'] = array( 'title' => t('Greater than'), 'short' => t('>'), 'method' => 'op_greater_than', 'values' => 1, ); $operators['<'] = array( 'title' => t('Less than'), 'short' => t('<'), 'method' => 'op_less_than', 'values' => 1, ); return $operators; } /** * Build strings from the operators() for 'select' options. */ public function operator_options($which = 'title') { $options = parent::operator_options($which); // Adjust the exposed filter options based on the component selected. if ($which === 'title') { $nid = $this->view->relationship[$this->options['relationship']]->options['webform_nid']; $cid = $this->view->relationship[$this->options['relationship']]->options['webform_cid']; if ($nid && $node = $node = node_load($nid)) { module_load_include('inc', 'webform', 'includes/webform.components'); $component = $node->webform['components'][$cid]; if (webform_component_feature($component['type'], 'views_range')) { $options['='] = t('Is'); $options['!='] = t('Is not'); $options['>'] = t('After'); $options['<'] = t('Before'); $options = array_intersect_key($options, array('=' => '=', '!=' => '!=', '>' => '>', '<' => '<')); } } } return $options; } /** * */ public function operator_values($values = 1) { $options = array(); foreach ($this->operators() as $id => $info) { if (isset($info['values']) && $info['values'] == $values) { $options[] = $id; } } return $options; } /** * Provide a simple textfield for equality. */ public function value_form(&$form, &$form_state) { // @todo: Adjust the exposed filter form based on component form. return parent::value_form($form, $form_state); } /** * */ public function op_greater_than($field) { $this->query->add_where($this->options['group'], $field, $this->value, '>'); } /** * */ public function op_less_than($field) { $this->query->add_where($this->options['group'], $field, $this->value, '<'); } }