t('Some Service'), 'description' => t('Service for some search engine.'), 'class' => 'SomeServiceClass', // Unknown keys can later be read by the object for additional information. 'init args' => array('foo' => 'Foo', 'bar' => 42), ); $services['example_other'] = array( 'name' => t('Other Service'), 'description' => t('Service for another search engine.'), 'class' => 'OtherServiceClass', ); return $services; } /** * Alter the Search API service info. * * Modules may implement this hook to alter the information that defines Search * API services. All properties that are available in * hook_search_api_service_info() can be altered here, with the addition of the * "module" key specifying the module that originally defined the service class. * * @param array $service_info * The Search API service info array, keyed by service id. * * @see hook_search_api_service_info() */ function hook_search_api_service_info_alter(array &$service_info) { foreach ($service_info as $id => $info) { $service_info[$id]['class'] = 'MyProxyServiceClass'; $service_info[$id]['example_original_class'] = $info['class']; } } /** * Define new types of items that can be searched. * * This hook allows modules to define their own item types, for which indexes * can then be created. (Note that the Search API natively provides support for * all entity types that specify property information, so they should not be * added here. You should therefore also not use an existing entity type as the * identifier of a new item type.) * * The main part of defining a new item type is implementing its data source * controller class, which is responsible for loading items, providing metadata * and tracking existing items. The module defining a certain item type is also * responsible for observing creations, updates and deletions of items of that * type and notifying the Search API of them by calling * search_api_track_item_insert(), search_api_track_item_change() and * search_api_track_item_delete(), as appropriate. * The only other restriction for item types is that they have to have a single * item ID field, with a scalar value. This is, e.g., used to track indexed * items. * * Note, however, that you can also define item types where some of these * conditions are not met, as long as you are aware that some functionality of * the Search API and related modules might then not be available for that type. * * @return array * An associative array keyed by item type identifier, and containing type * information arrays with at least the following keys: * - name: A human-readable name for the type. * - datasource controller: A class implementing the * SearchApiDataSourceControllerInterface interface which will be used as * the data source controller for this type. * - entity_type: (optional) If the type represents entities, the entity type. * This is used by SearchApiAbstractDataSourceController for determining the * entity type of items. Other datasource controllers might ignore this. * Other, datasource-specific settings might also be placed here. These should * be specified with the data source controller in question. * * @see hook_search_api_item_type_info_alter() */ function hook_search_api_item_type_info() { // Copied from search_api_search_api_item_type_info(). $types = array(); foreach (entity_get_property_info() as $type => $property_info) { if ($info = entity_get_info($type)) { $types[$type] = array( 'name' => $info['label'], 'datasource controller' => 'SearchApiEntityDataSourceController', 'entity_type' => $type, ); } } return $types; } /** * Alter the item type info. * * Modules may implement this hook to alter the information that defines an * item type. All properties that are available in * hook_search_api_item_type_info() can be altered here, with the addition of * the "module" key specifying the module that originally defined the type. * * @param array $infos * The item type info array, keyed by type identifier. * * @see hook_search_api_item_type_info() */ function hook_search_api_item_type_info_alter(array &$infos) { // Adds a boolean value is_entity to all type options telling whether the item // type represents an entity type. foreach ($infos as $type => $info) { $info['is_entity'] = (bool) entity_get_info($type); } } /** * Define new data types for indexed properties. * * New data types will appear as new option for the „Type“ field on indexes' * „Fields“ tabs. Whether choosing a custom data type will have any effect * depends on the server on which the data is indexed. * * @return array * An array containing custom data type definitions, keyed by their type * identifier and containing the following keys: * - name: The human-readable name of the type. * - fallback: (optional) One of the default data types (the keys from * search_api_default_field_types()) which should be used as a fallback if * the server doesn't support this data type. Defaults to "string". * - conversion callback: (optional) If specified, a callback function for * converting raw values to the given type, if possible. For the contract * of such a callback, see example_data_type_conversion(). * * @see hook_search_api_data_type_info_alter() * @see search_api_get_data_type_info() * @see example_data_type_conversion() */ function hook_search_api_data_type_info() { return array( 'example_type' => array( 'name' => t('Example type'), // Could be omitted, as "string" is the default. 