array( 'render element' => 'form', 'file' => '', ), 'taxonomy_access_grant_table' => array( 'render element' => 'elements', 'file' => '', ), ); } /** * Implements hook_element_info(). */ function taxonomy_access_element_info() { return array( 'taxonomy_access_grant_table' => array( '#theme' => 'taxonomy_access_grant_table', '#regions' => array('' => array()), ), ); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function taxonomy_access_menu() { $items = array(); $items[TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG] = array( 'title' => 'Taxonomy access control', 'description' => 'Taxonomy-based access control for content', 'page callback' => 'taxonomy_access_admin', 'access arguments' => array('administer permissions'), 'file' => '', ); $items[TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role'] = array( 'title' => 'Configure role access rules', 'description' => 'Configure taxonomy access control', 'page callback' => 'taxonomy_access_admin', 'access arguments' => array('administer permissions'), 'file' => '', 'type' => MENU_DEFAULT_LOCAL_TASK, ); $items[TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/%/edit'] = array( 'title callback' => 'taxonomy_access_role_edit_title', 'title arguments' => array(5), 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('taxonomy_access_admin_role', 5), 'access callback' => 'taxonomy_access_role_edit_access', 'access arguments' => array(5), 'file' => '', ); $items[TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/%/enable'] = array( 'page callback' => 'taxonomy_access_enable_role_validate', 'page arguments' => array(5), 'access arguments' => array('administer permissions'), 'file' => '', ); $items[TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/%/delete'] = array( 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('taxonomy_access_role_delete_confirm', 5), 'access callback' => 'taxonomy_access_role_delete_access', 'access arguments' => array(5), 'file' => '', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items[TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/%/disable/%taxonomy_vocabulary'] = array( 'page callback' => 'taxonomy_access_disable_vocab_confirm_page', 'page arguments' => array(5, 7), 'access arguments' => array('administer permissions'), 'file' => '', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); $items['taxonomy_access/autocomplete'] = array( 'title' => 'Autocomplete taxonomy', 'page callback' => 'taxonomy_access_autocomplete', 'access arguments' => array('access content'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'file' => '', ); return $items; } /** * Title callback: Returns the title for the role edit form. */ function taxonomy_access_role_edit_title($rid) { $roles = _taxonomy_access_user_roles(); return t('Access rules for @role', array('@role' => $roles[$rid])); } /** * Access callback: Determines whether the admin form can be accessed. */ function taxonomy_access_role_edit_access($rid) { // Allow access only if the user may administer permissions. if (!user_access('administer permissions')) { return FALSE; } // Do not render the form for invalid role IDs. $roles = _taxonomy_access_user_roles(); if (empty($roles[$rid])) { return FALSE; } // If the conditions above are met, grant access. return TRUE; } /** * Access callback for role deletion form. */ function taxonomy_access_role_delete_access($rid) { if (!user_access('administer permissions')) { return FALSE; } if (($rid == DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID) || ($rid == DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID)) { return FALSE; } $roles = _taxonomy_access_user_roles(); if (empty($roles[$rid])) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Implements hook_user_role_delete(). */ function taxonomy_access_user_role_delete($role) { // Do not update node access since the role will no longer exist. taxonomy_access_delete_role_grants($role->rid, FALSE); } /** * Implements hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete(). */ function taxonomy_access_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete($vocab) { taxonomy_access_delete_default_grants($vocab->vid); } /** * Implements hook_taxonomy_term_delete(). */ function taxonomy_access_taxonomy_term_delete($term) { taxonomy_access_delete_term_grants($term->tid); } /** * Implements hook_node_grants(). * * Gives access to taxonomies based on the taxonomy_access table. */ function taxonomy_access_node_grants($user, $op) { $roles = is_array($user->roles) ? array_keys($user->roles) : -1; return array('taxonomy_access_role' => $roles); } /** * Implements hook_node_access_records(). * * @ingroup tac_node_access */ function taxonomy_access_node_access_records($node) { // Only write grants for published nodes. if ($node->status) { // Make sure to reset caches for accurate grant values. return _taxonomy_access_node_access_records($node->nid, TRUE); } } /** * Implements hook_field_info_alter(). * * @todo * Should we somehow pass the originl callback to our callback dynamically? */ function taxonomy_access_field_info_alter(&$info) { // Return if there's no term reference field type. if (empty($info['taxonomy_term_reference'])) { return; } // Use our custom callback in order to disable list while generating options. $info['taxonomy_term_reference']['settings']['options_list_callback'] = '_taxonomy_access_term_options'; } /** * Implements hook_field_attach_validate(). * * For form validation: * @see taxonomy_access_options_validate() * @see taxonomy_access_autocomplete_validate() */ function taxonomy_access_field_attach_validate($entity_type, $entity, &$errors) { // Add create grant handling. module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy_access', 