description = t('Migrate Materio Members Account Users'); // provide better description for source fields // and add new field source not from sql $source_fields = array( 'id_login' => t('Member id from source'), 'memo'=>t('memo'), 'roles'=>t('roles'), 'user_name' => 'User name', ); $query = db_select(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.login_id', 'lid'); $query->join(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.member_id', 'mid', 'mid.id_member = lid.id_member'); // $query->join(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.locale_id', 'locid', 'lid.def_locale = locid.id_locale'); $query->join(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.member_info', 'minf', 'mid.id_member = minf.id_member'); $query ->fields('lid', array('id_login', 'status', 'date_creation', 'date_modif', 'date_end', 'type', 'email', 'news_letter', 'def_locale')) ->fields('mid', array('memo')) // ->fields('locid', array('name', 'short_name', 'suffix')) ->fields('minf', array('activity')) // ->condition('email_general', '', '<>') ->orderBy('lid.id_login', 'DESC'); // $query->groupBy('lid.id_member'); $this->source = new MigrateSourceSQL($query, $source_fields); $this->destination = new MigrateDestinationUser(); $this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName, array( 'id_login' => array( 'type' => 'int', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, 'description' => 'OLD Unique member ID', 'alias' => 'lid', ) ), MigrateDestinationUser::getKeySchema() ); // Make the mappings $this->addFieldMapping('name', 'user_name'); $this->addFieldMapping('pass')->defaultValue(NULL); $this->addFieldMapping('mail', 'email'); # NOTE : maybe if we provide only init mail, we wiil be able to ask email confirmation for users $this->addFieldMapping('init', 'email'); $this->addFieldMapping('language', 'def_locale'); $this->addFieldMapping('theme')->defaultValue(''); $this->addFieldMapping('signature')->defaultValue(''); $this->addFieldMapping('signature_format')->defaultValue('filtered_html'); $this->addFieldMapping('created', 'date_creation'); $this->addFieldMapping('access')->defaultValue(0);//, 'date_modif'); $this->addFieldMapping('login')->defaultValue(0); $this->addFieldMapping('status')->defaultValue(0); $this->addFieldMapping('picture')->defaultValue(0); $this->addFieldMapping('timezone')->defaultValue(NULL); // $this->addFieldMapping('path')->issueGroup(t('DNM')); $this->addFieldMapping('pathauto')->defaultValue(1); $this->addFieldMapping('roles', 'roles');// 7 = utilisateur, 6 = adherent, 8 = premium; ->defaultValue(array(6)); // adhérent $this->addFieldMapping('is_new')->defaultValue(TRUE); $this->addFieldMapping('field_newsletter', 'news_letter'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_memo', 'memo'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'activity'); $this->addUnmigratedDestinations(array( 'role_names', 'data', 'field_memo:language', 'field_company', 'field_company:source_type', 'field_company:create_term', 'field_company:ignore_case', 'path', )); $this->addUnmigratedSources(array( 'status', 'date_end', 'type', )); } public function prepareRow($cr) { # change roles by end date if($cr->date_end == ''){ $roles[] = 7; }else{ $today = time(); $time_end = strtotime($cr->date_end); // dsm($time_end, 'time_end'); $roles = array(); if($time_end > $today){ $roles[] = 6; }else{ $roles[] = 7; } } // dsm($roles, 'roles'); $cr->roles = $roles; #user name $cr->user_name = $this->getUserName($cr->email); // TODO: set role expiration #duplicate email if($this->checkDupEmail($cr->email)){ $memo[] = "@dup-email : ".$cr->email; } #language $cr->def_locale = $cr->def_locale == 1 ? 'en' : 'fr'; #memo $memo[] = "@imported"; #statuts $memo[] = "statut : ".$cr->status; #statuts $memo[] = "type : ".$cr->type; #statuts $memo[] = "activity : ".$cr->activity; #memo $cr->memo = implode("\n", $memo) ."\n\n". $cr->memo; return true; // return FALSE if you wish to skip a particular row } public function prepare($user, stdClass $row) { // dsm('-- prepare --'); // dsm($user, '$user'); // dsm($row, '$row'); // $node->field_private_email = array('und'=>array($row->email_contact)); } public function complete($user, $row) { // dsm('-- complete --'); // Do what you need to do to // dsm($row, '$row'); // dsm($user, '$user'); if(in_array(6, $user->roles)){ $time_end = strtotime($row->date_end); $min = strtotime('2013 01 30'); if($time_end < $min) $time_end = $min; uc_roles_grant($user, 6, $time_end, FALSE, TRUE); } } /** * helpers */ private function getUserName($email){ // Default implementation of name generation. $new_name = preg_replace('/@.*$/', '', $email); // Remove unwanted characters. $new_name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9.-]/', '', $new_name); // if username generated from email record already exists, append underscore and number eg:(chris_123) if ((bool) db_query("SELECT 1 FROM {users} WHERE LOWER(name) = LOWER(:new_name)", array(':new_name' => $new_name))->fetchField()) { $name_idx = db_query_range("SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(name,'_',-1) FROM {users} WHERE name REGEXP :search ORDER BY CAST(SUBSTRING_INDEX(name,'_',-1) AS UNSIGNED) DESC", 0, 1, array(':search' => '^' . $new_name . '_[0-9]+$'))->fetchField(); $new_name .= '_' . ($name_idx + 1); } return $new_name; } private function checkDupEmail($email){ if ((bool) db_query("SELECT 1 FROM {users} WHERE mail = :email", array(':email' => $email))->fetchField()) { return true; } return false; } } /** * MaterioIndustrialProfile2Migration */ class MaterioAdherentProfile2Migration extends MaterioBasicMigration { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); global $user; $this->description = t('Migrate Materio Member Profiles2'); // provide better description for source fields // and add new field source not from sql $source_fields = array( 'id_login' => t('Member id from source'), 'member_name' => t('Main member name'), 'member_firstname' => t('Main member first name'), 'premise'=>'', 'sub_premise'=>'', ); $query = db_select(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.login_id', 'lid'); $query->join(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.member_id', 'mid', 'mid.id_member = lid.id_member'); $query->join(MIG_MAT_SRC_DB .'