TO INSTALL, simply install and enable the module, in these steps. PLEASE CHECK that you use the right version of Taxonomy Access for your version of DRUPAL. IMPORTANT: This is a complicated module. When you first learn to use this module, ALWAYS TRY IT FIRST ON A TEST SITE. NOTE: If you want to USE TWO OR MORE "ACCESS" MODULES AT THE SAME TIME, TEST THEM CAREFULLY. (e.g: OG, node_privacy_by_role, taxonomy access, etc.) TO UPDATE from previous versions of taxonomy_access: PLEASE READ UPDATE.TXT! WHEN UPDATING, ALWAYS disable the module first before uploading the new module, on the page: "Administration >> Modules" ( ----------------------- INSTALLATION ----------------------- 1. COPY the taxonomy_access directory to your Drupal installation's module directory. (By default: sites/all/modules/taxonomy_access/ in your Drupal directory.) 2. ENABLE THE MODULE on page: "Administration >> Modules" ( 3. REBUILD YOUR NODE ACCESS PERMISSIONS on page: "Administration >> Reports >> Status report >> Node Access Permissions" ( 4. GRANT ADMINISTRATORS CONTROL of Taxonomy Access on page: "Administration >> People >> Permissions" ( To administer Taxonomy Access, administrators must have "access administration pages" checked (under "system module") and "administer permissions" checked (under "user module"). 5. CONFIGURE ACCESS GRANTS to the various categories at: "Administration >> Configuration >> Taxonomy access control" ( Be sure to configure the authenticated role, as users with custom roles also have the authenticated user role. NOTE: DATABASE TABLES are automatically added to database. Module creates two database tables: 'taxonomy_access_term' and 'taxonomy_access_default'.