Administer > Structure > Taxonomy > CSV import and CSV export. More information is available under Administer > Help > Taxonomy CSV import/export.
Your comments are welcomed on the Taxonomy CSV import/export module page.', array( '!link_import' => url('admin/structure/taxonomy/csv_import'), '!link_export' => url('admin/structure/taxonomy/csv_export'), '!link_help' => url('admin/help/taxonomy_csv'), '!link_module' => url(''), )))); } /** * Implements hook_uninstall(). */ function taxonomy_csv_uninstall() { // Simple DB query to get the names of the variables of the module. $results = db_select('variable', 'v') ->fields('v', array('name')) ->condition('name', 'taxonomy_csv_%', 'LIKE') ->execute(); foreach ($results as $result) { variable_del($result->name); } drupal_set_message(st('Taxonomy csv import/export: All user preferences have been removed. Thanks for using this module!
Your comments are welcomed on Taxonomy CSV import/export module page.', array( '!link' => url(''), ))); } /** * Implements hook_requirements(). */ function taxonomy_csv_requirements($phase) { $requirements = array(); $requirements['taxonomy_csv'] = array( 'title' => 'Taxonomy CSV import/export is enabled', 'value' => 'Taxonomy CSV is designed as a run-once setup or migration module. You may disable it once your imports and exports are processed.', 'severity' => REQUIREMENT_INFO, ); return $requirements; }