'CSS Tools tests', 'description' => 'Confirm the custom CSS handling works.', 'group' => 'ctools', 'dependencies' => array('ctools'), ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setUp(array $modules = array()) { $modules[] = 'ctools'; parent::setUp($modules); ctools_include('css'); } /** * Test that Stored CSS snippets can be retrieved, filtered or otherwise. */ public function testCssStoreFilterRetrieve() { $css = "#some-id .some-class {\n color: black;\n illegal-key: foo;\n}"; $filtered_css = '#some-id .some-class{color:black;}'; $this->assertNull(ctools_css_retrieve('missing-css-test'), 'Missing css snippet is not found'); $filename1 = ctools_css_store('unfiltered-css-test', $css, FALSE); $filename2 = ctools_css_store('filtered-css-test', $css, TRUE); $file_contents = file_get_contents($filename1); $this->assertEqual($css, $file_contents, 'Unfiltered css file contents are correct'); $this->assertEqual($filename1, ctools_css_retrieve('unfiltered-css-test'), 'Unfiltered css file successfully fetched'); $file_contents = file_get_contents($filename1); $this->assertEqual($css, $file_contents, 'Unfiltered css file contents are correct'); $this->assertEqual($filename2, ctools_css_retrieve('filtered-css-test'), 'Filtered css file succcesfully fetched'); $file_contents = file_get_contents($filename2); $this->assertEqual($filtered_css, $file_contents, 'Filtered css file contents are correct'); } /** * Test that Stored CSS snippets can be correctly overwritten. */ public function testCssStoreOverwrite() { $css1 = "#some-id .some-class {\n color: black;\n illegal-key: foo;\n}"; $css2 = "#other-id .other-class {\n color: blue;\n illegal-key: foo;\n}"; $filtered_css2 = '#other-id .other-class{color:blue;}'; ctools_css_store('unfiltered-css-test', $css1, FALSE); ctools_css_store('filtered-css-test', $css1, TRUE); // Now overwrite the first css with the second version. $filename3 = ctools_css_store('unfiltered-css-test', $css2, FALSE); $filename4 = ctools_css_store('filtered-css-test', $css2, TRUE); $file_contents3 = file_get_contents($filename3); $file_contents4 = file_get_contents($filename4); $this->assertEqual($css2, $file_contents3, 'Unfiltered CSS has overwritten earlier contents.'); $this->assertEqual($filtered_css2, $file_contents4, 'Filtered CSS has overwritten earlier contents.'); } /** * Test that in case that url is used, the colons survives filtering. */ public function testCssFilterURLHandling() { $css = "#some-id {\n background-image: url(http://example.com/example.gif);\n}"; $css_data = ctools_css_disassemble($css); $empty_array = array(); $disallowed_values_regex = '/(expression)/'; $intermediate = ctools_css_filter_css_data($css_data, $empty_array, $empty_array, '', $disallowed_values_regex); $filtered = ctools_css_assemble($intermediate); $url = (strpos($filtered, 'http://example.com/example.gif') !== FALSE); $this->assertTrue($url, 'CSS with multiple colons can survive.'); } /** * Test that when the CSS has two properties defined they are merged. */ public function testCssFilterMergeProperties() { $css = "#some-id {\n font-size: 12px;\n}\n#some-id {\n color: blue;\n}"; $filtered = ctools_css_filter($css); $font_size = (strpos($filtered, 'font-size:12px;') !== FALSE); $color = (strpos($filtered, 'color:blue') !== FALSE); $this->assertTrue($font_size && $color, 'Multiple properties are merged.'); $css = '@import url("other.css");p {color: red;}'; $filtered = ctools_css_filter($css); $other_css = (strpos($filtered, 'other.css') === FALSE); $color = (strpos($filtered, 'color:red') !== FALSE); $this->assertTrue($other_css && $color, 'CSS is properly sanitized.'); $css = ';p {color: red; font-size: 12px;}'; $filtered = ctools_css_filter($css); $font_size = (strpos($filtered, 'font-size:12px;') !== FALSE); $color = (strpos($filtered, 'color:red') !== FALSE); $this->assertTrue($font_size && $color, 'Multiple properties are retained.'); } }