'name') * - translate_by : string. name (default) or tid * - translate_languages: array. List of languages for i18n (default: empty) * - keep_order : boolean. keep order of imported terms or not (default) * - delimiter : 1 character csv delimiter (default: ',') * - enclosure : 0 or 1 character csv enclosure (default: none or '"') * - filter_format : string. description field format (default: 'plain_text') * - filter_format_custom: string. custom fields format (default: 'none') * - language : string. terms' default language (default: neutral 'und') * - check_line : boolean. check or not (default) format of lines * - check_utf8 : boolean. check or not (default) utf8 format * - locale_custom : string. specific locale of imported file * - vocabulary_target: 'autocreate' (default), 'duplicate' or 'existing' * - vocabulary_id : vid or machine_name of the vocabulary to import into * - i18n_mode : integer. internationalization mode of autocreated * vocabulary (default: 0 (I18N_MODE_NONE)) * - vocabulary_language: string. language code of autocreated vocabulary * (default: 'und' (undefined)) * - fields_custom : array. custom fields to add or create (default: array()) * - delete_terms : delete all terms before import (default: FALSE) * - check_hierarchy: boolean. check (default) or not vocabulary hierarchy * - set_hierarchy : if hierarchy isn't checked, set it (0, 1 or 2 (default)) * - update_or_ignore : depends on import_format: 'update' (default) or 'ignore' * - check_options : boolean. check or not (default) this array of options * - result_display : boolean. display or not (default) * - result_stats : boolean. display or not (default) stats * - result_terms : boolean. display or not (default) list of imported terms * - result_level : log: 'first' (default), 'warnings', 'notices' or 'infos' * - result_type : display log 'by_message' (default) or 'by_line' * Only one option is required: file or text or url or path. Other options * have default values. Warning: default values are little different with UI. * * @return * Array of errors or nothing (need to execute batch process; result is logged * in watchdog). */ function taxonomy_csv_import($options) { // Complete $options with default values if needed. // Default api and UI options are different. $options += _taxonomy_csv_values('import_default_api'); // Preload text or file in order to check access to temporary folder. $messages = _taxonomy_csv_import_input_preload($options); if (count($messages)) { return $messages; } // Process import. return taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_import($options); } /** * Preload input. * * Automatically determinate source choice (file, text, path or url). * Then check if there is write access and prepare file. * To use a file is not optimal with array and text input, but this solution * unifies input and avoids some memory crashes. * * @todo Add an option to use only memory. * * @param $options * Array of options. * * @return * Array of messages errors if any. * By reference options are cleaned and completed. */ function _taxonomy_csv_import_input_preload(&$options) { $messages = array(); // File import. Used with UI. if (isset($options['file']) && is_object($options['file'])) { // File ready. No more check here. } // Text import. elseif (isset($options['text']) && $options['text'] != '') { // Prepare import by text: save text as a temp file to simplify process. $filename = file_unmanaged_save_data( $options['text'], 'public://taxocsv.csv', 'FILE_EXISTS_RENAME'); $options['file'] = (object) array( 'filename' => basename($filename), 'filepath' => drupal_realpath($filename), 'filesize' => filesize($filename) ); } // Url import. elseif (isset($options['url']) && $options['url'] != '') { $filename = file_unmanaged_save_data( file_get_contents($options['url']), 'public://taxocsv.csv', 'FILE_EXISTS_RENAME'); $options['file'] = (object) array( 'filename' => basename($filename), 'filepath' => drupal_realpath($filename), 'filesize' => filesize($filename), ); } // Path import. With UI, path is already uploaded as a file. elseif (isset($options['path']) && $options['path'] != '') { // Load source local file. No check for extension with API. $file = file_save_upload($options['path'], array('file_validate_extensions' => array('csv txt'))); // fopen and fseek need a real path. if (!empty($file)) { $file->filepath = drupal_realpath($file->uri); if (!empty($file->filepath)) { $options['file'] = $file; } } } else { $messages['source_choice'] = t('Source choice should be a text, an url or a file path and source content should not be empty.'); return $messages; } // Check file. if (!is_object($options['file']) || !$options['file']->filesize) { $messages['file'] = t('Import failed.') . '
