getOption('foobar')) { $call_args['params']['foo'] = 'bar'; } } /** * Change the way the index's field names are mapped to Solr field names. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The index whose field mappings are altered. * @param array $fields * An associative array containing the index field names mapped to their Solr * counterparts. The special fields 'search_api_id' and 'search_api_relevance' * are also included. */ function hook_search_api_solr_field_mapping_alter(SearchApiIndex $index, array &$fields) { if ($index->entity_type == 'node' && isset($fields['body:value'])) { $fields['body:value'] = 'text'; } } /** * Alter Solr documents before they are sent to Solr for indexing. * * @param array $documents * An array of SearchApiSolrDocument objects ready to be indexed, generated * from $items array. * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The search index for which items are being indexed. * @param array $items * An array of items being indexed. */ function hook_search_api_solr_documents_alter(array &$documents, SearchApiIndex $index, array $items) { // Adds a "foo" field with value "bar" to all documents. foreach ($documents as $document) { $document->setField('foo', 'bar'); } } /** * Lets modules alter the search results returned from a Solr search. * * @param array $results * The results array that will be returned for the search. * @param SearchApiQueryInterface $query * The SearchApiQueryInterface object representing the executed search query. * @param object $response * The Solr response object. */ function hook_search_api_solr_search_results_alter(array &$results, SearchApiQueryInterface $query, $response) { if (isset($response->facet_counts->facet_fields->custom_field)) { // Do something with $results. } } /** * Lets modules alter a Solr search request for a multi-index search. * * SearchApiSolrConnectionInterface::search() is called afterwards with these * parameters. Please see this method for details on what should be altered * where and what is set afterwards. * * @param array $call_args * An associative array containing all three arguments to the * SearchApiSolrConnectionInterface::search() call ("query", "params" and * "method") as references. * @param SearchApiMultiQueryInterface $query * The object representing the executed search query. */ function hook_search_api_solr_multi_query_alter(array &$call_args, SearchApiMultiQueryInterface $query) { if ($query->getOption('foobar')) { $call_args['params']['foo'] = 'bar'; } } /** * Lets modules alter the search results returned from a multi-index search. * * @param array $results * The results array that will be returned for the search. * @param SearchApiMultiQueryInterface $query * The executed multi-index search query. * @param object $response * The Solr response object. */ function hook_search_api_solr_multi_search_results_alter(array &$results, SearchApiMultiQueryInterface $query, $response) { if (isset($response->facet_counts->facet_fields->custom_field)) { // Do something with $results. } } /** * Provide Solr dynamic fields as Search API data types. * * This serves as a placeholder for documenting additional keys for * hook_search_api_data_type_info() which are recognized by this module to * automatically support dynamic field types from the schema. * * @return array * In addition to the keys for the individual types that are defined by * hook_search_api_data_type_info(), the following keys are regonized: * - prefix: The Solr field name prefix to use for this type. Should match * two existing dynamic fields definitions with names "{PREFIX}s_*" and * "{PREFIX}m_*". * - always multiValued: (optional) If TRUE, only the dynamic field name * prefix (without the "_*" portion) with multiValued="true" should be given * by "prefix", instead of the common prefix part for both the single-valued * and the multi-valued field. This should be the case for all fulltext * fields, since they might already be tokenized by the Search API. Defaults * to FALSE. * *@see hook_search_api_data_type_info() */ function search_api_solr_hook_search_api_data_type_info() { return array( // You can use any identifier you want here, but it makes sense to use the // field type name from schema.xml. 'edge_n2_kw_text' => array( // Stock hook_search_api_data_type_info() info: 'name' => t('Fulltext (w/ partial matching)'), 'fallback' => 'text', // Dynamic field with name="te_*". 'prefix' => 'te', // Fulltext types should always be multi-valued. 'always multiValued' => TRUE, ), 'tlong' => array( // Stock hook_search_api_data_type_info() info: 'name' => t('TrieLong'), 'fallback' => 'integer', // Dynamic fields with name="its_*" and name="itm_*". 'prefix' => 'it', ), ); } /** * Alter autocomplete suggestions returned from Solr servers. * * @param array $suggestions * An array of suggestions to be altered, in the structure documented in * SearchApiAutocompleteSuggesterInterface::getAutocompleteSuggestions(). * @param array $alter_data * An associative array of data about the search, with the following keys: * "search", "query", "incomplete_key", "user_input", which correspond to the * arguments to SearchApiAutocompleteInterface::getAutocompleteSuggestions(); * and "responses", an array containing the Solr response objects used for * constructing the suggestions. */ function hook_search_api_solr_autocomplete_suggestions_alter(array &$suggestions, array &$alter_data) { // Always also suggest the original user input. array_unshift($suggestions, trim($alter_data['user_input'])); } /** * @} End of "addtogroup hooks". */