array( 'title' => t('Use Remove Duplicates'), 'restrict access' => TRUE, ), ); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function remove_duplicates_menu() { // Titles and Descriptions should no longer be wrapped in t(). // See : $items['admin/config/content/remove_duplicates'] = array( 'title' => 'Remove Duplicates', 'description' => 'Delete Duplicate Nodes', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('remove_duplicates_settings_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer remove_duplicates'), 'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM, ); return $items; } /** * Form constructor for the module. * * Form constructor for the module settings page (step 1/2) * and confirm settings page (step 2/2). * * @see remove_duplicates_settings_submit() * * @ingroup forms. */ function remove_duplicates_settings_form($form, &$form_state) { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Be careful, you might be losing data! I recommend doing a backup before removing duplicates.'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'warning', FALSE); if (!empty($form_state['storage']['confirm'])) { // Form constructor for the module settings confirmation page (Step 2/2). $form = remove_duplicates_build_confirm_settings_form($form, $form_state); } else { // Form constructor for the module settings page (Step 1/2). $form = remove_duplicates_build_settings_form($form, $form_state); } return $form; } /** * Implements hook_form_submit(). * * Processing the settings form or the settings * confirmation form according to confirm state. */ function remove_duplicates_settings_form_submit($form, &$form_state) { if (!empty($form_state['storage']['confirm'])) { // Processing the module settings confirmation form // (Processing form from step 2/2). remove_duplicates_confirm_settings_form_submit_process($form, $form_state); } else { // Processing the module settings form // (Processing form from step 1/2). remove_duplicates_settings_form_submit_process($form, $form_state); } } /** * Form constructor for the module settings page (Step 1/2). * * @see remove_duplicates_settings_form_submit() * * @ingroup forms. */ function remove_duplicates_build_settings_form($form, &$form_state) { $message = t('All actions are logged in Reports >> Recent log messages.'); $form['message'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '

' . $message . '

', ); $node_types = node_type_get_names(); $node_types_fields = _remove_duplicates_get_node_types_fields(); $form['remove_duplicates_node_types'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select a node type.'), '#options' => $node_types, '#default_value' => variable_get('remove_duplicates_node_types', array('page')), '#description' => t('Select the node type from which duplicates are going to be found.'), ); foreach ($node_types_fields as $machine_name => $node_type_fields) { $form[$machine_name . '_node_fields'] = array( '#type' => 'select', '#title' => t('Select a field from this node type.'), '#options' => $node_type_fields, '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="remove_duplicates_node_types"]' => array('value' => $machine_name), ), ), '#description' => t('Select the field which is going to be used to find duplicates for this node type .'), ); } $options = array( 0 => t('Display results as a list (with duplicates to remove autoselection)'), 1 => t('Display results as a table (with duplicates to remove autoselection)'), 2 => t('Display results as a tableselect (with duplicates to remove manual selection)'), ); $form['remove_duplicates_select_results_layout'] = array( '#type' => 'radios', '#title' => t('Results layout'), '#default_value' => 2, '#options' => $options, '#description' => t('You can choose between three layouts to display found duplicates.'), ); $form['remove_duplicates_case_sensitive'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('The search for duplicate nodes IS case sensitive.'), '#default_value' => TRUE, '#description' => t('If checked, duplicates search will be case sensitive.'), ); $form['remove_duplicates_prioritize_published'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Keep at least one published node.'), '#default_value' => TRUE, '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="remove_duplicates_select_results_layout"]' => array('!value' => 2), ), 'invisible' => array( ':input[name="remove_duplicates_select_results_layout"]' => array('value' => 2), ), ), '#description' => t('At least one published node among the duplicates found will be kept. If unchecked, there will be no status check among duplicates.'), ); $warning = t('PHP settings limit the maximum post size. If you have 1000+ duplicates found, increase your max post size setting to insure that the whole duplicate selection will be sent to the batch.'); $form['warning'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '

' . $warning . '

', '#states' => array( 'visible' => array( ':input[name="remove_duplicates_select_results_layout"]' => array('value' => 2), ), ), ); $form['message'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => '

' . $message . '

', ); $form['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Find Duplicates'), ); return $form; } /** * Processing the settings form (Processing step 1/2). * * If the settings form has not been confirmed, * the confirm form is set to be built. * * @see remove_duplicates_settings_form() */ function remove_duplicates_settings_form_submit_process($form, &$form_state) { if (empty($form_state['storage']['confirm'])) { $form_state['rebuild'] = TRUE; $form_state['storage']['confirm'] = TRUE; } } /** * Form constructor for the module settings confirmation page (Step 2/2). * * @see remove_duplicates_confirm_settings_form_submit() * * @ingroup forms. */ function remove_duplicates_build_confirm_settings_form($form, &$form_state) { if (isset($form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_node_types'])) { // Set node type hidden field. $node_type_machine_name = $form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_node_types']; $form['remove_duplicates_node_types'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $node_type_machine_name, ); if (isset($form_state['values'][$node_type_machine_name . '_node_fields'])) { $form[$node_type_machine_name . '_node_fields'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $form_state['values'][$node_type_machine_name . '_node_fields'], ); $node_field_machine_name = $form_state['values'][$node_type_machine_name . '_node_fields']; $prioritize_published_nodes = $form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_prioritize_published']; $case_sensitive = $form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_case_sensitive']; // Display found duplicates. switch ($form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_select_results_layout']) { case 1: $output = _remove_duplicates_get_table_output($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive); break; case 2: $output = _remove_duplicates_get_tableselect_output($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive); break; default: $output = _remove_duplicates_get_list_output($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive); } // The field name is not very explicit but short to insure // that the post size won't be too big even with a large // number of duplicates selected. Previously named : // remove_duplicates_duplicates_to_remove $form['r'] = $output['#element']; // End Of Display. if (empty($output['#proceed'])) { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Everything went fine. No duplicates were found.'