id == 'seo_checklist') { $form['checklistapi']['#attached']['js'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'seo_checklist') . '/seo_checklist.js'; $form['checklistapi']['#attached']['css'][] = drupal_get_path('module', 'seo_checklist') . '/seo_checklist.css'; } } /** * Implements hook_checklistapi_checklist_info(). */ function seo_checklist_checklistapi_checklist_info() { $modules_page = array('#text' => t('Enable'), '#path' => 'admin/modules'); $definitions = array(); $definitions['seo_checklist'] = array( '#title' => t('SEO checklist'), '#description' => t('Keep track of your Drupal Search Engine Optimization tasks.'), '#path' => 'admin/config/search/seo-checklist', '#help' => t("

Check off each SEO-related task as you complete it. Don't forget to click the Save button!

"), // Introduction. 'introduction' => array( '#title' => t('Introduction'), '#description' => theme('seo_checklist_intro_tab', array( 'volacci_logo' => theme('image', array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'seo_checklist') . '/volacci-logo.png', 'alt' => t('Volacci'), 'title' => t('Volacci'), )), )), ), // Tools. 'tools' => array( '#title' => t('Tools (optional)'), '#description' => t('

While not strictly necessary for SEO, these modules will accelerate your work.

'), 'install_admin_menu' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Install Administration menu module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('admin_menu'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'install_drush' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Install Drush.'), '#description' => t('Drush is a command line tool for Drupal that you can use, among other things, to install modules faster.'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download and install'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'install_module_filter' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Install Module Filter module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('module_filter'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), ), // Page titles and meta tags. 'page_titles_meta_tags' => array( '#title' => t('Page titles and meta tags'), '#description' => t('

Search engines look at your TITLE tags and certain meta data to determine what your site is about. These modules give you control over this important information.

'), 'install_metatag' => array( '#title' => t('Install Meta tags module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('metatag'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'configure_metatag' => array( '#title' => t('Configure Meta tags module.'), '#description' => t('If local SEO is important to you, add geo meta tags.'), 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Configure'), '#path' => 'admin/config/search/metatags', ), ), 'install_metatags_quick' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Install Meta tags quick module.'), '#description' => t("If you want to add meta tags to non-node entities, you'll need this module for now."), '#default_value' => module_exists('metatags_quick'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'configure_metatags_quick' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Configure Meta tags quick module.'), 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Configure'), '#path' => 'admin/config/search/metatags_quick', ), ), ), // URL paths. 'url_paths' => array( '#title' => t('URL paths'), '#description' => t("

Search engines use your site's URLs to help determine structure, organization, and topical relevance.

"), 'enable_clean_urls' => array( '#title' => t('Enable clean URLs.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('clean_url', 0), 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Configure'), '#path' => 'admin/config/search/clean-urls', ), 'more_info' => array( '#text' => t('More info'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'install_pathauto' => array( '#title' => t('Install Pathauto module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('pathauto'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'configure_pathauto' => array( '#title' => t('Configure Pathauto module.'), 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Configure'), '#path' => 'admin/config/search/path/patterns', ), ), 'install_globalredirect' => array( '#title' => t('Install Global Redirect module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('globalredirect'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'install_redirect' => array( '#title' => t('Install Redirect module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('redirect'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), ), // Create search engine accounts. 'search_engine_accounts' => array( '#title' => t('Create search engine accounts'), '#description' => t("

Set your site up with the search engines. You'll need these accounts for later steps in the SEO Checklist but also to help you communicate and evaluate your site on an ongoing basis.

"), 'get_google_account' => array( '#title' => t('Get a Google account.'), 'create_account' => array( '#text' => t('Create account'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'get_windows_live_id' => array( '#title' => t('Get a Windows Live ID.'), 'create_account' => array( '#text' => t('Create account'), '#path' => '', ), ), ), // Track your visitors. 'track_visitors' => array( '#title' => t('Track your visitors'), '#description' => t('

See where your visitors are coming from and what they do while visiting your site.

