array( 'name' => t('Meta tags'), 'description' => t("Adds the item's meta tags to the indexed data."), 'class' => 'MetatagSearchAlterCallback', ), ); } /** * Adds meta tag values to the indexed items. */ class MetatagSearchAlterCallback extends SearchApiAbstractAlterCallback { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function supportsIndex(SearchApiIndex $index) { // Only works on entities. return (bool) $index->getEntityType(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function alterItems(array &$items) { $entity_type = $this->index->getEntityType(); $tags = metatag_get_info('tags'); foreach ($items as $id => $item) { foreach (array_keys($tags) as $tag) { $items[$id]->{'metatag_' . $tag} = NULL; if (isset($item->language) && isset($item->metatags[$item->language][$tag])) { $instance = metatag_get_instance($tag, $item->metatags[$item->language][$tag]); $items[$id]->{'metatag_' . $tag} = $instance->getValue(array('token data' => array($entity_type => $item))); } } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function propertyInfo() { $properties = array(); // Get available meta tags. $tags = metatag_get_info('tags'); foreach ($tags as $id => $tag) { switch ($tag['class']) { case 'DrupalLinkMetaTag': $type = 'uri'; break; default: $type = 'text'; break; } $properties['metatag_' . $id] = array( 'label' => t('Meta tag: @label', array('@label' => $tag['label'])), 'description' => t('@label meta tag attached to an item.', array('@label' => $tag['label'])), 'type' => $type, ); } return $properties; } }