'taxonomy_access.create'); _taxonomy_access_field_validate($entity_type, $entity, $errors); } /** * Implements hook_query_TAG_alter() for 'term_access'. * * Provides sitewide list grant filtering, as well as create grant filtering * for autocomplete paths. * * @todo * Fix create permission filtering for autocomplete paths. * * @ingroup tac_list */ function taxonomy_access_query_term_access_alter($query) { // Take no action while the list op is disabled. if (!taxonomy_access_list_enabled()) { return; } // Take no action if there is no term table in the query. $alias = ''; $tables =& $query->getTables(); foreach ($tables as $i => $table) { if (strpos($table['table'], 'taxonomy_term_') === 0) { $alias = $table['alias']; } } if (empty($alias)) { return; } // Fetch a list of all terms the user may list. $tids = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, taxonomy_access_user_list_terms()); // If exactly TRUE was returned, the user can list all terms. if ($tids === TRUE) { return; } // If the user cannot list any terms, then allow only null values. if (empty($tids)) { $query->isNull($alias . ".tid"); } // Otherwise, filter to the terms provided. else { $query->condition($alias . ".tid", $tids, "IN"); } } /** * Implements hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter(). * * @see _taxonomy_access_autocomplete_alter() */ function taxonomy_access_field_widget_taxonomy_autocomplete_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) { // Enforce that list grants do not filter the autocomplete. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); // Add create grant handling. module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy_access', 'taxonomy_access.create'); _taxonomy_access_autocomplete_alter($element, $form_state, $context); // Re-enable list grants. taxonomy_access_enable_list(); } /** * Implements hook_field_widget_form_alter(). * * @see _taxonomy_access_options_alter() */ function taxonomy_access_field_widget_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) { // Only act on taxonomy fields. if ($context['field']['type'] != 'taxonomy_term_reference') { return; } // Only act on options widgets. $widget = $context['instance']['widget']['type']; if (!in_array($widget, array('options_buttons', 'options_select'))) { return; } // Enforce that list grants do not filter our queries. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); // Add create grant handling. module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy_access', 'taxonomy_access.create'); _taxonomy_access_options_alter($element, $form_state, $context); // Re-enable list grants. taxonomy_access_enable_list(); } /** * Enables access control for a given role. * * @param int $rid * The role ID. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. * * @todo * Should we default to the authenticated user global default? */ function taxonomy_access_enable_role($rid) { $rid = intval($rid); // Take no action if the role is already enabled. All valid role IDs are > 0. if (!$rid || taxonomy_access_role_enabled($rid)) { return FALSE; } // If we are adding a role, no global default is set yet, so insert it now. // Assemble a $row object for Schema API. $row = new stdClass(); $row->vid = TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT; $row->rid = $rid; // Insert the row with defaults for all grants. return drupal_write_record('taxonomy_access_default', $row); } /** * Indicates whether access control is enabled for a given role. * * @param int $rid * The role ID. * * @return bool * TRUE if access control is enabled for the role, or FALSE otherwise. */ function taxonomy_access_role_enabled($rid) { $role_status = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); if (!isset($role_status[$rid])) { $role_status[$rid] = db_query( 'SELECT 1 FROM {taxonomy_access_default} WHERE rid = :rid AND vid = :vid', array(':rid' => $rid, ':vid' => TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT)) ->fetchField(); } return (bool) $role_status[$rid]; } /** * Enables a vocabulary for the given role. * * @param int $vid * The vocabulary ID to enable. * @param int $rid * The role ID. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. * * @see taxnomomy_access_enable_role() */ function taxonomy_access_enable_vocab($vid, $rid) { $rid = intval($rid); $vid = intval($vid); // All valid role IDs are > 0, and we do not enable the global default here. if (!$rid || !$vid) { return FALSE; } // Take no action if the vocabulary is already enabled for the role. $vocab_status = db_query( 'SELECT 1 FROM {taxonomy_access_default} WHERE rid = :rid AND vid = :vid', array(':rid' => $rid, ':vid' => $vid)) ->fetchField(); if ($vocab_status) { return FALSE; } // Otherwise, initialize the vocabulary default with the global default. // Use our API functions so that node access gets updated as needed. $global_default = db_query( 'SELECT grant_view, grant_update, grant_delete, grant_create, grant_list FROM {taxonomy_access_default} WHERE vid = :vid AND rid = :rid', array(':rid' => $rid, ':vid' => TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT)) ->fetchAssoc(); $record = _taxonomy_access_format_grant_record($vid, $rid, $global_default, TRUE); return taxonomy_access_set_default_grants(array($vid => $record)); } /** * Disables a vocabulary for the given role. * * @param int $vid * The vocabulary ID to enable. * @param int $rid * The role ID. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. * * @see taxonomy_access_delete_role_grants() */ function taxonomy_access_disable_vocab($vid, $rid) { $rid = intval($rid); $vid = intval($vid); // Do not allow the global default to be deleted this way. // Deleting the global default would disable the role. if (!$vid || !