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message); $form_state['storage']['confirm'] = FALSE; } if (isset($form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_prioritize_published'])) { $form['remove_duplicates_prioritize_published'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_prioritize_published'], ); } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Priority not set. No duplicates were deleted.'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); $form_state['storage']['confirm'] = FALSE; } if (isset($form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_case_sensitive'])) { $form['remove_duplicates_case_sensitive'] = array( '#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_case_sensitive'], ); } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Case sensitivity not set. No duplicates were deleted.'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); $form_state['storage']['confirm'] = FALSE; } } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Node field not set. No duplicates were deleted.'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); $form_state['storage']['confirm'] = FALSE; } } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Node type not set. No duplicates were deleted.'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); $form_state['storage']['confirm'] = FALSE; } if (!empty($form_state['storage']['confirm'])) { $form = confirm_form( $form, t('Are you sure you want to remove duplicates ?'), 'admin/config/content/remove_duplicates', t('Found duplicates are going to be permanently removed.'), t('Remove Duplicates'), t('Cancel') ); } else { $form['actions']['cancel'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#markup' => l(t('Cancel'), 'admin/config/content/remove_duplicates'), ); } return $form; } /** * Processing the settings form (Processing step 2/2). * * If the settings form has been confirmed, the batch is started. */ function remove_duplicates_confirm_settings_form_submit_process($form, &$form_state) { if (!empty($form_state['storage']['confirm'])) { if (isset($form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_node_types'])) { $node_types = node_type_get_names(); $node_type_machine_name = $form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_node_types']; if (isset($node_types[$node_type_machine_name])) { if (isset($form_state['values'][$node_type_machine_name . '_node_fields'])) { $node_field_info = field_info_instances('node', $node_type_machine_name); $node_field_machine_name = $form_state['values'][$node_type_machine_name . '_node_fields']; if ((is_array($node_field_info) && isset($node_field_info[$node_field_machine_name])) || ($node_field_machine_name == 'title')) { $prioritize_published_nodes = ((empty($form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_prioritize_published'])) ? FALSE : TRUE); $case_sensitive = ((empty($form_state['values']['remove_duplicates_case_sensitive'])) ? FALSE : TRUE); $nodes_marked_as_removable = ((empty($form_state['values']['r'])) ? array() : $form_state['values']['r']); $batch = array( 'title' => t('Searching for Duplicates'), 'operations' => array( array( 'remove_duplicates_batch_operation', array( $node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive, $nodes_marked_as_removable, ), ), ), 'progress_message' => t('Work In Progress...'), 'error_message' => t('An Error Has Occured'), 'finished' => 'remove_duplicates_batch_finished', ); // Watchdog message should not be wrapped in t(). // See : watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - Remove Duplicates batch start', array(), WATCHDOG_INFO); batch_set($batch); } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Node field selected not found. No duplicates were deleted'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); } } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('No field selected. No duplicates were deleted'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); } } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Node type selected not found. No duplicates were deleted'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); } } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('No node type selected. No duplicates were deleted'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); } } } /** * Operation for batch_set(). * * @param string $node_type_machine_name * The node type to fetch. * * @param string $node_field_machine_name * The {field} used to group nodes and therefore create sets * of duplicate nodes. * * @param bool $prioritize_published_nodes * If TRUE, the last published node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * Otherwise, the first node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * * @param bool $case_sensitive * If TRUE, duplicates detection is case sensitive * Otherwise, duplicates detection is case insensitive. * * @param array $nodes_marked_as_removable * [Optional] An array of nids to remove. * Provided when using custom tableselect output. */ function remove_duplicates_batch_operation($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive, $nodes_marked_as_removable, &$context) { if (isset($context['sandbox']) && isset($context['sandbox']['nodes_to_remove'])) { $nodes_to_remove = $context['sandbox']['nodes_to_remove']; } else { $nodes_to_remove = _remove_duplicates_get_nodes_ids_to_remove($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive, $nodes_marked_as_removable); } if (empty($context['sandbox'])) { $context['sandbox']['current'] = 0; $context['sandbox']['progress'] = 0; $context['sandbox']['max'] = count($nodes_to_remove); $context['sandbox']['nodes_to_remove'] = $nodes_to_remove; } if (empty($nodes_to_remove)) { $context['finished'] = 1; if (isset($context['sandbox']) && isset($context['sandbox']['nodes_to_remove'])) { unset($context['sandbox']['nodes_to_remove']); } } else { $limit = 5; if (count($nodes_to_remove) < $limit) { $limit = count($nodes_to_remove); } $preserve_keys = TRUE; $nodes_to_remove = array_slice($nodes_to_remove, 0, $limit, $preserve_keys); if (count($nodes_to_remove)) { $nodes_to_remove_nids = array(); foreach ($nodes_to_remove as $node_to_remove) { if (is_object($node_to_remove)) { if ($node_to_remove->nid) { $nodes_to_remove_nids[$node_to_remove->nid] = $node_to_remove->nid; } watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - Duplicate node @nid deleted : @title | updated on @changed | created on @created.', array( '@nid' => (isset($node_to_remove->nid)) ? $node_to_remove->nid : NULL, '@title' => (isset($node_to_remove->title)) ? $node_to_remove->title : NULL, '@changed' => (isset($node_to_remove->changed)) ? format_date($node_to_remove->changed) : NULL, '@created' => (isset($node_to_remove->created)) ? format_date($node_to_remove->created) : NULL, ), WATCHDOG_DEBUG); } } node_delete_multiple($nodes_to_remove_nids); foreach ($nodes_to_remove_nids as $nid) { if (isset($context['sandbox']['nodes_to_remove']) && isset($context['sandbox']['nodes_to_remove'][$nid])) { unset($context['sandbox']['nodes_to_remove'][$nid]); } } } $context['sandbox']['progress'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] + $limit; if ($context['sandbox']['progress'] != $context['sandbox']['max'] && $context['sandbox']['max'] != 0) { $context['finished'] = $context['sandbox']['progress'] / $context['sandbox']['max']; } else { $context['finished'] = 0.99; } } $context['results']['processed'] = $context['sandbox']['progress']; } /** * Callback for batch_set(). * * @param bool $success * A boolean indicating whether the batch operation successfully concluded. * @param int $results * The results from the batch process. * @param array $operations * The batch operations that remained unprocessed. Only relevant if $success * is FALSE. * * @ingroup callbacks */ function