'text-rotate-test', 'effects' => array( 32 => array( 'label' => 'Échelle', 'help' => 'La mise à l\'échelle maintiendra les proportions originales de l\'image. Si une seule dimension est précisée, l\'autre dimension sera calculée automatiquement.', 'effect callback' => 'image_scale_effect', 'dimensions callback' => 'image_scale_dimensions', 'form callback' => 'image_scale_form', 'summary theme' => 'image_scale_summary', 'module' => 'image', 'name' => 'image_scale', 'data' => array( 'width' => '800', 'height' => '', 'upscale' => 0, ), 'weight' => '1', ), 33 => array( 'label' => 'Overlay (watermark)', 'help' => 'Choose the file image you wish to use as an overlay, and position it in a layer on top of the canvas.', 'effect callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_image', 'form callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_form', 'summary theme' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_summary', 'module' => 'imagecache_canvasactions', 'name' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas', 'data' => array( 'xpos' => 0, 'ypos' => 0, 'alpha' => '100', 'path' => 'grid800x600.png', ), 'weight' => '2', ), 34 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '100', 'ypos' => '200', 'halign' => 'left', 'valign' => 'bottom', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '45', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '100,200 45 left,bottom', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '3', ), 35 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '300', 'ypos' => '200', 'halign' => 'center', 'valign' => 'center', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '45', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '300,200 45 center,center', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '4', ), 37 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '500', 'ypos' => '200', 'halign' => 'right', 'valign' => 'top', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '45', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '500,200 45 right,top', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '5', ), 38 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '100', 'ypos' => '500', 'halign' => 'left', 'valign' => 'bottom', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '-30', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '100,500 -30 left,bottom', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '7', ), 39 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '300', 'ypos' => '500', 'halign' => 'center', 'valign' => 'center', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '-30', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '300,500 -30 center,center', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '8', ), 40 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '600', 'ypos' => '400', 'halign' => 'right', 'valign' => 'top', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '-30', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '600,400 -30 right,top', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '9', ), ), ); // Exported image style: text-test $styles['text-test'] = array( 'name' => 'text-test', 'effects' => array( 23 => array( 'label' => 'Overlay (watermark)', 'help' => 'Choose the file image you wish to use as an overlay, and position it in a layer on top of the canvas.', 'effect callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_image', 'form callback' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_form', 'summary theme' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas_summary', 'module' => 'imagecache_canvasactions', 'name' => 'canvasactions_file2canvas', 'data' => array( 'xpos' => 'left', 'ypos' => 'top', 'alpha' => '100', 'path' => 'grid800x600.png', ), 'weight' => '-10', ), 22 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '100', 'ypos' => '200', 'halign' => 'left', 'valign' => 'top', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '100,200 left,top', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '-8', ), 24 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '300', 'ypos' => '200', 'halign' => 'left', 'valign' => 'center', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '300,200 left,center', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '3', ), 25 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '500', 'ypos' => '200', 'halign' => 'left', 'valign' => 'bottom', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '500,200 left,bottom', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '4', ), 26 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '100', 'ypos' => '400', 'halign' => 'center', 'valign' => 'top', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '100,400 center,top', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '5', ), 27 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '300', 'ypos' => '400', 'halign' => 'center', 'valign' => 'center', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '300,400 center,center', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '6', ), 28 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '500', 'ypos' => '400', 'halign' => 'center', 'valign' => 'bottom', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '500,400 center, bottom', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '7', ), 29 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '100', 'ypos' => '500', 'halign' => 'right', 'valign' => 'top', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '100,500 right,top', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '8', ), 30 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '300', 'ypos' => '500', 'halign' => 'right', 'valign' => 'center', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '300,500 right,center', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '9', ), 31 => array( 'label' => 'Texte', 'help' => 'Add static or dynamic (coded) text to an image.', 'dimensions passthrough' => TRUE, 'form callback' => 'image_effects_text_form', 'effect callback' => 'image_effects_text_effect', 'summary theme' => 'image_effects_text_summary', 'module' => 'image_effects_text', 'name' => 'image_effects_text', 'data' => array( 'size' => '18', 'xpos' => '500', 'ypos' => '500', 'halign' => 'right', 'valign' => 'bottom', 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '000000', ), 'alpha' => '100', 'angle' => '0', 'fontfile' => 'lhandw.ttf', 'text_source' => 'text', 'text' => '500,500 right,bottom', 'php' => 'return \'Hello World!\'', ), 'weight' => '10', ), ), ); return $styles; }