$rid) { return FALSE; } // Delete the vocabulary default. taxonomy_access_delete_default_grants($vid, $rid); // Delete the role's term access rules for the vocabulary. // First check which term records are enabled so we can update node access. $tids = db_query( "SELECT ta.tid FROM {taxonomy_access_term} ta INNER JOIN {taxonomy_term_data} td ON ta.tid = td.tid WHERE td.vid = :vid AND ta.rid = :rid", array(':vid' => $vid, ':rid' => $rid)) ->fetchCol(); taxonomy_access_delete_term_grants($tids, $rid); return TRUE; } /** * @defgroup tac_affected_nodes Taxonomy Access Control: Node access update mechanism * @{ * Update node access on shutdown in response to other changes. */ /** * Shutdown function: Performs any needed node access updates. * * @see taxonomy_access_init() */ function taxonomy_access_shutdown() { // Update any affected nodes. $affected_nodes = taxonomy_access_affected_nodes(); if (!empty($affected_nodes)) { taxonomy_access_affected_nodes(NULL, TRUE); _taxonomy_access_node_access_update($affected_nodes); } } /** * Flags node access for rebuild with a message for administrators. */ function _taxonomy_access_flag_rebuild() { drupal_set_message(t("Taxonomy Access Control is updating node access... If you see a message that content access permissions need to be rebuilt, you may wait until after you have completed your configuration changes."), 'status'); node_access_needs_rebuild(TRUE); } /** * Updates node access grants for a set of nodes. * * @param array $nids * An array of node IDs for which to acquire access permissions. * * @todo * Unset rebuild message when we set the flag to false? */ function _taxonomy_access_node_access_update(array $nids) { // Proceed only if node_access_needs_rebuild() is not already flagged. if (!node_access_needs_rebuild()) { // Set node_access_needs_rebuild() until we succeed below. _taxonomy_access_flag_rebuild(); // Remove any duplicate nids from the array. $nids = array_unique($nids); // If the number of nodes is small enough, update node access for each. if (sizeof($nids) < TAXONOMY_ACCESS_MAX_UPDATE) { foreach ($nids as $node) { $loaded_node = node_load($node, NULL, TRUE); if (!empty($loaded_node)) { node_access_acquire_grants($loaded_node); } } // If we make it here our update was successful; unflag rebuild. node_access_needs_rebuild(FALSE); } } return TRUE; } /** * Caches and retrieves nodes affected by a taxonomy change. * * @param array $affected_nodes * (optional) If we are caching, the list of nids to cache. * Defaults to NULL. * @param bool $reset * (optional) Flag to manually reset the list. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return * The cached list of nodes. */ function taxonomy_access_affected_nodes(array $affected_nodes = NULL, $reset = FALSE) { static $nodes = array(); // If node_access_needs_rebuild or $reset are set, reset list and return. if (!empty($nodes)) { if (node_access_needs_rebuild() || $reset) { $nodes = array(); return; } } // If we were passed a list of nodes, cache. if (isset($affected_nodes)) { $nodes = array_unique(array_merge($nodes, $affected_nodes)); // Stop caching if there are more nodes than the limit. if (sizeof($nodes) >= TAXONOMY_ACCESS_MAX_UPDATE) { _taxonomy_access_flag_rebuild(); unset($nodes); } } // Otherwise, return the cached data. else { return $nodes; } } /** * Gets node IDs with controlled terms or vocabs for any of the given roles. * * @param int $rid * A single role ID. * * @return array * An array of node IDs associated with terms or vocabularies that are * controlled for the role. */ function _taxonomy_access_get_controlled_nodes_for_role($rid) { $query = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'ti') ->fields('ti', array('nid')) ->addTag('taxonomy_access_node'); $query->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_data', 'td', 'ti.tid = td.tid'); $query->leftJoin('taxonomy_access_term', 'ta', 'ti.tid = ta.tid'); $query->leftJoin('taxonomy_access_default', 'tad', 'tad.vid = td.vid'); // The query builder will automatically use = or IN() as appropriate. $query->condition( db_or() ->condition('ta.rid', $rid) ->condition('tad.rid', $rid) ); $nids = $query->execute()->fetchCol(); return $nids; } /** * Gets node IDs associated with the roles' global defaults. * * @param int $rid * A single role ID. * * @return array * An array of node IDs associated with the global default. */ function _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_global_default($rid) { // Two kinds of nodes are governed by the global default: // 1. Nodes with terms controlled neither directly nor by vocab. defaults, // 2. Nodes with no terms. // Get a list of all terms controlled for the role, either directly or // by a vocabulary default. $tids = _taxonomy_access_global_controlled_terms($rid); $query = db_select('node', 'n') ->fields('n', array('nid')) ->addTag('taxonomy_access_node') ; // With a left join, the term ID for untagged nodes will be NULL. if (!empty($tids)) { $query->leftJoin('taxonomy_index', 'ti', 'ti.nid = n.nid'); $query->condition( db_or() ->condition('ti.tid', $tids, 'NOT IN') ->isNull('ti.tid') ); } $nids = $query->execute()->fetchCol(); return $nids; } /** * Gets node IDs associated with a given vocabulary. * * @param int|array $vocab_ids * A single vocabulary ID or an array of IDs. * @param int $rid. * (optional) A single role ID. * This argument has the effect of filtering out nodes in terms that * are already controlled invidually for the role. Defaults to NULL. * * @return array * An array of node IDs associated with the given vocabulary. */ function _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_defaults($vocab_ids, $rid = NULL) { // Accept either a single vocabulary ID or an array thereof. if (is_numeric($vocab_ids)) { $vocab_ids = array($vocab_ids); } if (empty($vocab_ids)) { return FALSE; } // If a role