/* $Id: README.txt,v 2008/12/13 09:22:36 davyvandenbremt Exp $ */ Description ----------- Drupal allows you to define a different theme for administration pages (Administer -> Site configuration -> Administration theme). By default this only applies to pages with a path starting with 'admin' and content editing pages. The Administration theme module adds a few more option to the default configuration page like : - Use administration theme for batch processing - Use administration theme for code reviews - ... Some of these pages will only appear if they apply to your installation, i.e. you have the module installed which generates these pages. You also have the option to define a custom set of Drupal paths or aliases to apply the administration theme for. Requirements ------------ This module requires Drupal 7. A Drupal 5 and 6 version are available. Installation ------------ 1) Copy/upload the admin_theme module folder to the sites/all/modules directory of your Drupal installation. 2) Enable the Administration theme module in Drupal (administer -> modules). Configuration ------------- You can enable/disable the administration theme on the administration theme configuration page. Administration theme can be configured at : Administer -> Site configuration -> Administration theme Developers ---------- You can add define extra pages where the administration theme should be applied to by implementing the hook_admin_theme_info and hook_admin_theme_check hooks in your modules. The first one gets all "options" and the second one checks if each of those options should should be applied to a path. Check out admin_theme_admin_theme_info and admin-theme_admin_theme_check for an example implementation. Author ------ Davy Van Den Bremt <info@davyvandenbremt.be> http://www.davyvandenbremt.be