array( * 'bundles', * 'fields', * 'fields_usage', * ), * ) */ function text_formats_report_fetch_stats($filter_formats = array(), $field_names = array()) { if (empty($field_names)) { $candiate_fields = text_formats_report_get_field_configs(); foreach ($candiate_fields as $field) { $field_names[] = $field['field_name']; } } $stats = array(); foreach ($filter_formats as $filter_format) { $stats[$filter_format] = array( 'bundles' => array(), 'fields' => array(), 'total_content' => 0, ); } foreach ($field_names as $field_name) { $records = text_formats_report_get_field_usage($field_name, $filter_formats); foreach ($records as $record) { foreach ($filter_formats as $filter_format) { if ($record->format == $filter_format) { $stats[$filter_format]['total_content']++; $field_label = l($field_name, 'admin/reports/text-formats/field/' . $field_name, array('query' => array('formats' => $filter_format))); $stats[$filter_format]['bundles'][] = $record->bundle; $stats[$filter_format]['fields'][] = $field_label; } } } } // Calculate some stats per filter_format. foreach ($stats as $filter_format => $row) { $bundles = array_count_values($stats[$filter_format]['bundles']); $stats[$filter_format]['bundles'] = $bundles; $fields = array_count_values($stats[$filter_format]['fields']); $stats[$filter_format]['fields'] = $fields; } return $stats; } /** * Gathers the stats fby filter format. * * @param $filter_formats all if none passed in. * @param $field_names all if none passed in. * * @return Array $stats */ function text_formats_report_fetch_stats_for_csv($filter_formats = array(), $field_names = array()) { if (empty($field_names)) { $candiate_fields = text_formats_report_get_field_configs(); foreach ($candiate_fields as $field) { $field_names[] = $field['field_name']; } } $stats = array(); $stats[] = array(t('Entity Id'), t('Entity type'), t('Bundle'), t('Field name'), t('Text format'), t('Path'), 'Content'); foreach ($field_names as $field_name) { $records = text_formats_report_get_field_usage($field_name, $filter_formats); foreach ($records as $record) { $path = ''; if ($record->entity_type == 'node') { $path = '/node/' . $record->entity_id; } $stats[] = array($record->entity_id, $record->entity_type, $record->bundle, $field_name, $record->format, $path, $record->value); } } return $stats; } /** * Helper function to get available input formats as form options. * * @return Array filter_format.format => */ function text_formats_report_filter_format_options() { // Get list of all input formats. $query = db_query('SELECT format, name FROM {filter_format}'); $records = $query->fetchAll(); foreach ($records as $record) { $options[$record->format] = $record->name; } return $options; } /** * Helper function to retrieve the custom blocks using specified filter formats. * * @param array $filter_formats * filter_format.format to check for. * * @return array * ( * array('bid', 'info', 'format'), * ) */ function text_formats_report_get_custom_blocks($filter_formats) { $custom_blocks = array(); $query = db_select('block_custom', 'b') ->condition('b.format', $filter_formats) ->fields('b', array('bid', 'info', 'format')) ->execute(); if ($query->rowCount() > 0) { while ($row = $query->fetchAssoc()) { $custom_blocks[] = $row; } } return $custom_blocks; } /** * Helper function to retrieve the fields configured to use 'text', * 'text_with_summary' or'text_long' filter_formats. * * @return array * Rows from the field_config table including field_name, id and type. */ function text_formats_report_get_field_configs() { $field_names = array(); $query = db_select('field_config', 'fc') ->condition('fc.type', array('text', 'text_with_summary', 'text_long')) ->fields('fc', array('field_name', 'id', 'type')) ->execute(); if ($query->rowCount() > 0) { while ($row = $query->fetchAssoc()) { $field_names[] = $row; } } return $field_names; } /** * Retrieves entries from the field_data_$field_name tables using the specified * filter_formats. * * @param string $field_name * @param array $filter_formats * all if none passed in. */ function text_formats_report_get_field_usage($field_name, $filter_formats = array()) { $filter_formats = empty($filter_formats) ? array_keys(text_formats_report_filter_format_options()) : $filter_formats; $format_column = $field_name . '_format'; $value_column = $field_name . '_value'; $filter = ""; if (!empty($filter_formats)) { $formats_query_string = '('; foreach ($filter_formats as $format) { $formats_query_string .= "'$format',"; } $formats_query_string = rtrim($formats_query_string, ","); $formats_query_string .= ')'; $filter = " WHERE $format_column IN $formats_query_string"; } $result = db_query("SELECT entity_id,entity_type, bundle, $format_column as format, $value_column as value FROM {field_data_$field_name}" . $filter); return $result->fetchAll(); } /** * Helper function that prepares array for theme_table. * * @param array $data * [row] => header-label => row value. * @param array $header * * @return String output from theme_table. */ function text_formats_report_prepare_table($data, $header = array()) { // Construct the table headers array if necessary. if (empty($header)) { foreach ($data as $row) { foreach ($row as $title => $content) { $header[] = $title; } break; } } // Construct the table rows data array. $row_id = 0; $rows = array(); foreach ($data as $row) { foreach ($row as $title => $content) { if ($title == 'value') { $content = htmlentities($content); } $rows[$row_id][] = $content; } $row_id++; } return array( 'header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, ); } /** * Helper function that prepares a label => value array for theme_table. * * @param array $data * @param array $header * * @return String output from theme_table. */ function text_formats_report_prepare_simple_table($data, $header = array()) { $data = (array) $data; $rows = array(); foreach ($data as $label => $value) { $rows[] = array('' . $label . '', $value); } return array( 'header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, ); }