TRUE, 'include_inactive' => TRUE)); drupal_load('module', 'field_sql_storage'); foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['storage']['type'] == 'field_sql_storage') { $schema += _field_sql_storage_schema($field); } } } return $schema; } /** * Utility function: write field data directly to SQL storage. * * This function can be used for databases whose schema is at field module * version 7000 or higher. * * @ingroup update-api-6.x-to-7.x */ function _update_7000_field_sql_storage_write($entity_type, $bundle, $entity_id, $revision_id, $field_name, $data) { $table_name = "field_data_{$field_name}"; $revision_name = "field_revision_{$field_name}"; db_delete($table_name) ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type) ->condition('entity_id', $entity_id) ->execute(); db_delete($revision_name) ->condition('entity_type', $entity_type) ->condition('entity_id', $entity_id) ->condition('revision_id', $revision_id) ->execute(); $columns = array(); foreach ($data as $langcode => $items) { foreach ($items as $delta => $item) { $record = array( 'entity_type' => $entity_type, 'entity_id' => $entity_id, 'revision_id' => $revision_id, 'bundle' => $bundle, 'delta' => $delta, 'language' => $langcode, ); foreach ($item as $column => $value) { $record[_field_sql_storage_columnname($field_name, $column)] = $value; } $records[] = $record; // Record the columns used. $columns += $record; } } if ($columns) { $query = db_insert($table_name)->fields(array_keys($columns)); $revision_query = db_insert($revision_name)->fields(array_keys($columns)); foreach ($records as $record) { $query->values($record); if ($revision_id) { $revision_query->values($record); } } $query->execute(); $revision_query->execute(); } } /** * @addtogroup updates-6.x-to-7.x * @{ */ /** * Field SQL storage update version placeholder. */ function field_sql_storage_update_7000() { // Some update helper functions (such as // _update_7000_field_sql_storage_write()) modify the database directly. They // can be used safely only if the database schema matches the field module // schema established for Drupal 7.0 (i.e. version 7000). This function exists // solely to set the schema version to 7000, so that update functions calling // those helpers can do so safely by declaring a dependency on // field_sql_storage_update_7000(). } /** * Remove the field_config_entity_type table and store 'entity_type' strings. */ function field_sql_storage_update_7001(&$sandbox) { if (!isset($sandbox['progress'])) { // Collect current etids. $sandbox['etids'] = db_query('SELECT etid, type FROM {field_config_entity_type}')->fetchAllKeyed(); // Collect affected tables: field data, field revision data, 'deleted' // tables. $sandbox['tables'] = array(); $results = db_select('field_config', 'fc', array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) ->fields('fc') ->condition('storage_module', 'field_sql_storage') ->execute(); foreach ($results as $field) { if ($field['deleted']) { $sandbox['tables']["field_deleted_data_{$field['id']}"] = 'data'; $sandbox['tables']["field_deleted_revision_{$field['id']}"] = 'revision'; } else { $sandbox['tables']["field_data_{$field['field_name']}"] = 'data'; $sandbox['tables']["field_revision_{$field['field_name']}"] = 'revision'; } } reset($sandbox['tables']); $sandbox['total'] = count($sandbox['tables']); $sandbox['progress'] = 0; } if ($sandbox['tables']) { // Grab the next table to process. $table = key($sandbox['tables']); $type = array_shift($sandbox['tables']); if (db_table_exists($table)) { // Add the 'entity_type' column. if (!db_field_exists($table, 'entity_type')) { $column = array( 'type' => 'varchar', 'length' => 128, 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => '', 'description' => 'The entity type this data is attached to.', ); db_add_field($table, 'entity_type', $column); // Populate the 'entity_type' column based on the 'etid' column. foreach ($sandbox['etids'] as $etid => $entity_type) { db_update($table) ->fields(array('entity_type' => $entity_type)) ->condition('etid', $etid) ->execute(); } // Index the new column. db_add_index($table, 'entity_type', array('entity_type')); } // Use the 'entity_type' column in the primary key. db_drop_primary_key($table); $primary_keys = array( 'data' => array('entity_type', 'entity_id', 'deleted', 'delta', 'language'), 'revision' => array('entity_type', 'entity_id', 'revision_id', 'deleted', 'delta', 'language'), ); db_add_primary_key($table, $primary_keys[$type]); // Drop the 'etid' column. if (db_field_exists($table, 'etid')) { db_drop_field($table, 'etid'); } } // Report progress. $sandbox['progress']++; $sandbox['#finished'] = min(0.99, $sandbox['progress'] / $sandbox['total']); } else { // No more tables left: drop the field_config_entity_type table. db_drop_table('field_config_entity_type'); // Drop the previous 'field_sql_storage_ENTITYTYPE_etid' system variables. foreach ($sandbox['etids'] as $etid => $entity_type) { variable_del('field_sql_storage_' . $entity_type . '_etid'); } // We're done. $sandbox['#finished'] = 1; } } /** * Fix primary keys in field revision data tables. */ function field_sql_storage_update_7002() { $results = db_select('field_config', 'fc', array('fetch' => PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) ->fields('fc') ->condition('storage_module', 'field_sql_storage') ->execute(); foreach ($results as $field) { // Revision tables of deleted fields do not need to be fixed, since no new // data is written to them. if (!$field['deleted']) { $table = "field_revision_{$field['field_name']}"; db_drop_primary_key($table); db_add_primary_key($table, array('entity_type', 'entity_id', 'revision_id', 'deleted', 'delta', 'language')); } } } /** * @} End of "addtogroup updates-6.x-to-7.x". */