'), 'install_google_analytics' => array( '#title' => t('Install Google Analytics module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('googleanalytics'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'create_google_analytics_analytics' => array( '#title' => t('Sign in to your Google Analytics account and create an Analytics for your website.'), '#default_value' => $googleanalytics_account = (bool) variable_get('googleanalytics_account', 0), 'web_site' => array( '#text' => t('Google Analytics'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'input_google_analytics_code' => array( '#title' => t('Copy and paste your new Google Analytics code into the Google Analytics module.'), '#default_value' => $googleanalytics_account = (bool) variable_get('googleanalytics_account', 0), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Module settings'), '#path' => 'admin/config/system/googleanalytics', ), ), 'authenticate_with_google_analytics' => array( '#title' => t('Authenticate your site with Google Analytics.'), 'web_site' => array( '#text' => t('Google Analytics'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'install_ga_tokenizer' => array( '#title' => t('Install Google Analytics Tokenizer module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('ga_tokenizer'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'install_contact_google_analytics' => array( '#title' => t('Install Google Analytics Contact Form, Webform, Rules Email module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('contact_google_analytics'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'configure_contact_google_analytics' => array( '#title' => t('Configure Google Analytics Contact Form, Webform, Rules Email module.'), '#default_value' => variable_get('contact_google_analytics_allowed_recipients', 'all') != 'all', 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Configure'), '#path' => 'admin/config/contact-google-analytics', ), ), 'install_context_keywords' => array( '#title' => t('Install Context Keywords module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('context_keywords'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), ), ), // Content. 'content' => array( '#title' => t('Content'), '#description' => t('

Well-written content is important to the search engines. These modules help.

'), 'install_microdata' => array( '#title' => t('Install Microdata module.'), '#description' => t("Microdata enables you to share content with other sites and services, like Google's Recipe View, using inline metadata."), '#default_value' => module_exists('microdata'), 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download module'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'configure_microdata' => array( '#title' => t('Configure Microdata module.'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Configure'), '#path' => 'admin/config/services/microdata', ), ), 'install_htmlpurifier' => array( '#title' => t('Install HTML Purifier module.'), '#description' => t('Follow the README!'), '#default_value' => module_exists('htmlpurifier'), 'readme' => array( '#text' => t('README.txt'), '#path' => '', ), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download module'), '#path' => '', ), 'library_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download library'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'install_search404' => array( '#title' => t('Install Search 404 module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('search404'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'install_seo_checker' => array( '#title' => t('Install SEO Compliance Checker module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('seo_checker'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'validate_html' => array( '#title' => t('Validate your markup.'), 'w3c_validator' => array( '#text' => t('W3C Markup Validation Service'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'check_links' => array( '#title' => t('Check for broken links.'), 'w3c_link_checker' => array( '#text' => t('W3C Link Checker'), '#path' => '', ), ), ), // Submit your site to the search engines. 'submit_to_search_engines' => array( '#title' => t('Submit your site to the search engines'), '#description' => t("

Now that you've got your site ready for the search engines, use these tools to tell them you're ready for them to visit.

"), 'install_site_verify' => array( '#title' => t('Install Site verification module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('site_verify'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'add_verifications' => array( '#title' => t('Add verifications.'), 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Verifications'), '#path' => 'admin/config/search/verifications', ), ), 'install_xmlsitemap' => array( '#title' => t('Install XML Sitemap module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('xmlsitemap'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'install_site_map' => array( '#title' => t('Install Site map module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('site_map'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'authenticate_with_google' => array( '#title' => t('Authenticate with Google.'), 'webmaster_tools' => array( '#text' => t('Webmaster Tools'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'submit_xml_sitemap_to_google' => array( '#title' => t('Submit your XML sitemap to Google.'), 'webmaster_tools' => array( '#text' => t('Webmaster Tools'), '#path' => '', ), 'help_page' => array( '#text' => t('Help page'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'authenticate_with_bing' => array( '#title' => t('Authenticate with Bing.'), 'webmaster_tools' => array( '#text' => t('Webmaster Tools'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'submit_xml_sitemap_to_bing' => array( '#title' => t('Submit your XML sitemap to Bing.'), 'webmaster_tools' => array( '#text' => t('Submission page'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'add_to_google_places' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Add your business to Google Places, if appropriate.'), 'google_places' => array( '#text' => t('Google Places'), '#path' => '', ), ), ), // Other checklists. 'other_checklists' => array( '#title' => t('Other checklists'), '#description' => t('

These checklists are essential for additional important Internet Marketing related tasks for your website.

