the street portion of the location
* 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location
* 'province' => the province, state, or territory
* 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
* 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
* @return
* An associative array where
* 'lat' => approximate latitude of the center of the postal code's area
* 'lon' => approximate longitude of the center of the postal code's area
function location_latlon_rough_us($location = array()) {
if (!isset($location['postal_code'])) {
return NULL;
$row = db_query("SELECT latitude, longitude FROM {zipcodes} where country = :country AND zip = :zip", array(':country' => $location['country'], ':zip' => substr(str_pad($location['postal_code'], 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 0, 5)))->fetchObject();
if ($row) {
return array('lat' => $row->latitude, 'lon' => $row->longitude);
else {
return NULL;
* Returns a lat/lon pair of the approximate center of the given postal code in the given country
* @param $location
* An associative array $location where only postal code and country are necessary, but can have the keys:
* 'street' => the street portion of the location
* 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location
* 'province' => the province, state, or territory
* 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
* 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
* @return
* An associative array where
* 'lat' => approximate latitude of the center of the postal code's area
* 'lon' => approximate longitude of the center of the postal code's area
function location_get_postalcode_data_us($location = array()) {
$dash_index = strpos($location['postal_code'], '-');
// First we strip slash off if we're dealing with a 9-digit US zipcode
if (!($dash_index === FALSE)) {
$location['postal_code'] = substr($location['postal_code'], 0, $dash_index);
// Now we pad the thing and query.
$row = db_query("SELECT * FROM {zipcodes} where country = :country AND zip = :zip", array(':country' => $location['country'], ':zip' => str_pad($location['postal_code'], 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)))->fetchObject();
if ($row) {
return array('lat' => $row->latitude, 'lon' => $row->longitude, 'city' => $row->city, 'province' => $row->state, 'country' => $row->country);
else {
return NULL;
* Parameters:
* An associative array $location where
* 'street' => the street portion of the location
* 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location
* 'province' => the province, state, or territory
* 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
* 'postal_code' => the international postal code for this location (REQUIRED)
function location_latlon_exact_us($location = array()) {
return NULL;
// By uncommenting the line of code below, you legally acknowledge that you understand that you can only
// do so under the terms of the Non-Commercial Share-alike license described at
//return _location_latlon_exact_us_geocoder($location);
* Calls up a web-service to retrieve a lat/lon pair for a full, correct U.S. location.
* @param $location
* An associative array that represents an location where
* 'street' => is the street location
* 'supplemental' => any supplemental portion to the street location
* 'city' => city name
* 'province' => state, province, or territorial abbreviation
* 'postal_code' => postal code
* @return
* An associative array where
* 'lat' => Is a float value in latitude
* 'lon' => Is a float value in longitude
* If the location supplied does not provide enough information, NULL is returned.
* "Enough information" means that there is either
* (a valid 'street' AND valid 'postal_code') OR (valid 'street' AND valid 'city' AND valid 'province')
function _location_latlon_exact_us_geocoder($location = array()) {
$location_string = '';
if (isset($location['street']) && trim($location['street']) != '') {
if (isset($location['postal_code'])) {
$location_string = $location['street'] .' '. $location['postal_code'];
elseif (isset($location['city']) && isset($location['province']) && trim($location['city']) != '' && trim($location['province'])) {
$location_string = $location['street'] .', '. $location['city'] .', '. $location['province'];
else { // else won't do bidness with you!