' . t('- Check size of your input : it cannot be null.') . '
' . t('- Check your server configuration and your rights : server needs permission to access and to read file.') . '
' . t('- Check access rights to temp directory : import needs permission to write and to read in it.'); return $messages; } // Check if input format is utf8, if file has no bom and convert it if needed. if (!_taxonomy_csv_import_clean_utf8($options['file'], $options['check_utf8'])) { $messages['file'] = t("Your file is not utf-8 formatted. Possible solutions below.") . '
' . t('- Convert your file to utf-8.') . '
' . t('- Install iconv, GNU recode or mbstring for PHP.') . '
' . t('- Disable "Check utf-8" option.'); return $messages; } return $messages; } /** * Helper function to check if file is utf8 encoded and to remove bom if needed. * * See http://drupal.org/node/364832. * This function remove utf8 byte order mark if needed. * * @param $file * By reference file object to check. * * @param $check_utf8 * Boolean. Check utf8 format of the file (default) or not. * * @return * TRUE if input is utf8 formatted or FALSE else. File is updated if needed. */ function _taxonomy_csv_import_clean_utf8(&$file, $check_utf8 = TRUE) { $content = file_get_contents($file->filepath, TRUE); $flag = FALSE; // Check encoding. if ($check_utf8) { if (!function_exists('mb_detect_encoding')) { return FALSE; } $enc = mb_detect_encoding($content, 'UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, ISO-8859-15', TRUE); if ($enc != 'UTF-8') { $content = drupal_convert_to_utf8($content, $enc); if (!$content) { $messages[] = 320; // Error convert. return FALSE; } $flag = TRUE; } } // Skip eventual UTF-8 byte order mark. if (strncmp($content, "\xEF\xBB\xBF", 3) === 0) { $content = substr($content, 3); $flag = TRUE; } // Update content in file if needed. if ($flag) { $filename = file_unmanaged_save_data( $content, $file->uri, 'FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE'); $file = (object) array( 'filename' => basename($filename), 'filepath' => drupal_realpath($filename), 'filesize' => filesize($filename), ); } return TRUE; } /** * Helper to check if delimiter is a soft tab and to prepare file if needed. * * @param $file * By reference file object to check. * * @param $delimiter * String. Soft tab delimiter to switch with a true tab. * * @return * TRUE if delimiter isn't a soft tab or if file has been updated. * FALSE if file can't be updated with a true tab (currently not used). */ function _taxonomy_csv_import_soft_tab(&$file, $delimiter) { if (drupal_strlen($delimiter) > 1) { $content = file_get_contents($file->filepath, TRUE); // Switch soft tab delimiter with a true tab. $content = str_replace($delimiter, "\t", $content); // Save updated file. $filename = file_unmanaged_save_data( $content, $file->uri, 'FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE'); $file = (object) array( 'filename' => basename($filename), 'filepath' => drupal_realpath($filename), 'filesize' => filesize($filename), ); } return TRUE; } /** * Prepare the batch to import the vocabulary. * * @note * If not used in a form, don't forget to use batch_process(). * * @param $options * Array. Same as taxonomy_csv_import. See above. * * @return * Array of errors or nothing (batch process to execute). */ function taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_import($options) { // Check options and return array of messages in case of errors. if ($options['check_options']) { $module_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_csv'); require_once("$module_dir/import/taxonomy_csv.import.admin.inc"); $result = _taxonomy_csv_import_check_options($options); if (count($result)) { return $result; } } // Complete $options. // Switch soft tab delimiter with a true one if needed. if (drupal_strlen($options['delimiter']) > 1) { $result = _taxonomy_csv_import_soft_tab($options['file'], $options['delimiter']); $options['delimiter'] = "\t"; } // Calculates