'fallback' => 'string', 'conversion callback' => 'example_data_type_conversion', ), ); } /** * Alter the data type info. * * Modules may implement this hook to alter the information that defines a data * type, or to add/remove some entirely. All properties that are available in * hook_search_api_data_type_info() can be altered here. * * @param array $infos * The data type info array, keyed by type identifier. * * @see hook_search_api_data_type_info() */ function hook_search_api_data_type_info_alter(array &$infos) { $infos['example_type']['name'] .= ' 2'; } /** * Define available data alterations. * * Registers one or more callbacks that can be called at index time to add * additional data to the indexed items (e.g. comments or attachments to nodes), * alter the data in other forms or remove items from the array. * * Data-alter callbacks (which are called "Data alterations" in the UI) are * classes implementing the SearchApiAlterCallbackInterface interface. * * @see SearchApiAlterCallbackInterface * * @return array * An associative array keyed by the callback IDs and containing arrays with * the following keys: * - name: The name to display for this callback. * - description: A short description of what the callback does. * - class: The callback class. * - weight: (optional) Defines the order in which callbacks are displayed * (and, therefore, invoked) by default. Defaults to 0. */ function hook_search_api_alter_callback_info() { $callbacks['example_random_alter'] = array( 'name' => t('Random alteration'), 'description' => t('Alters all passed item data completely randomly.'), 'class' => 'ExampleRandomAlter', 'weight' => 100, ); $callbacks['example_add_comments'] = array( 'name' => t('Add comments'), 'description' => t('For nodes and similar entities, adds comments.'), 'class' => 'ExampleAddComments', ); return $callbacks; } /** * Alter the available data alterations. * * @param array $callbacks * The callback information to be altered, keyed by callback IDs. * * @see hook_search_api_alter_callback_info() */ function hook_search_api_alter_callback_info_alter(array &$callbacks) { if (!empty($callbacks['example_random_alter'])) { $callbacks['example_random_alter']['name'] = t('Even more random alteration'); $callbacks['example_random_alter']['class'] = 'ExampleUltraRandomAlter'; } } /** * Registers one or more processors. These are classes implementing the * SearchApiProcessorInterface interface which can be used at index and search * time to pre-process item data or the search query, and at search time to * post-process the returned search results. * * @see SearchApiProcessorInterface * * @return array * An associative array keyed by the processor id and containing arrays * with the following keys: * - name: The name to display for this processor. * - description: A short description of what the processor does at each * phase. * - class: The processor class, which has to implement the * SearchApiProcessorInterface interface. * - weight: (optional) Defines the order in which processors are displayed * (and, therefore, invoked) by default. Defaults to 0. */ function hook_search_api_processor_info() { $callbacks['example_processor'] = array( 'name' => t('Example processor'), 'description' => t('Pre- and post-processes data in really cool ways.'), 'class' => 'ExampleSearchApiProcessor', 'weight' => -1, ); $callbacks['example_processor_minimal'] = array( 'name' => t('Example processor 2'), 'description' => t('Processor with minimal description.'), 'class' => 'ExampleSearchApiProcessor2', ); return $callbacks; } /** * Alter the available processors. * * @param array $processors * The processor information to be altered, keyed by processor IDs. * * @see hook_search_api_processor_info() */ function hook_search_api_processor_info_alter(array &$processors) { if (!empty($processors['example_processor'])) { $processors['example_processor']['weight'] = -20; } } /** * Allows you to log or alter the items that are indexed. * * Please be aware that generally preventing the indexing of certain items is * deprecated. This is better done with data alterations, which can easily be * configured and only added to indexes where this behaviour is wanted. * If your module will use this hook to reject certain items from indexing, * please document this clearly to avoid confusion. * * @param array $items * The entities that will be indexed (before calling any data alterations). * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The search index on which items will be indexed. */ function hook_search_api_index_items_alter(array &$items, SearchApiIndex $index) { foreach ($items as $id => $item) { if ($id % 5 == 0) { unset($items[$id]); } } example_store_indexed_entity_ids($index->item_type, array_keys($items)); } /** * Allows modules to react after items were indexed. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The used index. * @param array $item_ids * An array containing the indexed items' IDs. */ function hook_search_api_items_indexed(SearchApiIndex $index, array $item_ids) { if ($index->getEntityType() == 'node') { // Flush page cache of the search page. cache_clear_all(url('search'), 'cache_page'); } } /** * Lets modules alter a search query before executing it. * * @param SearchApiQueryInterface $query * The search query being executed. */ function hook_search_api_query_alter(SearchApiQueryInterface $query) { // Exclude entities with ID 0. (Assume the ID field is always indexed.) if ($query->getIndex()->getEntityType()) { $info = entity_get_info($query->getIndex()->getEntityType()); $query->condition($info['entity keys']['id'], 0, '!