remove_duplicates_batch_finished($success, $results, $operations) { if (empty($success)) { $remove_duplicates_message = t('Everything went fine. No duplicates deleted'); watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - Remove Duplicates batch end. No duplicates deleted.', array(), WATCHDOG_INFO); } else { $remove_duplicates_message = t('@processed duplicates deleted.', array('@processed' => ((string) $results['processed']))); watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - Remove Duplicates batch end. @processed duplicates deleted.', array('@processed' => ((string) $results['processed'])), WATCHDOG_INFO); } drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message); } /** * Get all duplicate nodes ids to remove. * * @param string $node_type_machine_name * The node type to fetch. * * @param string $node_field_machine_name * The {field} used to group nodes and therefore create sets of * duplicate nodes. * * @param bool $prioritize_published_nodes * If TRUE, the last published node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * Otherwise, the first node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * * @param bool $case_sensitive * If TRUE, duplicates detection is case sensitive * Otherwise, duplicates detection is case insensitive. * * @param array $nodes_marked_as_removable * [Optional] An array of nids to remove. * Provided when using custom tableselect output. * * @return array * An array of node nids */ function _remove_duplicates_get_nodes_ids_to_remove($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive, $nodes_marked_as_removable = array()) { $duplicate_node_groups = _remove_duplicates_get_duplicate_node_groups($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $case_sensitive); if (is_array($duplicate_node_groups)) { if (isset($duplicate_node_groups['count']) && is_array($duplicate_node_groups['count'])) { $count_nodes = (array_key_exists('nodes', $duplicate_node_groups['count'])) ? $duplicate_node_groups['count']['nodes'] : 0; $count_node_groups = (array_key_exists('node_groups', $duplicate_node_groups['count'])) ? $duplicate_node_groups['count']['node_groups'] : 0; watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - Found duplicate nodes : [@count_nodes] | node groups : [@count_node_groups]', array( '@count_nodes' => $count_nodes, '@count_node_groups' => $count_node_groups, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); // If duplicate nodes to remove were not manually selected. if (empty($nodes_marked_as_removable)) { watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - Duplicate nodes to remove estimate before filtering : [@nodes_to_remove_estimate]', array( '@nodes_to_remove_estimate' => $count_nodes - $count_node_groups, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); } else { if (count($nodes_marked_as_removable) < $count_nodes) { $remove_duplicates_message = t('All the data from table selection was not recovered. Check out yout PHP settings to increase maximum post size or re-run search and remove operations to delete remaining duplicates.'); drupal_set_message($remove_duplicates_message, 'error'); watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - All the data from table selection was not recovered. Check out yout PHP settings to increase maximum post size.', array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR); } $nodes_marked_as_removable_count = count(array_filter($nodes_marked_as_removable)); watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - Duplicate nodes to remove estimate before filtering : [@nodes_to_remove_estimate]', array( '@nodes_to_remove_estimate' => $nodes_marked_as_removable_count, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); } } if (isset($duplicate_node_groups['data']) && is_array($duplicate_node_groups['data']) && count($duplicate_node_groups['data'])) { $nodes_to_remove = array(); foreach ($duplicate_node_groups['data'] as $duplicate_node_group) { if (is_array($duplicate_node_group) && count($duplicate_node_group) > 1) { if (empty($nodes_marked_as_removable)) { // Preserving the first node in the current duplicate node group. $node_to_keep = array_shift($duplicate_node_group); } // Filling the array with the rest of the nodes in the group. foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { if (is_object($duplicate_node) && isset($duplicate_node->nid) && isset($duplicate_node->status)) { if (!empty($nodes_marked_as_removable)) { if (!empty($nodes_marked_as_removable[$duplicate_node->nid])) { $nodes_to_remove[$duplicate_node->nid] = $duplicate_node; } } else { if ($prioritize_published_nodes) { if ($duplicate_node->status == 1 && $node_to_keep->status != 1) { $nodes_to_remove[$node_to_keep->nid] = $node_to_keep; } else { $nodes_to_remove[$duplicate_node->nid] = $duplicate_node; } } else { $nodes_to_remove[$duplicate_node->nid] = $duplicate_node; } } } } unset($node_to_keep); } } if (is_array($nodes_to_remove) && ($nodes_count = count($nodes_to_remove))) { watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Batch - Duplicate nodes to remove after filtering : [@count_nodes]', array( '@count_nodes' => $nodes_count, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); return $nodes_to_remove; } else { return array(); } } } return array(); } /** * Get the field common name used in node objects. * * @param string $node_field_machine_name * The {field} used to group nodes and therefore create sets of * duplicate nodes. * * @return string * A field name to use with extracted db records */ function _remove_duplicates_get_field_common_name($node_field_machine_name) { if (in_array(strtolower($node_field_machine_name), array('title'))) { // Basic field. $field = $node_field_machine_name; } else { // Custom field. $field_info = field_info_field($node_field_machine_name); if (!empty($field_info['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT'])) { $table = key($field_info['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT']); $field = current($field_info['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT'][$table]); if (!(db_table_exists($table) && db_field_exists($table, $field))) { return NULL; } } else { return NULL; } } return $field; } /** * Get all duplicate node grouped according to selected field. * * @param string $node_type_machine_name * The node type to fetch. * * @param string $node_field_machine_name * The {field} used to group nodes and therefore create sets of * duplicate nodes. * * @param bool $case_sensitive * If TRUE, duplicates detection is case sensitive * Otherwise, duplicates detection is case insensitive. * * @return array * An array of duplicate nodes groups */ function _remove_duplicates_get_duplicate_node_groups($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $case_sensitive) { $field = _remove_duplicates_get_field_common_name($node_field_machine_name); if (empty($field)) { return array(); } else { $records = _remove_duplicates_get_nodes($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $case_sensitive); if (is_array($records) && count($records)) { // Creating node groups. $node_groups = array(); foreach ($records as $record) { if (is_object($record) && isset($record->$field)) { // MD5 unicity magic to group nodes according to field content. if ($case_sensitive) { $node_groups[md5($record->$field)][] = $record; } else { $node_groups[md5(strtolower($record->$field))][] = $record; } } } // Keeping only node groups with duplicates. $duplicate_node_groups = array(); $node_groups_count = $nodes_count = 0; foreach ($node_groups as $md5key => $node_group) { if (is_array($node_group) && ($node_group_count = count($node_group)) > 1) { $nodes_count += $node_group_count; $duplicate_node_groups[$md5key] = $node_group; } } $node_groups_count = count($duplicate_node_groups); return array( 'count' => array( 'nodes' => $nodes_count, 'node_groups' => $node_groups_count, ), 'data' => $duplicate_node_groups, ); } else { return array( 'count' => array( 'nodes' => 0, 'node_groups' => 0, ), 'data' => array(), ); } } } /** * Get all nodes with selected type / field. * * @param string $node_type_machine_name * The node type to fetch. * * @param string $node_field_machine_name * The {field} to join with the fetched node type. * * @param bool $case_sensitive * If TRUE, duplicates detection is case sensitive * Otherwise, duplicates detection is case insensitive. * * @return array * An array of node objects with 3 properties : nid, status, {field}. */ function _remove_duplicates_get_nodes($node_type_machine_name = NULL, $node_field_machine_name = NULL, $case_sensitive = TRUE) { $records = array(); // EntityFieldQuery does not support GROUP BY nor DISTINCT. // See : // Using raw database calls instead. if (in_array(strtolower($node_field_machine_name), array('title'))) { // For basic title field. $field = $node_field_machine_name; if (Database::getConnection()->databaseType() == 'pgsql') { // In PostgreSQL string comparisons are case sensitive by default. // Nested Query pattern (case sensitive) : // @code // SELECT s.{field} AS {field}, // COUNT( * ) AS duplicate // FROM node s // WHERE ( // s.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // GROUP BY {$field} // @endcode // Nested Query pattern (case insensitive) : // @code // SELECT s.lowered as {field}, // SUM(s.duplicate) AS duplicate // FROM ( // SELECT s.{field} AS {field}, lower(s.{field}) AS lowered, // COUNT( * ) AS duplicate // FROM node s // WHERE ( // s.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // GROUP BY lowered, {field} // ) s // GROUP BY lowered // @endcode $nested_query = db_select('node', 's'); $nested_query->fields('s', array($field)); $nested_query->addExpression('COUNT(*)', 'duplicate'); $nested_query->condition('s.type', $node_type_machine_name, '='); if ($case_sensitive) { $nested_query->groupBy($field); } else { $nested_query->addExpression('lower(s.' . $field . ')', 'lowered'); $nested_query->groupBy('lowered'); $nested_query->groupBy($field); $nested_query = db_select($nested_query, 's'); $nested_query->addExpression('s.lowered', $field); $nested_query->addExpression('SUM(s.duplicate)', 'duplicate'); $nested_query->groupBy('lowered'); } // Sub Query pattern (both cases) : // @code // SELECT n.{field} AS {field} // FROM {$nested_query} n // WHERE duplicates > 1 // @endcode $sub_query = db_select($nested_query, 'n'); $sub_query->fields('n', array($field)); $sub_query->condition('duplicate', 1, '>'); } else { // In MySQL nonbinary string comparisons are case insensitive by default. // See : // Sub Query pattern (case sensitive) : // @code // SELECT n.{field} AS {field}, md5(n.{field}) AS checksum, // COUNT( * ) AS duplicate // FROM node n // WHERE ( // n.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // GROUP BY checksum // HAVING count( duplicate ) >1 // @endcode // Sub Query pattern (case insensitive) : // @code // SELECT n.{field} AS {field}, // COUNT( * ) AS duplicate // FROM node n // WHERE ( // n.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // GROUP BY {field} // HAVING count( duplicate ) > 1 // @endcode $sub_query = db_select('node', 'n'); $sub_query->fields('n', array($field)); $sub_query->addExpression('COUNT(*)', 'duplicate'); if ($case_sensitive) { $sub_query->addExpression('md5(n.' . $field . ')', 'checksum'); $sub_query->groupBy('checksum'); } else { $sub_query->groupBy($field); } $sub_query->condition('n.type', $node_type_machine_name, '='); $sub_query->havingCondition('duplicate', 1, '>'); } // Main Query pattern (case sensitive) : // @code // SELECT n.nid AS nid, n.uid AS uid, n.status AS status, // n.created AS created, n.changed AS changed, // n.{field} AS {field}, AS name // FROM node n // INNER JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid // INNER JOIN ( // {sub_query} // ) nn ON md5(n.{field}) = md5(nn.{field}) // WHERE ( // n.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // ORDER BY {field} ASC // @endcode // Main Query pattern (case insensitive) : // @code // SELECT n.nid AS nid, n.uid AS uid, n.status AS status, // n.created AS created, n.changed AS changed, // n.{field} AS {field}, AS name // FROM node n // INNER JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid // INNER JOIN ( // {sub_query} // ) nn ON n.{field} = nn.{field} // WHERE ( // n.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // ORDER BY {field} ASC // @endcode $main_query = db_select('node', 'n'); $main_query->fields('n', array( 'nid', 'uid', 'status', 'created', 'changed', $field, )); $main_query->fields('u', array('name')); $main_query->join('users', 'u', 'n.uid = u.uid'); if ($case_sensitive) { $main_query->join($sub_query, 'nn', 'md5(n.' . $field . ') = md5(nn.' . $field . ')'); } else { if (Database::getConnection()->databaseType() == 'pgsql') { $main_query->join($sub_query, 'nn', 'lower(n.' . $field . ') = lower(nn.' . $field . ')'); } else { $main_query->join($sub_query, 'nn', 'n.' . $field . ' = nn.' . $field); } } $main_query->condition('n.type', $node_type_machine_name, '='); $main_query->orderBy($field, 'ASC'); $records = $main_query->execute()->fetchall(); } else { // For Custom Fields. $field_info = field_info_field($node_field_machine_name); if (!empty($field_info['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT'])) { $table = key($field_info['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT']); $field = current($field_info['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT'][$table]); if (db_table_exists($table) && db_field_exists($table, $field)) { if (Database::getConnection()->databaseType() == 'pgsql') { // Nested Query pattern (case sensitive) : // @code // SELECT cf.{field} AS {field}, // COUNT( * ) AS duplicate // FROM node s // INNER JOIN {table} cf ON cf.bundle = {node_type_machine_name} // AND cf.entity_type = 'node' AND cf.entity_id = s.nid // WHERE ( // s.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // GROUP BY {$field} // @endcode // Nested Query pattern (case insensitive) : // @code // SELECT s.lowered as {field}, // SUM(s.duplicate) AS duplicate // FROM ( // SELECT cf.{field} AS {field}, lower(cf.{field}) AS lowered, // COUNT( * ) AS duplicate // FROM node s // INNER JOIN {table} cf ON cf.bundle = {node_type_machine_name} // AND cf.entity_type = 'node' AND cf.entity_id = s.nid // WHERE ( // s.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // GROUP BY lowered, {field} // ) s // GROUP BY lowered // @endcode $nested_query = db_select('node', 's'); $nested_query->addJoin('INNER', $table, 'cf', 'cf.bundle = :bundle AND cf.entity_type = :entity_type AND s.nid = cf.entity_id ', array( ':bundle' => $node_type_machine_name, ':entity_type' => 'node', )); $nested_query->fields('cf', array($field)); $nested_query->addExpression('COUNT(*)', 'duplicate'); $nested_query->condition('s.type', $node_type_machine_name, '='); if ($case_sensitive) { $nested_query->groupBy($field); } else { $nested_query->addExpression('lower(cf.' . $field . ')', 'lowered'); $nested_query->groupBy('lowered'); $nested_query->groupBy($field); $nested_query = db_select($nested_query, 's'); $nested_query->addExpression('s.lowered', $field); $nested_query->addExpression('SUM(s.duplicate)', 'duplicate'); $nested_query->groupBy('lowered'); } // Sub Query pattern (both cases) : // @code // SELECT cf.{field} AS {field} // FROM {$nested_query} cf // WHERE duplicates > 1 // @endcode $sub_query = db_select($nested_query, 'cf'); $sub_query->fields('cf', array($field)); $sub_query->condition('duplicate', 1, '>'); } else { // Sub Query pattern (case sensitive) : // @code // SELECT cf.