entityCondition('bundle', $settings['vocabulary']) ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'taxonomy_term') ->propertyCondition('name', '%' . $tag . '%', 'LIKE'); $result = $efd->execute(); if (isset($result['taxonomy_term'])) { foreach ($result['taxonomy_term'] as $tid) { $tids[] = $tid->tid; } } } // Now we have tids of terms from the referenced vocabulary which names // LIKE %$tag%, suggested are the terms that refer to any of these $tids. if (empty($tids)) { // No possible suggestions were found. We have to make sure $query yields // no results. self::emptyResultsCondition($query); return; } $query->fieldCondition($field, 'tid', $tids); } static public function mergeEntityAsSynonym($items, $field, $instance, $synonym_entity, $synonym_entity_type) { // Taxonomy term reference supports only referencing of entity types // 'taxonomy_term'.. duh. if ($synonym_entity_type != 'taxonomy_term') { return array(); } // Checking that $field is configured to reference the vocabulary of // $synonym_entity term. $is_allowed = FALSE; foreach ($field['settings']['allowed_values'] as $setting) { if ($synonym_entity->vocabulary_machine_name == $setting['vocabulary']) { if ($setting['parent'] == 0) { // No need to check parent property as there is no limitation on it. $is_allowed = TRUE; break; } else { foreach (taxonomy_get_parents_all($synonym_entity->tid) as $parent) { if ($parent->tid == $setting['parent']) { $is_allowed = TRUE; break(2); } } } } } if (!$is_allowed) { // Synonym term is from a vocabulary that is not expected by this field, // or under unexpected parent. return array(); } return array(array( 'tid' => $synonym_entity->tid, )); } }