number of lines to be imported. File is already checked. $options['total_lines'] = count(file($options['file']->filepath)); // Prepare vocabularies. Options are passed by-reference and can be updated. $options['vocabulary'] = _taxonomy_csv_import_vocabulary_prepare($options); // Get infos about fields of vocabulary. if ($options['import_format'] == TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_FIELDS) { $options['instances'] = field_info_instances('taxonomy_term', $options['vocabulary']->machine_name); $options['fields'] = array(); if (is_array($options['instances'])) { foreach ($options['instances'] as $key => $value) { $options['fields'][$key] = field_info_field($key); } } } // Set locale if needed. // See http://drupal.org/node/872366 $options['locale_previous'] = setlocale(LC_CTYPE, 0); if ($options['locale_custom']) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $options['locale_custom']); } // Prepare import batch. // Use a one step batch in order to avoid memory crash in case of big import. $batch = array( 'title' => ($options['source_choice'] == 'text') ? t('Importing !total_lines lines from text...', array( '!total_lines' => $options['total_lines'])) : t('Importing !total_lines lines from CSV file "%filename"...', array( '%filename' => $options['vocabulary']->name, '!total_lines' => $options['total_lines'])), 'init_message' => t('Starting uploading of datas...') . '
' . t('Wait some seconds for pre-processing...'), 'progress_message' => '', 'error_message' => t('An error occurred during the import.'), 'finished' => '_taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_import_finished', 'file' => drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_csv') . '/import/taxonomy_csv.import.api.inc', 'progressive' => TRUE, 'operations' => array( 0 => array('_taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_import_process', array($options)), ), ); batch_set($batch); } /** * Batch process of vocabulary import. * * @param $options * Array of batch options. * @param &$context * Batch context to keep results and messages. * * @return * NULL because use of &$context. */ function _taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_import_process($options, &$context) { // Session or batch context are needed, because with batch process, static // and $GLOBALS don't work for large import. // First callback to prepare batch context. if (empty($context['sandbox'])) { // Remember options as batch_set can't use form_storage. // It allows too that first line in result is numbered 1 and not 0. $context['results'][0] = $options; // Automatically detect line endings. ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', '1'); // Initialize some variables. $context['results'][0]['current_line'] = 0; $context['results'][0]['worst_line'] = 0; $context['results'][0]['worst_message'] = 799; $context['results'][0]['terms_count'] = 0; $context['results'][0]['handle'] = fopen($options['file']->filepath, 'r'); $context['sandbox']['handle_pointer'] = 0; $context['sandbox']['previous_items'] = array( 'name' => array(), 'tid' => array(), ); } elseif (!is_resource($context['results'][0]['handle'])) { // Recall file and set pointer in case of memory or time out. $context['results'][0]['handle'] = fopen($options['file']->filepath, 'r'); fseek($context['results'][0]['handle'], $context['sandbox']['handle_pointer']); } // Load and process one line. $line_number = &$context['results'][0]['current_line']; $worst_line = &$context['results'][0]['worst_line']; $worst_message = &$context['results'][0]['worst_message']; $terms_count = &$context['results'][0]['terms_count']; $handle = &$context['results'][0]['handle']; $previous_items = &$context['sandbox']['previous_items']; // To set locale is needed with fgetcsv and it's needed each time this // function is called. See http:/php.net/manual/en/function.fgetcsv.php. // See http://drupal.org/node/872366 // @todo Use of preg_split? if ($options['locale_custom']) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $options['locale_custom']); } $line = fgetcsv($handle, 4096, $options['delimiter'], $options['enclosure']); if ($line) { ++$line_number; // Remember pointer in case of memory or time out. $context['sandbox']['handle_pointer'] = ftell($handle); // Process import