/** * @file * Modifies the file selection and download access expiration interfaces. */ var uc_file_list = {}; /** * Adds files to delete to the list. */ function _uc_file_delete_list_populate() { jQuery('.affected-file-name').empty().append(uc_file_list[jQuery('#edit-recurse-directories').attr('checked')]); } jQuery(document).ready( function() { _uc_file_delete_list_populate(); } ); // When you (un)check the recursion option on the file deletion form. Drupal.behaviors.ucFileDeleteList = { attach: function(context, settings) { jQuery('#edit-recurse-directories:not(.ucFileDeleteList-processed)', context).addClass('ucFileDeleteList-processed').change( function() { _uc_file_delete_list_populate() } ); } } /** * Give visual feedback to the user about download numbers. * * TODO: would be to use AJAX to get the new download key and * insert it into the link if the user hasn't exceeded download limits. * I dunno if that's technically feasible though. */ function uc_file_update_download(id, accessed, limit) { if (accessed < limit || limit == -1) { // Handle the max download number as well. var downloads = ''; downloads += accessed + 1; downloads += '/'; downloads += limit == -1 ? 'Unlimited' : limit; jQuery('td#download-' + id).html(downloads); jQuery('td#download-' + id).attr("onclick", ""); } }