$instance) { $info = field_info_field($name); if ($info['type'] == 'addressfield') { foreach ($info['columns'] as $sub_field => $schema_info) { $name_label = $instance['label'] . ': ' . drupal_ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $sub_field)); $targets[$name . ':' . $sub_field] = array( 'name' => $name_label, 'callback' => 'addressfield_set_target', 'real_target' => $info['field_name'], 'description' => $schema_info['description'], ); } } } } /** * Callback for hook_feeds_processor_targets_alter(). * * @param $source * Field mapper source settings. * @param $entity * An entity object, for instance a node object. * @param $target * A string identifying the target on the node. * @param $values * The value to populate the target with. */ function addressfield_set_target($source, $entity, $target, $values) { list($field_name, $sub_field) = explode(':', $target, 2); // Convert the values into an array if it isn't one already to correspond to // Drupal's handling of field value arrays. if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array($values); } // If the field is already set on the given entity, update the existing value // array. Otherwise start with a fresh field value array. $field = isset($entity->$field_name) ? $entity->$field_name : array(); // Loop over the field values array... foreach ($values as $delta => $value) { $field[LANGUAGE_NONE][$delta][$sub_field] = $value; } $entity->$field_name = $field; }