag' => 0, ), 'openlayers_behavior_panzoombar' => array( 'zoomWorldIcon' => 0, 'panIcons' => 1, ), ), 'default_layer' => 'mapquest_osm', 'layers' => array( 'mapquest_osm' => 'mapquest_osm', 'geofield_formatter' => 'geofield_formatter', ), 'layer_weight' => array( 'geofield_formatter' => '0', 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0', ), 'layer_styles' => array( 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0', 'geofield_formatter' => '0', ), 'layer_styles_select' => array( 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => '0', 'geofield_formatter' => '0', ), 'layer_activated' => array( 'geofield_formatter' => 'geofield_formatter', 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 0, ), 'layer_switcher' => array( 'geofield_formatter' => 0, 'openlayers_geojson_picture_this' => 0, ), 'projection' => '900913', 'displayProjection' => '4326', 'styles' => array( 'default' => 'default', 'select' => 'default', 'temporary' => 'default', ), 'map_name' => 'geofield_formatter_map', ); return array( 'geofield_widget_map' => $widget, 'geofield_formatter_map' => $formatter, ); } /** * Implements hook_openlayers_behaviors(). */ function geofield_openlayers_behaviors() { return array( 'openlayers_behavior_geofield' => array( 'title' => t('Geofield'), 'description' => t('Fuels the geofield map-input form.'), 'type' => 'layer', 'behavior' => array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'geofield') . '/includes/behaviors', 'file' => 'openlayers_behavior_geofield.inc', 'class' => 'openlayers_behavior_geofield', 'parent' => 'openlayers_behavior', ), ), ); } /** * Formatter layers */ function geofield_openlayers_layers() { $layers = array(); $layer = new stdClass(); $layer->api_version = 1; $layer->name = 'geofield_formatter'; $layer->title = 'Placeholder for Geofield Formatter'; $layer->description = ''; $layer->data = array( 'layer_type' => 'openlayers_layer_type_raw', 'projection' => array('900913'), 'features' => array() ); $layers[$layer->name] = $layer; return $layers; }