was passed, get terms controlled for that role. if (!empty($rid)) { $tids = _taxonomy_access_vocab_controlled_terms($vocab_ids, $rid); } $query = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'ti') ->condition('td.vid', $vocab_ids) ->fields('ti', array('nid')) ->addTag('taxonomy_access_node'); ; $query->join('taxonomy_term_data', 'td', 'td.tid = ti.tid'); // Exclude records with controlled terms from the results. if (!empty($tids)) { $query->condition('ti.tid', $tids, 'NOT IN'); } $nids = $query->execute()->fetchCol(); unset($tids); unset($query); // If the global default is in the list, fetch those nodes as well. if (in_array(TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT, $vocab_ids)) { $nids = array_merge($nids, _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_global_default($rid)); } return $nids; } /** * Retrieves a list of terms controlled by the global default for a role. * * @param int $rid * The role ID. * * @return array * A list of term IDs. */ function _taxonomy_access_global_controlled_terms($rid) { $tids = db_query( "SELECT td.tid FROM {taxonomy_term_data} td LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_access_term} ta ON td.tid = ta.tid LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_access_default} tad ON td.vid = tad.vid WHERE ta.rid = :rid OR tad.rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $rid) ) ->fetchCol(); return $tids; } /** * Retrieves a list of terms controlled by the global default for a role. * * @param int $rid * The role ID. * * @return array * A list of term IDs. */ function _taxonomy_access_vocab_controlled_terms($vids, $rid) { // Accept either a single vocabulary ID or an array thereof. if (is_numeric($vids)) { $vids = array($vids); } $tids = db_query( "SELECT td.tid FROM {taxonomy_term_data} td INNER JOIN {taxonomy_access_term} ta ON td.tid = ta.tid WHERE ta.rid = :rid AND td.vid IN (:vids)", array(':rid' => $rid, ':vids' => $vids) ) ->fetchCol(); return $tids; } /** * Gets node IDs associated with a given term. * * @param int|array $term_ids * A single term ID or an array of term IDs. * * @return array * An array of node IDs associated with the given terms. */ function _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_terms($term_ids) { if (empty($term_ids)) { return FALSE; } // The query builder will use = or IN() automatically as appropriate. $nids = db_select('taxonomy_index', 'ti') ->condition('ti.tid', $term_ids) ->fields('ti', array('nid')) ->addTag('taxonomy_access_node') ->execute() ->fetchCol(); unset($term_ids); return $nids; } /** * Gets term IDs for all descendants of the given term. * * @param int $tid * The term ID for which to fetch children. * * @return array * An array of the IDs of the term's descendants. */ function _taxonomy_access_get_descendants($tid) { $descendants = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); if (!isset($descendants[$tid])) { // Preserve the original state of the list flag. $flag_state = taxonomy_access_list_enabled(); // Enforce that list grants do not filter the results. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); $descendants[$tid] = array(); $term = taxonomy_term_load($tid); $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($term->vid, $tid); foreach ($tree as $term) { $descendants[$tid][] = $term->tid; } // Restore list flag to previous state. if ($flag_state) { taxonomy_access_enable_list(); } unset($term); unset($tree); } return $descendants[$tid]; } /** * Gets term IDs for all terms in the vocabulary * * @param int $vocab_id * The vocabulary ID for which to fetch children. * * @return array * An array of the IDs of the terms in in the vocabulary. */ function _taxonomy_access_get_vocabulary_terms($vocab_id) { static $descendants = array(); if (!isset($descendants[$vocab_id])) { // Preserve the original state of the list flag. $flag_state = taxonomy_access_list_enabled(); // Enforce that list grants do not filter the results. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); $descendants[$vocab_id] = array(); $tree = taxonomy_get_tree($vocab_id); foreach ($tree as $term) { $descendants[$vocab_id][] = $term->tid; } // Restore list flag to previous state. if ($flag_state) { taxonomy_access_enable_list(); } unset($term); unset($tree); } return $descendants[$vocab_id]; } /** * End of "defgroup tac_affected_nodes". * @} */ /** * @defgroup tac_grant_api Taxonomy Access Control: Grant record API * @{ * Store, retrieve, and delete module access rules for terms and vocabularies. */ /** * Deletes module configurations for the given role IDs. * * @param int $rid * A single role ID. * @param bool $update_nodes * (optional) A flag to determine whether nodes should be queued for update. * Defaults to TRUE. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. */ function taxonomy_access_delete_role_grants($rid, $update_nodes = TRUE) { if (empty($rid)) { return FALSE; } if ($rid == DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID || $rid == DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID) { return FALSE; } if ($update_nodes) { // Cache the list of nodes that will be affected by this change. // Affected nodes will be those tied to configurations that are more // permissive than those from the authenticated user role. // If any global defaults are more permissive, we need to update all nodes. // Fetch global defaults. $global_defaults = taxonomy_access_global_defaults(); $gd_records = array(); foreach ($global_defaults as $row) { $gd_records[] = _taxonomy_access_format_node_access_record($row); } // Find the ones we need. foreach ($gd_records as $gd) { if ($gd['gid'] == DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID) { $auth_gd = $gd; } elseif ($gd['gid'] == $rid) { $role_gd = $gd; } } // Check