label = t('Renew purchased files'); $rule->active = TRUE; $rule->event('uc_order_status_update'); $rule->condition('data_is', array('data:select' => 'updated_order:order-status', 'value' => 'payment_received')) ->action('uc_file_order_renew', array( 'order:select' => 'updated_order', )); $configs['uc_file_renewal'] = $rule; // Notify the user when a file is granted. $rule = rules_reaction_rule(); $rule->label = t('Notify customer when a file is granted'); $rule->active = TRUE; $rule->event('uc_file_notify_grant'); $rule->action('uc_file_order_email', array( 'order:select' => 'order', 'expiration:select' => 'expiration', 'from' => uc_store_email_from(), 'addresses' => '[order:email]', 'subject' => t("File Downloads for Order# [order:order-id]"), 'message' => t("Your order (order# [order:link]) at [store:name] included file download(s). You may access them with the following link(s):\n\n[expiration:downloads]\n\nAfter downloading these files these links will have expired. If you need to download the files again, you can login at [site:login-link] and visit the \"My Account\" section of the site.\n\nThanks again, \n\n[store:name]\n[site:slogan]"), 'format' => filter_default_format(), )); $configs['uc_file_notify_grant_trigger'] = $rule; return $configs; }