{field} AS {field}, md5(cf.{field}) AS checksum, // COUNT( * ) AS duplicate // FROM node n // INNER JOIN {table} cf ON cf.bundle = {node_type_machine_name} // AND cf.entity_type = 'node' AND cf.entity_id = n.nid // WHERE ( // n.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // GROUP BY checksum // HAVING count( duplicate ) > 1 // @endcode // Sub Query pattern (case insensitive) : // @code // SELECT cf.{field} AS {field}, // COUNT( * ) AS duplicate // FROM node n // INNER JOIN {table} cf ON cf.bundle = {node_type_machine_name} // AND cf.entity_type = 'node' AND cf.entity_id = n.nid // WHERE ( // n.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // GROUP BY {field} // HAVING count( duplicate ) > 1 // @endcode $sub_query = db_select('node', 'n'); $sub_query->addJoin('INNER', $table, 'cf', 'cf.bundle = :bundle AND cf.entity_type = :entity_type AND n.nid = cf.entity_id ', array( ':bundle' => $node_type_machine_name, ':entity_type' => 'node', )); $sub_query->condition('n.type', $node_type_machine_name, '='); $sub_query->fields('cf', array($field)); $sub_query->addExpression('COUNT(*)', 'duplicate'); if ($case_sensitive) { $sub_query->addExpression('md5(cf.' . $field . ')', 'checksum'); $sub_query->groupBy('checksum'); } else { $sub_query->groupBy($field); } $sub_query->havingCondition('duplicate', 1, '>'); } // Main Query pattern (case sensitive) : // @code // SELECT n.nid AS nid, n.uid AS uid, n.status AS status, // n.created AS created, n.changed AS changed, n.title AS title, // AS name, cf.{field} AS {field} // FROM node n // INNER JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid // INNER JOIN {table} cf ON cf.bundle = {node_type_machine_name} // AND cf.entity_type = 'node' AND cf.entity_id = n.nid // INNER JOIN ( // {sub_query} // ) nn ON md5(cf.{field}) = md5(nn.{field}) // WHERE ( // n.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // ORDER BY {field} ASC // @endcode // Main Query pattern (case insensitive) : // @code // SELECT n.nid AS nid, n.uid AS uid, n.status AS status, // n.created AS created, n.changed AS changed, n.title AS title, // AS name, cf.{field} AS {field} // FROM node n // INNER JOIN users u ON n.uid = u.uid // INNER JOIN {table} cf ON cf.bundle = {node_type_machine_name} // AND cf.entity_type = 'node' AND cf.entity_id = n.nid // INNER JOIN ( // {sub_query} // ) nn ON cf.{field} = nn.{field} // WHERE ( // n.type = {node_type_machine_name} // ) // ORDER BY {field} ASC // @endcode $main_query = db_select('node', 'n'); $main_query->fields('n', array( 'nid', 'uid', 'status', 'created', 'changed', 'title', )); $main_query->fields('u', array('name')); $main_query->fields('cf', array($field)); $main_query->addJoin('INNER', $table, 'cf', 'cf.bundle = :bundle AND cf.entity_type = :entity_type AND n.nid = cf.entity_id ', array( ':bundle' => $node_type_machine_name, ':entity_type' => 'node', )); $main_query->join('users', 'u', 'n.uid = u.uid'); if ($case_sensitive) { $main_query->join($sub_query, 'nn', 'md5(cf.' . $field . ') = md5(nn.' . $field . ')'); } else { if (Database::getConnection()->databaseType() == 'pgsql') { $main_query->join($sub_query, 'nn', 'lower(cf.' . $field . ') = lower(nn.' . $field . ')'); } else { $main_query->join($sub_query, 'nn', 'cf.' . $field . ' = nn.' . $field); } } $main_query->condition('n.type', $node_type_machine_name, '='); $main_query->orderBy($field, 'ASC'); $records = $main_query->execute()->fetchall(); } } } return $records; } /** * Get all available fields for each node types. * * @return array * An array of node types fields */ function _remove_duplicates_get_node_types_fields() { $node_types_fields = array(); $node_types = node_type_get_names(); foreach ($node_types as $machine_name => $human_readable_name) { $node_types_fields[$machine_name] = array(); $node_types_fields[$machine_name]['title'] = t('Title'); $field_info = field_info_instances('node', $machine_name); if (is_array($field_info)) { foreach ($field_info as $field) { if (isset($field['label']) && isset($field['field_name'])) { $node_types_fields[$machine_name][$field['field_name']] = $field['label']; } } } } return $node_types_fields; } /** * Get a list themed output (Legacy output). * * @param string $node_type_machine_name * The fetched node type. * * @param string $node_field_machine_name * The {field} used to find duplicates. * * @param bool $prioritize_published_nodes * If TRUE, the last published node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * Otherwise, the first node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * * @return array * An array with 2 keys : * #markup An HTML string representing the list themed output. * #proceed A boolean indicating whether or not duplicates were found. */ function _remove_duplicates_get_list_output($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive) { $node_types = node_type_get_names(); $node_types_fields = _remove_duplicates_get_node_types_fields(); $duplicate_node_groups = _remove_duplicates_get_duplicate_node_groups($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $case_sensitive); if (is_array($duplicate_node_groups)) { if (isset($duplicate_node_groups['count']) && is_array($duplicate_node_groups['count'])) { $count_nodes = (array_key_exists('nodes', $duplicate_node_groups['count'])) ? $duplicate_node_groups['count']['nodes'] : 0; $count_node_groups = (array_key_exists('node_groups', $duplicate_node_groups['count'])) ? $duplicate_node_groups['count']['node_groups'] : 0; watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - Found duplicate nodes : [@count_nodes] | node groups : [@count_node_groups]', array( '@count_nodes' => $count_nodes, '@count_node_groups' => $count_node_groups, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - Duplicate nodes to remove estimate : [@nodes_to_remove_estimate]', array( '@nodes_to_remove_estimate' => $count_nodes - $count_node_groups, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); } if (isset($duplicate_node_groups['data']) && is_array($duplicate_node_groups['data']) && count($duplicate_node_groups['data'])) { // Outputs an HTML list of duplicates found. $list_output = array(); foreach ($duplicate_node_groups['data'] as $duplicate_node_group) { $items = array(); $node_group_title = NULL; $nodetypefieldvalue = array(); $keep_node_nid = $keep_node_status = NULL; $field = _remove_duplicates_get_field_common_name($node_field_machine_name); foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { // Defining the group title. $nodetypefieldvalue[$duplicate_node->$field] = $duplicate_node->$field; // Defaults to keeping the first node in the group. if (empty($keep_node_nid)) { $keep_node_status = $duplicate_node->status; $keep_node_nid = $duplicate_node->nid; } // Defining the node which is going to be kept among duplicates. if (isset($keep_node_nid)) { // If "Keep at least one published node." is checked // keeping the first published node in the group. if ($prioritize_published_nodes) { if ($duplicate_node->status && !