node grants for the global default. // If any is more permissive, flag that we need to update all nodes. $all_nodes = FALSE; foreach (array('grant_view', 'grant_update', 'grant_delete') as $op) { switch ($auth_gd[$op]) { // If the authenticated user has a Deny grant, then either Allow or // Ignore for the role is more permissive. case TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_DENY: if (($role_gd[$op] == TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_IGNORE) || ($role_gd[$op] == TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_ALLOW)){ $all_nodes = TRUE; } break 2; // If the authenticated user has Ignore, Allow is more permissive. case TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_IGNORE: if ($role_gd[$op] == TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_ALLOW) { $all_nodes = TRUE; } break 2; } } // If flagged, add all nodes to the affected nodes cache. if ($all_nodes) { $affected_nodes = db_query('SELECT nid FROM {node}')->fetchCol(); } // Otherwise, just get nodes controlled by specific configurations. else { $affected_nodes = _taxonomy_access_get_controlled_nodes_for_role($rid); } taxonomy_access_affected_nodes($affected_nodes); unset($affected_nodes); } db_delete('taxonomy_access_term') ->condition('rid', $rid) ->execute(); db_delete('taxonomy_access_default') ->condition('rid', $rid) ->execute(); return TRUE; } /** * Deletes module configurations for the given vocabulary IDs. * * @param int|array $vocab_ids * A single vocabulary ID or an array of vocabulary IDs. * @param int|null $rid * (optional) A single role ID. Defaults to NULL. * @param bool $update_nodes * (optional) A flag to determine whether nodes should be queued for update. * Defaults to TRUE. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. */ function taxonomy_access_delete_default_grants($vocab_ids, $rid = NULL, $update_nodes = TRUE) { // Accept either a single vocabulary ID or an array thereof. if ($vocab_ids !== TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT && empty($vocab_ids)) { return FALSE; } if ($update_nodes) { // Cache the list of nodes that will be affected by this change. $affected_nodes = _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_defaults($vocab_ids, $rid); taxonomy_access_affected_nodes($affected_nodes); unset($affected_nodes); } // The query builder will use = or IN() automatically as appropriate. $query = db_delete('taxonomy_access_default') ->condition('vid', $vocab_ids); if (!empty($rid)) { $query->condition('rid', $rid); } $query->execute(); unset($query); return TRUE; } /** * Deletes module configurations for the given term IDs. * * @param int|array $term_ids * A single term ID or an array of term IDs. * @param int|null $rid * (optional) A single role ID. Defaults to NULL. * @param bool $update_nodes * (optional) A flag to determine whether nodes should be queued for update. * Defaults to TRUE. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. */ function taxonomy_access_delete_term_grants($term_ids, $rid = NULL, $update_nodes = TRUE) { // Accept either a single term ID or an array thereof. if (is_numeric($term_ids)) { $term_ids = array($term_ids); } if (empty($term_ids)) { return FALSE; } if ($update_nodes) { // Cache the list of nodes that will be affected by this change. $affected_nodes = _taxonomy_access_get_nodes_for_terms($term_ids); taxonomy_access_affected_nodes($affected_nodes); unset($affected_nodes); } // Delete our database records for these terms. $query = db_delete('taxonomy_access_term') ->condition('tid', $term_ids); if (!empty($rid)) { $query->condition('rid', $rid); } $query->execute(); unset($term_ids); unset($query); return TRUE; } /** * Formats a record to be written to the module's configuration tables. * * @param int $id * The term or vocabulary ID. * @param int $rid * The role ID. * @param array $grants * An array of grants to write, in the format grant_name => value. * Allowed keys: * - 'view' or 'grant_view' * - 'update' or 'grant_update' * - 'delete' or 'grant_delete' * - 'create' or 'grant_create' * - 'list' or 'grant_list' * @param bool $default * (optional) Whether this is a term record (FALSE) or default record (TRUE). * Defaults to FALSE. * * @return object * A grant row object formatted for Schema API. */ function _taxonomy_access_format_grant_record($id, $rid, array $grants, $default = FALSE) { $row = new stdClass(); if ($default) { $row->vid = $id; } else { $row->tid = $id; } $row->rid = $rid; foreach ($grants as $op => $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $grant_name = strpos($op, 'grant_') ? $op : "grant_$op"; $row->$grant_name = $value; } } return $row; } /** * Updates term grants for a role. * * @param array $grant_rows * An array of grant row objects formatted for Schema API, keyed by term ID. * @param bool $update_nodes * (optional) A flag indicating whether to update node access. * Defaults to TRUE. