Search API Saved Searches 1.7 (2018-09-17): ------------------------------------------- - #2971725 by martin_klima, mh86, drunken monkey: Fixed reaction to a user changing their mail address. - #2907340 by ClassicCut, drunken monkey: Fixed checking alerts via Rules. - #2521976 by natew, drunken monkey, lukedekker: Fixed double-encoding of query parameters when displaying saved searches with Views. - #2795599 by drunken monkey: Increased the maximum length of saved search names. Search API Saved Searches 1.6 (2017-07-18): ------------------------------------------- - #1118138 by MorinLuc0, drunken monkey: Added Rules integration for sending notifications. - #2856331 by drunken monkey: Fixed access check for the "Create saved search" page. - #2216453 by drunken monkey: Fixed exception for saved searches after fulltext fields change. - #2665578 by drunken monkey: Fixed notices caused by missing $original in hook_user_update(). - #2597143 by drunken monkey: Added an option to allow users to edit a saved search's keywords. - #2532078 by krishna savithraj: Added a hidden setting to give the cron job more time to execute. - #2602532 by kaptenkolja, drunken monkey: Fixed handling of multi-valued fields when creating a new saved search manually. - #2564969 by drunken monkey: Fixed escaping of fields option labels. - #1306622 by drunken monkey: Fixed token handling for anonymous users. Search API Saved Searches 1.5 (2015-06-08): ------------------------------------------- - #2346679 by drunken monkey, dcmul: Added display of saved search enabled/disabled status to UI. - #2346677 by drunken monkey, dcmul: Fixed firing of saved searches for disabled users. - #2387155 by Dimiona, drunken monkey: Fixed default value for custom notification interval. - #2359003 by drunken monkey: Fixed removal of cron queue items of deleted searches. - #2347243 by queenvictoria, drunken monkey: Added tokens from the first search to the mail texts. - #1829678 by aschmoe: Fixed render order of "Save search" block in panels. - #2354863 by drunken monkey: Fixed alert intervals not being respected. - #2300175 by drunken monkey: Added database indexes to improve performance. - #2221683 by drunken monkey | rjacobs: Fixed duplicate mails due to overlaps conditions in cron queue. Search API Saved Searches 1.3 (2014-05-24): ------------------------------------------- - #2082325 by balajidharma, drunken monkey: Added classes to edit and delete links. - #2088045 by leeomara, drunken monkey: Added hook to override generated names. - #2042299 by drunken monkey: Added access callbacks for both entity types. Search API Saved Searches 1.2 (2013-07-21): ------------------------------------------- - #2040469 by drunken monkey: Fixed Views display of saved search results. - #2027441 by drunken monkey: Added option to filter by date instead of IDs. - #2027449 by drunken monkey: Fixed loading of new result items. - #1398300 by Leksat, drunken monkey: Added option for disabling notifications. - #2018983 by drunken monkey: Fixed error after deleting last saved search. - #2012714 by drunken monkey: Fixed the $reset parameter for load functions. Search API Saved Searches 1.1 (2013-03-27): ------------------------------------------- - #1371344 by leeomara, drunken monkey: Added a README.txt file. - #1888140 by drunken monkey: Added extended Views integration. - #1941934 by drunken monkey: Added possibility to edit the notification interval. - #1885036 by mh86: Added custom interval labels to saved searches overview page. - #1888146 by drunken monkey: Added an option to allow registered users logged-out deleting of their searches. - #1447004 by fago, drunken monkey, mh86: Added i18n support. - #1888126 by drunken monkey: Fixed "Cancel" link in delete forms for anonymous users. - #1881704 by drunken monkey: Added option to limit number of results sent per mail. - #1874132 by drunken monkey: Added automatic reactions for saved searches when users are created, edited or deleted. - #1868488 by drunken monkey: Fixed logic for whether to activate a saved search right away. - #1398310 by drunken monkey: Fixed visibility of "custom time" field. - #1857822 by sepgil: Added quantity tokens. Search API Saved Searches 1.0 (2012-10-04): ------------------------------------------- First stable release of the Search API Saved Searches project.