0.6.30 (2015-06-19) ------------------- * Respect result of beforerender callback on mobile (#717) * Allow for a duration of 0 when scrolling (#720) 0.6.29 (2014-11-17) ------------------- * Make the ID of `skrollr-body` configurable (#592) 0.6.28 (2014-11-15) ------------------- * In cases where skrollr-body has a height other than `auto` the height of its content is now correctly calculated. This should solve many issues on mobile where scrolling got stock before reaching the bottom (#633) 0.6.27 (2014-09-28) ------------------- * Fixed AMD module definition (#609) 0.6.26 (2014-06-08) ------------------- * Fixed easing functions not working when animating attributes (#533) 0.6.25 (2014-05-22) ------------------- * CommonJS (#519). 0.6.24 (2014-04-25) ------------------- * Fixed some issue with forceHeight (#347). * Fixed a regression caused by #486 breaking IE 8 (#494). * Added support for animating attributes (#204). 0.6.23 (2014-04-18) ------------------- **note**: This particular version is broken in IE! * Experimental support for emitting events when the scrolling passes a keyframe (check out the docs for `keyframe` option/event). * When using `refresh`, make sure elements which do not longer have keyframes get properly cleaned up (#486). * Fixed `refresh` not accepting `NodeList`s (#435). * Expose the status of mobile mode as `isMobile()` function (#488). 0.6.22 (2014-02-21) ------------------- * Experimental AMD support (#409). Please read the documentation about it. 0.6.21 (2014-01-06) ------------------- * Disabled mobile mode on Windows Phone, since it's not needed there (#408). 0.6.20 (2014-01-03) ------------------- * Fixed broken percentage constants. 0.6.19 (2014-01-02) ------------------- * Constants can now be defined as functions or percentage offsets (#148, #404). **breaking**: When using a constant of value `100` together with percentage offsets like `data-_foo-75p`, the value was implicitly handled as percentage value `100p`. Starting with this version you need to explcitly use `100p` if you want percentage constants. On the plus side, you can now mix an absolute constant with a percentage keyframe or a percentage constant with an absolute keyframe. 0.6.18 (2013-12-18) ------------------- * Fixed scrolling on input elements (#397). 0.6.17 (2013-10-19) ------ * Fixed keyboard not appearing on some mobile browsers when an input was focused (#349). 0.6.16 (2013-10-18) ------ * Fixed `z-index:auto;` not working because it was always coerced to an integer (#351). 0.6.15 (2013-10-03) ------ * Fixed clicking on links (and other elements) on mobile (#263, #303, #338). * Added `getMaxScrollTop` method (#238). 0.6.14 (2013-10-03) ------ * Fixed the `direction` parameter that's passed to the render events (#339). 0.6.13 (2013-09-29) ----- * Added support for percentage offsets (#185). 0.6.12 (2013-09-17) ----- * Added `destroy` method (#109). 0.6.11 (2013-08-13) ----- * Made the mobile deceleration configurable and lowered the default (#222, #229). 0.6.10 (2013-07-30) ----- * Fixed bug which caused IE to perform an endless loop (#271). 0.6.9 (2013-07-01) ----- * Improved overall performance for mobile (#249). 0.6.8 (2013-06-17) ----- * Added a new option `smoothScrollingDuration`. 0.6.7 (2013-06-17) ----- * Changed the default value of `edgeStrategy` from `ease` to `set`. There are too many cases where `ease` was not wanted and unexpected. 0.6.6 (2013-06-05) ----- * Fixed IE plugin not working. This was caused by assigning `skrollr.setStyle` to a local variable inside the skrollr core. Since the IE plugin monkey-patches the skrollr.setStyle function, the core didn't notice the change (#199 comment 18986949). 0.6.5 (2013-05-22) ----- * Fixed crash in IE < 9 because the detected prefix was `null` (#220). 0.6.4 (2013-05-21) ----- * Fixed that some elements got the `skrollable-before` **and** `skrollable-after` class at the same time. 0.6.3 (2013-05-19) ----- * When resizing the browser, the scroll position was reset to 0 (#217) 0.6.2 (2013-05-18) ----- * When resizing the browser, `forceHeight` was colliding with the already forced height (#216). 0.6.1 (2013-05-18) ----- * Allow numbers inside of easing function names (#152). 0.6.0 (2013-05-18) ----- **Expect things to break when coming from 0.5! Read through the changelog. Migration is not hard.