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. * * @see _taxonomy_access_format_grant_record() */ function taxonomy_access_set_term_grants(array $grant_rows, $update_nodes = TRUE) { // Collect lists of term and role IDs in the list. $terms_for_roles = array(); foreach ($grant_rows as $grant_row) { $terms_for_roles[$grant_row->rid][] = $grant_row->tid; } // Delete existing records for the roles and terms. // This will also cache a list of the affected nodes. foreach ($terms_for_roles as $rid => $tids) { taxonomy_access_delete_term_grants($tids, $rid, $update_nodes); } // Insert new entries. foreach ($grant_rows as $row) { drupal_write_record('taxonomy_access_term', $row); } // Later we will refactor; for now return TRUE when this is called. return TRUE; } /** * Updates vocabulary default grants for a role. * * @param $rid * The role ID to add the permission for. * @param (array) $grant_rows * An array of grant rows formatted for Schema API, keyed by vocabulary ID. * @param $update_nodes * (optional) A flag indicating whether to update node access. * Defaults to TRUE. * * @return bool * TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure. * * @see _taxonomy_access_format_grant_record() */ function taxonomy_access_set_default_grants(array $grant_rows, $update_nodes = TRUE) { // Collect lists of term and role IDs in the list. $vocabs_for_roles = array(); foreach ($grant_rows as $grant_row) { $vocabs_for_roles[$grant_row->rid][] = $grant_row->vid; } // Delete existing records for the roles and vocabularies. // This will also cache a list of the affected nodes. foreach ($vocabs_for_roles as $rid => $vids) { taxonomy_access_delete_default_grants($vids, $rid, $update_nodes); } // Insert new entries. foreach ($grant_rows as $row) { drupal_write_record('taxonomy_access_default', $row); } // Later we will refactor; for now return TRUE when this is called. return TRUE; } /** * End of "defgroup tac_grant_api". * @} */ /** * @defgroup tac_node_access Taxonomy Access Control: Node access implementation * @{ * Functions to set node access based on configured access rules. */ /** * Builds a base query object for the specified TAC grants. * * Callers should add conditions, groupings, and optionally fields. * * This query should work on D7's supported versions of MySQL and PostgreSQL; * patches may be needed for other databases. We add query tags to allow * other systems to manipulate the query as needed. * * @param array $grants * Grants to select. * Allowed values: 'view', 'update', 'delete', 'create', 'list' * @param bool $default * (optional) Flag to select default grants only. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return object * Query object. */ function _taxonomy_access_grant_query(array $grants, $default = FALSE) { $table = $default ? 'taxonomy_vocabulary' : 'taxonomy_term_data'; $query = db_select($table, 'td') ->addTag('taxonomy_access') ->addTag('taxonomy_access_grants') ; $query->join( 'taxonomy_access_default', 'tadg', 'tadg.vid = :vid', array(':vid' => TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT) ); $query->leftJoin( 'taxonomy_access_default', 'tad', 'tad.vid = td.vid AND tad.rid = tadg.rid' ); if (!$default) { $query->leftJoin( 'taxonomy_access_term', 'ta', 'ta.tid = td.tid AND ta.rid = tadg.rid' ); } // We add grant fields this way to reduce the risk of future vulnerabilities. $grant_fields = array( 'view' => 'grant_view', 'update' => 'grant_update', 'delete' => 'grant_delete', 'create' => 'grant_create', 'list' => 'grant_list', ); foreach ($grant_fields as $name => $grant) { if (in_array($name, $grants)) { if ($default) { $query->addExpression( 'BIT_OR(COALESCE(' . 'tad.' . db_escape_table($grant) . ', ' . 'tadg.' . db_escape_table($grant) . '))', $grant ); } else { $query->addExpression( 'BIT_OR(COALESCE(' . 'ta.' . db_escape_table($grant) . ', ' . 'tad.' . db_escape_table($grant) . ', ' . 'tadg.' . db_escape_table($grant) . '))', $grant ); } } } return $query; } /** * Calculates node access grants by role for the given node ID. * * @param $node_nid * The node ID for which to calculate grants. * @param $reset * (optional) Whether to recalculate the cached values. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return * Array formatted for hook_node_access_records(). * * @ingroup tac_node_access */ function _taxonomy_access_node_access_records($node_nid, $reset = FALSE) { // Build the base node grant query. $query = _taxonomy_access_grant_query(array('view', 'update', 'delete')); // Select grants for this node only and group by role. $query->join( 'taxonomy_index', 'ti', 'td.tid = ti.tid' ); $query ->fields('tadg', array('rid')) ->condition('ti.nid', $node_nid) ->groupBy('tadg.rid') ->addTag('taxonomy_access_node_access') ->addTag('taxonomy_access_node') ; // Fetch and format all grant records for the node. $grants = array(); $records = $query->execute()->fetchAll(); // The node grant query returns no rows if the node has no tags. // In that scenario, use the global default. if (sizeof($records) == 0) { $records = taxonomy_access_global_defaults($reset); } foreach ($records as $record) { $grants[] = _taxonomy_access_format_node_access_record($record); } return $grants; } /** * Returns an array of global default grants for all roles. * * @param bool $reset * (optional) Whether to recalculate the cached values. Defaults to FALSE. * * @return array * An array of global defaults for each role. */ function taxonomy_access_global_defaults($reset = FALSE) { $global_grants = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); if (empty($global_grants) || $reset) { $global_grants = db_query( 'SELECT rid, grant_view, grant_update, grant_delete, grant_create, grant_list FROM {taxonomy_access_default} WHERE vid = :vid', array(':vid' => TAXONOMY_ACCESS_GLOBAL_DEFAULT)) ->fetchAllAssoc('rid'); } return $global_grants; } /** * Formats a row for hook_node_access_records. * * @param stdClass $record * The term record object from a TAC query to format. * * @return array * An array formatted for hook_node_access_records(). * * @todo * Make priority configurable? */ function _taxonomy_access_format_node_access_record(stdClass $record) { // TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_IGNORE => 0, TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_ALLOW => 1, // TAXONOMY_ACCESS_NODE_DENY => 2 ('10' in binary). // Only a value of 1 is considered an 'Allow'; // with an 'Allow' and no 'Deny', the value from the BIT_OR will be 1. // If a 'Deny' is present, the value will then be 3 ('11' in binary). return array( 'realm' => 'taxonomy_access_role', 'gid' => $record->rid, 'grant_view' => ($record->grant_view == 1) ? 