return NULL;
else {
return NULL;
$result = xmlrpc('', array('geocode' => array($location_string)));
if (is_array($result) && is_array($result[0]) && isset($result[0]['lat']) && is_numeric($result[0]['lat']) && isset($result[0]['long']) && is_numeric($result[0]['long'])) {
return array('lat' => $result[0]['lat'], 'lon' => $result[0]['long']);
return NULL;
function location_map_link_us_yahoo($location = array()) {
$get_query = '?';
if (isset($location['street'])) {
$get_query .= 'addr='. urlencode($location['street']) .'&';
if ($location['province'] != '' || $location['city'] != '' || $location['postal_code'] != '') {
$get_query .= 'csz='. _location_us_yahoo_csz_get_field($location) .'&';
$get_query .= 'country='. urlencode($location['country']);
return (''. $get_query);
function location_map_link_us_google($location = array()) {
$query_params = array();
$q = NULL;
foreach (array('street', 'city', 'province', 'postal_code', 'country') as $field) {
if (isset($location[$field])) {
$query_params[] = $location[$field];
if (location_has_coordinates($location)) {
$q = urlencode($location['latitude'] . ' ' . $location['longitude'] . ' (' . implode(', ', $query_params) . ')' );
} else if (count($query_params) > 0) {
$q = urlencode(implode(", ", $query_params));
if ($q != NULL) {
return (''.$q );
else {
return NULL;
function location_map_link_us_mapquest($location = array()) {
if (isset($location['street'])) {
$get_query .= 'address='. urlencode($location['street']) .'&';
if (isset($location['city'])) {
$get_query .= 'city='. urlencode($location['city']) .'&';
if (isset($location['province'])) {
$get_query .= 'state='. urlencode($location['province']) .'&';
if (isset($location['postal_code'])) {
$get_query .= 'zipcode='. urlencode($location['postal_code']);
if (strlen($get_query)) {
return ''. $get_query;
else {
return NULL;
* @return
* An array where
* -> the key is the word that helps identify the name of function that builds the link. For example, a key of 'yahoo' means the name of the
* the function that builds a link to a map on Yahoo! Maps would be 'location_map_link_us_yahoo'
* -> the value is itself an array with 3 key/value pairs:
* 'name' => points to the name of the mapping service. For 'yahoo', this would be 'Yahoo! Maps'
* 'url' => the url of the main page of the mapping service. For 'yahoo', this would be ''
* 'tos' => the url of the page that explains the map providers Terms of Service, or Terms of Use. For 'yahoo', this would be
* ''
function location_map_link_us_providers() {
return array('google' => array('name' => 'Google Maps', 'url' => '', 'tos' => ''),
'yahoo' => array('name' => 'Yahoo! Maps', 'url' => '', 'tos' => ''),
'mapquest' => array('name' => 'MapQuest', 'url' => '', 'tos' => '')
* @return
* An array of values that work as keys to the array returned by location_map_link_us_providers. The idea is that if the
* administrator of the site has not yet had a chance to visit the "Map Links" subtab on the location module's settings page,
* that we can provide deep-linking to a relatively safe default. By 'relatively safe', we mean that the Terms Of Service of
* the provider of the maps are flexible enough for most parties.
* For the case of the U.S., 'google' has relatively flexible Terms Of Service, whereas Yahoo! Maps and MapQuest have more
* restrictive Terms Of Service.
function location_map_link_us_default_providers() {
return array('google');
function location_geocode_us_providers() {
return array(
'yahoo' => array('name' => 'Yahoo! Maps Web Services', 'url' => '', 'tos' => '')
function location_geocode_us_yahoo_settings() {
$form = array();
$form['location_geocode_us_yahoo_appid'] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Yahoo! Web Services Application ID'),
'#size' => 64,
'#maxlength' => 128,
'#default_value' => variable_get('location_geocode_us_yahoo_appid', 'YahooDemo'),
'#description' => t('Unless you are using this site to test and develop, you will need to obtain a Yahoo! Web Services Application ID from the %network_link. If you are using for development and testing purposes, you can use \'YahooDemo\' as your AppID. When getting an Application ID from Yahoo!, please also be sure to review the %usage_policy.', array('%network_link' => 'Yahoo! Developer Network', '%usage_policy' => 'usage policy'))
return $form;
function location_geocode_us_yahoo($location = array()) {
$service_url = "". variable_get('location_geocode_us_yahoo_appid', "YahooDemo") ."&location=";
$address = location_address2singleline($location);
$http_reply = drupal_http_request($service_url . urlencode($address));
// address may have been improperly formatted or invalid
if ($http_reply->code == 400) {
return NULL;
else {
// got a successful reply, but we only want to return if we have address-level precision
$matches = array();
preg_match('/precision="([a-z]*)"/', $http_reply->data, $matches);
if ($matches[1] != 'address') {
// The precision we got back was not down to the street-address level
return NULL;
else {
$lat_match = array();
$lon_match = array();
$latlon = array();
if (preg_match('/(.*)<\/Latitude>/', $http_reply->data, $lat_match)) {
$latlon['lat'] = $lat_match[1];
else {
return NULL;
if (preg_match('/(.*)<\/Longitude>/', $http_reply->data, $lon_match)) {
$latlon['lon'] = $lon_match[1];
return $latlon;
else {
return NULL;
* Parameters:
* -> $location_a is an associative array that represents a full location where
* 'street' => the street portions of the location
* 'supplemental' => additional street portion of the location
* 'province' => the province, state, or territory
* 'country' => lower-cased two-letter ISO code (REQUIRED)
* -> $location_b is associative array that represents a full location in the same way that
* parameter $location_b does.
* Returns: a link to driving directions
* For now, assume site-admin wants American driving directions linked to Yahoo! Driving Directions.