of current line. $result = taxonomy_csv_line_import_process($line, $options, $previous_items, $terms_count); // Remember processed line. $previous_items['name'] = $result['name']; $previous_items['tid'] = $result['tid']; $terms_count = $result['terms_count']; // Remember first worst message of imported lines. $worst_message_new = _taxonomy_csv_worst_message($result['msg']); if ($worst_message > $worst_message_new) { $worst_message = $worst_message_new; $worst_line = $line_number; }; // Remember only wanted messages. if (($options['result_stats'] || $options['result_terms']) && $result['tid'] ) { // Some formats use $result to save other infos, so it needs to be cleaned // before to be saved. if (in_array($format['import_format'], array( TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_STRUCTURE, TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_TREE, TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_POLYHIERARCHY, ))) { // Don't remember previous previous items. $context['results'][0]['imported_terms'][0] = array_values($result['tid']); } else { $context['results'][0]['imported_terms'][$line_number] = $result['tid']; } } if ($options['result_level'] != 'first') { $list_messages = array(); switch ($options['result_level']) { // case 'first': // break; case 'warnings': foreach ($result['msg'] as $msg) { if ($msg < TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_NOTICE) { $list_messages[] = $msg; } } break; case 'notices': foreach ($result['msg'] as $msg) { if ($msg < TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_INFO) { $list_messages[] = $msg; } } break; case 'infos': $list_messages = $result['msg']; break; } if (count($list_messages)) { $context['results'][$line_number] = $list_messages; } } // Inform about progress. $context['message'] = t('Line !line_number of !total_lines processed: !line', array( '!line_number' => $line_number, '!total_lines' => $options['total_lines'], '!line' => '"' . implode('", "', $line) . '"', )); // Check worst message of imported lines and update progress. if ($worst_message >= TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_WARNING) { // Count should be <= 0.99 to avoid batch stop before end (Drupal 7 bug). $context['finished'] = floor($line_number / $options['total_lines'] * 100) / 100; } else { $context['finished'] = 1; } } } /** * Callback for finished batch import and display result informations. */ function _taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_import_finished($success, $results, $operations) { // $results[0] is used to save options and some infos (imported terms), as // batch process can't use $form_state. $options = &$results[0]; unset($results[0]); // Close imported file. if ($options['handle']) { fclose($options['handle']); } // Set previous locale if needed. if ($options['locale_custom']) { setlocale(LC_CTYPE, $options['locale_previous']); } // Clean Session. unset($_SESSION['taxonomy_csv_import']); // Invoke import stats file if user wants to display texts for result. if ($options['result_display']) { $module_dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_csv'); require_once("$module_dir/import/taxonomy_csv.import.result.inc"); } // Short summary information is different if batch succeeded or not. if ($success) { $variables = array( '!line' => $options['worst_line'], '!total_lines' => $options['total_lines'], '!worst_msg' => $options['result_display'] ? _taxonomy_csv_message_text($options['worst_message']) : t('Message code') . ' = ' . $options['worst_message'], ); $messages = array( WATCHDOG_DEBUG => t('No error, warnings or notices have been reported during import process of !total_lines lines.', $variables), WATCHDOG_INFO => t('No error, warnings or notices have been reported during import process of !total_lines lines.', $variables), WATCHDOG_NOTICE => t('Notices have been reported during import process (bad formatted or empty lines). !total_lines lines processed. First notice occurred on line !line [!worst_msg].', $variables), WATCHDOG_WARNING => t('Warnings have been reported during import process (bad formatted lines). !total_lines lines processed. First line skipped is line !line [!worst_msg].', $variables), WATCHDOG_ERROR => t('Errors have been reported during import process. Process failed at line !line of a total of !total_lines [!worst_msg].', $variables), ); $worst_level = intval($options['worst_message'] / 100); $message = $messages[$worst_level]; } else { $message = t('Importation failed. Import process was successful until the line !line_count of a total of !total_lines. You can first check your file on this line and check file uploading.', array( '!line_count' => $options['current_line'], '!total_lines' => $options['total_lines'], )) . '
