setting = $setting; $this->processor = $processor; } /** * Return $this or skip this processor by returning the next processor. */ protected function getPreparedValue() { return isset($this->setting) && array_filter($this->setting) ? $this : $this->processor; } /** * Returns whether the current user has permission to edit this chain of data * processors. */ public function editAccess() { return $this->access() && (!isset($this->processor) || $this->processor->editAccess()); } /** * Prepares the processor for parameters. * * It turns the settings into a suiting processor object, which gets invoked * on evaluation time. * * @param $setting * The processor settings which are to be prepared. * @param $param_info * The info about the parameter to prepare the processor for. * @param $var_info * An array of info about the available variables. */ public static function prepareSetting(&$setting, $param_info, $var_info = array()) { $processor = NULL; foreach (self::processors($param_info, FALSE) as $name => $info) { if (!empty($setting[$name])) { $object = new $info['class']($setting[$name], $param_info, $var_info, $processor); $processor = $object->getPreparedValue(); } } $setting = $processor; } /** * Attaches the form of applicable data processors. */ public static function attachForm(&$form, $settings, $param_info, $var_info, $access_check = TRUE) { // If $settings is already prepared get the settings from the processors. if ($settings instanceof RulesDataProcessor) { $settings = $settings->getChainSettings(); } foreach (self::processors($param_info, $access_check) as $name => $info) { $settings += array($name => array()); $form[$name] = call_user_func(array($info['class'], 'form'), $settings[$name], $var_info); $form[$name]['#weight'] = $info['weight']; } } /** * Returns defined data processors applicable for the given parameter. * Optionally also access to the processors is checked. * * @param $param_info * If given, only processors valid for this parameter are returned. */ public static function processors($param_info = NULL, $access_check = TRUE, $hook = 'data_processor_info') { static $items = array(); if (!isset($items[$hook]['all'])) { $items[$hook]['all'] = rules_fetch_data($hook); uasort($items[$hook]['all'], array(__CLASS__, '_item_sort')); } // Data processing isn't supported for multiple types. if (isset($param_info) && is_array($param_info['type'])) { return array(); } // Filter the items by type. if (isset($param_info['type']) && !isset($items[$hook][$param_info['type']])) { $items[$hook][$param_info['type']] = array(); foreach ($items[$hook]['all'] as $name => $info) { // Check whether the parameter type matches the supported types. $info += array('type' => 'text'); if (RulesData::typesMatch($param_info, $info, FALSE)) { $items[$hook][$param_info['type']][$name] = $info; } } } // Apply the access check. $return = isset($param_info['type']) ? $items[$hook][$param_info['type']] : $items[$hook]['all']; if ($access_check) { foreach ($return as $base => $info) { if (!call_user_func(array($info['class'], 'access'))) { unset($return[$base]); } } } return $return; } public static function _item_sort($a, $b) { return $a['weight'] < $b['weight'] ? -1 : ($a['weight'] > $b['weight'] ? 1 : 0); } /** * Gets the settings array for this and all contained chained processors. */ public function getChainSettings() { foreach ($this->unchain() as $name => $processor) { $settings[$name] = $processor->getSetting(); } return isset($settings) ? $settings : array(); } /** * Returns an array of modules which we depend on. */ public function dependencies() { $used_processor_info = array_intersect_key($this->processors(), $this->unchain()); $modules = array(); foreach ($used_processor_info as $name => $info) { $modules[] = $info['module']; } return array_filter($modules); } /** * @return * An array of processors keyed by processor name. */ protected function unchain() { $processor = $this; while ($processor instanceof RulesDataProcessor) { $processors[get_class($processor)] = $processor; $processor = $processor->processor; } // Note: Don't use the static context to call processors() here as we need a // late binding to invoke the input evaluators version, if needed. $return = array(); foreach ($this->processors() as $name => $info) { if (isset($processors[$info['class']])) { $return[$name] = $processors[$info['class']]; } } return $return; } /** * Gets the settings of this processor. */ public function getSetting() { return $this->setting; } /** * Processes the value. If $this->processor is set, invoke this processor * first so chaining multiple processors is working. * * @param $value * The value to process. * @param $info * Info about the parameter for which we process the value. * @param $state RulesState * The rules evaluation state. * @param $element RulesPlugin * The element for which we process the value. * @return * The processed value. */ abstract public function process($value, $info, RulesState $state, RulesPlugin $element); /** * Return whether the current user has permission to use the processor. */ public static function access() { return TRUE; } /** * Defines the processor form element. * * @param $settings * The settings of the processor. * @param $var_info * An array of info about the available variables. * * @return * A form element structure. */ protected static function form($settings, $var_info) { return array(); } } /** * A base processor for use as input evaluators. Input evaluators are not listed * in hook_rules_data_processor_info(). Instead they use * hook_rules_evaluator_info() and get attached to input forms. */ abstract class RulesDataInputEvaluator extends RulesDataProcessor { /** * Overridden to invoke prepare(). */ protected function __construct($setting, $param_info, $var_info = array(), $processor = NULL) { $this->setting = TRUE; $this->processor = $processor; $this->prepare($setting, $var_info, $param_info); } /** * Overridden to generate evaluator $options and invoke evaluate(). */ public function process($value, $info, RulesState $state, RulesPlugin $element, $options = NULL) { $options = isset($options) ? $options : $this->getEvaluatorOptions($info, $state, $element); $value = isset($this->processor) ? $this->processor->process($value, $info, $state, $element, $options) : $value; return $this->evaluate($value, $options, $state); } /** * Generates the evaluator $options. */ protected function getEvaluatorOptions($info, $state, $element) { $cache = rules_get_cache(); $languages = language_list(); $info += array( 'cleaning callback' => isset($cache['data info'][$info['type']]['cleaning callback']) ? $cache['data info'][$info['type']]['cleaning callback'] : FALSE, 'sanitize' => FALSE, ); $options = array_filter(array( 'language' => $info['#langcode'] != LANGUAGE_NONE && isset($languages[$info['#langcode']]) ? $languages[$info['#langcode']] : NULL, 'callback' => $info['cleaning callback'], 'sanitize' => $info['sanitize'], )); return $options; } /** * Overriden to prepare input evaluator processors. The setting is expected * to be the input value to be evaluated later on and is replaced by the * suiting processor. */ public static function prepareSetting(&$setting, $param_info, $var_info = array()) { $processor = NULL; foreach (self::evaluators($param_info, FALSE) as $name => $info) { $object = new $info['class']($setting, $param_info, $var_info, $processor); $processor = $object->getPreparedValue(); } $setting = $processor; } protected function getPreparedValue() { return isset($this->setting) ? $this : $this->processor; } /** * Overriden to just attach the help() of evaluators. */ public static function attachForm(&$form, $settings, $param_info, $var_info, $access_check = TRUE) { foreach (self::evaluators($param_info, $access_check) as $name => $info) { $form['help'][$name] = call_user_func(array($info['class'], 'help'), $var_info, $param_info); $form['help'][$name]['#weight'] = $info['weight']; } } /** * Returns all input evaluators that can be applied to the parameters needed * type. */ public static function evaluators($param_info = NULL, $access_check = TRUE) { return parent::processors($param_info, $access_check, 'evaluator_info'); } /** * Overridden to default to our hook, thus being equivalent to * self::evaluators(). */ public static function processors($param_info = NULL, $access_check = TRUE, $hook = 'evaluator_info') { return parent::processors($param_info, $access_check, $hook); } /** * Prepares the evalution, e.g. to determine whether the input evaluator has * been used. If this evaluator should be skipped just unset $this->setting. * * @param $text * The text to evaluate later on. * @param $variables * An array of info about available variables. * @param $param_info * (optional) An array of information about the handled parameter value. * For backward compatibility, this parameter is not required. */ abstract public function prepare($text, $variables); /** * Apply the input evaluator. * * @param $text * The text to evaluate. * @param $options * A keyed array of settings and flags to control the processing. * Supported options are: * - language: A language object to be used when processing. * - callback: A callback function that will be used to post-process * replacements that might be incorporated, so they can be cleaned in a * certain way. * - sanitize: A boolean flag indicating whether incorporated replacements * should be sanitized. * @param RulesState * The rules evaluation state. * * @return * The evaluated text. */ abstract public function evaluate($text, $options, RulesState $state); /** * Provide some usage help for the evaluator. * * @param $variables * An array of info about available variables. * @param $param_info * (optional) An array of information about the handled parameter value. * For backward compatibility, this parameter is not required. * * @return * A renderable array. */ public static function help($variables) { return array(); } }