'menu-home-v2', 'link_path' => 'node/13052', 'router_path' => 'node/%', 'link_title' => 'Access to the online database', 'options' => array( 'alter' => TRUE, 'identifier' => 'menu-home-v2_access-to-the-online-database:node/13052', 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array( 0 => 'bdd-link', ), ), 'item_attributes' => array( 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => '', ), ), 'module' => 'menu', 'hidden' => 0, 'external' => 0, 'has_children' => 0, 'expanded' => 0, 'weight' => 1, 'customized' => 1, 'language' => 'und', 'menu_links_customized' => 1, ); // Exported menu link: menu-home-v2_actualit:actuality. $menu_links['menu-home-v2_actualit:actuality'] = array( 'menu_name' => 'menu-home-v2', 'link_path' => 'actuality', 'router_path' => 'actuality', 'link_title' => 'Actualité', 'options' => array( 'alter' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array( 0 => 'news-link', ), ), 'item_attributes' => array( 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => '', ), 'identifier' => 'menu-home-v2_actualit:actuality', ), 'module' => 'menu', 'hidden' => 0, 'external' => 0, 'has_children' => 0, 'expanded' => 0, 'weight' => 4, 'customized' => 1, 'language' => 'und', 'menu_links_customized' => 1, ); // Exported menu link: menu-home-v2_le-showroom:node/13051. $menu_links['menu-home-v2_le-showroom:node/13051'] = array( 'menu_name' => 'menu-home-v2', 'link_path' => 'node/13051', 'router_path' => 'node/%', 'link_title' => 'Le showroom', 'options' => array( 'alter' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array( 0 => 'showroom-link', ), ), 'item_attributes' => array( 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => '', ), 'identifier' => 'menu-home-v2_le-showroom:node/13051', ), 'module' => 'menu', 'hidden' => 0, 'external' => 0, 'has_children' => 0, 'expanded' => 0, 'weight' => 0, 'customized' => 1, 'language' => 'und', 'menu_links_customized' => 1, ); // Exported menu link: menu-home-v2_les-formations:node/13053. $menu_links['menu-home-v2_les-formations:node/13053'] = array( 'menu_name' => 'menu-home-v2', 'link_path' => 'node/13053', 'router_path' => 'node/%', 'link_title' => 'Les formations', 'options' => array( 'alter' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array( 0 => 'formations-link', ), ), 'item_attributes' => array( 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => '', ), 'identifier' => 'menu-home-v2_les-formations:node/13053', ), 'module' => 'menu', 'hidden' => 0, 'external' => 0, 'has_children' => 0, 'expanded' => 0, 'weight' => 2, 'customized' => 1, 'language' => 'und', 'menu_links_customized' => 1, ); // Exported menu link: menu-home-v2_les-services-sur-mesure:node/13054. $menu_links['menu-home-v2_les-services-sur-mesure:node/13054'] = array( 'menu_name' => 'menu-home-v2', 'link_path' => 'node/13054', 'router_path' => 'node/%', 'link_title' => 'Les services sur mesure', 'options' => array( 'alter' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array( 'class' => array( 0 => 'services-link', ), ), 'item_attributes' => array( 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => '', ), 'identifier' => 'menu-home-v2_les-services-sur-mesure:node/13054', ), 'module' => 'menu', 'hidden' => 0, 'external' => 0, 'has_children' => 0, 'expanded' => 0, 'weight' => 3, 'customized' => 1, 'language' => 'und', 'menu_links_customized' => 1, ); // Exported menu link: menu-menu-home-member_access-to-the-online-database:actuality. $menu_links['menu-menu-home-member_access-to-the-online-database:actuality'] = array( 'menu_name' => 'menu-menu-home-member', 'link_path' => 'actuality', 'router_path' => 'actuality', 'link_title' => 'Access to the online database', 'options' => array( 'attributes' => array(), 'item_attributes' => array( 'id' => '', 'class' => '', 'style' => '', ), 'alter' => TRUE, 'identifier' => 'menu-menu-home-member_access-to-the-online-database:actuality', ), 'module' => 'menu', 'hidden' => 0, 'external' => 0, 'has_children' => 0, 'expanded' => 0, 'weight' => 0, 'customized' => 1, 'language' => 'und', 'menu_links_customized' => 1, ); // Translatables // Included for use with string extractors like potx. t('Access to the online database'); t('Actualité'); t('Le showroom'); t('Les formations'); t('Les services sur mesure'); return $menu_links; }