' . t('This issue is related to import process or to size import and probably not to content. You can disable hierarchy check and reduce log level. You can divide your import file into lighter files. You can increase php and sql memory. If problem does not disappear, you can reinstall module from a fresh release or submit an issue on Taxonomy CSV import/export module.', array( '!link' => url('http://drupal.org/project/issues/taxonomy_csv/'), )); $worst_level = WATCHDOG_ERROR; } // Set result message in watchdog and eventually in user interface. // Use of a $message variable is unrecommended, but simpler and working. // See http://drupal.org/node/323101 watchdog('taxonomy_csv', $message, NULL, $worst_level); if ($options['result_display']) { _taxonomy_csv_import_result($options, $worst_level, $message, $results); } } /** * Prepare a vocabulary for import. * * @param $options * Array of batch options. * @param $check * (Optional) Boolean used to determine if some options are checked or not. * * @return * Prepared vocabulary object. $options can be updated. */ function _taxonomy_csv_import_vocabulary_prepare(&$options, $check = TRUE) { $name = ''; if ($check) { // Use name of file or url as vocabulary name. if (isset($options['url']) && $options['url'] != '') { $name = basename($options['url']); } elseif (isset($options['text']) && $options['text'] != '') { $name = ''; // Remove useless option, because text is now saved. $options['text'] = ''; } elseif (isset($options['file']->filename) && $options['file']->filename != '') { $name = $options['file']->filename; } } // Create, duplicate or use an existing vocabulary. switch ($options['vocabulary_target']) { case 'autocreate': $vocabulary = taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_create($name); $options['vocabulary_id'] = $vocabulary->vid; // Update vocabulary with language options. if (module_exists('i18n_taxonomy')) { $vocabulary->i18n_mode = $options['i18n_mode']; $vocabulary->language = $options['vocabulary_language']; $result = taxonomy_vocabulary_save($vocabulary); } break; case 'existing': $vocabulary = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($options['vocabulary_id']); // Optional deletion of terms. if ($options['delete_terms']) { $tids = taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_get_tids($vocabulary->vid); $result = taxonomy_csv_term_delete_multiple($tids); } break; } // Synchronize vocabulary internationalization options. if (module_exists('i18n_taxonomy')) { $options['i18n_mode'] = $vocabulary->i18n_mode; $options['vocabulary_language'] = $vocabulary->language; if ($vocabulary->i18n_mode == I18N_MODE_LOCALIZE) { $options['filter_format'] = 'plain_text'; } } // Add or create custom fields if needed. if ($options['import_format'] == TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_FIELDS) { $fields_custom = array_flip($options['fields_format']); // Set default format to items of the custom format. foreach ($fields_custom as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, array( 'tid', 'vid', 'name', 'description', 'format', 'weight', 'language', 'i18n_tsid', 'guid', 'vocabulary_machine_name', 'parent', ))) { unset($fields_custom[$key]); } else { $fields_custom[$key] = 'text'; } } // Add items of the custom fields. Allowed types are already checked. foreach ($options['fields_custom'] as $key => $value) { $field_name = (strpos($value, '|') === FALSE) ? $value : trim(drupal_substr($value, 0, strpos($value, '|'))); $field_type = (strpos($value, '|') === FALSE) ? 'text' : trim(drupal_substr($value, strpos($value, '|') + 1)); $fields_custom[$field_name] = $field_type; } // Add or create each custom fields. foreach ($fields_custom as $field_name => $field_type) { // Set default field type. $field = array( 'field_name' => $field_name, 'label' => $field_name, 'description' => '', 'type' => $field_type, 'cardinality' => FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED, // Currently, translatable term reference fields are not supported. 