t('Autocomplete'), 'description' => t('Synonyms friendly autocomplete'), 'settings form callback' => 'synonyms_behavior_autocomplete_settings_form', 'interface' => 'AutocompleteSynonymsBehavior', ); /** * Settings form for autocomplete behavior. */ function synonyms_behavior_autocomplete_settings_form($form, &$form_state, $settings) { static $is_first_time = TRUE; $element = array(); $element['wording'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Autocomplete wording'), '#default_value' => isset($settings['wording']) ? $settings['wording'] : '@synonym is a synonym of @entity', '#description' => t('Specify with what wording the synonyms should be suggested in the autocomplete feature. You may use: '), '#required' => TRUE, ); if (!$is_first_time) { // Remove the description, if the element is created more than once on the // same form. Otherwise the whole form looks too clumsy. unset($element['wording']['#description']); } $is_first_time = FALSE; return $element; }