basename($filename), 'filepath' => drupal_realpath($filename), 'filesize' => filesize($filename), ); } return $messages; } /** * Prepare the export of a vocabulary. * * @note * If not used in a form, don't forget to use batch_process(). * * @param $options * Array. Same as taxonomy_csv_export. * * @return * Array of errors or nothing (batch process to execute). */ function taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_export($options) { // Check options and return array of messages in case of errors. if ($options['check_options']) { // Invoke export admin file. $module_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_csv'); require_once("$module_dir/export/"); $result = _taxonomy_csv_export_check_options($options); if (count($result)) { return $result; } } // Complete $options with some csv variables. $options['separator'] = $options['enclosure'] . $options['delimiter'] . $options['enclosure']; $line_ending = array( 'Unix' => "\n", 'Mac' => "\r", 'MS-DOS' => "\r\n", ); $options['end_of_line'] = $line_ending[$options['line_ending']]; // Calculates number of terms to be exported. $options['total_terms'] = taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_count_terms($options['vocabulary_id']); // Get infos about fields of vocabulary. $options['vocabulary'] = array(); foreach ($options['vocabulary_id'] as $vocabulary_id) { $options['vocabulary'][$vocabulary_id] = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vocabulary_id); $vocabulary = &$options['vocabulary'][$vocabulary_id]; $vocabulary->instances = field_info_instances('taxonomy_term', $vocabulary->machine_name); // Prepare list of fields to be exported. $vocabulary->fields = array(); // Not included, because referenced terms are exported by name. // $vocabulary->fields['tid'] = array('cardinality' => 1); $vocabulary->fields['name'] = array('cardinality' => 1); // Not included, because there is already 'vocabulary_machine_name'. // $vocabulary->fields['vid'] = array('cardinality' => 1); $vocabulary->fields['vocabulary_machine_name'] = array('cardinality' => 1); $vocabulary->fields['description'] = array('cardinality' => 1); $vocabulary->fields['format'] = array('cardinality' => 1); $vocabulary->fields['weight'] = array('cardinality' => 1); $vocabulary->fields['parent'] = array('cardinality' => -1); if (module_exists('i18n_taxonomy')) { switch ($vocabulary->i18n_mode) { case I18N_MODE_LANGUAGE: case I18N_MODE_LOCALIZE: $vocabulary->fields['language'] = array('cardinality' => 1); break; case I18N_MODE_TRANSLATE: case I18N_MODE_MULTIPLE: $vocabulary->fields['language'] = array('cardinality' => 1); $vocabulary->fields['i18n_tsid'] = array('cardinality' => 1); break; } } // @todo // $vocabulary->fields['guid'] = array('cardinality' => 1); // Prepare list of unlimited fields to be exported. $vocabulary->fields_unlimited = array(); $vocabulary->fields_unlimited['parent'] = 1; if (is_array($vocabulary->instances)) { foreach ($vocabulary->instances as $field_name => $value) { $vocabulary->fields[$field_name] = field_info_field($field_name); // Get the list of fields with an unlimited number of values to avoid // the loop of check (used with custom fields export). // The minimum is set to one to avoid zero value. if ($vocabulary->fields[$field_name]['cardinality'] == -1) { $vocabulary->fields_unlimited[$field_name] = 1; } } } } // Prepare export batch. $batch = array( 'title' => t('Exporting !total_terms terms to CSV file...', array('!total_terms' => $options['total_terms'])), 'init_message' => t('Starting downloading of datas...') . '
' . t('Wait some seconds for pre-processing...'), 'progress_message' => '', 'error_message' => t('An error occurred during the export.'), 'finished' => '_taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_export_finished', 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_csv') . '/export/', 'progressive' => TRUE, 'operations' => array( 0 => array('_taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_export_process', array($options)), ), ); batch_set($batch); } /** * Batch process of vocabulary export. * * @todo Check if direct query and only tid save is really less memory * intensive (with core taxonomy cache or not). * @todo Don't remember terms, but load them one by one in order to decrease * memory usage. * * @param $options * Array