$keep_node_status) { $keep_node_nid = $duplicate_node->nid; $keep_node_status = $duplicate_node->status; } } } } // Defining the group title. if (empty($node_group_title) && is_array($nodetypefieldvalue)) { $node_group_title = t('Duplicates where "@nodetypefield" = @nodetypefieldvalue', array( '@nodetypefieldvalue' => '"' . implode('" ' . t('or') . ' "', $nodetypefieldvalue) . '"', '@nodetypefield' => ((string) $node_types_fields[$node_type_machine_name][$node_field_machine_name]), )); } reset($duplicate_node_group); foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { $node_title = l($duplicate_node->title, 'node/' . $duplicate_node->nid, array('attributes' => array('onclick' => ',parseInt(Math.random()*1000));return false;'))); $node_status = array(); if ($duplicate_node->status) { $node_status[] = '' . t('Published') . ''; } else { $node_status[] = '' . t('Unpublished') . ''; } if (isset($keep_node_nid) && $keep_node_nid == $duplicate_node->nid) { $node_status[] = '' . t('Will be kept.') . ''; } else { $node_status[] = '' . t('Will be deleted.') . ''; } $items[] = theme('item_list', array( 'items' => $node_status, 'title' => $node_title, 'type' => 'ul', 'attributes' => array(), )); } $list_output[] = theme('item_list', array( 'items' => $items, 'title' => $node_group_title, 'type' => 'ul', 'attributes' => array(), )); } $main_title = t('Duplicates found for node type "@nodetype" according to field "@nodetypefield" :', array( '@nodetype' => ((string) $node_types[$node_type_machine_name]), '@nodetypefield' => ((string) $node_types_fields[$node_type_machine_name][$node_field_machine_name]), )); $list_output = theme('item_list', array( 'items' => $list_output, 'title' => $main_title, 'type' => 'ul', 'attributes' => array( 'style' => 'font-size:0.9em;', ), )); $output = array( '#proceed' => TRUE, '#element' => array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Results'), '#markup' => $list_output, ), ); return $output; } } watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - No duplicates found for node [@node_type_machine_name] according to field [@node_field_machine_name]', array( '@node_type_machine_name' => $node_type_machine_name, '@node_field_machine_name' => $node_field_machine_name, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); // Outputs a no duplicates found message. $text_output = t('No duplicates for node type "@nodetype" according to field "@nodetypefield".', array( '@nodetype' => ((string) $node_types[$node_type_machine_name]), '@nodetypefield' => ((string) $node_types_fields[$node_type_machine_name][$node_field_machine_name]), )); $html_output = '

' . $text_output . '

'; $output = array( '#proceed' => FALSE, '#element' => array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Results'), '#markup' => $html_output, ), ); return $output; } /** * Get a table themed output (Legacy output). * * @param string $node_type_machine_name * The fetched node type. * * @param string $node_field_machine_name * The {field} used to find duplicates. * * @param bool $prioritize_published_nodes * If TRUE, the last published node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * Otherwise, the first node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * * @param bool $case_sensitive * If TRUE, duplicates detection is case sensitive * Otherwise, duplicates detection is case insensitive. * * @return array * An array with 2 keys : * #markup An HTML string representing the table themed output. * #proceed A boolean indicating whether or not duplicates were found. */ function _remove_duplicates_get_table_output($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive) { $node_types = node_type_get_names(); $node_types_fields = _remove_duplicates_get_node_types_fields(); $duplicate_node_groups = _remove_duplicates_get_duplicate_node_groups($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $case_sensitive); if (is_array($duplicate_node_groups)) { if (isset($duplicate_node_groups['count']) && is_array($duplicate_node_groups['count'])) { $count_nodes = (array_key_exists('nodes', $duplicate_node_groups['count'])) ? $duplicate_node_groups['count']['nodes'] : 0; $count_node_groups = (array_key_exists('node_groups', $duplicate_node_groups['count'])) ? $duplicate_node_groups['count']['node_groups'] : 0; watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - Found duplicate nodes : [@count_nodes] | node groups : [@count_node_groups]', array( '@count_nodes' => $count_nodes, '@count_node_groups' => $count_node_groups, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - Duplicate nodes to remove estimate : [@nodes_to_remove_estimate]', array( '@nodes_to_remove_estimate' => $count_nodes - $count_node_groups, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); } if (isset($duplicate_node_groups['data']) && is_array($duplicate_node_groups['data']) && count($duplicate_node_groups['data'])) { // Outputs an table of duplicates found. $table_output = NULL; // Construction of duplicate node group tables. $duplicate_node_group_table_rows = array(); $duplicate_node_group_table_header = array( array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('remove'), ), array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('title'), ), array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('author'), ), array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('published'), ), array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('updated'), ), array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('created'), ), ); $duplicate_node_group_table_rows[] = array( array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('Found Duplicates'), 'colspan' => count($duplicate_node_group_table_header), ), ); $duplicate_node_group_table_rows[] = array( array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('For node type'), ), array( 'data' => ((string) $node_types[$node_type_machine_name]), ), array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('With field name'), ), array( 'colspan' => count($duplicate_node_group_table_header) - 3, 'data' => ((string) $node_types_fields[$node_type_machine_name][$node_field_machine_name]), ), ); foreach ($duplicate_node_groups['data'] as $duplicate_node_group) { // Defining the default duplicate group title. $first_duplicate_node = NULL; $node_group_title = $node_group_field_name = $node_group_field_value = NULL; if (is_array($duplicate_node_group) && count($duplicate_node_group)) { $field_common_name = _remove_duplicates_get_field_common_name($node_field_machine_name); $node_group_field_value = array(); foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { if (is_object($duplicate_node) && !empty($duplicate_node->$field_common_name)) { $node_group_field_value[((string) $duplicate_node->$field_common_name)] = ((string) $duplicate_node->$field_common_name); } } $node_group_field_name = ((string) $node_types_fields[$node_type_machine_name][$node_field_machine_name]); $node_group_field_value = '"' . implode('" ' . t('or') . ' "', $node_group_field_value) . '"'; $node_group_title = t('Where "@nodetypefield" is', array( '@nodetypefield' => $node_group_field_name, )); } // Defining the default kept node among duplicates. $keep_node_nid = $keep_node_status = NULL; foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { // Defaults to keeping the first node in the group. if (empty($keep_node_nid)) { $keep_node_nid = $duplicate_node->nid; $keep_node_status = $duplicate_node->status; } // Defining the node which is going to be kept among duplicates. if (isset($keep_node_nid)) { // If "Keep at least one published node." is checked // keeping the first published node in the group. if ($prioritize_published_nodes) { if ($duplicate_node->status && !