'translatable' => FALSE, ); switch ($field_type) { case 'taxonomy_term_reference': $field += array( 'settings' => array('allowed_values' => array(0 => array( 'vocabulary' => $vocabulary->machine_name, 'parent' => 0, )))); break; case 'list_boolean': $field += array( 'settings' => array('allowed_values' => array( '0' => 'FALSE', '1' => 'TRUE', ))); break; } $result = taxonomy_csv_vocabulary_field_attach($vocabulary->machine_name, $field); } } return $vocabulary; } /** * Import a line that contains a term and other items matching the options. * * @param $line * Array which contains items of a csv line. * @param $options * An associative array of import options: * - import_format : format of the csv line (see taxonomy.api.inc) * - keep_order : boolean. keep order of imported terms or not (default) * - vocabulary_id : vocabulary id to import into * - update_or_ignore: indicates what will become existing terms, if any. * - check_line : boolean. Tweak to check (default) or not format of lines * - check_utf8 : boolean. Tweak to check (default) or not utf8 format * @param $previous_items * (Optional) Cleaned and checked previous imported line names and tids array. * Needed with some contents as one term array structure. * @param $terms_count * (Optional integer) Total of imported terms (duplicate included) is needed * to set weight of terms and to keep order of items, if wished. * * @return * Result array: * - 'name' => array of imported terms names, * - 'tid' => array of imported terms tids, * - 'msg' => messages arrays: * term position => array of status messages of term, * 'line' => array of status messages of line, * - 'terms_count' => total of imported terms. */ function taxonomy_csv_line_import_process($line, $options, $previous_items = array(), $terms_count = 0) { // Define default values. $line_messages = array(); $items_messages = array(); $result = array( 'name' => array(), 'tid' => array(), 'msg' => array(), 'terms_count' => $terms_count, ); // 1. Validate and clean line. if ($options['check_line']) { $line = _taxonomy_csv_line_import_clean( $line, $line_messages); // 2. Check items of line if no error occurs and if line is not empty. if ((_taxonomy_csv_worst_message($line_messages) >= TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_NOTICE) && ((count($line_messages) == 0) || ($line_messages[0] != 696))) { $line = _taxonomy_csv_line_import_check( $line, $options, $previous_items, $items_messages); $line_messages = array_merge($line_messages, $items_messages); // 3. Process import items with full checked line. if (_taxonomy_csv_worst_message($items_messages) >= TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_NOTICE) { $result = taxonomy_csv_line_import( $line, $options, $previous_items, $terms_count); // Add line level message of bad or successful import. $line_messages[] = (_taxonomy_csv_worst_message($result['msg']) >= TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_NOTICE) ? 699 : 499; } } } else { // No checks, so directly import line after a simple trim. $result = taxonomy_csv_line_import( array_values(array_map('trim', $line)), $options, $previous_items, $terms_count); // Add line level message of bad or successful import. $line_messages[] = (_taxonomy_csv_worst_message($result['msg']) >= TAXONOMY_CSV_PROCESS_NOTICE) ? 699 : 499; } // Keep previous items in case of an empty or an unprocessed line. if (count($result['name']) == 0) { $result['name'] = $previous_items['name']; $result['tid'] = $previous_items['tid']; } // Add line level messages and clean result. $result['msg'] = array_unique(array_merge($result['msg'], $line_messages)); sort($result['msg']); return $result; } /** * Helper function to clean an imported line. * * @todo To be simplified. * * @param $line * Array of items to be processed. * @param &$messages * (Optional) By reference array of messages codes to be returned. * * @return * Array of cleaned imported line. */ function _taxonomy_csv_line_import_clean($line, &$messages = array()) { $cleaned_line = array(); // Example: string "Term 1". if (!is_array($line)) { $messages[] = 310; // Error not a line array. } // Example: " " or unrecognized line. elseif ((count($line) == 0) || empty($line) || ((count($line) == 