of batch options. * @param &$context * Batch context to keep results and messages. * * @return * NULL because use of &$context. */ function _taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_export_process($options, &$context) { // First callback. if (empty($context['sandbox'])) { // Remember options as batch_set can't use form_storage. // It allows too that first line in result is numbered 1 and not 0. $context['results'][0] = $options; // Initialize some variables. $context['results'][0]['current_term'] = 0; $context['results'][0]['current_name'] = ''; $context['results'][0]['worst_tid'] = 0; $context['results'][0]['worst_term'] = 0; $context['results'][0]['worst_name'] = ''; $context['results'][0]['worst_message'] = 799; // No pointer because new line is appended to file. $context['results'][0]['handle'] = fopen($options['file']->filepath, 'a+'); // Fetch terms to be exported and order them (by tree or by specific order). // Prepare a hierarchical tree of terms. if (in_array($options['export_format'], array( TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_STRUCTURE, TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_TREE, TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_POLYHIERARCHY, ))) { $context['sandbox']['terms'] = array(); // Export only selected vocabularies. if ($options['vocabulary_id'] && ($options['vocabulary_id'] != array(0))) { $vocabularies = array(); foreach ($options['vocabulary_id'] as $vocabulary) { $vocabularies[] = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($vocabulary); } } // Export all vocabularies. else { $vocabularies = taxonomy_vocabulary_get_names(); } foreach ($vocabularies as $vocabulary) { $context['sandbox']['terms'] = array_merge($context['sandbox']['terms'], taxonomy_get_tree($vocabulary->vid)); } } // Prepare a list of normal terms. // @todo Prepare a simple list of term names or definitions without links in // order to reduce memory usage for some formats. // @todo Use a one term approach to reduce memory usage (anyway, all terms // will be load)? else { $query = new EntityFieldQuery(); $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_term'); if ($options['vocabulary_id'] && ($options['vocabulary_id'] != array(0))) { $query->propertyCondition('vid', $options['vocabulary_id']); } $query->propertyOrderBy($options['order'], 'ASC'); $terms = $query->execute(); if ($terms['taxonomy_term'] === NULL) { $terms['taxonomy_term'] = array(); } $context['sandbox']['terms'] = taxonomy_term_load_multiple(array_keys($terms['taxonomy_term'])); } // Get max number of values for fields with a undefined number of values. if ($options['export_format'] == TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_FIELDS) { // Currently, manage only undefined language. $language = 'und'; foreach ($context['sandbox']['terms'] as $term) { foreach (array_keys($options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields_unlimited) as $field_name) { if (isset($term->{$field_name})) { // Remember the number of items if this term field has got more // items than previous one. if ($field_name == 'parent' && (count($term->parent) > $options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields_unlimited['parent']) ) { $options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields_unlimited['parent'] = count($term->parent); } elseif (count($term->{$field_name}[$language]) > $options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields_unlimited[$field_name]) { $options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields_unlimited[$field_name] = count($term->{$field_name}[$language]); } } } } // Keep updated the list of vocabulary with undefined fields. $context['results'][0]['vocabulary'] = $options['vocabulary']; $context['sandbox']['vocabulary'] = $options['vocabulary']; } // Display a warning if terms count in taxonomy_term_data table is different // of terms counted with Drupal taxonomy_term_load_multiple() function. // See if ($options['total_terms'] != count($context['sandbox']['terms'])) { // Memorize the first wrong term. $first_wrong_term = array_shift(array_diff_key($terms['taxonomy_term'], taxonomy_term_load_multiple(array_keys($terms['taxonomy_term'])))); $context['results'][0]['worst_tid'] = $first_wrong_term->tid; $context['results'][0]['worst_term'] = ''; $context['results'][0]['worst_name'] = 