Search API Solr Search 1.12 (2017-02-23): ----------------------------------------- - #2612770 by Temoor, drunken monkey: Fixed conjunction in complex filter conditions. - #2711685 by berliner: Added support for Solr 6. - #2842661 by gabrielu, drunken monkey: Fixed duplicate code line in clearCache(). - #2834159 by Fixed left-over explicit SearchApiSolrConnection::escapeFieldName() call. - #2677912 by jts86, mian3010: Added option to disable committing for Solr. - #2828473 by detroz: Fixed incorrect variable initialization. - #2826565 by Sardis, drunken monkey: Fixed multi-valued field highlighting. - #2807327 by drunken monkey: Fixed configuration form descriptions. - #2772199 by drunken monkey: Added a warning to the description for the highlighting server option. - #2733625 by joelstein, drunken monkey: Fixed notice in Connection::getFields(). Search API Solr Search 1.11 (2016-07-06): ----------------------------------------- - #2710397 by drunken monkey: Fixed escaping of highlighting tags. - #2636016 by drunken monkey: Fixed location search distance facets. Search API Solr Search 1.10 (2016-03-14): ----------------------------------------- - #2604322 by lex0r, drunken monkey: Added the option to log all Solr queries. - #2645366 by tedfordgif, drunken monkey: Fixed browser incorrectly filling the HTTP Auth form fields. - #2611716 by aditya_anurag, drunken monkey: Improved the method documentation comments. - #2599658 by Loparev, drunken monkey: Added the possibility to highlight non-fulltext fields. - #2598288 by ethan.han777, JeroenT, drunken monkey: Fixed potential notices in the spellchecker code. - #2564927 by thePanz: Added support for random sorting in grouped searches. - #2527528 by maximpodorov, drunken monkey: Fixed searching of string fields with leading/trailing spaces. - #2513314 by fortis, drunken monkey: Fixed error for empty filters. - #2551763 by drunken monkey: Fixed mention of INSTALL.txt in an error message. Search API Solr Search 1.9 (2015-08-30): ---------------------------------------- - #2503829 by das-peter: Added support for grouping on "magic" fields. - #2503617 by tobiasb: Fixed undefined "status_message" property in HTTP response object. - #2313591 by thePanz, nadavoid: Added support for random sorting. - #2004596 by drunken monkey: Fixed workarounds for MLT problems. - #2486533 by drunken monkey: Fixed the default operator in the Solr 5 configs. - #2466897 by drunken monkey: Fixed Solr version options in server settings. - #1918904 by arnested, ramlev, drunken monkey: Added an alter hook for autocomplete suggestions. - #2532812 by drunken monkey: Improved performance for filter-only queries. - #2463523 by bmunslow: Fixed field boosts in multi-index searches. Search API Solr Search 1.8 (2015-06-15): ---------------------------------------- - #2502511 by drunken monkey: Fixed index removal on Solr 5. - #2441117 by drunken monkey: Fixed unnecessary reindexing after changing fields' boosts. Search API Solr Search 1.7 (2015-06-08): ---------------------------------------- - #2466489 by drunken monkey: Changed installation instructions to point to the handbook. - #2486533 by drunken monkey: Fixed default operator in Solr 5. - #2456159 by drunken monkey: Updated config files to their latest version from the common configs. - #2442077 by drunken monkey, basvredeling: Added support for Solr 5. - #2451037 by drunken monkey: Fixed timeout errors during indexing. - #2054551 by paolomainardi, drunken monkey, lex0r: Added possibility to retrieve Solr field values in multi-index searches. - #1908990 by drunken monkey: Fixed various issues with excerpts. - #2368399 by das-peter, drunken monkey: Added Support for location filtering with a bounding box. - #2333133 by drunken monkey: Fixed behavior of filters on fulltext fields. Search API Solr Search 1.6 (2014-09-08): ---------------------------------------- - #2050961 by das-peter, drunken monkey: Added proximity/distance information to search results. - #2242073 by RaF: Fixed handling of custom negative filters in filter-only searches. - #2290601 by drunken monkey: Fixed handling of complex keywords and OR facets. - #2083357 by drunken monkey: Added note that Solr 4.x server paths should be specified with core. - #2270767 by RaF: Fixed search_api_solr_views_data_alter() not always returning all virtual fields. Search API Solr Search 1.5 (2014-05-23): ---------------------------------------- - #2216895 by das-peter: Added support for empty/non-empty conditions on location field types. - #2162627 by drunken monkey: Removed Solr 1.4 support. - #2175829 by danquah, drunken monkey: Fixed error when admin interface is not accessible. - #2222037 by drunken monkey: Fixed "Files" tab in Solr 4.7. - #2151719 by Derimagia, drunken monkey: Added an alter hook for multi-index search results. - #1776534 by drunken monkey, e2thex: Added support for using a Solr server with multiple sites. - #2152337 