$keep_node_status) { $keep_node_nid = $duplicate_node->nid; $keep_node_status = $duplicate_node->status; } } } } reset($duplicate_node_group); // Defining the group table first rows. $duplicate_node_group_table_rows[] = array( array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => $node_group_title, ), array( 'data' => $node_group_field_value, 'colspan' => count($duplicate_node_group_table_header) - 1, ), ); $duplicate_node_group_table_rows[] = $duplicate_node_group_table_header; // Construction of duplicate node group table. foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { $duplicate_node_group_table_row = array(); // Data for 'remove' column : if (isset($keep_node_nid) && $keep_node_nid == $duplicate_node->nid) { $duplicate_node_group_table_row[] = array( 'data' => '' . t('No') . '', ); } else { $duplicate_node_group_table_row[] = array( 'data' => '' . t('Yes') . '', ); } // Data for 'title' column : $duplicate_node_group_table_row[] = array( 'data' => l($duplicate_node->title, 'node/' . $duplicate_node->nid, array('attributes' => array('onclick' => ',parseInt(Math.random()*1000));return false;'))), ); // Data for 'author' column : $duplicate_node_group_table_row[] = array( 'data' => $duplicate_node->name, ); // Data for 'status' column : if ($duplicate_node->status) { $duplicate_node_group_table_row[] = array( 'data' => '' . t('Yes') . '', ); } else { $duplicate_node_group_table_row[] = array( 'data' => '' . t('No') . '', ); } // Data for 'updated' column : $duplicate_node_group_table_row[] = array( 'data' => format_date($duplicate_node->changed), ); // Data for 'created' column : $duplicate_node_group_table_row[] = array( 'data' => format_date($duplicate_node->created), ); // Adding new row to rows array. $duplicate_node_group_table_rows[] = $duplicate_node_group_table_row; } // End of duplicate node group table construction. } $table_output = theme('table', array( 'rows' => $duplicate_node_group_table_rows, )); $output = array( '#proceed' => TRUE, '#element' => array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Results'), '#markup' => $table_output, ), ); return $output; } } watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - No duplicates found for node [@node_type_machine_name] according to field [@node_field_machine_name]', array( '@node_type_machine_name' => $node_type_machine_name, '@node_field_machine_name' => $node_field_machine_name, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); // Outputs a no duplicates found message. $text_output = t('No duplicates for node type "@nodetype" according to field "@nodetypefield".', array( '@nodetype' => ((string) $node_types[$node_type_machine_name]), '@nodetypefield' => ((string) $node_types_fields[$node_type_machine_name][$node_field_machine_name]), )); $html_output = '

' . $text_output . '

'; $output = array( '#proceed' => FALSE, '#element' => array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Results'), '#markup' => $html_output, ), ); return $output; } /** * Get a tableselect data output. * * @param string $node_type_machine_name * The fetched node type. * * @param string $node_field_machine_name * The {field} used to find duplicates. * * @param bool $prioritize_published_nodes * If TRUE, the last published node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * Otherwise, the first node in a set of duplicate nodes will be kept. * * @param bool $case_sensitive * If TRUE, duplicates detection is case sensitive * Otherwise, duplicates detection is case insensitive. * * @return array * An array with 2 keys : * #element A datastructure to use with custom tableselect form element. * #proceed A boolean indicating whether or not duplicates were found. */ function _remove_duplicates_get_tableselect_output($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $prioritize_published_nodes, $case_sensitive) { $node_types = node_type_get_names(); $node_types_fields = _remove_duplicates_get_node_types_fields(); $duplicate_node_groups = _remove_duplicates_get_duplicate_node_groups($node_type_machine_name, $node_field_machine_name, $case_sensitive); if (is_array($duplicate_node_groups)) { if (isset($duplicate_node_groups['count']) && is_array($duplicate_node_groups['count'])) { $count_nodes = (array_key_exists('nodes', $duplicate_node_groups['count'])) ? $duplicate_node_groups['count']['nodes'] : 0; $count_node_groups = (array_key_exists('node_groups', $duplicate_node_groups['count'])) ? $duplicate_node_groups['count']['node_groups'] : 0; watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - Found duplicate nodes : [@count_nodes] | node groups : [@count_node_groups]', array( '@count_nodes' => $count_nodes, '@count_node_groups' => $count_node_groups, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - Duplicate nodes to remove estimate : [@nodes_to_remove_estimate]', array( '@nodes_to_remove_estimate' => $count_nodes - $count_node_groups, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); } if (isset($duplicate_node_groups['data']) && is_array($duplicate_node_groups['data']) && count($duplicate_node_groups['data'])) { // Outputs a data structure to use with // Remove Duplicates specific tableselect. // Default duplicate node group table header. $duplicate_node_group_table_header = array( 'remove' => t('remove'), 'title' => t('title'), 'author' => t('author'), 'status' => t('published'), 'updated' => t('updated'), 'created' => t('created'), ); // Construction of duplicate node group tables. $duplicate_node_group_tables = array(); // Construction of duplicate node group tables title. $duplicate_node_group_tables['#header'] = array( array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => t('Found Duplicates'), 'colspan' => count($duplicate_node_group_table_header), ), ); // Construction of duplicate node group tables. $duplicate_node_group_tables['#tables'] = array(); foreach ($duplicate_node_groups['data'] as $duplicate_node_group) { // Construction of duplicate node group table. $duplicate_node_group_table = array(); // Construction of duplicate node group table header. $duplicate_node_group_table['#header'] = array(); // Defining the duplicate group header prefix. $node_group_title = $node_group_field_name = $node_group_field_value = NULL; if (is_array($duplicate_node_group) && count($duplicate_node_group)) { $field_common_name = _remove_duplicates_get_field_common_name($node_field_machine_name); $node_group_field_value = array(); foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { if (is_object($duplicate_node) && !empty($duplicate_node->$field_common_name)) { $node_group_field_value[((string) $duplicate_node->$field_common_name)] = ((string) $duplicate_node->$field_common_name); } } $node_group_field_name = ((string) $node_types_fields[$node_type_machine_name][$node_field_machine_name]); $node_group_field_value = '"' . implode('" ' . t('or') . ' "', $node_group_field_value) . '"'; $node_group_title = t('Where "@nodetypefield" is', array( '@nodetypefield' => $node_group_field_name, )); } $duplicate_node_group_table['#header']['#prefix'] = array( array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => $node_group_title, ), array( 'data' => $node_group_field_value, 'colspan' => count($duplicate_node_group_table_header) - 1, ), ); // Defining the duplicate group header root. $duplicate_node_group_table['#header']['#root'] = $duplicate_node_group_table_header; // Defining the default kept node among duplicates. $keep_node_nid = $keep_node_status = NULL; foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { // Defaults to keeping the first node in the group. if (empty($keep_node_nid)) { $keep_node_nid = $duplicate_node->nid; $keep_node_status = $duplicate_node->status; } // Defining the node which is going to be kept among duplicates. if (isset($keep_node_nid)) { // If "Keep at least one published node." is checked // keeping the first published node in the group. if ($prioritize_published_nodes) { if ($duplicate_node->status && !