array ( 'vde', ), 'description' => 'Fully executes a views_data_export display of a view and writes the output to file.', 'arguments' => array ( 'view_name' => 'The name of the view', 'display_id' => 'The id of the views_data_export display to execute on the view', 'output_file' => 'The file to write the results to - will be overwritten if it already exists', ), 'options' => array ( '--arguments' => 'Comma separated list of arguments to be passed to the view.', '--format' => 'csv,doc,txt,xls or xml. These options are ignored if the display_id passed is a "views_data_export" display.', '--separator' => 'csv only: What character separates the fields (default:,)', '--trim-whitespace' => 'csv only: Trim whitespace from either side of fields (default:1)', '--header-row' => 'csv only: Make the first row a row of headers (default:1)', '--quote-values' => 'csv only: Surround each field in quotes (default:1)', ), 'examples' => array ( 'drush views-data-export myviewname views_data_export_1 output.csv' => 'Export myviewname:views_data_export_1 and write the output to output.csv in the current directory', ), 'drupal dependencies' => array ( 'views_data_export', ), 'core' => array('7'), ); return $items; } /** * Implementation of hook_drush_help(). * * This function is called whenever a drush user calls * 'drush help ' * * @param * A string with the help section (prepend with 'drush:') * * @return * A string with the help text for your command. */ function views_data_export_drush_help($section) { switch ($section) { case 'drush:views-data-export': return dt("This command may be used to fully execute a views_data_export display of a view, batched if need be, and write the output to a file."); } } /** * Implementation of drush_hook_COMMAND_validate(). */ function drush_views_data_export_validate() { // Because of a bug in the way that Drush 4 computes the name of functions to // call from a Drush command, we may end up getting called twice, so we just // don't do anything on subsequent invocations. static $already_run = FALSE; if ($already_run) { return; } $already_run = TRUE; $args = drush_get_arguments(); array_shift($args); if (count($args) !== 3) { return drush_set_error('ARGUMENTS_REQUIRED', dt('All arguments are required.')); } if (!$view = views_get_view($args[0])) { return drush_set_error('VIEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST', dt('The view !view does not exist.', array ('!view' => $args[0]))); } if (!$view->set_display($args[1])) { return drush_set_error('VIEW_DOES_NOT_EXIST', dt('The view !view does not have the !display display.', array ('!view' => $args[0], '!display' => $args[1]))); } else { if ($view->current_display != $args[1]) { drush_log(dt('Using different display from specified display: @display', array('@display' => $view->current_display)), 'notice'); } drush_set_option('views_data_export_display_id', $view->current_display); } $format = drush_get_option('format'); $valid_formats = array('csv', 'doc', 'txt', 'xls', 'xml'); if (!empty($format) && !in_array($format, $valid_formats)) { return drush_set_error('VIEWS_DATA_EXPORT_INVALID_OPTION', dt('The "--format" option is invalid, please supply one of the following: !formats', array('!formats' => implode(', ', $valid_formats)))); } } /** * Drush command callback to export a views data to a file. * * @see drush_views_data_export_validate(). * @see views_data_export_views_data_export_batch_alter(). */ function drush_views_data_export($view_name, $display_id, $output_file) { // Because of a bug in the way that Drush 4 computes the name of functions to // call from a Drush command, we may end up getting called twice, so we just // don't do anything on subsequent invocations. static $already_run = FALSE; if ($already_run) { return; } $already_run = TRUE; // Set the display to the one that we computed earlier. $display_id = drush_get_option('views_data_export_display_id', 'default'); $view = views_get_view($view_name); // If the given display_id is not views_data_alter then // we programatically clone it to a views_data_alter display // and then execute that one instead if ($view->display[$display_id]->display_plugin != 'views_data_export') { //drush_log("Display '$display_id' is not views_data_export. Making one that is and executing that instead =).", 'success'); $format = drush_get_option('format'); $settings = array(); switch ($format) { case 'doc': case 'xls': case 'xml': case 'txt': $settings['display_options']['style_plugin'] = 'views_data_export_' . $format; break; case 'csv': default: $settings['display_options']['style_plugin'] = 'views_data_export_csv'; if ($separator = drush_get_option('separator')) { $settings['display_options']['style_options']['separator'] = $separator; } if (!$trim = drush_get_option('trim-whitespace')) { $settings['display_options']['style_options']['trim'] = 0; } if (!$header = drush_get_option('header-row')) { $settings['display_options']['style_options']['header'] = 0; } if (!