array( 'name' => t('Nodequeues'), 'feature_source' => TRUE, 'default_hook' => 'fe_nodequeue_export_fields', 'default_file' => FEATURES_DEFAULTS_INCLUDED_COMMON, ), ); } /** * Implements hook_features_export_options(). */ function fe_nodequeue_features_export_options() { $options = array(); $fields = db_query('SELECT * FROM {nodequeue_queue}'); while ($obj = $fields->fetchObject()) { $options[$obj->name] = t('@name [@machine_name]', array('@name' => $obj->title, '@machine_name' => $obj->name)); } return $options; } /** * Implements hook_features_export(). */ function fe_nodequeue_features_export($data, &$export, $module_name = '') { $pipe = array(); $map = features_get_default_map('fe_nodequeue'); foreach ($data as $name) { $export['dependencies']['fe_nodequeue'] = 'fe_nodequeue'; // If another module provides this style, add it as a dependency. if (isset($map[$name]) && $map[$name] != $module_name) { $module = $map[$name]; $export['dependencies'][$module] = $module; } // Otherwise, export the nodequeue. elseif ($queue = _fe_nodequeue_load_queue_by_name($name, TRUE)) { // Add dependencies for the roles that are associated with these queues. if ($queue->roles) { // Filter out roles that have the 'manipulate all queues' permission. // @see $manipulate_all_queues = array_keys(user_roles(FALSE, 'manipulate all queues')); $queue->roles = array_diff($queue->roles, $manipulate_all_queues); $roles = user_roles(); foreach ($queue->roles as $index => $rid) { $export['features']['user_role'][$roles[$rid]] = $roles[$rid]; // Convert the role from a rid to a 'machine name' for saving. This // will be converted back to a rid when the feature is reverted. $queue->roles[$index] = $roles[$rid]; } } $export['features']['fe_nodequeue'][$name] = $name; } } return $pipe; } /** * Implements hook_features_export_render(). */ function fe_nodequeue_features_export_render($module_name = '', $data) { $code = array(); $code[] = ' $nodequeues = array();'; $code[] = ''; $roles = user_roles(); foreach ($data as $name) { // Clone the nodequeue object so that our changes aren't statically cached. $nodequeue_static = _fe_nodequeue_load_queue_by_name($name, TRUE); if (!empty($nodequeue_static) && $nodequeue = clone $nodequeue_static) { // Sort roles and types arrays into ascending order so that we can check // for overridden db data without being affected by the order in which // this array gets stored/loaded. if (!empty($nodequeue->roles)) { // Roles that have the 'Manipulate all queues' permission will not get // saved and will throw override messages as a result. $manipulate_all_queues = array_keys(user_roles(FALSE, 'manipulate all queues')); $nodequeue->roles = array_diff($nodequeue->roles, $manipulate_all_queues); foreach ($nodequeue->roles as $index => $rid) { $nodequeue->roles[$index] = $roles[$rid]; } sort($nodequeue->roles); } if (!empty($nodequeue->types)) { sort($nodequeue->types); } // Remove the nodequeue id. This is specific to the current site and // should not be exported. unset($nodequeue->qid); // We don't care how many subqueues are in here since they get created // automatically. if (module_exists('smartqueue')) { unset($nodequeue->subqueues); } $nodequeue_export = features_var_export($nodequeue, ' '); $code[] = " // Exported nodequeues: {$nodequeue->name}"; $code[] = " \$nodequeues['{$name}'] = {$nodequeue_export};"; $code[] = ""; } } $code[] = ' return $nodequeues;'; $code = implode("\n", $code); return array('fe_nodequeue_export_fields' => $code); } /** * Implements hook_features_revert(). */ function fe_nodequeue_features_revert($module) { $defaults = features_get_default('fe_nodequeue', $module); if (empty($defaults)) { return; } // Revert. foreach ($defaults as $object) { if (empty($object['name'])) { continue; } // Assign the existing qid if a nodequeue with the same name already exists. $map = _fe_nodequeue_get_qid_map(); if (isset($map[$object['name']])) { $object['qid'] = $map[$object['name']]; } // Clear the qid if it is a new nodequeue. else { unset($object['qid']); } $result = _fe_nodequeue_save_queue((array) $object); } return TRUE; } /** * Implements hook_features_revert(). */ function fe_nodequeue_features_rebuild($module) { fe_nodequeue_features_revert($module); } /** * Implements hook_features_enable_feature(). */ function fe_nodequeue_features_enable_feature($module) { fe_nodequeue_features_revert($module); } /** * Save a nodequeue queue. * * @param array $settings * A nodequeue settings array. * * @return array * The updated settings array. */ function _fe_nodequeue_save_queue(array $settings) { // Convert roles from names to rids. $roles = array_flip(user_roles()); foreach ((array) $settings['roles'] as $index => $role) { // In case we are dealing with an old export with rids, don't do anything. if (is_int($role)) { continue; } $settings['roles'][$index] = $roles[$role]; } // Simulate checkboxes. $settings['roles'] = drupal_map_assoc($settings['roles']); $settings['types'] = drupal_map_assoc($settings['types']); // Simulate submitting. $form_state = array(); $form_state['values'] = $settings; module_load_include('inc', 'nodequeue', 'includes/nodequeue.admin'); nodequeue_edit_queue_form_submit(NULL, $form_state); // Reset static caches. // Note: we are currently using a variant of nodequeue_get_qid_map() that uses // drupal_static() instead of a static variable to cache the results. // @see drupal_static_reset('_fe_nodequeue_get_qid_map'); return $settings; } /** * Return a map of queue name to qid values to aid in various lookups. * * This is based on nodequeue_get_qid_map() but uses drupal_static() instead of * a static variable to cache the results. * * @see nodequeue_get_qid_map() * * @todo Add a link to the issue that converts this to drupal_static(). * @todo Create a followup issue to remove this once the above issue is fixed. * We will need to keep this in for a while to provide backwards compatibility * for people running old versions of Nodequeue. * * @return array * A array of qids, keyed by machine name. */ function _fe_nodequeue_get_qid_map() { $map = &drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array()); if (!$map) { $result = db_query("SELECT qid, name FROM {nodequeue_queue}"); while ($get = $result->fetchObject()) { $map[$get->name] = $get->qid; } } return $map; } /** * Return a queue by its machine name. * * This is obviously not ideal due to the extra queries, but probably preferable * to changing current API calls. * * This is based on nodequeue_load_queue_by_name() but passes through the * $bypass_cache flag. * * @see nodequeue_load_queue_by_name() * @see * * @param string $name * The queue machine name. * @param bool $bypass_cache * Boolean value indicating whether to bypass the cache or not. * * @return array * The queue definition, or an empty array if no queue was found with the * given machine name. */ function _fe_nodequeue_load_queue_by_name($name, $bypass_cache = FALSE) { $map = _fe_nodequeue_get_qid_map(); if (isset($map[$name])) { $queues = nodequeue_load_queues(array($map[$name]), $bypass_cache); if ($queues) { return current($queues); } } return array(); }