$keep_node_status) { $keep_node_nid = $duplicate_node->nid; $keep_node_status = $duplicate_node->status; } } } } reset($duplicate_node_group); // Defining the duplicate group options. $duplicate_node_group_table['#value'] = array(); $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'] = array(); $duplicate_node_group_table['#default_value'] = array(); foreach ($duplicate_node_group as $duplicate_node) { $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid] = array(); // Data for 'remove' column : $duplicate_node_group_table['#value'][$duplicate_node->nid] = $duplicate_node->nid; if (isset($keep_node_nid) && $keep_node_nid == $duplicate_node->nid) { $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid]['remove'] = '' . t('No') . ''; } else { $duplicate_node_group_table['#default_value'][$duplicate_node->nid] = $duplicate_node->nid; $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid]['remove'] = '' . t('Yes') . ''; } // Data for 'title' column : $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid]['title'] = l($duplicate_node->title, 'node/' . $duplicate_node->nid, array('attributes' => array('onclick' => ',parseInt(Math.random()*1000));return false;'))); // Data for 'author' column : $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid]['author'] = $duplicate_node->name; // Data for 'status' column : if ($duplicate_node->status) { $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid]['status'] = '' . t('Yes') . ''; } else { $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid]['status'] = '' . t('No') . ''; } // Data for 'updated' column : $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid]['updated'] = format_date($duplicate_node->changed); // Data for 'created' column : $duplicate_node_group_table['#options'][$duplicate_node->nid]['created'] = format_date($duplicate_node->created); // End of duplicate node group options construction. } $duplicate_node_group_tables['#tables'][] = $duplicate_node_group_table; } // Custom table select element output to use with forms. $output = array( '#proceed' => TRUE, '#element' => array( '#title' => t('Results'), '#type' => 'remove_duplicates_tableselect', '#options' => $duplicate_node_group_tables, ), ); return $output; } } watchdog('remove_duplicates', 'Search - No duplicates found for node [@node_type_machine_name] according to field [@node_field_machine_name]', array( '@node_type_machine_name' => $node_type_machine_name, '@node_field_machine_name' => $node_field_machine_name, ), WATCHDOG_INFO); // Outputs a no duplicates found message. $text_output = t('No duplicates for node type "@nodetype" according to field "@nodetypefield".', array( '@nodetype' => ((string) $node_types[$node_type_machine_name]), '@nodetypefield' => ((string) $node_types_fields[$node_type_machine_name][$node_field_machine_name]), )); $html_output = '

' . $text_output . '

'; $output = array( '#proceed' => FALSE, '#element' => array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Results'), '#markup' => $html_output, ), ); return $output; } /** * Implements hook_element_info(). */ function remove_duplicates_element_info() { return array( 'remove_duplicates_tableselect' => array( '#tree' => TRUE, '#input' => TRUE, '#options' => array(), '#process' => array( 'remove_duplicates_form_process_tableselect', ), '#theme' => 'remove_duplicates_tableselect', )); } /** * Process function for Remove Duplicates tableselect. */ function remove_duplicates_form_process_tableselect($element, $form_state, $complete_form) { if (!empty($element['#options']) && (isset($element['#options']['#tables']) && is_array($element['#options']['#tables']) && count($element['#options']['#tables']))) { $element['#value'] = (isset($element['#value']) && is_array($element['#value'])) ? $element['#value'] : array(); foreach ($element['#options']['#tables'] as &$sub_element) { $sub_element['#tree'] = TRUE; $value = (isset($sub_element['#value']) && is_array($sub_element['#value'])) ? $sub_element['#value'] : array(); $element['#value'] = array_unique(array_merge($element['#value'], $value)); if (isset($sub_element['#options']) && is_array($sub_element['#options']) && count($sub_element['#options'])) { if (!isset($sub_element['#default_value']) || $sub_element['#default_value'] === 0) { $sub_element['#default_value'] = array(); } // Create a checkbox for each item in #options in such a way that the // value of the tableselect element behaves as if it had been of type // checkboxes. foreach ($sub_element['#options'] as $key => $choice) { // Do not overwrite manually created children. if (!isset($element[$key])) { $title = ''; if (!empty($sub_element['#options'][$key]['title']['data']['#title'])) { $title = t('Update @title', array( '@title' => $sub_element['#options'][$key]['title']['data']['#title'], )); } $checked = array(); if (isset($value[$key]) && isset($sub_element['#default_value'][$key])) { $checked = array('checked' => 'checked'); } $element[$key] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => $title, '#title_display' => 'invisible', '#return_value' => $key, '#default_value' => (!empty($checked) && isset($value[$key])) ? $key : NULL, '#attributes' => (isset($sub_element['#attributes']) ? $sub_element['#attributes'] : array()) + $checked, ); $element['#options'][$key] = TRUE; if (isset($sub_element['#options'][$key]['#weight'])) { $element[$key]['#weight'] = $sub_element['#options'][$key]['#weight']; } } } } else { $sub_element['#value'] = array(); } } } return $element; } /** * Implements hook_theme(). * * Remove Duplicates tableselect theme function registration. */ function remove_duplicates_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) { return array( 'remove_duplicates_tableselect' => array( 'render element' => 'element', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_theme(). * * Remove Duplicates tableselect theme function implementation. */ function theme_remove_duplicates_tableselect($variables) { $element = $variables['element']; if (isset($element['#options']) && is_array($element['#options']['#tables'])) { $rows = array(); if (!empty($element['#options']['#header']) && is_array($element['#options']['#header'])) { // Add an empty header to provide room for // the checkboxes in the first table column. array_unshift($element['#options']['#header'], array('header' => TRUE, 'data' => array())); $rows[] = $element['#options']['#header']; } foreach ($element['#options']['#tables'] as $sub_element) { // Add an empty header to provide room for // the checkboxes in the first table column. if (!empty($sub_element['#header']) && is_array($sub_element['#header'])) { if (!empty($sub_element['#header']['#prefix']) && is_array($sub_element['#header']['#prefix'])) { array_unshift($sub_element['#header']['#prefix'], array('header' => TRUE, 'data' => array())); $rows[] = $sub_element['#header']['#prefix']; } if (!empty($sub_element['#header']['#root']) && is_array($sub_element['#header']['#root'])) { $header = $sub_element['#header']['#root']; foreach ($sub_element['#header']['#root'] as $fieldname => $title) { $sub_element['#header']['#root'][$fieldname] = array( 'header' => TRUE, 'data' => $title, ); } array_unshift($sub_element['#header']['#root'], array('header' => TRUE, 'data' => array())); $rows[] = $sub_element['#header']['#root']; } } if (!empty($sub_element['#options']) && is_array($sub_element['#options'])) { // Generate a table row for each selectable item in #options. foreach (element_children($sub_element['#options']) as $key) { $row = array('data' => array()); if (isset($sub_element['#options'][$key]['#attributes'])) { $row += $sub_element['#options'][$key]['#attributes']; } // Render the checkbox / radio element. $row['data'][] = drupal_render($element[$key]); // As theme_table only maps header and row columns by order, // create the correct order by iterating over the header fields. if (!empty($header)) { foreach ($header as $fieldname => $title) { $row['data'][] = $sub_element['#options'][$key][$fieldname]; } } $rows[] = $row; } } } return theme('table', array('rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => $element['#attributes'])); } }