Term Merge ------------------------ by: * Max Nylin * Oleksandr Trotsenko Description ----------- When using taxonomy for free tagging purposes, it's easy to end up with several terms having the same meaning. This may be due to spelling errors, or different users simply making up synonymous terms as they go. You, as an administrator, may then want to correct such errors or unify synonymous terms, thereby pruning the taxonomy to a more manageable set. This module allows you to merge multiple terms into one, while updating all fields referring to those terms to refer to the replacement term instead. Currently, the module only acts on: * fields of 'taxonomy term reference' type * Views Taxonomy Term filter handlers * Redirects It would be desirable to update other possible places where deleted terms are used. Integration ------------- Currently module integrates with the following core and contributed modules: * Redirect module (http://drupal.org/project/redirect). During term merging you may set up SEO friendly redirects from the branch terms to point to the trunk term * Synonyms module (http://drupal.org/project/synonyms). During term merging you will be able to choose a trunk term's field into which all the branch terms will be added as synonyms (until cardinality limit for that field is reached). * Hierarchical Select (http://drupal.org/project/hierarchical_select). If Hierarchical Select module is configured to be used for working with Taxonomy, its widget will be shown on the form, where you choose what terms to merge into what term. * Views (http://drupal.org/project/views). If the branch terms are to be deleted after the merging process, you could end up having some Views filters to filter on no longer existing terms. Term Merge module, while merging terms, will update those filters to filter not on the branch term, but on the trunk term. This way you will not have senseless filters and will not have to update them manually. Requirements ------------- The modules requires enabled the following modules: * Taxonomy module (ships with Drupal core) * Entity API (http://drupal.org/project/entity) Installation ------------ * Copy the module's directory to your modules directory and activate the module.