* Maybe later, we can add some kind of country-specific settings page that allows the site-admin to
* decide which site to link to for driving directions.
function location_driving_directions_link_us($location_a, $location_b) {
return _location_driving_directions_link_us_yahoo($location_a, $location_b);
* Parameters:
* Function that is called by location_driving_directions_link_us() under assumption that it
* is the chosen function
* Returns:
* a URL with HTTP GET variables
* Depending on how full the locationes are, the URL will either point to the driving directions
* on Yahoo! or, if only partial locationes are provided, a URL that points to the *form* for
* Yahoo! driving directions where the form is filled with whatever fields have been provided
* for the partial location(es).
function _location_driving_directions_link_us_yahoo($location_a, $location_b) {
if (trim($location_b['country']) != 'ca' && trim($location_b['country']) != 'us') {
return '';
// These are the fields that need to be in each location if we are to provide a direct
// link to yahoo directions. If all of these fields don't have values, then we generate
// a link to the *form* for Yahoo! driving directions rather than directly to the driving
// directions themselves.
foreach ($location_a as $field => $value) {
$location_a[$field] = trim($value);
foreach ($location_b as $field => $value) {
$location_b[$field] = trim($value);
if (_location_us_enough_fields_for_yahoo($location_a) && _location_us_enough_fields_for_yahoo($location_b)) {
$yahoo_maps_path = 'dd_result';
else {
$yahoo_maps_path = 'dd';
$get_query = '?';
$get_query .= 'addr='. urlencode($location_a['street']) .'&';
$get_query .= 'csz='. _location_us_yahoo_csz_get_field($location_a) .'&';
$get_query .= 'country='. urlencode($location_a['country']) .'&';
$get_query .= 'taddr='. urlencode($location_b['street']) .'&';
$get_query .= 'tcsz='. _location_us_yahoo_csz_get_field($location_b) .'&';
$get_query .= 'tcountry='. urlencode($location_b['country']);
$get_query .= '&getrte='. urlencode('Get Directions');
return (''. $yahoo_maps_path . $get_query);
function _location_us_enough_fields_for_yahoo($location) {
// These are the fields that need to be in each location if we are to provide a direct
// link to yahoo directions. If all of these fields don't have values, then we generate
// a link to the *form* for Yahoo! driving directions rather than directly to the driving
// directions themselves.
if (strlen($location['street']) && strlen($location['city']) && strlen($location['province'])) {
return TRUE;
if (strlen($location['street']) && strlen($location['postal_code'])) {
return TRUE;
if (strlen($location['street']) && strlen($location['city']) && strlen($location['province'])) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Don't mess with this function unless you understand its logic. It has to do with
// the question of "to comma or not to comma?"
function _location_us_yahoo_csz_get_field($location) {
// For some reasons, to the end of pinpointing a location, Yahoo! Maps and Driving Directions
// do better a better job with retrieving info based strictly on a Canadian city/province
// than on a Canadian postal code.
if ($location['country'] = 'ca') {
if (strlen($location['city']) && strlen($location['province'])) {
return urlencode($location['city'] .', '. $location['province']);
if (strlen($location['postal_code'])) {
return urlencode($location['postal_code']);
else {
if (strlen($location['postal_code'])) {
return urlencode($location['postal_code']);
if (strlen($location['city']) && strlen($location['province'])) {
return urlencode($location['city'] .', '. $location['province']);
if (strlen($location['city']) || strlen($location['province'])) {
if (strlen($location['city'])) {
return urlencode($location['city']);
else {
return urlencode($location['province']);
return '';
function _location_us_geocoder_oneline($location = array()) {
$line = '';
$line .= $location['street'] .', ';
if (strlen($location['city']) && strlen($location['province']) && strlen($location['postal_code'])) {
$line .= $location['city'] .', '. $location['province'] .' '. $location['postal_code'];
elseif (strlen($location['city']) && strlen($location['province'])) {
$line .= $location['city'] .', '. $location['province'];
elseif (strlen($location['postal_code'])) {
if (strlen($location['city']) || strlen($location['province'])) {
if (strlen($location['city'])) {
$line .= $location['city'] .', '. $location['postal_code'];
else {
$line .= $location['province'] .', '. $location['postal_code'];
else {
$line .= $location['postal_code'];
// DEBUG: commented code is for testing/debugging purposes
//print '_location_us_geocoder_oneline() RETURNING '. $line ."
return $line;
* Returns an associative array of states/territories where
* -> the keys are integers starting from 1
* -> the values are the English names for those states/territories
* The states are grouped together at the beginning of the array and sorted
* alphabetically.