by drunken monkey: Removed confusing "multiple text fields" section from README.txt. - #2099559 by drunken monkey: Made optimizing the Solr server optional. - #2146749 by drunken monkey: Added soft commits as the default for Solr 4. - #1773440 by drunken monkey: Added performance improvement for “filter only” queries. - #2147573 by drunken monkey: Improved error handling. Search API Solr Search 1.4 (2013-12-25): ---------------------------------------- - #2157839 by drunken monkey, Nick_vh: Updated config files to the newest version. - #2130827 by drunken monkey: Added additional Solr server information to the Server overview. - #2126281 by drunken monkey: Update error handling according to the latest Search API change. - #2127991 by drunken monkey: Fixed handling of negated fulltext keys. - #2113943 by drunken monkey: Fixed clash in specifying the HTTP method for searches. - #2127193 by jlapp: Fixed date field values returned for multi-index searches. - #2122155 drunken monkey: Added the "Files" tab to contextual links. - #1846860 by andrewbelcher, drclaw, drunken monkey, danielnolde: Added a way to easily define new dynamic field types. - #2064377 by Nick_vh: Made configuration files compatible with Solr Cloud. - #2107417 by Nick_vh: Fixed config files for Solr 4.5. Search API Solr Search 1.3 (2013-10-23): ---------------------------------------- - #2099683 by drunken monkey: Added support for 'virtual fields' in Views. - #1997702 by ianthomas_uk, drunken monkey: Added "AUTO" mode for HTTP method. - #2033913 by drunken monkey: Fixed small error in schema.xml. - #2073441 by drunken monkey: Removed custom uninstall code for deleting dependent servers. - #1882190 by corvus_ch, arnested, drunken monkey: Added optional index ID prefixes. Search API Solr Search 1.2 (2013-09-01): ---------------------------------------- - #1246730 by febbraro, maciej.zgadzaj, drunken monkey: Added a way to alter the Solr document when indexing. - #2053553 by drunken monkey, andrewbelcher: Fixed spatial features with clean field identifiers. - #2054373 by drunken monkey: Added the option to use clean field identifiers. - #1992806 by drunken monkey: Documented problems with Solr 4.3+. - #2045355 by drunken monkey, arpieb: Fixed result mapping of item IDs. - #2050157 by izus: Fixed typo in stopwords.txt. Search API Solr Search 1.1 (2013-07-21): ---------------------------------------- - #1957730 by drunken monkey: Fixed filter query strings for negated filters. - #2010818 by kenorb, drunken monkey: Added new Files tab showing all used solr config files. - #2042201 by klausi: Fixed timeouts while optimizing Solr server. - #2034719 by fago: Added raw term to autocompletion response. - #2027843 by fago, drunken monkey: Made the Solr response available as part of the search results. - #1834614 by drunken monkey: Fixed date fields in MLT queries. - #1970652 by jsteggink: Fixed highlighting for text fields. - #2016169 by tomdearden, drunken monkey: Fixed parsing of facets on multi-valued fields. - #2008034 by bdecarne: Fixed highlighting in multi-index searches. Search API Solr Search 1.0 (2013-06-09): ---------------------------------------- - #1896080 by drunken monkey: Included additional required config files in the module. - #1919572 by chaby: Fixed indexing of geohashes. - #2004596 by drunken monkey: Fixed "More Like This" for Solr 4.x. - #2007214 by drunken monkey: Fixed unsetting of object properties. - #1884312 by drunken monkey, mvc: Fixed resetting of HTTP password upon re-saving of the configuration form. - #1957774 by drunken monkey: Fixed displayed link to local Solr servers. - #1721262 by Steven Jones, das-peter, drunken monkey: Added field collapsing support. - #1549244 by cferthorney, drunken monkey: Added SSL Support for Solr servers. Search API Solr Search 1.0, RC 5 (2013-05-17): ---------------------------------------------- - #1190462 by drunken monkey: Documented that enabling HTML filter makes sense. - #1986284 by drunken monkey: Updated common configs to the latest version. - #1990422 by populist, drunken monkey: Added support for custom stream contexts for HTTP requests. - #1957890 by drunken monkey, jwilson3: Fixed several bugs for facets. - #1676224 by dasjo, morningtime, drunken monkey: Added support for Solr 4.x. - #1985522 by chaby: Fixed use of instance method in static escape() method. - #1979102 by drunken monkey: Fixed wrong limit for limit-less searches. - #1978632 by chaby, drunken monkey: Fixed wrong check on softCommit. - #1978600 by chaby: Fixed hook_requirements() for install phase. - #1976930 by drunken monkey: Fixed duplicate method in SearchApiSolrField. Search API Solr Search 1.0, RC 4 (2013-04-22): ---------------------------------------------- - #1744250 by mollux, drunken monkey, das-peter: Added support for location-based searches. - #1846254 by drunken monkey: Removed the SolrPhpClient dependency. - #1934450 by jwilson3, jlapp: Fixed reference to removed method getFacetField(). - #1900644 by Deciphered: Fixed facet handling for multi-index searches. - #1897386 by drunken monkey, NIck_vh: Update the common schema. Search API Solr Search 1.0, RC 3 (2013-01-06): ---------------------------------------------- - #1828260 by drunken monkey: Fixed filtering by index in multi-index searches. - #1509380 by drunken monkey: Adopt common config files. - #1815348 by drunken monkey: Fixed queryMultiple() to not use item ID as the array key. - #1789204 by Steven Jones: Added way to easily alter the fl parameter. - #1744250 by mollux, dasjo: Added support for location based search. - #1813670 by guillaumev: Fixed check for autocomplete configuration in form. - #1425910 by drunken monkey, mh86: Added setting for maximum occurence threshold in autocomplete. - #1691132 by drunken monkey, David Stosik: Fixed calls to watchdog(). - #1588130 by regilero, David Stosik, drunken monkey: Fixed error handling. - #1805720 by drunken monkey: Added additional options and improvements for the autocomplete functionality. - #1276970 by derhasi, moonray: Fixed large queries break Solr search. - #1299940 by drunken monkey: Fixed handling of empty response. - #1507818 by larowlan: Fixed field boosts for standard request handler. Search API Solr Search 1.0, RC 2 (2012-05-23): ---------------------------------------------- - Fixed escaping of error messages. - #1480170 by kotnik: Fixed return value of hook_requirements(). - #1500210 by ezra-g, acrollet, jsacksick: Fixed errors when installing with non-default installation profiles. - #1444432 by Damien Tournoud, jsacksick: Added field-level boosting. - #1302406 by Steven Jones: Fixed autoload problem during installation. - #1340244 by drunken monkey, alanomaly: Added more helpful error messages. Search API Solr Search 1.0, RC 1 (2011-11-10): ---------------------------------------------- - #1308638 by drunken monkey: Adapted to new structure of field settings. - #1308498 by zenlan, drunken monkey: Added flexibility for facet fields. - #1319544 by drunken monkey: Fixed never delete contents of read-only indexes. - #1309650 by jonhattan, drunken monkey: Added support for the Libraries API. Search API Solr Search 1.0, Beta 4 (2011-09-08): ------------------------------------------------ - #1230536 by thegreat, drunken monkey: Added support for OR facets. - #1184002 by drunken monkey: Fixed support of the latest SolrPhpClient version. - #1032848 by das-peter, drunken monkey: Added possibility to save SolrPhpClient to the libraries directory. - #1225926 by drunken monkey, fago: Fixed performance problems in indexing workflow. - #1219310 by drunken monkey: Adapted to recent API change. - #1203680 by klausi: Fixed use of taxonomy terms for "More like this". - #1181260 by klausi: Fixed mlt.maxwl in solrconfig.xml. - #1116896 by drunken monkey: Adapted to newer Solr versions. - #1190462 by drunken monkey: Added option to directly highlight retrieved data from Solr. - #1196514 by drunken monkey, klausi: Fixed case sensitivity of input keys for autocomplete. - #1192654 by drunken monkey: Added support for the Autocomplete module. - #1177648 by drunken monkey: Added option to use Solr's built-in highlighting. - #1154116 by drunken monkey: Added option for retrieving search results data directly from Solr. - #1184002 by drunken monkey: Fixed INSTALL.txt to reflect that the module doesn't work with the latest Solr PHP Client version. Search API Solr Search 1.0, Beta 3 (2011-06-06): ------------------------------------------------ - #1111852 by miiimooo, drunken monkey: Added a 'More like this' feature. - #1153306 by JoeMcGuire, drunken monkey: Added spellchecking support. - #1138230 by becw, drunken monkey: Added increased flexibility to the service class. - #1127038 by drunken monkey: Fixed handling of date facets. - #1110820 by becw, drunken monkey: Added support for the Luke request handler. - #1095956 by drunken monkey: Added Solr-specific index alter hook. Search API Solr Search 1.0, Beta 2 (2011-03-04): ------------------------------------------------ - #1071894 by drunken monkey: Fixed incorrect handling of boolean facets. - #1071796: Add additional help for Solr-specific extensions. - #1056018: Better document Solr config customization options. - #1049900: Field values are sometimes not escaped properly. - #1043586: Allow Solr server URL to be altered. - #1010610 by mikejoconnor: Fix hook_requirements(). - #1024146: Don't use file_get_contents() for contacting the Solr server. - #1010610: More helpful error message when SolrPhpClient is missing. - #915174: Remove unnecessary files[] declarations from .info file. - #984134: Add Solr-specific query alter hooks. Search API Solr Search 1.0, Beta 1 (2010-11-29): ------------------------------------------------ Basic functionality is in place and quite well-tested, including support for facets and for multi-index searches.