mail; $from = variable_get('site_mail', NULL); $params = array( '!username' => $account->name, '!uid' => $account->uid, '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'drupal'), '!login_url' => user_pass_reset_url($account), '!password' => $password, '!uri' => $base_url, '!uri_brief' => drupal_substr($base_url, drupal_strlen('http://')), '!mailto' => $account->mail, '!date' => format_date(time()), '!login_uri' => url('user', array('absolute' => TRUE)), '!edit_uri' => url('user/' . $account->uid . '/edit', array('absolute' => TRUE)), 'subject' => $subject, 'body' => $body, 'email_format' => $format, 'css' => $css, ); _user_import_publication_email($params, $account, $subscribed, $format); // import info to profile if (module_exists('profile') && is_array($profile)) { $profile_name = _user_import_profile('fid', 'name'); foreach ($profile_name as $fid => $field_name) { $params['!' . $field_name] = $profile[$fid]; } } $language = user_preferred_language($account); // Whether or not to automatically send the mail when drupal_mail() is // called. This defaults to TRUE, and is normally what you want unless you // need to do additional processing before drupal_mail_send() is called. $send = TRUE; $sent = drupal_mail($module, $key, $to, $language, $params, $from, $send); return; } /** * Implementation of hook_mail(). */ function user_import_mail($key, &$message, $params) { switch ($key) { case 'welcome': $message['subject'] = (empty($params['subject'])) ? _user_mail_text('register_admin_created_subject', $message['language'], $params) : strtr($params['subject'], $params); $body = (empty($params['body'])) ? _user_mail_text('register_admin_created_body', $message['language'], $params) : strtr($params['body'], $params); if ($params['email_format'] == 1) { $message['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8'; $body_head = ' '; if (!empty($params['css'])) $body_head .= ''; $message['body'][] = $body_head . '' . $body . ''; } else { $message['body'][] = $body; } break; } } function _user_import_edit_settings_fields(&$form, $import, $collapsed) { $form['optional'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Options'), '#weight' => -85, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => $collapsed, ); $form['optional']['first_line_skip'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Ignore First Line'), '#default_value' => isset($import['first_line_skip']) ? $import['first_line_skip'] : 0, '#description' => t('If the first line is the names of the data columns, set to ignore first line.'), ); /** * @todo move contact options to a separate support file */ $form['optional']['contact'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Contact'), '#default_value' => isset($import['contact']) ? $import['contact'] : 0, '#description' => t("Set each user's personal contact form to 'allowed'."), ); $form['optional']['send_email'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Send Email'), '#default_value' => isset($import['send_email']) ? $import['send_email'] : 0, '#description' => t('Send email to users when their account is created.'), ); $form['optional']['username_space'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Username Space'), '#default_value' => isset($import['username_space']) ? $import['username_space'] : 0, '#description' => t("Include spaces in usernames, e.g. 'John' + 'Smith' => 'John Smith'."), ); $form['optional']['activate'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => t('Activate Accounts'), '#default_value' => isset($import['activate']) ? $import['activate'] : 0, '#description' => t("User accounts will not be visible to other users until their owner logs in. Select this option to make all imported user accounts visible. Note - one time login links in welcome emails will no longer work if this option is enabled."), ); $form['optional']['delimiter'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('File Delimiter'), '#size' => 4, '#default_value' => isset($import['delimiter']) ? $import['delimiter'] : ',', '#description' => t("The column delimiter for the file. Use '/t' for Tab."), ); $form['optional']['multi_value_delimiter'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Multi Value Delimiter'), '#size' => 4, '#default_value' => isset($import['multi_value_delimiter']) ? $import['multi_value_delimiter'] : '*||*', '#description' => t("Character(s) to use to split data so that it can be added to a field set to multiple values, e.g. '||', '*||*'"), ); $form['optional']['email_domain'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Email Domain'), '#description' => t("Create an email address with the combined contents of Email Address (in Field Match above) and this field.
For example if Email Address is 'Luthor' and Email Domain is '', the account address woud be ''.
Note that '' is recommended for dummy addresses.