** * **[breaking]** There's no more `skrollr.mobile.js` file. You only need `skrollr.js`. You no longer need to conditionally include `skrollr.mobile.js`. * You can configure how skrollr detects mobile browsers using the `mobileCheck` option (check out the documentation). * **[possibly breaking]** The meaning of the `#skrollr-body` element changed. Put all static elements inside of it and all absolute/fixed elements outside. It doesn't need to be the first child of the body anymore. * **[breaking]** The `rendered` and `unrendered` classes where renamed because they were confusing and wrong. They're now called `skrollable-before` and `skrollable-after`, because that's their meaning (the element with these classes is before/after the first/last keyframe). * Added a new class `skrollable-between`, because symmetry. That's why. * Easing functions are now applied when exactly at a keyframe (#132). * **[possibly breaking]** The behavior changed for the case when the scroll position is before/after the first/last keyframe (I'm just gonna use "before first" from now on, because "after last" is analog). In 0.5 the behavior was not exactly specified and buggy (see item above regarding #132). Skrollr was applying the styles of the first keyframe to the element for all scroll position that were before the first keyframe. E.g. when `data-100="top:200px;"` was the first keyframe, the element had `top:200px;` at all scroll positions before (all from `0` to `99`). From now on you can specify the behavior you want (see `edgeStrategy` option for details, set it to `set` for old behavior). **Note: 0.6.7 and up use `set` as default.** 0.5.14 ----- * Add a `skrollr-mobile` class to the html element when the mobile script is included. 0.5.13 (2013-02-08) ----- * #131: Use a cross browser approach for getting the body scroll-height. * #133: Use the maximum of document height or the max keyframe for edge cases where absolute keyframes are used in a relative-mode-like document and `data-end` was calculated wrong. 0.5.12 (2013-02-08) ----- * #121: Fixed prefix detection in Safari. 0.5.11 (2013-01-18) ----- * #126: When calling refresh(), force rerendering, even if the scrollbar didn't move. 0.5.10 ----- * #104: Fixed the most annoying bug on mobile. There was a large blank space at the bottom of the page. 0.5.9 ----- * #118: Fixed broken prefix detection. Was broken all the time, but worked before Firefox 18. 0.5.8 (2013-01-12) ----- * #116 + #117: SVG support was broken for relative mode. 0.5.7 ----- * #103: skrollr no longer depends on being added to the bottom of the document. 0.5.6 ----- * #105: Fixed inconsistent behaviour for adding `rendered` and `unrendered` class on page load 0.5.5 ----- * #100: Fixed relative-mode not working correctly in IE < 9 due to crippled getBoundingClientRect 0.5.4 (2012-11-18) ----- * #80: When resizing the browser window the calculation of relative mode was wrong when the element's vertical position was changed before. 0.5.3 ----- * #66: Make IE 7 support a light version of `data-anchor-target` by mapping `querySelector` to `getElementById`. 0.5.2 ----- * #78: Fixed that new parser didn't allowed omitting the last semicolon in a keyframe property list. 0.5.1 (2012-10-29) ----- * Fixed `setScrollTop` and `animateTo` not working because iScroll uses negative offset. 0.5.0 (2012-10-09) ----- * *breaking* the `plugin` api has been removed (the IE plugin has been updated to a new, hidden api). * Full mobile support using iscroll. * #73: Fixed parser to not mess up colons inside URLs * #74: Fixed parser to not treat single periods as decimal numbers * #76: Fixed dummy element overlaping the content, even though it should be unobtrusive 0.4.13 ----- * #58: `forceHeight` now handles relative mode like a boss. * #59: Make `scale` option only affect absolute mode. 0.4.12 ----- * #64: Setting `float` property using JavaScript didn't work across browser. Now using `styleFloat` and `cssFloat` properties. 0.4.11 (2012-09-17) ----- * The `scale` option does not affect `constants`. 0.4.10 ----- * Allow smooth scrolling on element level using `data-smooth-scrolling` 0.4.9 ----- * Added experimental smooth scrolling (no more CSS transitions. WORKS IN IE.). 0.4.8 ----- * Added `stopAnimateTo` method. 0.4.7 ----- * Updated the requestAnimationFrame polyfill for smoother animations * Updated the way requestAnimationFrame is used for even smoother animations 0.4.6 ----- * New method `relativeToAbsolute` which was formerly private * New method `isAnimatingTo` to check if an animation caused by `animateTo` is running * Added `sqrt` easing function 0.4.5 ----- * Experimental mobile support using https://github.com/zynga/scroller 0.4.4 ----- * A `skrollr` class is added to the HTML element and a `no-skrollr` class is removed when `init` is called. Useful for fallback styling. 0.4.3 (2012-08-02) ----- * Added new feature "constants". 0.4.2 (2012-07-26) ----- * Added new feature "anchor-target" which allows elements to react to other elements leaving/entering the viewport. 0.4.1 (2012-07-25) ----- * Fixed a bug which broke skrollr in IE caused by wrong regular expression behavior 0.4.0 (2012-07-22) ----- * *breaking* the `data-end-[offset]` syntax changed. It's now `data-[offset]-end`. * Fixed a bug where white spaces between style declarations were not ignored. * Added support for anchors. Animations can now be specified relative to the elements position within the viewport. * Added support for SVG elements. * Added new method `refresh()`.