Entity translation is built and maintained by the Drupal project community. Everyone is encouraged to submit issues and changes (patches) to improve it, and to contribute in other ways -- see http://drupal.org/contribute to find out how. Project maintainers ------------------- The Entity translation maintainers oversee the development of the project as a whole. The project maintainers for Entity translation are: - Francesco Placella 'plach' - Daniel F. Kudwien 'sun' - Stefanos Petrakis 'stefanos.petrakis' Component maintainers --------------------- The Entity translation component maintainers oversee the development of its subsystems. This role maps pretty closely to the one of core maintainer for the Drupal core project (see http://drupal.org/contribute/core-maintainers for more information on their responsibilities), with the exception that here component maintainers are granted commit access for their specific subsystems. See http://drupal.org/node/363367 to find out how to become a component maintainer. Current component maintainers for Entity translation: Base system - Francesco Placella 'plach' - Benedikt Forchhammer 'bforchhammer' - Stefanos Petrakis 'stefanos.petrakis' Menu integration - Benedikt Forchhammer 'bforchhammer' Views integration - Fabian Sörqvist 'fabsor' Node translation upgrade - Francesco Placella 'plach'