# French translation of AdaptiveTheme (7.x-1.2)
# Copyright (c) 2011 by the French translation team
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: AdaptiveTheme (7.x-1.2)\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-08-05 14:37+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM+ZZZZ\n"
"Language-Team: French\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n!=1);\n"

msgid "Development"
msgstr "Développement"
msgid "More"
msgstr "Plus"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
msgid "Home page"
msgstr "Page d'accueil"
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Catégories"
msgid "logo"
msgstr "logo"
msgid "Types"
msgstr "Types"
msgid "‹ "
msgstr "‹ "
msgid "Go to previous page"
msgstr "Aller à la page précédente"
msgid "up"
msgstr "haut"
msgid "Go to parent page"
msgstr "Aller à la page parente"
msgid " ›"
msgstr " ›"
msgid "Go to next page"
msgstr "Aller à la page suivante"
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Mots-clés"
msgid "Advanced search"
msgstr "Recherche avancée"
msgid "Breadcrumb"
msgstr "Fil d'Ariane"
msgid "Header"
msgstr "En-tête"
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "Pied de page"
msgid "URL:"
msgstr "URL :"
msgid "Updated:"
msgstr "Mis à jour :"
msgid "User login"
msgstr "Connexion utilisateur"
msgid "Search Results"
msgstr "Résultats de recherche"
msgid "Display breadcrumb"
msgstr "Afficher le fil d'Ariane"
msgid "Breadcrumb separator"
msgstr "Séparateur du fil d'Ariane"
msgid "Request new password"
msgstr "Demander un nouveau mot de passe"
msgid "Languages"
msgstr "Langues"
msgid "Create new account"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau compte"
msgid "Unpublished"
msgstr "non publié"
msgid "You are here"
msgstr "Vous êtes ici"
msgid "CSS Classes"
msgstr "Classes CSS"
msgid "Page width"
msgstr "Largeur de la page"
msgid "Permalink"
msgstr "Permalien"
msgid "Skip to main content"
msgstr "Aller au contenu principal"
msgid "Containing any of the words"
msgstr "Contenant n'importe lequel des mots"
msgid "Containing the phrase"
msgstr "Contenant l'expression"
msgid "Containing none of the words"
msgstr "Ne contenant aucun des mots"
msgid "Login Block"
msgstr "Block de connexion utilisateur"
msgid "Main Content"
msgstr "Contenu principal"
msgid "Display text snippet"
msgstr "Afficher les extraits de texte"
msgid "Display content type"
msgstr "Afficher le type de contenu"
msgid "Display author name"
msgstr "Afficher le nom de l'auteur"
msgid "Display posted date"
msgstr "Afficher la date de publication"
msgid "Display comment count"
msgstr "Afficher le nombre de commentaires"
msgid "Display attachment count"
msgstr "Afficher le compteur de fichiers attachés"
msgid "Secondary"
msgstr "Secondaire"
msgid "Text only. Dont forget to include spaces."
msgstr "Texte seulement. Ne pas oublier d'inclure les espaces."
msgid "Page top"
msgstr "Haut de page"
msgid "Page bottom"
msgstr "Bas de page"
msgid "Sidebar first"
msgstr "Première barre latérale"
msgid "Page Layout"
msgstr "Mise en page"
msgid "Horizontal Login Block"
msgstr "Block de connexion utilisateur horizontal"
msgid "100%"
msgstr "100%"
msgid "95%"
msgstr "95%"
msgid "90%"
msgstr "90%"
msgid "85%"
msgstr "85%"
msgid "Submitted by !username on !datetime"
msgstr "Soumis par !username le !datetime"
msgid "AT Subtheme"
msgstr "Sous-thème AT"
msgid "80%"
msgstr "80 %"
msgid "Search info separator"
msgstr "Séparateur des résultats de recherche"
msgid ""
"Modify the separator. The default is a hypen with a space before and "
msgstr ""
"Modifier le séparateur. Le tiret est utilisé par défaut avec une "
"espace avant et après."
msgid "Comments: "
msgstr "Commentaires : "
msgid "Menu Bar"
msgstr "Barre de menu"
msgid "Highlighted"
msgstr "Mis en évidence"
msgid "Sidebar second"
msgstr "Seconde barre latérale"
msgid "Sidebar first width"
msgstr "Largeur de la première colonne"
msgid "Sidebar last width"
msgstr "Largeur de la dernière colonne"
msgid "Modify Links"
msgstr "Liens de modification"
msgid ""
"<strong>Layout #1</strong> <span class=\"layout-type-0\">Standard "
"three column layout — Sidebar first | Content | Sidebar last</span>"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Mise en page #1</strong> <span class=\"layout-type-0\">Mise en "
"page standard en trois colonnes — Première colonne | Zone de "
"contenu | Dernière colonne</span>"
msgid ""
"<strong>Layout #2</strong> <span class=\"layout-type-1\">Two columns "
"on the right — Content | Sidebar first | Sidebar last</span>"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Mise en page #2</strong> <span class=\"layout-type-0\">Deux "
"colonnes sur la droite— Zone de contenu | Première colonne | "
"Dernière colonne</span>"
msgid ""
"<strong>Layout #3</strong> <span class=\"layout-type-2\">Two columns "
"on the left — Sidebar first | Sidebar last | Content</span>"
msgstr ""
"<strong>Mise en page #3</strong> <span class=\"layout-type-0\">Deux "
"colonnes sur la gauche— Première colonne | Dernière colonne | Zone "
"de contenu</span>"
msgid "Show the homepage link in breadcrumbs"
msgstr "Afficher le lien vers la page d'accueil dans le fil d'Ariane."
msgid "Tertiary"
msgstr "Tertiaire"
msgid "Primary navigation"
msgstr "Navigation principale"
msgid "Secondary navigation"
msgstr "Navigation secondaire"
msgid ""
"Use these settings to set the width of the page, each sidebar, and to "
"set the position of sidebars."
msgstr ""
"Utiliser ces paramètres pour définir la largeur de la page, la "
"largeur et la position de chaque colonne."
msgid "Sidebar Position"
msgstr "Position de la colonne"
msgid ""
"These settings allow you to add or remove CSS classes and markup from "
"the output. WARNING: These settings are for the theme developer! "
"Changing these settings may break your site. Make sure you really know "
"what you are doing before changing these."
msgstr ""
"Ces paramètres permettent d'ajouter ou de retirer les classes CSS et "
"les balises HTML au code de la page. ATTENTION : Ces paramètres sont "
"destinés au développeur du thème du site ! Changer ces réglages "
"pourraient dénaturer votre site. Assurez-vous de savoir ce que vous "
"faites si vous effectuez des modifications ici."
msgid ""
"Adaptivetheme prints many heplful classes for templates by default - "
"these settings allow you to expand on these by adding extra classes to "
"pages, articles, comments, blocks, menus and item lists."
msgstr ""
"Adaptivetheme ajoute de nombreuses classes utiles par défaut - pour "
"aller plus loin, ces paramètres vous autorisent à ajouter des "
"classes supplémentaires aux pages, aux articles, aux commentaires, "
"aux blocs, aux menus et aux listes."
msgid "Pages: "
msgstr "Pages : "
msgid "Articles: "
msgstr "Articles : "
msgid "Blocks: "
msgstr "Blocs : "
msgid "Menus: "
msgstr "Menus : "
msgid "Item-lists: "
msgstr "Listes : "