='); } } /** * Act on search servers when they are loaded. * * @param array $servers * An array of loaded SearchApiServer objects. */ function hook_search_api_server_load(array $servers) { foreach ($servers as $server) { db_insert('example_search_server_access') ->fields(array( 'server' => $server->machine_name, 'access_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); } } /** * A new search server was created. * * @param SearchApiServer $server * The new server. */ function hook_search_api_server_insert(SearchApiServer $server) { db_insert('example_search_server') ->fields(array( 'server' => $server->machine_name, 'insert_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); } /** * A search server was edited, enabled or disabled. * * @param SearchApiServer $server * The edited server. */ function hook_search_api_server_update(SearchApiServer $server) { if ($server->name != $server->original->name) { db_insert('example_search_server_name_update') ->fields(array( 'server' => $server->machine_name, 'update_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); } } /** * A search server was deleted. * * @param SearchApiServer $server * The deleted server. */ function hook_search_api_server_delete(SearchApiServer $server) { db_insert('example_search_server_update') ->fields(array( 'server' => $server->machine_name, 'update_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); db_delete('example_search_server') ->condition('server', $server->machine_name) ->execute(); } /** * Define default search servers. * * @return array * An array of default search servers, keyed by machine names. * * @see hook_default_search_api_server_alter() */ function hook_default_search_api_server() { $defaults['main'] = entity_create('search_api_server', array( 'name' => 'Main server', 'machine_name' => 'main',// Must be same as the used array key. // Other properties ... )); return $defaults; } /** * Alter default search servers. * * @param array $defaults * An array of default search servers, keyed by machine names. * * @see hook_default_search_api_server() */ function hook_default_search_api_server_alter(array &$defaults) { $defaults['main']->name = 'Customized main server'; } /** * Act on search indexes when they are loaded. * * @param array $indexes * An array of loaded SearchApiIndex objects. */ function hook_search_api_index_load(array $indexes) { foreach ($indexes as $index) { db_insert('example_search_index_access') ->fields(array( 'index' => $index->machine_name, 'access_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); } } /** * A new search index was created. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The new index. */ function hook_search_api_index_insert(SearchApiIndex $index) { db_insert('example_search_index') ->fields(array( 'index' => $index->machine_name, 'insert_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); } /** * A search index was edited in any way. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The edited index. */ function hook_search_api_index_update(SearchApiIndex $index) { if ($index->name != $index->original->name) { db_insert('example_search_index_name_update') ->fields(array( 'index' => $index->machine_name, 'update_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); } } /** * A search index was scheduled for reindexing * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The edited index. * @param $clear * Boolean indicating whether the index was also cleared. */ function hook_search_api_index_reindex(SearchApiIndex $index, $clear = FALSE) { db_insert('example_search_index_reindexed') ->fields(array( 'index' => $index->id, 'update_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); } /** * A search index was deleted. * * @param SearchApiIndex $index * The deleted index. */ function hook_search_api_index_delete(SearchApiIndex $index) { db_insert('example_search_index_update') ->fields(array( 'index' => $index->machine_name, 'update_time' => REQUEST_TIME, )) ->execute(); db_delete('example_search_index') ->condition('index', $index->machine_name) ->execute(); } /** * Define default search indexes. * * @return array * An array of default search indexes, keyed by machine names. * * @see hook_default_search_api_index_alter() */ function hook_default_search_api_index() { $defaults['main'] = entity_create('search_api_index', array( 'name' => 'Main index', 'machine_name' => 'main',// Must be same as the used array key. // Other properties ... )); return $defaults; } /** * Alter default search indexes. * * @param array $defaults * An array of default search indexes, keyed by machine names. * * @see hook_default_search_api_index() */ function hook_default_search_api_index_alter(array &$defaults) { $defaults['main']->name = 'Customized main index'; } /** * @} End of "addtogroup hooks". */ /** * Convert a raw value from an entity to a custom data type. * * This function will be called for fields of the specific data type to convert * all individual values of the field to the correct format. * * @param $value * The raw, single value, as extracted from an entity wrapper. * @param $original_type * The original Entity API type of the value. * @param $type * The custom data type to which the value should be converted. Can be ignored * if the callback is only used for a single data type. * * @return * The converted value, if a conversion could be executed. NULL otherwise. * * @see hook_search_api_data_type_info() */ function example_data_type_conversion($value, $original_type, $type) { if ($type === 'example_type') { // The example_type type apparently requires a rather complex data format. return array( 'value' => $value, 'original' => $original_type, ); } // Someone used this callback for another, unknown type. Return NULL. // (Normally, you can just assume that the/a correct type is given.) return NULL; }