Ajaxify Search API pages. 1. INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION This Ajax module does not understand your theme CSS id's by default. You must implement a custom module hook to let it know about your theme. For example, create and enable a custom mymodule.module containing this code: CSS id 'content' => '#content .content', // CSS id's for regions containing search blocks // check your region names in mytheme.info // format: region_name => CSS id 'regions' => array( 'sidebar_first' => '#sidebar-first', 'sidebar_second' => '#sidebar-second', ), // OPTIONAL: if you want to provide an AJAX spinner // this paht is for a default spinner path provided with this module // @note: see the search_api_ajax.css 'spinner' => drupal_get_path('module', 'search_api_ajax') .'/spinner.gif', // OPTIONAL: if you want to use scroll-to-top functionality when paging // scroll target div 'scrolltarget' => '#main-content', 'scrollspeed' => 1000, // OPTIONAL: if you want to fade search results when Ajaxing // please set to 1 for TRUE 'fade' => 1, 'opacity' => 0.3, ); return $settings; } 2. OPTIONAL: customize YUI3 jquery If you want to use your custom YUI3 logic, you can override: theme_search_api_ajax_js() See search_api_ajax.module