1) && (trim($line[0]) == ''))) { $messages[] = 696; // Info empty line. } else { $cleaned_line = $line; if (!drupal_validate_utf8(implode(',', $line))) { $messages[] = 321; // Error validate. } // Trim and check empty line: useful for some non-Ascii lines. $line = array_map('trim', $cleaned_line); // @todo To simplify. // Example: " , , ". $test_line = array_unique($line); if (count($test_line) == 1 && in_array('', $test_line)) { $messages[] = 491; // Warning no item. } else { $cleaned_line = array_values($line); } } return $cleaned_line; } /** * Check a line to find duplicate items, empty items... * * @param $line * Array of items from a cleaned line. * @param $options * Array of available options. See taxonomy_csv_line_import_process. * @param $previous_items * (Optional) Cleaned and checked previous imported line names and tids array. * Needed with some contents as one term array structure. * @param &$messages * (Optional) By reference array of messages codes to be returned. * * @return * Array of checked items of imported line. */ function _taxonomy_csv_line_import_check($line, $options, $previous_items = array(), &$messages = array()) { $checked_items = array(); // Simplify used options. $update_or_ignore = &$options['update_or_ignore']; // No input check because line and previous line are already checked. // @todo A php callback function may be used to simplify checking. // @todo To be factorized and simplified. switch ($options['import_format']) { case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_FLAT: if (count($line) == 0) { $messages[] = 491; // Warning no item. break; } $checked_items = array_unique(array_filter($line)); if (count($checked_items) < count($line)) { $messages[] = 531; // Notice duplicates, which are removed. } foreach ($checked_items as $name) { if (drupal_strlen($name) > 255) { $messages[] = 454; // Warning too long. break; } } break; case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_STRUCTURE: case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_TREE: case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_POLYHIERARCHY: // Check last empty column before first item with previous imported items. for ($first_non_empty = 0; ($first_non_empty < count($line)) && (empty($line[$first_non_empty])); $first_non_empty++) { } // Example: Previous line("Term 1,Item 2") ; Current line(",,,Item4") if ($first_non_empty && (!isset($previous_items['name'][$first_non_empty - 1]))) { $messages[] = 410; // Warning impossible to get parent. break; } // Example: Previous line("Term 1,Item 2") ; Current line(",,,Item4") // "0" value are lost, but that is not important for a taxonomy. $imported_items = array_filter(array_slice($line, $first_non_empty)); if (count($imported_items) == 0) { $messages[] = 491; // Warning no item. break; } if (count($imported_items) < (count($line) - $first_non_empty)) { $messages[] = 510; // Notice empty items. } if (count(array_unique($imported_items)) < count($imported_items)) { $messages[] = 632; // Info duplicates (not removed). } if ($first_non_empty == 0) { $checked_items = $imported_items; } else { $checked_items = array_merge(array_fill(0, $first_non_empty, ''), $imported_items); } foreach ($checked_items as $name) { if (drupal_strlen($name) > 255) { $messages[] = 454; // Warning too long. break; } } break; case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_FIELDS: // Get number of items. $number_items = count($options['fields_format']); if (count($line) < count($options['fields_format'])) { $messages[] = 570; // Notice too little items. } elseif (count($line) > count($options['fields_format'])) { $messages[] = 564; // Notice too many items. } if (count(array_keys($options['fields_format'], '')) >= 1) { $messages[] = 513; // Notice empty items. } // @todo Add format check: required or not, type of datas... // Currently, check only if the first field is empty or not. if (empty($line[0])) { $messages[] = 464; // Warning no name. break; } $checked_items = $line; break; case TAXONOMY_CSV_FORMAT_TRANSLATE: if (empty($line[0])) { $messages[] = 484; // Warning no first/second column. break; } if (count($line) < 2) { $messages[] = 484; // Warning no first/second column. break; } $checked_items = $line; break; default: $messages[] = 306; // Error unknown source content. } return array_values($checked_items); }