1 : 0, 'grant_update' => ($record->grant_update == 1) ? 1 : 0, 'grant_delete' => ($record->grant_delete == 1) ? 1 : 0, 'priority' => 0, ); } /** * End of "defgroup tac_node_access". * @} */ /** * @defgroup tac_list Taxonomy Access Control: View tag (list) permission * @{ * Alter queries to control the display of taxonomy terms on nodes and listings. */ /** * Flag to disable list grant filtering (e.g., on node edit forms). * * @param bool $set_flag * (optional) When passed, sets the the flag. Pass either TRUE or FALSE. * Defaults to NULL. */ function _taxonomy_access_list_state($set_flag = NULL) { static $flag = TRUE; // If no flag was passed, return the current state of the flag. if (is_null($set_flag)) { return $flag; } // If we were passed anything but null, set the flag. $flag = $set_flag ? TRUE : FALSE; } /** * Wrapper for taxonomy_access_list_state() to enable list grant filtering. * * @see _taxonomy_access_list_state() */ function taxonomy_access_enable_list() { _taxonomy_access_list_state(TRUE); } /** * Wrapper for taxonomy_access_list_state() to disable list grant filtering. * * @see _taxonomy_access_list_state() */ function taxonomy_access_disable_list() { _taxonomy_access_list_state(FALSE); } /** * Wrapper for taxonomy_access_list_state() to check list grant filtering. * * @see _taxonomy_access_list_state() */ function taxonomy_access_list_enabled() { return _taxonomy_access_list_state(); } /** * Retrieve terms that the current user may list. * * @return array|true * An array of term IDs, or TRUE if the user may list all terms. * * @see _taxonomy_access_user_term_grants() */ function taxonomy_access_user_list_terms() { // Cache the terms the current user can list. static $terms = NULL; if (is_null($terms)) { $terms = _taxonomy_access_user_term_grants(FALSE); } return $terms; } /** * Retrieve terms that the current user may create or list. * * @param bool $create * (optional) Whether to fetch grants for create (TRUE) or list (FALSE). * Defaults to FALSE. * @param array $vids * (optional) An array of vids to limit the query. Defaults to array(). * @param object|null $account * (optional) The account for which to retrieve grants. If no account is * passed, the current user will be used. Defaults to NULL. * * @return array|true * An array of term IDs, or TRUE if the user has the grant for all terms. */ function _taxonomy_access_user_term_grants($create = FALSE, array $vids = array(), $account = NULL) { $grant_type = $create ? 'create' : 'list'; $grant_field_name = 'grant_' . $grant_type; // If no account was passed, default to current user. if (is_null($account)) { global $user; $account = $user; } // If the user can administer taxonomy, return TRUE for a global grant. if (user_access('administer taxonomy', $account)) { return TRUE; } // Build a term grant query. $query = _taxonomy_access_grant_query(array($grant_type)); // Select term grants for the user's roles. $query ->fields('td', array('tid')) ->groupBy('td.tid') ->condition('tadg.rid', array_keys($account->roles), 'IN') ; // Filter by the indicated vids, if any. if (!empty($vids)) { $query ->fields('td', array('vid')) ->condition('td.vid', $vids, 'IN') ; } // Fetch term IDs. $r = $query->execute()->fetchAll(); $tids = array(); // If there are results, initialize a flag to test whether the user // has the grant for all terms. $grants_for_all_terms = empty($r) ? FALSE : TRUE; foreach ($r as $record) { // If the user has the grant, add the term to the array. if ($record->$grant_field_name) { $tids[] = $record->tid; } // Otherwise, flag that the user does not have the grant for all terms. else { $grants_for_all_terms = FALSE; } } // If the user has the grant for all terms, return TRUE for a global grant. if ($grants_for_all_terms) { return TRUE; } return $tids; } /** * Field options callback to generate options unfiltered by list grants. * * @param object $field * The field object. * * @return array * Allowed terms from taxonomy_allowed_values(). * * @see taxonomy_allowed_values() */ function _taxonomy_access_term_options($field) { // Preserve the original state of the list flag. $flag_state = taxonomy_access_list_enabled(); // Enforce that list grants do not filter the options list. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); // Use taxonomy.module to generate the list of options. $options = taxonomy_allowed_values($field); // Restore list flag to previous state. if ($flag_state) { taxonomy_access_enable_list(); } return $options; } /** * End of "defgroup tac_list". * @} */ /** * Form element validation handler for taxonomy autocomplete fields. * * @see taxonomy_access_autocomplete() * @see taxonomy_access_field_widget_taxonomy_autocomplete_form_alter() */ function taxonomy_access_autocomplete_validate($element, &$form_state) { // Enforce that list grants do not filter this or subsequent validation. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); // Add create grant handling. module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy_access', 'taxonomy_access.create'); _taxonomy_access_autocomplete_validate($element, $form_state); } /** * Form element validation handler for taxonomy options fields. * * @see taxonomy_access_field_widget_form_alter() */ function taxonomy_access_options_validate($element, &$form_state) { // Enforce that list grants do not filter this or subsequent validation. taxonomy_access_disable_list(); // Add create grant handling. module_load_include('inc', 'taxonomy_access', 'taxonomy_access.create'); _taxonomy_access_options_validate($element, $form_state); } /** * Implements hook_help(). */ function taxonomy_access_help($path, $arg) { switch ($path) { case 'admin/help#taxonomy_access': $message = ''; $message .= '' . '