.member_info', 'minf', 'mid.id_member = minf.id_member'); $query ->fields('lid', array('id_login', 'status', 'name',)) // ->fields('mid', array('memo', 'cgv')) ->fields('minf', array( 'con_title', 'con_name1', 'con_name2', 'con_quality', 'con_service', 'con_ccode1', 'con_tel1', 'organization', 'employee', 'naf', 'siret', 'web', 'address', 'city', 'zip', 'country', ) ) // ->condition('status', 'A') ->orderBy('lid.id_login', 'DESC'); // $query->groupBy('lid.id_member'); $this->source = new MigrateSourceSQL($query, $source_fields); // $this->dependencies = array('MaterioIndustrialUser'); $this->destination = new MigrateDestinationProfile2('adherent'); $this->map = new MigrateSQLMap($this->machineName, array( 'id_login' => array( 'type' => 'int', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE, 'description' => 'OLD Unique Member ID', 'alias' => 'lid', ) ), MigrateDestinationProfile2::getKeySchema() ); // Connecting the profile2 to the user: $this->addFieldMapping('uid', 'id_login') ->sourceMigration('MaterioAdherentUser') // If your user migration class was named 'MyUserMigration', the string is 'MyUser' ->description(t('The assignment of profile2-items to the respective Adherent user')); $this->addFieldMapping('revision_uid', 'id_login') ->sourceMigration('MaterioAdherentUser'); // Make the mappings $this->addFieldMapping('language')->defaultValue(''); $this->addFieldMapping('field_name', 'member_name'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_first_name', 'member_firstname'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'con_name1'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'con_name2'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'name'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_private_quality', 'con_quality'); // $this->addFieldMapping('field_private_name_title', 'con_title'); $arguments = array( 'number' => array('source_field' => 'con_tel1'), ); $this->addFieldMapping('field_private_phone', 'con_ccode1') ->arguments($arguments); // field_private_phone:number // field_private_phone:extension $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'con_tel1'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'status'); $arguments = array( 'thoroughfare' => array('source_field' => 'address'), 'premise' => array('source_field' => 'premise'), 'sub_premise' => array('source_field' => 'sub_premise'), 'locality' => array('source_field' => 'city'), 'postal_code' => array('source_field' => 'zip'), ); $this->addFieldMapping('field_adresse', 'country') ->arguments($arguments); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'address'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'premise'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'sub_premise'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'city'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'zip'); $this->addFieldMapping(NULL, 'country'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_organization', 'organization'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_service', 'con_service'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_employee', 'employee'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_naf', 'naf'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_siret', 'siret'); $this->addFieldMapping('field_user_website', 'web'); $this->addUnmigratedDestinations(array( 'field_private_quality:language', 'field_first_name:language', 'field_name:language', 'field_organization:language', 'field_activity:language', 'field_service:language', 'field_naf:language', 'field_siret:language', 'field_private_phone:number', 'field_private_phone:extension', )); } public function prepareRow($cr) { if($cr->status == 'A'){ # nom prenom $cr->member_name = $cr->con_name1; $cr->member_firstname = $cr->con_name2; #telephone if($cr->con_ccode1 != ''){ $ccs = cck_phone_countrycodes(); $cc_founded = false; foreach ($ccs as $cc => $cc_values) { if('+'.preg_replace('/^\+/', '', trim($cr->con_ccode1)) == $cc_values['code']){ $cr->con_ccode1 = $cc; $cc_founded = true; break; } } if(!$cc_founded){ // dsm($cr->con_ccode1, '$cr->con_ccode1'); $cr->con_ccode1 = null; } } }else{ $name = explode(' ', $cr->name); $cr->member_name = array_shift($name); $cr->member_firstname = implode(' ', $name); $cr->con_quality = ''; $cr->con_title = ''; $cr->con_ccode1 = ''; $cr->con_tel1 = ''; } $cr->organization = trim($cr->organization); $cr->address = preg_replace('/\\n/', ', ', $cr->address); if(strlen($cr->address) > 255){ $adress = $cr->address; $cr->address = substr($adress, 0, 250); $cr->premise = substr($adress, 250, 500); $sub = substr($adress, 500, 750); $cr->sub_premise = $sub ? $sub : ''; }else{ $cr->premise = ''; $cr->sub_premise = ''; } $cr->city = preg_replace('/\\n/', ' ', $cr->city); if($cr->country != ''){ require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/includes/'; $countries = country_get_list(); $c_founded = false; foreach ($countries as $cc => $c) { if(stristr($cr->country, $c)){ $cr->country = $cc; $c_founded = true; break; } } if(!$c_founded){ $nonISO_cc = array( 'liban' => 'LB', 'uk' => 'GB', 'usa' => 'US', 'korea, south' => 'KR', 'brésil' => 'BR', ); foreach ($nonISO_cc as $n => $cc) { if(stristr($cr->country, $n)){ $cr->country = $cc; $c_founded = true; break; } } if(!$c_founded){ // dsm($cr->country, '$cr->country'); $cr->country = null; } } } return TRUE; // return FALSE if you wish to skip a particular row } // public function prepare($node, stdClass $row) { // // dsm('-- prepare --'); // // dsm($node, '$node'); // // dsm($row, '$row'); // // // $node->field_private_email = array('und'=>array($row->email_contact)); // // } }