'tid:' . ' ' . $first_wrong_term->tid; $context['results'][0]['worst_message'] = 408; // Warning not a good term. } // Clean memory. if (isset($terms)) { unset($terms); } // Duplicate names will be searched after export process. $context['results'][0]['duplicate_terms'] = array(); } elseif (!is_resource($context['results'][0]['handle'])) { // Reopen file in case of memory out. $context['results'][0]['handle'] = fopen($options['file']->filepath, 'a+'); } // Get list of unlimited multivalued fields. // @todo Currently, these fields are not saved in batch. if ($options['export_format'] == TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_FIELDS) { $options['vocabulary'] = $context['sandbox']['vocabulary']; } // To simplify use of variables. $worst_tid = &$context['results'][0]['worst_tid']; $worst_term = &$context['results'][0]['worst_term']; $worst_name = &$context['results'][0]['worst_name']; $worst_message = &$context['results'][0]['worst_message']; $handle = &$context['results'][0]['handle']; $duplicate_terms = &$context['results'][0]['duplicate_terms']; $term_number = &$context['results'][0]['current_term']; $current_name = &$context['results'][0]['current_name']; $terms_list = &$context['sandbox']['terms']; $terms_list_ids = array_keys($terms_list); // Process one term until end of vocabulary. if ($term_number < count($context['sandbox']['terms'])) { $term = $terms_list[$terms_list_ids[$term_number]]; ++$term_number; // Remember current name/tid in case of error. $current_name = $term->name; $current_tid = $term->tid; // Process export of current term. $result = taxonomy_csv_term_export($term, $options, $terms_list, $duplicate_terms); // If result is empty, there is nothing to export (with Translation export, // terms can be skipped and exported with another term). $result['msg'] = taxonomy_csv_line_export($result['line'], $options, $handle, $result['msg']); // Remember worst message of exported terms. $worst_message_new = _taxonomy_csv_worst_message($result['msg']); if ($worst_message > $worst_message_new) { $worst_tid = $current_tid; $worst_term = $term_number; $worst_name = $current_name; $worst_message = $worst_message_new; }; // Remember messages. Currently useless because there isn't any warning or // notice message (only error). A result level can be added here if needed. if (count($result['msg'])) { $context['results'][$term_number] = $result['msg']; } // Inform about progress. $context['message'] = t('Term !term_number of !total_terms processed: %term', array( '!term_number' => $term_number, '!total_terms' => $options['total_terms'], '%term' => $current_name, )); // Check worst message of exported terms and update progress. if ($worst_message >= TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_WARNING) { // Count should be <= 0.99 to avoid batch stop before end (Drupal 7 bug). $context['finished'] = floor($term_number / count($context['sandbox']['terms']) * 100) / 100; } else { $context['finished'] = 1; } } } /** * Callback for finished batch export and display result informations. */ function _taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_export_finished($success, $results, $operations) { $options = &$results[0]; unset($results[0]); // Close exported file. if ($options['handle']) { fclose($options['handle']); } // Invoke export stats file if user wants to display results. if ($options['result_display']) { $module_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_csv'); require_once("$module_dir/export/"); } // Short summary information is different if batch succeeded or not. if ($success) { if (!empty($options['worst_tid'])) { $worst_path = drupal_get_path_alias('taxonomy/term/' . $options['worst_tid']); $options['worst_name'] = l($options['worst_name'], $worst_path); } $variables = array( '!total_terms' => $options['total_terms'], '!worst_count' => $options['worst_term'], '!worst_name' => $options['worst_name'], '!worst_msg' => $options['result_display'] ? _taxonomy_csv_message_text($options['worst_message']) : t('Message code') . ' = ' . $options['worst_message'], ); $messages = array( WATCHDOG_DEBUG => t('No error, warnings or notices have been reported during export process of !total_terms terms.', $variables), WATCHDOG_INFO => t('No error, warnings or notices have been reported during