$quote = drush_get_option('quote-values')) { $settings['display_options']['style_options']['quote'] = 0; } // Seperator } $display_id = _drush_views_data_export_clone_display($view, $display_id, $settings); } $view->set_display($display_id); // We execute the view normally, and take advantage // of an alter function to interject later and batch it ourselves $options = array(); // Let's see if the given $output_file is a absolute path. if (strpos($output_file, '/') === 0) { $options['output_file'] = $output_file; } else { $options['output_file'] = realpath(drush_get_context('DRUSH_OLDCWD', getcwd())) . '/' . $output_file; } if ($view->display_handler->is_batched()) { // This is a batched export, and needs to be handled as such. _drush_views_data_export_override_batch($view_name, $display_id, $options); $arguments = drush_get_option('arguments', ''); $arguments = explode(',', $arguments); $view->execute_display($display_id, $arguments); } else { // This export isn't batched. ob_start(); $view->execute_display($display_id); // Get the results, and clean the output buffer. $result = ob_get_contents(); // Clean the buffer. ob_end_clean(); // Save the results to file. // Copy file over if (file_put_contents($options['output_file'], $result)) { drush_log("Data export saved to " . $options['output_file'], 'success'); } else { drush_set_error('VIEWS_DATA_EXPORT_COPY_ERROR', dt("The file could not be copied to the selected destination")); } } } /** * Helper function that indicates that we want to * override the batch that the views_data_export view creates * on it's initial time through. * * Also provides a place to stash options that need to stay around * until the end of the batch */ function _drush_views_data_export_override_batch($view = NULL, $display = NULL, $options = TRUE) { static $_views; if (isset($view)) { $_views[$view][$display] = $options; } return $_views; } /** * Implementation of hook_views_data_export_batch_alter() */ function views_data_export_views_data_export_batch_alter(&$batch, &$final_destination, &$querystring) { // Copy the batch, because we're going to monkey with it, a lot! $new_batch = $batch; $view_name = $new_batch['view_name']; $display_id = $new_batch['display_id']; $ok_to_override = _drush_views_data_export_override_batch(); // Make sure we do nothing if we are called not following the execution of // our drush command. This could happen if the file with this function in it // is included during the normal execution of the view if (!$ok_to_override[$view_name][$display_id]) { return; } $options = $ok_to_override[$view_name][$display_id]; // We actually never return from the drupal_alter, but // use drush's batch system to run the same batch // Add a final callback $new_batch['operations'][] = array( '_drush_views_data_export_batch_finished', array($batch['eid'], $options['output_file']), ); batch_set($new_batch); $new_batch =& batch_get(); // Drush handles the different processes, so instruct BatchAPI not to. $new_batch['progressive'] = FALSE; // Process the batch using drush. drush_backend_batch_process(); // Instruct the view display plugin that it shouldn't set a batch. $batch = array(); } /** * Get's called at the end of the drush batch process that generated our export */ function _drush_views_data_export_batch_finished($eid, $output_file, &$context) { // Fetch export info $export = views_data_export_get($eid); // Perform cleanup $view = views_data_export_view_retrieve($eid); $view->set_display($export->view_display_id); $view->display_handler->batched_execution_state = $export; $view->display_handler->remove_index(); // Get path to temp file $temp_file = $view->display_handler->outputfile_path(); // Copy file over if (@drush_op('copy', $temp_file, $output_file)) { drush_log("Data export saved to " . $output_file, 'success'); } else { drush_set_error('VIEWS_DATA_EXPORT_COPY_ERROR', dt("The file could not be copied to the selected destination")); } } /** * Helper function that takes a view and returns a clone of it * that has cloned a given display to one of type views_data_export * * @param &$view * Modified to contain the new display * * @return * The new display_id */ function _drush_views_data_export_clone_display(&$view, $display_id, $settings = array()) { // Create the new display $new_display_id = _drush_views_data_export_generate_display_id($view, 'views_data_export'); $view->display[$new_display_id] = clone $view->display[$display_id]; // Ensure we have settings we'll need for our display $default_settings = array ( 'id' => $new_display_id, 'display_plugin' => 'views_data_export', 'position' => 99, 'display_options' => array ( 'style_plugin' => 'views_data_export_csv', 'style_options' => array( 'attach_text' => 'CSV', 'provide_file' => 1, 'filename' => 'view-%view.csv', 'parent_sort' => 1, 'separator' => ',', 'quote' => 1, 'trim' => 1, 'header' => 1, ), 'use_batch' => 'batch', 'path' => '', 'displays' => array ( 'default' => 'default', ), ), ); $settings = array_replace_recursive($default_settings, $settings); $view->display[$new_display_id] = (object)array_replace_recursive((array)$view->display[$new_display_id], $settings); return $new_display_id; } /** * Generate a display id of a certain plugin type. * See * * @param $type * Which plugin should be used for the new display id. */ function _drush_views_data_export_generate_display_id($view, $type) { // 'default' is singular and is unique, so just go with 'default' // for it. For all others, start counting. if ($type == 'default') { return 'default'; } // Initial id. $id = $type . '_1'; $count = 1; // Loop through IDs based upon our style plugin name until // we find one that is unused. while (!empty($view->display[$id])) { $id = $type . '_' . ++$count; } return $id; } /** * If we're using PHP < 5.3.0 then we'll need * to define this function ourselves. * See: */ if (!function_exists('array_replace_recursive')) { function array_replace_recursive($array, $array1) { // Get array arguments $arrays = func_get_args(); // Define the original array $original = array_shift($arrays); // Loop through arrays foreach ($arrays as $array) { // Loop through array key/value pairs foreach ($array as $key => $value) { // Value is an array if (is_array($value)) { // Traverse the array; replace or add result to original array $original[$key] = array_replace_recursive($original[$key], $array[$key]); } // Value is not an array else { // Replace or add current value to original array $original[$key] = $value; } } } // Return the joined array return $original; } }