(function ($) { Drupal.behaviors.vbo = { attach: function(context) { $('.vbo-views-form', context).each(function() { Drupal.vbo.initTableBehaviors(this); Drupal.vbo.initGenericBehaviors(this); }); } } Drupal.vbo = Drupal.vbo || {}; Drupal.vbo.initTableBehaviors = function(form) { // If the table is not grouped, "Select all on this page / all pages" // markup gets inserted below the table header. var selectAllMarkup = $('.vbo-table-select-all-markup', form); if (selectAllMarkup.length) { $('.views-table > tbody', form).prepend('>'); var colspan = $('table th', form).length; $('.views-table-row-select-all', form).html('' + selectAllMarkup.html() + ''); $('.vbo-table-select-all-pages', form).click(function() { Drupal.vbo.tableSelectAllPages(form); return false; }); $('.vbo-table-select-this-page', form).click(function() { Drupal.vbo.tableSelectThisPage(form); return false; }); } $('.vbo-table-select-all', form).show(); // This is the "select all" checkbox in (each) table header. $('.vbo-table-select-all', form).click(function() { var table = $(this).closest('table')[0]; $('input[id^="edit-views-bulk-operations"]:not(:disabled)', table).attr('checked', this.checked); // Toggle the visibility of the "select all" row (if any). if (this.checked) { $('.views-table-row-select-all', table).show(); } else { $('.views-table-row-select-all', table).hide(); // Disable "select all across pages". Drupal.vbo.tableSelectThisPage(form); } }); // Set up the ability to click anywhere on the row to select it. if (Drupal.settings.vbo.row_clickable) { $('.views-table tbody tr', form).click(function(event) { if (event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'input' && event.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'a') { $('input[id^="edit-views-bulk-operations"]:not(:disabled)', this).each(function() { var checked = this.checked; // trigger() toggles the checkmark *after* the event is set, // whereas manually clicking the checkbox toggles it *beforehand*. // that's why we manually set the checkmark first, then trigger the // event (so that listeners get notified), then re-set the checkmark // which the trigger will have toggled. yuck! this.checked = !checked; $(this).trigger('click'); this.checked = !checked; }); } }); } } Drupal.vbo.tableSelectAllPages = function(form) { $('.vbo-table-this-page', form).hide(); $('.vbo-table-all-pages', form).show(); // Modify the value of the hidden form field. $('.select-all-rows', form).val('1'); } Drupal.vbo.tableSelectThisPage = function(form) { $('.vbo-table-all-pages', form).hide(); $('.vbo-table-this-page', form).show(); // Modify the value of the hidden form field. $('.select-all-rows', form).val('0'); } Drupal.vbo.initGenericBehaviors = function(form) { // Show the "select all" fieldset. $('.vbo-select-all-markup', form).show(); $('.vbo-select-this-page', form).click(function() { $('input[id^="edit-views-bulk-operations"]', form).attr('checked', this.checked); $('.vbo-select-all-pages', form).attr('checked', false); // Toggle the "select all" checkbox in grouped tables (if any). $('.vbo-table-select-all', form).attr('checked', this.checked); }); $('.vbo-select-all-pages', form).click(function() { $('input[id^="edit-views-bulk-operations"]', form).attr('checked', this.checked); $('.vbo-select-this-page', form).attr('checked', false); // Toggle the "select all" checkbox in grouped tables (if any). $('.vbo-table-select-all', form).attr('checked', this.checked); // Modify the value of the hidden form field. $('.select-all-rows', form).val(this.checked); }); $('.vbo-select', form).click(function() { // If a checkbox was deselected, uncheck any "select all" checkboxes. if (!this.checked) { $('.vbo-select-this-page', form).attr('checked', false); $('.vbo-select-all-pages', form).attr('checked', false); // Modify the value of the hidden form field. $('.select-all-rows', form).val('0') var table = $(this).closest('table')[0]; if (table) { // Uncheck the "select all" checkbox in the table header. $('.vbo-table-select-all', table).attr('checked', false); // If there's a "select all" row, hide it. if ($('.vbo-table-select-this-page', table).length) { $('.views-table-row-select-all', table).hide(); // Disable "select all across pages". Drupal.vbo.tableSelectThisPage(form); } } } }); } })(jQuery);