export process of !total_terms terms.', $variables), WATCHDOG_NOTICE => t('Notices have been reported during export process (bad formatted or empty terms). !total_terms terms processed. First notice occurred on term !worst_count (!worst_name) [!worst_msg].', $variables), WATCHDOG_WARNING => t('Warnings have been reported during export process (bad formatted terms). !total_terms terms processed. First term skipped is term !worst_count (!worst_name) [!worst_msg].', $variables), WATCHDOG_ERROR => t('Errors have been reported during export process. Process failed at term !worst_count (!worst_name) of a total of !total_terms [!worst_msg].', $variables), ); $worst_level = intval($options['worst_message'] / 100); $message = $messages[$worst_level]; } else { $message = t('Exportation failed. Export process was successful until the term !term_count (!term_name) of a total of !total_terms.', array( '!term_count' => $options['current_term'], '!term_name' => $options['current_name'], '!total_terms' => $options['total_terms'], )) . '
' . t('This issue is related to export process and may be caused by a memory overrun of the database. If not, you can reinstall module from a fresh release or submit an issue on Taxonomy CSV import/export module.', array( '!link' => url(''), )); $worst_level = WATCHDOG_ERROR; } // Set result message in watchdog and eventually in user interface. // Use of a $message variable is unrecommended, but simpler and working. // See watchdog('taxonomy_csv', $message, NULL, $worst_level); if ($options['result_display']) { _taxonomy_csv_export_result($options, $worst_level, $message, $results); } } /** * Export a line. * * @param $line * Array to be exported to a line. * @param $options * An associative array of export options: * - 'separator' : string separator (formatted delimiter and enclosure). * - 'enclosure' : item enclosure. * - 'end_of_line': end of line string. * @param $handle * Handle of the open file where to save line. * @param $result_message * (Optional) Array of messages. * * @return * Result array of messages. */ function taxonomy_csv_line_export($line, $options, &$handle, $result = array()) { if (!$line) { return $result; } // Check if separator, enclosure or line ending exist in line. $check_line = implode('', $line); if ((strpos($check_line, $options['separator']) !== FALSE) || (($options['enclosure'] != '') && (strpos($check_line, $options['enclosure']) !== FALSE)) || (($options['enclosure'] == '') && (strpos($check_line, $options['end_of_line']) !== FALSE))) { $result[] = 313; // Error delimiter or enclosure. } // Skip a term with warning. elseif (_taxonomy_csv_worst_message($result) < TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_NOTICE) { } else { // Save line to file. $line = $options['enclosure'] . implode($options['separator'], $line) . $options['enclosure'] . $options['end_of_line']; if (fwrite($handle, $line) === FALSE) { $result[] = 312; // Unable to write to file. } } return $result; } /** * Export a term to a line matching the options. * * @param $term * Full term object to export. * @param $options * An associative array of export options: * - export_format : format of the csv line (see * @param $terms_list * (Optional) Array of all term objects to export, used to avoid to repeat * fetch of terms. * @param $duplicate_terms * (Optional) Array of duplicate terms names indexed by tid. * * @return * Result array with: * - 'line' => array of exported items, * - 'msg' => array of messages arrays. */ function taxonomy_csv_term_export($term, $options, &$terms_list = array(), $duplicate_terms = array()) { // Define default values. $result = array( 'line' => array(), 'msg' => array(), ); // Only count check because term and options are already checked. if (count($term)) { switch ($options['export_format']) { case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_FLAT: $result['line'][] = $term->name; break; case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_STRUCTURE: case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_TREE: $terms = taxonomy_csv_term_get_first_path($term, $terms_list); foreach ($terms as $parent) { $result['line'][] = $parent->name; } $result['line'][] = $term->name; break; case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_POLYHIERARCHY: // @todo // Warning : taxonomy_csv_term_get_first_path() returns only first path. break; case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_FIELDS: // Currently, manage only undefined language. $language = 'und'; // Use of field_get_items is slower. foreach ($options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields as $field_name => $field) { $count = 0; // Item is a Field. if (isset($field['type'])) { if (isset($term->{$field_name}[$language])) { // For taxonomy term reference, use name instead of value. if ($field['type'] == 'taxonomy_term_reference') { foreach ($term->{$field_name}[$language] as &$item) { $result['line'][] = isset($terms_list[$item['tid']]) ? $terms_list[$item['tid']]->name : taxonomy_term_load($item['tid'])->name; } } // For long text, need to escape the value. elseif ($field['type'] == 'text_long' || $field['type'] == 'text_with_summary' ) { foreach ($term->{$field_name}[$language] as &$item) { $result['line'][] = _taxonomy_csv_escape_line_break($item['value']); } } else { // Key is generally 'value' but it can be something else. reset($field['columns']); foreach ($term->{$field_name}[$language] as &$item) { $result['line'][] = $item[key($field['columns'])]; } } $count = count($term->{$field_name}[$language]); } } // Item is a database term field (name, tid, language...). else { // For taxonomy term parent, use name instead of value. if ($field_name == 'parent') { if (isset($term->parent)) { foreach ($term->parent as $tid) { $result['line'][] = isset($terms_list[$tid]) ? $terms_list[$tid]->name : taxonomy_term_load($tid)->name; } $count = count($term->parent); } } elseif ($field_name == 'description') { $result['line'][] = _taxonomy_csv_escape_line_break($term->description); $count = 1; } else { $result['line'][] = $term->{$field_name}; $count = 1; } } // Add empty value the max number of values in the vocabulary times. if (isset($options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields_unlimited[$field_name])) { if ($count < $options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields_unlimited[$field_name]) { $result['line'] = array_merge($result['line'], array_fill(0, $options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->fields_unlimited[$field_name] - $count, '')); } } elseif ($count < $field['cardinality']) { $result['line'] = array_merge($result['line'], array_fill(0, $field['cardinality'] - $count, '')); } } break; case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_TRANSLATE: if (!module_exists('i18n_taxonomy')) { $result['msg'][] = 360; // Translation error. break; } switch ($options['vocabulary'][$term->vid]->i18n_mode) { case I18N_MODE_NONE: case I18N_MODE_LANGUAGE: $result['line'][] = $term->name; break; case I18N_MODE_LOCALIZE: $result['line'][] = $term->name; $languages = locale_language_list('name'); unset($languages[language_default('language')]); foreach ($languages as $language => $value) { $translation = i18n_string_translate( array('taxonomy', 'term', $term->tid, 'name'), $term->name, array('langcode' => $language) ); $result['line'][] = $translation ? $translation : ''; } break; case I18N_MODE_TRANSLATE: case I18N_MODE_MULTIPLE: $languages = array( 'und' => t('Language neutral'), ); $languages += locale_language_list('name'); $languages = array_flip(array_keys($languages)); $result['line'] = array_fill(0, count($languages), ''); if ($term->i18n_tsid == 0) { $result['line'][$languages[$term->language]] = $term->name; } else { $translation_set = i18n_translation_set_load($term->i18n_tsid); $translations = $translation_set->get_translations(); $language_min = $languages[$term->language]; foreach ($translations as $language => $translated_term) { $result['line'][$languages[$language]] = $translated_term->name; // Check if this term is already exported (when there is a term // with a language before the current one). if ($languages[$language] < $language_min) { $language_min = $languages[$language]; } } // This term is already exported or will be exported with another // term. if ($language_min < $languages[$term->language]) { $result['line'] = array(); } } break; } break; default: $result['msg'][] = 307; // Error unknown export format. } } else { $result['msg'][] = 385; // Error no term to process. } // Clean result. $result['msg'] = array_unique($result['msg']); sort($result['msg']); return $result; }