"), '#default_value' => isset($import['email_domain']) ? $import['email_domain'] : '', ); return; } function _user_import_edit_template_fields(&$form, $import) { // settings template update controls if (empty($import['name'])) { // new settings template save controls $form['save'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Save Settings'), '#description' => t('Save settings for re-use on other imports.'), '#weight' => 90, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => FALSE, ); $form['save']['name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Settings Name'), '#size' => 26, '#maxlength' => 25, '#description' => t('Name to identify these settings by.'), ); $auto_imports_enabled = variable_get('user_import_auto_imports_enabled', FALSE); if (!empty($auto_imports_enabled)) { $form['save']['auto_import_directory'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Auto Import Directory Name'), '#description' => t('If this is set a directory with this name will be created, into which files can be uploaded and automatically processed, using the settings on this page to create new user accounts.'), '#default_value' => isset($import['auto_import_directory']) ? $import['auto_import_directory'] : '', ); } $form['save'][] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save'), '#validate' => array('user_import_template_has_name_validate', 'user_import_template_unique_name_validate', 'user_import_edit_validate', ), '#submit' => array('user_import_template_new_submit'), ); } else { $form['save'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Saved Settings'), '#description' => t("If changes have neen made to the settings since they where last saved you can update the saved template, or save them as a new template."), '#weight' => 90, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, ); $form['#current_template'] = $import['name']; $form['save']['update'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Update'), '#description' => t("Update '%name' settings template", array('%name' => $import['name'])), ); $auto_imports_enabled = variable_get('user_import_auto_imports_enabled', FALSE); if (!empty($auto_imports_enabled)) { $form['save']['auto_import_directory'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Auto Import Directory Name'), '#description' => t('If this is set a directory with this name will be created, into which files can be uploaded and automatically processed, using the settings on this page to create new user accounts.'), '#default_value' => isset($import['auto_import_directory']) ? $import['auto_import_directory'] : '', ); } $form['save']['update']['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Update'), '#validate' => array('user_import_edit_validate'), '#submit' => array('user_import_template_update_submit'), ); $form['save']['new'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Create New'), '#description' => t("Save as new settings template"), ); $form['save']['new']['name'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Save As New'), '#size' => 30, '#maxlength' => 25, '#description' => t('Name to identify these settings by.'), ); $auto_imports_enabled = variable_get('user_import_auto_imports_enabled', FALSE); if (!empty($auto_imports_enabled)) { $form['save']['auto_import_directory'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Auto Import Directory Name'), '#description' => t('If this is set a directory with this name will be created, into which files can be uploaded and automatically processed, using the settings on this page to create new user accounts.'), '#default_value' => isset($import['auto_import_directory']) ? $import['auto_import_directory'] : '', ); } $form['save']['new'][] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Save As New'), '#validate' => array('user_import_template_has_name_validate', 'user_import_template_unique_name_validate', 'user_import_edit_validate'), '#submit' => array('user_import_template_new_submit'), ); } return; } /** * Validate that a template has a name. */ function user_import_template_has_name_validate($form, &$form_state) { $template_name = trim($form_state['values']['name']); if (empty($template_name)) form_set_error('name', t('A name needs to be set to save this settings template.')); } /** * Validate that a template has a unique name. */ function user_import_template_unique_name_validate($form, &$form_state) { $template_name = trim($form_state['values']['name']); $unique_name = db_query('SELECT COUNT(import_id) FROM {user_import} WHERE name = :name', array(':name' => $template_name))->fetchField(); if (!empty($unique_name)) form_set_error('name', t("'!name' is already in use by another settings template.", array('!name' => $template_name))); } /** * Validate that a email subject line has been set if Send Email is enabled. */ function user_import_send_email_subject_validate($element, &$form_state) { if (!empty($form_state['values']['send_email']) && empty($form_state['values']['subject'])) { form_error($element, t('If Send Email has been enabled then an email subject line must set.')); } } /** * Validate that a email message has been set if Send Email is enabled. */ function user_import_send_email_message_validate($element, &$form_state) { if (!empty($form_state['values']['send_email']) && empty($form_state['values']['message'])) { form_error($element, t('If Send Email has been enabled then an email message must set.')); } } function _user_import_edit_remove_fields(&$form, $import) { $form['remove'] = array( '#type' => 'fieldset', '#title' => t('Use Different CSV File'), '#description' => t('Remove file to use a different file. All settings on this page will be deleted.'), '#weight' => -100, '#collapsible' => TRUE, '#collapsed' => TRUE, ); $form['remove']['file'] = array( '#type' => 'item', '#title' => t('Uploaded file: @filename', array('@filename' => $import['filename'])), '#value' => $import['filename'], ); $form['remove']['submit'] = array( '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Remove file'), '#validate' => array('user_import_edit_remove_file_validate'), ); return; } /** * Delete settings and uploaded file */ function user_import_edit_remove_file_validate($form, &$form_state) { $settings = _user_import_settings_select($form_state['values']['import_id']); _user_import_settings_deletion($form_state['values']['import_id']); //_user_import_file_deletion($settings['filepath'], $settings['filename'], $settings['oldfilename'], $settings['options']['ftp']); file_unmanaged_delete($settings['filepath']); drupal_goto('admin/people/user_import/add'); } function _user_import_publication_email(&$variables, $account, $subscribed, $format) { if (!module_exists('publication') || !module_exists('schedule') || !module_exists('identity_hash')) { return; } $id_hash = identity_hash_select_hash($account->uid); $variables['!id_hash'] = $id_hash->hash; while (list($type, $subscriptions) = each($subscribed)) { while (list($publication_id, $shedule) = each($subscriptions)) { if (!empty($shedule[0])) { $publication = publication_select_publications($type, $publication_id); $update_link = url('subscribed/preferences/' . $publication_id . '/' . $id_hash->hash, array('absolute' => TRUE)); $unsubscribe_link = url('subscribed/delete/' . $publication_id . '/' . $id_hash->hash, array('absolute' => TRUE)); if ($format == 1) { $variables['!subscribed_links'] .= '' . $publication->title . '
' . '' . t('Update Preferences') . ' | ' . t('Unsubscribe') . '
'; } else { $variables['!subscribed_links'] .= $publication->title . "\n" . ' - ' . t('Update Preferences') . ' ' . $update_link . '\n' . ' - ' . t('Unsubscribe') . ' ' . $unsubscribe_link . '\n'; } } } } }