'), 'install_security_review' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Install Security Review module.'), '#description' => t('The more popular your website becomes, the more important good security will be.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('security_review'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), ), // Paid services. 'paid_services' => array( '#title' => t('Paid services (optional)'), '#description' => t('

There are many paid tools available to help you with your SEO and website maintenance. Here are some suggestions typically used by top Internet Marketing firms. At Volacci, we have tested and use all of these tools.

'), 'mollom_spam_prevention' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Mollom spam prevention'), '#description' => t('

If your site will get heavy use from visitors creating accounts, commenting and/or creating content then use Mollom.

'), 'register_page' => array( '#text' => t('Mollom website'), '#path' => '', ), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Configure'), '#path' => 'admin/config/content/mollom', ), ), 'volacci_automatr' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Volacci Automatr™ marketing automation'), '#description' => t('

If you need marketing automation, lead scoring, advanced email marketing, and more, along with SalesForce or SugarCRM integration, then use Volacci Automatr™. If, for some reason, Automatr™ does not work for you, consider Marketo or Eloqua.

', array( '@automatr_url' => $automatr_url = '', '@marketo_url' => '', '@eloqua_url' => '', )), 'automatr_website' => array( '#text' => t('Automatr website'), '#path' => $automatr_url, ), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, 'config_page' => array( '#text' => t('Configure'), '#path' => 'admin/config/marketing/automatr', ), ), ), // Extras. 'extras' => array( '#title' => t('Extras (optional)'), 'install_scheduler' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Install Scheduler module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('scheduler'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'install_read_more' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Install Read More Link module.'), '#default_value' => module_exists('read_more'), 'project_page' => array( '#text' => t('Download'), '#path' => '', ), 'modules_page' => $modules_page, ), 'download_internet_marketing_whitepapers' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Download free internet marketing whitepapers from Volacci.'), ), 'link_to_volacci' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Link to Volacci to thank them for this awesome module.'), '#description' => t('Checking this item will cause a small link to appear at the very bottom of your website. You can disable it at any time by un-checking this box. We really appreciate it!'), ), 'send_feedback' => array( '#title' => t("[Optional] Send feedback on the Drupal 7 SEO Checklist or just say Thanks!, and we'll link to your web site from"), '#description' => t("Remember to include your link information in your email. If you don't know why you should link with other websites, read Why links help SEO."), 'email_link' => array( '#text' => t(''), '#path' => '', ), ), 'read_drupal_6_seo_book' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Read Drupal 6 Search Engine Optimization by Ben Finklea.'), 'buy_from_amazon' => array( '#text' => t('Buy from Amazon'), '#path' => '', ), 'buy_from_packt' => array( '#text' => t('Buy from Packt'), '#path' => '', ), ), 'watch_drupalize_me_video' => array( '#title' => t('[Optional] Watch the free Introduction to Drupal SEO video from Lullabot.'), ), ), ); return $definitions; } /** * Implements hook_init(). */ function seo_checklist_init() { if (_seo_checklist_volacci_link_is_enabled()) { drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'seo_checklist') . '/seo_checklist.css'); } } /** * Implements hook_page_alter(). */ function seo_checklist_page_alter(&$page) { if (_seo_checklist_volacci_link_is_enabled()) { $page['page_bottom']['seo_checklist_volacci_link'] = array( '#type' => 'markup', '#markup' => '', ); } } /** * Implements hook_theme(). */ function seo_checklist_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { return array( 'seo_checklist_intro_tab' => array( 'template' => 'seo_checklist_intro_tab', 'variables' => array( 'volacci_logo' => t('Volacci'), ), ), ); }