' . t('The Taxonomy Access Control module allows users to specify how each category can be used by various roles.') . '

' . '

' . t('Permissions can be set differently for each user role. Be aware that setting Taxonomy Access permissions works only within one user role.') . '

' . '

' . t('(For users with multiple user roles, see section Good to know below.)') . '

' . "

" . t("On this page") . "

" . "
    " . '
  1. ' . t("Grant types") . '
  2. ' . '
  3. ' . t("Permission options") . '
  4. ' . '
  5. ' . t("Global and vocabulary defaults") . '
  6. ' . '
  7. ' . t("Good to know") . '
  8. ' . "

" . '

' . t("Grant types") . '

' . '

' . t('On the category permissions page for each role, administrators can configure five types of permission for each term: View, Update, Delete, Add Tag (formerly Create), and View Tag: (formerly List') . '

' . _taxonomy_access_grant_help_table() . '

' . t('View, Update, and Delete control the node access system. View Tag and Add Tag control the terms themselves. (Note: In previous versions of Taxonomy Access Control, there was no View Tag permission its functionality was controlled by the View permission.)') . '

' . '

' . t("Permission options") . "

" . '

' . t('View, Update, and Delete have three options for each term: Allow (A), Ignore (I), and Deny (D). Indicate which rights each role should have for each term. If a node is tagged with multiple terms:') . '

' . "\n\n" . '

' . t('Add Tag and View Tag have only two options for each term: Yes (selected) or No (deselected). Indicate what each role should be allowed to do with each term.') . '

' . "

" . t("Important notes") . "

" . "
    " . "
  1. " . t('Custom roles will inherit permissions from the authenticated user role. Be sure to configure the authenticated user properly.', array("@url" => url( TAXONOMY_ACCESS_CONFIG . '/role/' . DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID . 'edit'))) . "
  2. \n" . '
  3. ' . "

    " . t('The Deny directives are processed after the Allow directives. (Deny overrides Allow.) So, if a multicategory node is in Categories "A" and "B" and a user has Allow permissions for View in Category "A" and Deny permissions for View in Category "B", then the user will NOT be permitted to View the node.') . '

    ' . '

    ' . t('Access is denied by default. So, if a multicategory node is in Categories "C" and "D" and a user has Ignore permissions for View in both Category "C" and "D", then the user will not be permitted to view the node.') . '

    ' . '

    ' . t('(If you are familiar with Apache mod_access, this permission system works similar to directive: ORDER ALLOW, DENY)') . '

    ' . "
  4. " . "
" . "

" . '

' . t("Global and vocabulary defaults") . "

" . '

' . t('This option, just underneath the vocabulary title, sets the permission that will automatically be given to the role, for any new terms that are added within the vocabulary. This includes terms that are added via free tagging.') . '

' . '

' . t('Good to know') . '

' . '
    ' . '
  1. ' . '

    ' . t('Users with multiple user roles: Allow/Ignore/Deny options are interpreted only within one user role. When a user belongs to multiple user roles, then the user gets access if any of his/her user roles have the access granted.') . '

    ' . '

    ' . t('In this case, permissions for the given user are calculated so that the permissions of ALL of his user roles are "OR-ed" together, which means that Allow in one role will take precedence over Deny in the other. This is different from how node access permissions (for multi-category nodes) are handled within one user role, as noted above.') . '

    ' . '
  2. ' . '
  3. ' . '

    ' . t('Input formats: Node editing/deleting is blocked, even when the user has Update or Delete permission to the node, when the user is not allowed to use a filter format that the node was saved at.') . '

    ' . '
  4. ' . '
' . '

' ; return $message; break; } } /** * Assembles a table explaining each grant type for use in help documentation. * * @return string * Themed table. * * @todo * We moved this here for drush. Find a smarter way to include it on demand? */ function _taxonomy_access_grant_help_table() { $header = array(); $rows = array(); $rows[] = array( array('header' => TRUE, 'data' => t("View")), "

" . t('Grants this role the ability to view nodes with the term. (Users must also have this permission to see nodes with the term listed in Views.)') . "

" . "

" . t('The role must have access content permission on the permissions administration form.', array('@path' => url('admin/people/permissions', array('fragment' => 'module-node')))), ); $rows[] = array( array('header' => TRUE, 'data' => t("Update") . ", " . t("Delete")), "

" . t("Grants this role the ability to edit or delete nodes with the term, respectively.") . "

" . "

" . t('The role must not have edit any [type] content or delete any [type] content permission on the permissions administration form if you wish to control them here.', array('@path' => url('admin/people/permissions', array('fragment' => 'module-node')))) . "

", ); $rows[] = array( array('header' => TRUE, 'data' => t("Add Tag")), "

" . t("Grants this role the ability to add the term to a node when creating or updating it.") . "

" . "

" . t('(Formerly Create). This does not give the role the ability to create nodes by itself; the role must have create [type] content permission on the permissions administration form in order to create new nodes.', array('@path' => url('admin/people/permissions', array('fragment' => 'module-node')))) . "

", ); $rows[] = array( array('header' => TRUE, 'data' => t("View Tag")), "

" . t("(Formerly List.) Whether this role can see the term listed on node pages and in lists, and whether the user can view the %taxonomy-term-page page for the term.", array( '%taxonomy-term-page' => "taxonomy/term/x" )) . "

" . "

" . t("This does not control whether the role can see the nodes listed in Views, only the term.") . "

", ); return theme('table', array('header' => $header, 'rows' => $rows, 'attributes' => array('class' => array('grant_help')))); } /** * Implements hook_disable(). * * Removes all options_list callbacks during disabling of the module which were * set in taxonomy_access_field_info_alter(). */ function taxonomy_access_disable() { foreach (field_read_fields() as $field_name => $field) { if ($field['type'] == 'taxonomy_term_reference') { if (!empty($field['settings']['options_list_callback']) && $field['settings']['options_list_callback'] == '_taxonomy_access_term_options') { $field['settings']['options_list_callback'] = ''; field_update_field($field); } } } }