* The territories are grouped together at the end of the array and sorted
* alphabetically.
function location_province_list_us() {
return array('AL' => 'Alabama',
'AK' => 'Alaska',
'AZ' => 'Arizona',
'AR' => 'Arkansas',
'CA' => 'California',
'CO' => 'Colorado',
'CT' => 'Connecticut',
'DE' => 'Delaware',
'DC' => 'District Of Columbia',
'FL' => 'Florida',
'GA' => 'Georgia',
'HI' => 'Hawaii',
'ID' => 'Idaho',
'IL' => 'Illinois',
'IN' => 'Indiana',
'IA' => 'Iowa',
'KS' => 'Kansas',
'KY' => 'Kentucky',
'LA' => 'Louisiana',
'ME' => 'Maine',
'MD' => 'Maryland',
'MA' => 'Massachusetts',
'MI' => 'Michigan',
'MN' => 'Minnesota',
'MS' => 'Mississippi',
'MO' => 'Missouri',
'MT' => 'Montana',
'NE' => 'Nebraska',
'NV' => 'Nevada',
'NH' => 'New Hampshire',
'NJ' => 'New Jersey',
'NM' => 'New Mexico',
'NY' => 'New York',
'NC' => 'North Carolina',
'ND' => 'North Dakota',
'OH' => 'Ohio',
'OK' => 'Oklahoma',
'OR' => 'Oregon',
'PA' => 'Pennsylvania',
'RI' => 'Rhode Island',
'SC' => 'South Carolina',
'SD' => 'South Dakota',
'TN' => 'Tennessee',
'TX' => 'Texas',
'UT' => 'Utah',
'VT' => 'Vermont',
'VA' => 'Virginia',
'WA' => 'Washington',
'WV' => 'West Virginia',
'WI' => 'Wisconsin',
'WY' => 'Wyoming',
'AS' => 'American Samoa',
'FM' => 'Federated States of Micronesia',
'GU' => 'Guam',
'MH' => 'Marshall Islands',
'MP' => 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'PW' => 'Palau',
'PR' => 'Puerto Rico',
'VI' => 'Virgin Islands'
* Returns an associative array of states/territories where
* -> the keys are integers starting from 1
* -> the values are the English names for those states/territories
* The states are grouped together at the beginning of the array and sorted
* alphabetically.
* The territories are grouped together at the end of the array and sorted
* alphabetically.
* Currently not being used, but may be in order to be compatible with CiviCRM
* TODO: These numeric indices need to be changed to match those in the CiviCRM database
function location_province_list_numeric_us() {
return array('001' => 'Alabama',
'002' => 'Alaska',
'003' => 'Arizona',
'004' => 'Arkansas',
'005' => 'California',
'006' => 'Colorado',
'007' => 'Connecticut',
'008' => 'Delaware',
'009' => 'District Of Columbia',
'010' => 'Florida',
'011' => 'Georgia',
'012' => 'Hawaii',
'013' => 'Idaho',
'014' => 'Illinois',
'015' => 'Indiana',
'016' => 'Iowa',
'017' => 'Kansas',
'018' => 'Kentucky',
'019' => 'Louisiana',
'020' => 'Maine',
'021' => 'Maryland',
'022' => 'Massachusetts',
'023' => 'Michigan',
'024' => 'Minnesota',
'025' => 'Mississippi',
'026' => 'Missouri',
'027' => 'Montana',
'028' => 'Nebraska',
'029' => 'Nevada',
'030' => 'New Hampshire',
'031' => 'New Jersey',
'032' => 'New Mexico',
'033' => 'New York',
'034' => 'North Carolina',
'035' => 'North Dakota',
'036' => 'Ohio',
'037' => 'Oklahoma',
'038' => 'Oregon',
'039' => 'Pennsylvania',
'040' => 'Rhode Island',
'041' => 'South Carolina',
'042' => 'South Dakota',
'043' => 'Tennessee',
'044' => 'Texas',
'045' => 'Utah',
'046' => 'Vermont',
'047' => 'Virginia',
'048' => 'Washington',
'049' => 'West Virginia',
'050' => 'Wisconsin',
'051' => 'Wyoming',
'052' => 'American Samoa',
'053' => 'Federated States of Micronesia',
'054' => 'Guam',
'055' => 'Marshall Islands',
'056' => 'Northern Mariana Islands',
'057' => 'Palau',
'058' => 'Puerto Rico',
'059' => 'Virgin Islands'
* Returns minimum and maximum latitude and longitude needed to create a bounding box.
function location_bounds_us() {
return array(
'minlng' => -179.22745,
'minlat' => -56.5109,
'maxlng' => 158.80735,
'maxlat' => 71.399467,