/** * @file * Adds effects and behaviors to elements on the checkout page. */ Drupal.behaviors.ucCart = { attach: function(context, settings) { // Add a throbber to the submit order button on the review order form. jQuery('form#uc-cart-checkout-review-form input#edit-submit:not(.ucSubmitOrderThrobber-processed)', context).addClass('ucSubmitOrderThrobber-processed').click(function() { jQuery(this).clone().insertAfter(this).after('    ')[0].disabled = true; jQuery(this).hide(); jQuery('#uc-cart-checkout-review-form #edit-back')[0].disabled = true; }); } } /** * Behaviors for the Next buttons. * * When a customer clicks a Next button, expand the next pane, remove the * button, and don't let it collapse again. */ function uc_cart_next_button_click(button, pane_id, current) { if (current !== 'false') { jQuery('#' + current + '-pane legend a').click(); } else { button.disabled = true; } if (jQuery('#' + pane_id + '-pane').attr('class').indexOf('collapsed') > -1 && jQuery('#' + pane_id + '-pane').html() !== null) { jQuery('#' + pane_id + '-pane legend a').click(); } return false; }