0))) && function_exists('drush_main'); } /** * Exit from drush execution. */ function elysia_cron_drush_die() { drush_set_context('DRUSH_EXECUTION_COMPLETED', TRUE); drupal_exit(); } /** * Wrapper for drush_invoke(). */ function elysia_cron_drush_invoke() { $args = drush_get_arguments(); array_shift($args); // If drush command has no arguments or the first argument is not in the // list of allowed operations then we assume the cron execution. if (empty($args) || !in_array($args[0], array('list', 'run', 'enable', 'disable'))) { $args = array('run'); } call_user_func_array('drush_elysia_cron_run_wrapper', $args); elysia_cron_drush_die(); } /** * Implements hook_drush_command(). */ function elysia_cron_drush_command() { $items['elysia-cron'] = array( 'description' => dt('Run all cron tasks in all active modules for specified site using elysia cron system. This replaces the standard "core-cron" drush handler.'), 'callback' => 'drush_elysia_cron_run_wrapper', 'arguments' => array( 'op' => 'Operation: list, run, disable, enable', 'target' => 'Target of operation (optional): usually a task name or a channel name starting with "@"', ), 'examples' => array( 'elysia-cron run' => 'Run all cron tasks in all active modules (as the standard "core-cron")', 'elysia-cron run --verbose' => 'Run all cron tasks in verbose mode', 'elysia-cron run @channel' => 'Run all cron tasks in specified channel', 'elysia-cron run search_cron --ignore-time' => 'Run only search index build task (force execution)', 'elysia-cron list --elysia-cron-verbose' => 'List all channels/tasks in verbose mode', 'elysia-cron disable search_cron' => 'Disable search index build task', ), 'options' => array( 'quiet' => 'suppress all output', 'verbose' => 'enable extended output', 'elysia-cron-verbose' => 'enable extended output (the same as --verbose, but without enabling drush verbose mode)', 'ignore-disable' => 'run channels/tasks even if disabled', 'ignore-time' => 'run channels/tasks even if not ready for execution', 'ignore-running' => 'run channels/tasks even if already running', ), 'bootstrap' => DRUSH_BOOTSTRAP_DRUPAL_FULL, ); return $items; } /** * Custom callback for 'elysia-cron' drush command. */ function drush_elysia_cron_run_wrapper($op = FALSE, $target = FALSE) { global $_elysia_cron_drush; if (variable_get('maintenance_mode', FALSE)) { if (!variable_get('elysia_cron_run_maintenance', FALSE)) { drush_set_error('Cron run is not allowed in maintenance mode'); return; } } $quiet = drush_get_option('quiet', FALSE); $verbose = drush_get_option('verbose', FALSE); if (!$verbose) { $verbose = drush_get_option('elysia-cron-verbose', FALSE); } $_elysia_cron_drush = $quiet ? 1 : !$verbose ? 2 : 3; switch ($op) { case 'list': global $_elysia_cron_settings_by_channel; elysia_cron_initialize(); foreach ($_elysia_cron_settings_by_channel as $channel => $jobs) { $lines = array(); if (!$verbose) { $line = array('@' . $channel); } else { $line = array('Channel: @' . $channel); if ($running = elysia_cron_is_channel_running($channel)) { $line[] = dt('Running, since !time', array('!time' => elysia_cron_date($running))); } if (!empty($jobs['#data']['disabled'])) { $line[] = dt('Disabled'); } if (!$running) { $line[] = dt('Last run: !time', array('!time' => elysia_cron_date(_ec_variable_get('elysia_cron_last_run', 0)))); } } drush_print(implode($line, ', ')); foreach ($jobs as $job => $conf) { $line = array(); if (strpos($job, '#') !== 0) { if (!$verbose) { drush_print($job); } else { $line['name'] = $job; $line['status'] = empty($conf['disabled']) ? dt('Enabled') : dt('Disabled'); $line['run_status'] = empty($conf['running']) && elysia_cron_should_run($conf) ? dt('Ready to run') : dt('Waiting'); $line['run_status'] = !empty($conf['running']) ? dt('Running, since !time', array('!time' => elysia_cron_date($conf['running']))) : $line['run_status']; $line['last_run'] = !empty($conf['last_run']) ? dt('Last run: !time', array('!time' => elysia_cron_date($conf['last_run']))) : ''; $lines[] = $line; } } } if ($lines) { drush_print_table($lines); } } break; case 'run': if (empty($target)) { elysia_cron_run(FALSE, drush_get_option('ignore-disable', FALSE), drush_get_option('ignore-time', FALSE), drush_get_option('ignore-running', FALSE)); } elseif (strpos($target, '@') === 0) { elysia_cron_initialize(); if (elysia_cron_channel_exists(substr($target, 1))) { elysia_cron_run_channel(substr($target, 1), drush_get_option('ignore-disable', FALSE), drush_get_option('ignore-time', FALSE), drush_get_option('ignore-running', FALSE)); } else { drush_set_error('Channel ' . substr($target, 1) . ' does not exists'); } } else { elysia_cron_initialize(); if (elysia_cron_job_exists($target)) { elysia_cron_run_job($target, drush_get_option('ignore-disable', FALSE), drush_get_option('ignore-time', FALSE), drush_get_option('ignore-running', FALSE)); } else { drush_set_error('Job ' . $target . ' does not exists'); } } break; case 'disable': case 'enable': if (!empty($target)) { if (strpos($target, '@') === 0) { elysia_cron_set_channel_disabled(substr($target, 1), $op == 'disable'); } else { elysia_cron_set_job_disabled($target, $op == 'disable'); } drush_log('Done', 'ok'); } else { drush_set_error('Target not specified'); } break; default: drush_print_help(drush_get_command()); break; } }